What makes you vote for democrats the most? is it republican policies?

What urges you to vote democrat?

  • Total voters
Just name one positive thing Republicans have accomplished.
We're not talking about Obama. We're talking about you and your stated hatred of banks, corporation and the wealthy. Since you just admitted you view them as the enemy, what do you want government to do about them, give them a tax break?
Any American has full right and even responsibility to be pissed off that demo republic rat leadership bailed out banks while tens of millions of American families lost their homes - if you yourself are not upset, don't pretend to be American - you're like all those gun totting pizza tea partiers who were quiet like mice under the rug while elderly and the unemployed were being forced out of their homes - where were you all? you were watching your glenn becks and your rush bimbos telling you lulabie stories of how they DESERVED to be thrown out, to make yourselves feel better.
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I agree that our system is screwed up, broken. Badly broken.

BUT, the fact still stands that every time I ask for Repub accomplishments, all we see is a lot of twist and shout.

The R party does nothing positive.

And, people vote for them BECAUSE they do nothing positive.
Likewise, for any democrat accomplishment you will name, I will show you how it only made America worse, but first answer me this: how was it that in North Philadelphia where I lived, which was literally a thrash can, how is it that these poor people were being dished out welfare without being first required to clean up the neighborhoods and make them sparkle? were they all degenerates? too important? too busy watching ball games? this was so under Clinton, under Bush, etc.
Just name one positive thing Republicans have accomplished.
We're not talking about Obama. We're talking about you and your stated hatred of banks, corporation and the wealthy. Since you just admitted you view them as the enemy, what do you want government to do about them, give them a tax break?
Any American has full right and even responsibility to be pissed off that demo republic rat leadership bailed out banks while tens of millions of American families lost their homes - if you yourself are not upset, don't pretend to be American - you're like all those gun totting pizza tea partiers who were quiet like mice under the rug while elderly and the unemployed were being forced out of their homes - where were you all? you were watching your glenn becks and your rush bimbos telling you lulabie stories of how they DESERVED to be thrown out, to make yourselves feel better.

the republicans in this country CHEAT to win elections,

Its court documented FACT.

you back a party that doesn't even believe in democracy.

when your party cant cheat anymore our democracy will work again
The major reason people vote Democrat is a severe shortage of brain sells caused by drinking socialist Kool-Aid.

What have Republicans accomplished?

Medical care?
Equal rights?

Just name one positive thing Republican have accomplished.
The problem begins when society begins to expect government to accomplish things - in Americas' case today, what needs to be done is for the people to rise up against the government to stop oppressing people - we are now a welfare state burdened with taxation, and regulation, and unavailability of jobs and high prices as a result of it. think about it. I only like the part in your sig about "who I am depends on your attitude" the rest IMO is garbage

So, our congress works a scant 125 days a years for a salary of more than $125K a year, is on vacation for more than 2/3 of the year and your position is that we should not expect them to "accomplish things"???

Hell, why don't we let them take the rest of the year off and give them a raise.
We're not talking about Obama. We're talking about you and your stated hatred of banks, corporation and the wealthy. Since you just admitted you view them as the enemy, what do you want government to do about them, give them a tax break?
Any American has full right and even responsibility to be pissed off that demo republic rat leadership bailed out banks while tens of millions of American families lost their homes - if you yourself are not upset, don't pretend to be American - you're like all those gun totting pizza tea partiers who were quiet like mice under the rug while elderly and the unemployed were being forced out of their homes - where were you all? you were watching your glenn becks and your rush bimbos telling you lulabie stories of how they DESERVED to be thrown out, to make yourselves feel better.

the republicans in this country CHEAT to win elections,

Its court documented FACT.

you back a party that doesn't even believe in democracy.

when your party cant cheat anymore our democracy will work again

rw voters are fine with this.

I never would have thought I'd see so many Americans against the Constitution as some rw voters are but many are dead set against much of what our country was founded on.

Maybe it has always been thus and I just never saw it before.
Yeah, right, because destroying banks, corporations and the wealthy is the best way to help the middle class.

You just proved my previous post: A severe shortage of brain cells is the reason people vote Democrat.

No, you don't get to blame Dem voters for Bush's actions.

"...destroying the wealthy..."? You're really reaching, though he certainly didn't destroy the wealthy. Neither has Obama.

And Obama saved banks and corporations.

Just name one positive thing Republicans have accomplished.

We're not talking about Obama. We're talking about you and your stated hatred of banks, corporation and the wealthy. Since you just admitted you view them as the enemy, what do you want government to do about them, give them a tax break?

Check who you're responding to, Bripat.

