What makes you HAPPY, and why?


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2018
I’m curious what you do or think that results in your happiness. Does that last?

According to a free online Yale class on “The Science of Well Being”, MONEY makes people “happy” (overall state of mind) up to a certain point. For example, you’re likely to be happier if your salary was higher ... until it reached $75,000/yr. After that, money did not necessarily correlate with happiness.

The Science of Well-Being by Yale University | Coursera

Beyond money, what else makes you happy?
A good Nathan's hot dog with spicy mustard.

My passport getting another stamp.

A nice bottle of Merlot.

Road head.

My Harley.
I like my job, that supports my addiction to regular paychecks.
Watching the goat kids play makes me happy.
Finishing a job like a barn or goat shed or other construction project, make me happy.
Visiting with my family makes me happy.
my roommate going away to his place in town makes me happy.
Warm winds and the chimes singing makes me happy.
Having friends visit and playing board games make me happy.
Hell, lots of things make me happy...
Seeing a democrat in physical or emotional pain. Delirious happy if I caused it.

Cuddling a dog or cat. Even if it isn't mine.

The simple things in life


I’m curious what you do or think that results in your happiness. Does that last?

According to a free online Yale class on “The Science of Well Being”, MONEY makes people “happy” (overall state of mind) up to a certain point. For example, you’re likely to be happier if your salary was higher ... until it reached $75,000/yr. After that, money did not necessarily correlate with happiness.

The Science of Well-Being by Yale University | Coursera

Beyond money, what else makes you happy?

For me, the challenge of achievement and money (both, stolen from me in Canada). I desire neither for their status, but simply for the challenge of pushing myself to achieve and reach my potential, to help others when I do, and, to have some comfortable freedom/retirement. Lost potential as many in Canada have experienced, is soul crushing. It's a crime against humanity.

Without liberty you will never be happy. Liberty is everything. Americans don't understand how often it is stolen in other countries, even "allies" who pretend they share your values. Liberty to achieve or not to achieve, to pursue your own dreams or take it easy. All is equal, but it must be your choice.

All of this is also why libertarianism is how capitalism and the West will succeed. If we aren't free, we will not succeed. Nor will capitalism, I assure you.
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What makes you happy changes as you get older that is for sure.
As well as what exactly people think... happiness... is.
To me "happiness" is when you look at how you are living your life, and feel much-much more content and satisfied then you don't. Example, a person may have a good marriage, a home they like in an area they like... enough money to not have to worry about bills etc... but the job they work is not that great. But not horrible. That person has everything to enable them to be happy as long as they are not fixated on the few things that are not great.
In some ways happiness is a state of acceptance, and being okay with that acceptance. Without resentment.
I can honestly say that is where I am.
After far-far too many years in a bad marriage, that did give me two awesome children, I divorced later met someone else who I have been with now almost 4 years. H U G E change.
I have a good job, I make pretty decent money. I haven't had to worry about money for...gosh...over 20 years.
I like our home. Great kitchen, it has a small building on the property that use to be a small beauty salon that we fixed up and brew beer in. Awesome back screened in patio.
I am happy.
Because I am not sad. And I don't dwell on what I can't change.
Oh... and a couple other thoughts...
I drive a 13 year old SUV that has 126,000 miles on it. It is in good shape, so why the hell buy a new one?
My wife drives a 2012 Jet Black Ford Fusion that she loves. Looks awesome. Love this car. Why buy a new one?
We can afford to buy new ones. But I am not willing to spend $800 - $1200 a month just so I can fool myself into thinking other people give a shit about what I drive.
That makes me happy. Not giving a shit what other people think is a great way to feel happiness.
I’m curious what you do or think that results in your happiness. Does that last?

According to a free online Yale class on “The Science of Well Being”, MONEY makes people “happy” (overall state of mind) up to a certain point. For example, you’re likely to be happier if your salary was higher ... until it reached $75,000/yr. After that, money did not necessarily correlate with happiness.

The Science of Well-Being by Yale University | Coursera

Beyond money, what else makes you happy?

Music. Because it's spiritual.

NOT money. All money does is stave off inconvenient worries.
I think that being happy with what you have, not what others have and you must also have, is an important element in happiness.
Too many things make me happy to list them all.
And that is excellent.
My wife and I like to watch the show House Hunters. It never ceases to amaze me that over and over and over, virtually every episode these young couples fret about "OH MY GOD!!!.... NO STAINLESS STEEL APPLIANCES???" Honest to God they fret more about that than the house itself!!
They will talk about a house, but then say "oh...but we will have to update all of the appliances and we can't afford that..." and not buy the house despite they like it better.
That is the kind of thing that leads to a life of dissatisfaction.
NOT money. All money does is stave off inconvenient worries.

Money can be freedom, or make you a slave. Depends on you.
I spent 8 years running a large company, I made $150k a year plus bonuses...which were about another $15k.
But it consumed me. Pretty much every waking moment was devoted to the business. When 2008 happened and wrecked us so to speak. I had job offers all over the country. A few was over $250k a year.
I now run a company of only 7 people. Small Business. I make pretty much exactly half what I did before, but I have twice the life. I am sooo much better off.
Feeling free and being healthy.

Living in lush natural surroundings that bring me inspiration which keeps me centered.

Having gratitude for all that brings me pleasure, e.g. my fabulous kitty, my car with a sunroof. Great uplifting rhythmic music along with ocean drives and smelling the fresh air.

I am grateful for a disciplined mindset. This leads to freedom and happiness and contentment. Few regrets.

Achieving my goals regardless of size.

Having everything I need and wanting nothing more.

Having a positive attitude and a generous and kind nature.

Enjoying great fun and laughter with neighbors, co-workers, and customers.

Bottom line: I make myself happy.

To your every question you are the answer. To your every problem, you are the solution.
When I go to stores I always say: "Isn't amazing? This store sells hundreds of goods that I don't need."

I'm happy with myself. And from there, life for me is an adventure.
I suffer from depression and paranoia, don't get out much at all and have exactly one friend I see twice a year. All my contact is with my therapist my family and online. I play an online game called Neverwinter Online. I get happiness helping others in the game, giving them things helping them complete quests or goals and talking to my Online friends.
What makes me happy & keeps me happy are:
- my family;
- my closest friends;
- being honest & free to think how I want among people I meet;
- having empathy for others, including animals;
- my health;
- being content with basic conveniences;
- enjoying nature’s beauty;
- looking at the positive side, if practical;
- helping others who are truly needy & unfortunate;
- my freedom of speech, including criticizing powerful narcissistic businessmen or politicians without fear of reprisal, unlike in China, North Korea, Russia, etc.
I'm of the mind that nothing can "make" you happy.

You are in control of your emotions so when you start relying on things outside yourself to control your emotions you have abdicated control of yourself

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