What makes the United States so much better than the rest of the world?

Diversity and Opportunity.

You feel at home here and you have the opportunity at embetterment you have nowhere else.

What we need are "brown" people or "dark" people to drive out the white Christian conservatives.

That is why they have been let in by the droves. It's to appease the racist Progressives who think this way.

Works for me.
Diversity and Opportunity.

You feel at home here and you have the opportunity at embetterment you have nowhere else.

Just fucking say it....”You have a RIGHT to the checking accounts of good quality, productive Americans.”
That’s number one on the list for all filthy lowlifes and cockroaches.
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As I sit here watching the groups of immigrants at the border wall trying to get into the US, I sit here and ask myself, is the US that much better than the rest of the world?

If so, why?
It's all just bullshit, we just have greater rich people/lackey ratio than Latin America, that's all. And boy, will that change. Sanctuary, anyone?
As I sit here watching the groups of immigrants at the border wall trying to get into the US, I sit here and ask myself, is the US that much better than the rest of the world?

If so, why?
There used to be a lot of reasons but Republicans are severely fuking this country over. I don't know why. It would be worse for them in Russia.
Doesn't mean we HAVE to let them in.
Who said we did? The lack of understanding of basic motivation for most of these immigrants just floors me. That's all I was speaking to.

I don't lack the understanding nor the empathy of what they are running from and running too. It's just not our problem.
If you say it's not our problem aren't you then showing a lack of empathy?

When we, as a society, can ensure that those already here are provided for, then we can take in those from other parts of the world that need help.
What prevents you from doing both? Like i said I'm European, Belgian to be exact and we provide both for our people AND take in relatively more immigrants then the US, by a large margin.
Belgium is becoming a shithole country.

You don't give a shit about your own people.
As I sit here watching the groups of immigrants at the border wall trying to get into the US, I sit here and ask myself, is the US that much better than the rest of the world?

If so, why?
I don't think the US is better, I'm kind of biased though since I'm European. On the other hand my wife's American and she thinks so too. What does that tell you? In my opinion America has one big draw that most other countries don't have. They call it Hollywood and it sells an idea of the US that sadly is as fake as the movies it produces. America is a great country.... if your rich. Most people though aren't rich and when you aren't rich the rest of the Western world scores better in most criteria that one would use to asses how good a country is.

I think it is indisputably better than most of the world. When it comes to other Western nations, it is harder to say. The U.S. probably has among the worst education in the Western world, sadly. It starts to look not-so-great in a number of metrics.

But compared to Haiti, Russia, or the Democratic Republic of Congo? It's an amazing place.
It also scores worse in health care and wage inequality, not to mention gun violence, drug addiction, obesity and a bunch of other criteria. You are right, compared to third world countries the US is a paradise, but I don't think those are the countries one should look to, to determine it's greatness.

Impossible. The US is the only country in the world to turn it's nose up at socialism, and we have Hitler sitting in the Oval Office waiting to suck the brains out of the little immigrant babies.

Yet they still come. How can this be?
Maybe because they believe the American dream thing? You know the thing that statistically is getting rarer and rarer. Btw Dozens Of Countries Take In More Immigrants Per Capita Than The U.S.. This ranks the US as number 65 of net immigration, by your logic are all these countries better?
Europeans are idiots.

That isn't the US' fault.
As I sit here watching the groups of immigrants at the border wall trying to get into the US, I sit here and ask myself, is the US that much better than the rest of the world?

If so, why?
I don't think the US is better, I'm kind of biased though since I'm European. On the other hand my wife's American and she thinks so too. What does that tell you? In my opinion America has one big draw that most other countries don't have. They call it Hollywood and it sells an idea of the US that sadly is as fake as the movies it produces. America is a great country.... if your rich. Most people though aren't rich and when you aren't rich the rest of the Western world scores better in most criteria that one would use to asses how good a country is.
But you can walk here from South and Central America and Mexico. So there's that.
True, one can walk here from places like Syria so we have that.
Since we have admitted 4 Syrians in 2018, I fail to see where that is a talking point here.
I just was drawing the correlation between people walking from south and central America to the US as people walking from Africa to Europe. I think the correlation is apt and I might add the richer countries in Europe in general have a different and more generous take on immigration then America.
Too bad that generosity isn't reciprocated by the Africans....

