What makes the United States so much better than the rest of the world?

Europeans who offloaded the insanity of monarchy basically. It is about DNA and civilization and history. A country founded by Whites whose ancestors founded Western civilization is why every third world savage wants to come to my country. But if Whites took over their countries and civilized them, that would be racist! :p
A country founded by Whites whose ancestors founded Western civilization is why every third world savage wants to come to my country.
Well they used to paint themselves blue and run around in bogs, so you can see there'd be a natural affinity.
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Stop watching idiotic Braveheart movies and focus on Road Warrior movies for your education. :p
As I sit here watching the groups of immigrants at the border wall trying to get into the US, I sit here and ask myself, is the US that much better than the rest of the world?

If so, why?
Go ask 'em, Votto. You might be surprised the answers you get.
A lot of them will be carrying Mexican flags and claiming that the SE United States is actually Mexican Terrirory.
I don't think the US is better, I'm kind of biased though since I'm European. On the other hand my wife's American and she thinks so too. What does that tell you? In my opinion America has one big draw that most other countries don't have. They call it Hollywood and it sells an idea of the US that sadly is as fake as the movies it produces. America is a great country.... if your rich. Most people though aren't rich and when you aren't rich the rest of the Western world scores better in most criteria that one would use to asses how good a country is.
But you can walk here from South and Central America and Mexico. So there's that.
True, one can walk here from places like Syria so we have that.
Since we have admitted 4 Syrians in 2018, I fail to see where that is a talking point here.
I just was drawing the correlation between people walking from south and central America to the US as people walking from Africa to Europe. I think the correlation is apt and I might add the richer countries in Europe in general have a different and more generous take on immigration then America.
Well, Europeans are on the whole more civilized than Americans. They've been at it a lot longer, I guess.

Indeed. In fact, those Nazi's were your shining example no one can ever top, not to mention those centuries of Jewish persecution prior to that time.

Thanks for that.

The Founding Fathers tried to break away from those tyrannical freaks in Europe but the Left forever wants to reshape America just like Europe again.

As I sit here watching the groups of immigrants at the border wall trying to get into the US, I sit here and ask myself, is the US that much better than the rest of the world?

If so, why?

Have you ever been out of the country? Or even more than a state or two away from where you live?

I've been outside the country, and when I came back I wanted to kiss the ground.
No need to answer this rhetorical question.
The real question concerns policies that create conditions where people feel the necessity to leave their homelands to find safety.
Would you make a hard, hazardous journey to move to another land, culture and language just because it was somehow a little better, or would you do it because where you lived it was becoming impossible to live at all?
Would you make a hard, hazardous journey to move to another land, culture and language just because it was somehow a little better, or would you do it because where you lived it was becoming impossible to live at all?
Just existing gives no one any rights
"Just existing gives no one any rights."
Another person who says 'rights' are not 'God' given. What, then, are 'rights', and from whence do they come? What were the 'Founding Fathers' thinking when they spoke of "inalienable rights"?
"Just existing gives no one any rights."
Another person who says 'rights' are not 'God' given. What, then, are 'rights', and from whence do they come? What were the 'Founding Fathers' thinking when they spoke of "inalienable rights"?

Well, if one does not think that we have rights just by existing then they have to think that our rights are given to us by the government. That I think sums up Rustic.
"Just existing gives no one any rights."
Another person who says 'rights' are not 'God' given. What, then, are 'rights', and from whence do they come? What were the 'Founding Fathers' thinking when they spoke of "inalienable rights"?

Well, if one does not think that we have rights just by existing then they have to think that our rights are given to us by the government. That I think sums up Rustic.
Just moving to another country does not give anybody any rights, there has to be a process of trust. Obviously
"Just existing gives no one any rights."
Another person who says 'rights' are not 'God' given. What, then, are 'rights', and from whence do they come? What were the 'Founding Fathers' thinking when they spoke of "inalienable rights"?

Well, if one does not think that we have rights just by existing then they have to think that our rights are given to us by the government. That I think sums up Rustic.
"Rights", it is reasonable to say, are an intellectual creation of humankind. They are what we say they are. If we believe they come from 'God', that is an expression of the conviction that one is born with them.
Legally, it is beyond dispute that arriving in certain countries does, indeed, endow one with certain rights that the host nation is prepared to bestow and defend.
'Rights' are most assuredly relative. Most people would be more than willing to relate them to their brothers and sisters. Those people unwilling to do so could be considered to exclude themselves from the 'righteous'.
But you can walk here from South and Central America and Mexico. So there's that.
True, one can walk here from places like Syria so we have that.
Since we have admitted 4 Syrians in 2018, I fail to see where that is a talking point here.
I just was drawing the correlation between people walking from south and central America to the US as people walking from Africa to Europe. I think the correlation is apt and I might add the richer countries in Europe in general have a different and more generous take on immigration then America.
Well, Europeans are on the whole more civilized than Americans. They've been at it a lot longer, I guess.

Indeed. In fact, those Nazi's were your shining example no one can ever top, not to mention those centuries of Jewish persecution prior to that time.

Thanks for that.

The Founding Fathers tried to break away from those tyrannical freaks in Europe but the Left forever wants to reshape America just like Europe again.

You are right, the Nazis do serve as an example for Europeans. It serves as an example of what rampant Xenofobia and ultra nationalism can produce. See, it weren't Americans who were taken to gas chambers, it were Europeans. It wasn't America that was occupied, it was among others Belgium. It weren't American teenagers who were taken out of there houses to serve as slave labor. It were European teenagers, my grandfather was one of them. So when I see some random American dude try to use the Nazis as a strawman, like we should apoligize for them. Not only do I think it ridiculous, but it makes you personally look like an asshole.
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"Just existing gives no one any rights."
Another person who says 'rights' are not 'God' given. What, then, are 'rights', and from whence do they come? What were the 'Founding Fathers' thinking when they spoke of "inalienable rights"?
Hoho, like the Constitution, rights applied only to some Americans, by gods' special favours.
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The US is the only Western country I know of that doesn't put people in jail for having the wrong opinion of the Pisslam hate ideology. The rest of the Western world is nothing but Islam's cheap, $2 cocksucker. That fact alone makes us better than other countries.
American foreign policy ensures that a large part of the rest of the world is a hell hole.

Notice how most of the illegal immigrants are coming from countries where American foreign policy dominates? We're not seeing much illegal immigration from places like Nicaragua.

They're all coming from our 'friends and allies'.

Coincidence? I doubt it!
I don't lack the understanding nor the empathy of what they are running from and running too. It's just not our problem.
If you say it's not our problem aren't you then showing a lack of empathy?

When we, as a society, can ensure that those already here are provided for, then we can take in those from other parts of the world that need help.
What prevents you from doing both? Like i said I'm European, Belgian to be exact and we provide both for our people AND take in relatively more immigrants then the US, by a large margin.
Belgium is becoming a shithole country.

You don't give a shit about your own people.
I'm very much guessing you are one of those people who isn't hindered by actual knowledge when giving an opinion.
You are a European leftist.

You don't understand the meaning of the word "facts".

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