But I disagree that we're not talking about Obama (for whom I voted twice).

I'm under no illusion regarding the actions of the Obama Administration thus far, but all of the things that have benefited big money interests and the military industrial complex under Obama would have taken place on steroids under another Republican administration, because those are the things covered by the umbrella term "untouchable status quo" and there'd have been no need for pretense or empty promises to reign in corruption on Wall Street and in banking ...or for quite as many covert operations on the war front, among other things.
No, you don't get to blame Dem voters for Bush's actions.

"...destroying the wealthy..."? You're really reaching, though he certainly didn't destroy the wealthy. Neither has Obama.

And Obama saved banks and corporations.

Just name one positive thing Republicans have accomplished.

We're not talking about Obama. We're talking about you and your stated hatred of banks, corporation and the wealthy. Since you just admitted you view them as the enemy, what do you want government to do about them, give them a tax break?

Check who you're responding to, Bripat.

But I disagree that we're not talking about Obama (for whom I voted twice).

I'm under no illusion regarding the actions of the Obama Administration thus far, but all of the things that have benefited big money interests and the military industrial complex under Obama would have taken place on steroids under another Republican administration, because those are the things covered by the umbrella term "untouchable status quo" and there'd have been no need for pretense or empty promises to reign in corruption on Wall Street and in banking ...or for quite as many covert operations on the war front, among other things.

Thanks for pointing that out.

But, it would be useless to point out that bripat is lying about my "stated hatred of banks, corporation and the wealthy".

Still no list of Republican accomplishments ..................................
I think it is quite obvious that democrats are republican recruitment party and republicans are democrat recruitment party, but let's see what you have to say. If you vote for democrats, what encourages you to vote for them?

I don't vote Democrat, and never will.

If I think Republican policies or attitudes suck, I just don't vote. It does not logically follow that when the GOP sucks the Democrats are good.

Which is why I have not voted on the federal level since 2006. As our country has become more polarized by maniacs on the Left and Right, more and more elections are going to be decided by how many people your brand of idiot caused to just stay home on Election Day.
Republicans don't actually DO anything.

How many times have I asked what Repubs have accomplished? Not one time has anyone been able to post a link to Repub accomplishments.

The reason I vote Dem? The answer is in my sig.

Your idea of an "accomplishment" is creating some vast spending boondoggle or some regulatory nightmare. That's like looking at a head-on collision as an "accomplishment."

No. I have never asked what MY idea of an accomplishment is. You can't wiggle out of it that easily. LOL

What have Republicans accomplished?

Medical care?
Equal rights?

Just name one positive thing Republican have accomplished.

That list is applicable to the Dems as well,what have the Dems given us?

There once was a party that blocked equal rights legislation for years,were as the other party pushed it.

But that doesn't matter right? Selective memories doesn't change reality.
Your idea of an "accomplishment" is creating some vast spending boondoggle or some regulatory nightmare. That's like looking at a head-on collision as an "accomplishment."

No. I have never asked what MY idea of an accomplishment is. You can't wiggle out of it that easily. LOL

What have Republicans accomplished?

Medical care?
Equal rights?

Just name one positive thing Republican have accomplished.

That list is applicable to the Dems as well,what have the Dems given us?

There once was a party that blocked equal rights legislation for years,were as the other party pushed it.

But that doesn't matter right? Selective memories doesn't change reality.

Its true that the parties have pretty much switched places on issues but no, it does not matter to this question. If you want to discuss history, feel free to start a thread.

In the meanwhile, name even one positive accomplishment of the R party.

And even though it probably did our country some good to get them out of DC, I don't count their recent tax-paid "retreat". LOL
Republicans don't actually DO anything.

How many times have I asked what Repubs have accomplished? Not one time has anyone been able to post a link to Repub accomplishments.

The reason I vote Dem? The answer is in my sig.

Your idea of an "accomplishment" is creating some vast spending boondoggle or some regulatory nightmare. That's like looking at a head-on collision as an "accomplishment."

No. I have never asked what MY idea of an accomplishment is. You can't wiggle out of it that easily. LOL

What have Republicans accomplished?

Medical care?
Equal rights?

Just name one positive thing Republican have accomplished.