It is also too bad that your immigration policies are protected by censoring and oppressing those who wish to preserve the culture and identity of their indigenous homeland.
So the US is the only land of opportunity to be able to contribute to?


The U.S. and European nations tend to be wealthier with higher standards of living compared to the rest of the world.

So the message I'm getting is, people just want money.

Imagine that.

Are the greedy or is that just white American folk who want more money?

People want to live well. Crazy, I know.

Sure but that's just not our problem.
We have borders.
We have immigration Laws.
We have NO obligation to just let in everyone who ants to come.
Follow the rules , wait your turn and if accepted, come on in. Otherwise turn around and go home.

I didn't say it was our obligation.

BUT here's the problem. Our schools are shit. We don't produce high quality talent at home. At least, not nearly as much as we should. SO much of our talent comes from overseas. That includes Europe, India, China, Korea, and even Africa. They are several years ahead of us in education at any given time.

I remember when we were doing calculus in high school. Our foreign exchange student from Palestine slept through every class and got 100% on every test. We asked him how he did it. He told us, "Oh, I did this in seventh grade. This is really easy stuff".

In other words, even in Palestine, they were doing work 5 YEARS ahead of us. 5 years. That's insane.

So what happens is, we steal talent from other countries because we don't develop our own, and that has been enough to prop up our "exceptionalism", to the detriment of other nations whose brains are drained to support our economy. Until we actually start taking education seriously in this country, we will remain reliant on foreigners to come in and change our diapers for us.

And Trump seems to have 0 interest in education.
You can thank "diversity" for that lapse in educational quality.

Inner city schools NEVER do calculus.
Diversity and Opportunity.

You feel at home here and you have the opportunity at embetterment you have nowhere else.

What we need are "brown" people or "dark" people to drive out the white Christian conservatives.

That is why they have been let in by the droves. It's to appease the racist Progressives.

Or maybe some "brown" and "dark" people actually just have something to contribute. That's also a distinct possibility.

And maybe white people tend to choose not to have children.

So the US is the only land of opportunity to be able to contribute to?


The U.S. and European nations tend to be wealthier with higher standards of living compared to the rest of the world.
Which totally didn't come at the expense of birth rates....
I sit here and ask myself, is the US that much better than the rest of the world?
What are the metrics? Happiness, quality of life? If so, it is only better than some of the world, according to various polls.

Of course, if the usual trick of comparing it to third world countries is used, then fer shure it's better than most of the world.
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How am I to distinguish that kind of thinking from the thinking of someone like Hitler or Djengis Khan? Is that the new American philosophy?
Lol, that's the old American philosophy. Manifest Destiny and all that...
As I sit here watching the groups of immigrants at the border wall trying to get into the US, I sit here and ask myself, is the US that much better than the rest of the world?
Because you have no experience of the rest of the world you'll assume the US is that much better, then wonder why it is.
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Constitution of the United States that protects the people from the government.
How am I to distinguish that kind of thinking from the thinking of someone like Hitler or Djengis Khan? Is that the new American philosophy?
Lol, that's the old American philosophy. Manifest Destiny and all that...
You are right. I don't think though that that philosophy was in any way right and all but the biggest nuts would agree, yet here the poster I replied to seemingly saw nothing wrong with it.
Who said we did? The lack of understanding of basic motivation for most of these immigrants just floors me. That's all I was speaking to.

I don't lack the understanding nor the empathy of what they are running from and running too. It's just not our problem.
If you say it's not our problem aren't you then showing a lack of empathy?

When we, as a society, can ensure that those already here are provided for, then we can take in those from other parts of the world that need help.
What prevents you from doing both? Like i said I'm European, Belgian to be exact and we provide both for our people AND take in relatively more immigrants then the US, by a large margin.
Belgium is becoming a shithole country.

You don't give a shit about your own people.
I'm very much guessing you are one of those people who isn't hindered by actual knowledge when giving an opinion.

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