Repubs have done a lot of things

Repubs freed the slaves
Repubs passed 14th Constitutional Amendment for blacks to vote
1st female congresswoman 1916 & again in 1940
1938 1st Assn American Senator
1940 Repubs called for ending racial segregation in the Military
1952 Repubs integrated the University of Mississippi
1954 Repubs wrote Brown vs Board of Education
1954 Repub President Established the Federal Highway System
1957 the majority of Repubs voted for the Civil Rights Act
1957 Repubs ended racial segregation in Little Rock

NASA established by a Republican President.
Clean Water Act signed by Repub President
Repubs ended Vietnam War stared by a Dem
Repubs created the Tuskegee Institute
Repubs repealed FDR's orders of Japs in internment camps
Repubs defeated the Soviets in Cold War

1981 Repub President Regan appointed 1st female to Supreme Court Sandra Day O"Conner
1981 Regan tax cuts which ended stagnation & malaise of the Carter era
1987 Regan tear down this wall - freedom for the Eastern Europeans for the Soviets control
1994 contract with America - big boom and growth
1996 welfare reform

Under Bushes polices and contracts, Bin Lauden was killed and troops were withdrawn. Obama just followed them through.

2001 Bush freed Afghanistan's from oppressive Talban rule, only to be taken back again under Obama.

2004 Repubs get vouchers for school children in Washington D.C. which has been proven to be very successful. many have graduated high school and has entered college.

All of the above has been spun and lied about by Democrats, that it was their party that did all of theses things listed.

Don't take my word for it, look it up for yourselves to find out that it is the truth.
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What makes you vote for democrats?

Trickle-down Economic Theory - a.k.a. Voodoo Economics.

George Jr can be proud of the fact that he proved, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that his daddy, George Sr., was right about Trickle-down Theory.
Occasionally I start to wonder if Dems are really the lesser evil, and then the Reps remind me why it is so :p

this voting for the lessor of 2 evils bullshit is like saying ...."i wont vote for Satan but i will vote for Dracula"....not much of a difference,both are going to fuck you....
Occasionally I start to wonder if Dems are really the lesser evil, and then the Reps remind me why it is so :p

this voting for the lessor of 2 evils bullshit is like saying ...."i wont vote for Satan but i will vote for Dracula"....not much of a difference,both are going to fuck you....

Yeah, but Dracula might at least give you a reach-around.
Generally we vote for our own self interests so each party spends millions trying to convince us that they are the best party for our self interests. When you think of it, the Republican party, the party for the wealthy, and industry does a marvelous job convincing some of the poor that their self interests are with the Republican party. That is the most amazing thing, but very needed if we are to have a two party system. I would not vote Republican but I admire them for their ability to convince so many people to vote against their own self interests.
Occasionally I start to wonder if Dems are really the lesser evil, and then the Reps remind me why it is so :p

this voting for the lessor of 2 evils bullshit is like saying ...."i wont vote for Satan but i will vote for Dracula"....not much of a difference,both are going to fuck you....

Yeah, but Dracula might at least give you a reach-around.

and then suck the shit out of you....kinda like throwing you a "bone"....making you feel good,all the while he is sucking the life out of you...
this voting for the lessor of 2 evils bullshit is like saying ...."i wont vote for Satan but i will vote for Dracula"....not much of a difference,both are going to fuck you....

Yeah, but Dracula might at least give you a reach-around.

and then suck the shit out of you....kinda like throwing you a "bone"....making you feel good,all the while he is sucking the life out of you...

And the other option, being tossed straight away into the Lake of Fire (minus a "bone" or anything else to make you feel good), ...is preferable how? :dunno:

We know the mechanism of control, as well as the interests of that mechanism's creators, so the option that makes no bones about serving those interests should be avoided by default (yes, even though the other option will ultimately serve those same interests). In my view, it's a matter of inconveniencing the power elite whenever possible.
One more thing, Harry: voting for a candidate with no chance or simply abstaining from the voting process altogether ...both amount to voting by abstention for the winner.
We're not talking about Obama. We're talking about you and your stated hatred of banks, corporation and the wealthy. Since you just admitted you view them as the enemy, what do you want government to do about them, give them a tax break?
Any American has full right and even responsibility to be pissed off that demo republic rat leadership bailed out banks while tens of millions of American families lost their homes - if you yourself are not upset, don't pretend to be American - you're like all those gun totting pizza tea partiers who were quiet like mice under the rug while elderly and the unemployed were being forced out of their homes - where were you all? you were watching your glenn becks and your rush bimbos telling you lulabie stories of how they DESERVED to be thrown out, to make yourselves feel better.

the republicans in this country CHEAT to win elections,

Its court documented FACT.

you back a party that doesn't even believe in democracy.

when your party cant cheat anymore our democracy will work again
That may be so, but as I give a sworn statement in this video, democrats rig elections as well: [ame=http://youtu.be/3DvwMrRzrPw]Fraud They call Democratic Elections in America (same I'm sure in other axis of democracy nations) - YouTube[/ame]

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