What makes you vote for democrats the most? is it republican policies?

What urges you to vote democrat?

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Your idea of an "accomplishment" is creating some vast spending boondoggle or some regulatory nightmare. That's like looking at a head-on collision as an "accomplishment."

No. I have never asked what MY idea of an accomplishment is. You can't wiggle out of it that easily. LOL.

I don't have to ask. I only need to read your posts.

What have Republicans accomplished?

Medical care?
Equal rights?

Just name one positive thing Republican have accomplished.

See? What did I tell you?

Quit making excuses.

Just name one positive thing Republican have accomplished.

(JK. There isn't anything to name and we all know that.)
The partisan divide in this country is a BIG part of the reason why many outsiders view the US citizenry as more the laughing stock than the leaders of the so-called "free world".

Terrific video/transcript about it here The video, by itself, is ten and a half minutes well spent.

An excerpt from the transcript:

Why do I vote Democrat, then?

Because, in my opinion, the futility of denial (specifically of the fact that my country has been "divided and conquered") finds no greater expression than by voting by abstention for the party that EXPRESSLY prioritizes the interests of banks, corporations, and the uber-wealthy over the needs of the middle and lower classes. At least the Democrats in office are forced to engage more covertly in their unwavering support for the rich.

There may one day be a viable option to the lesser of two perceived evils in the American political system, but until that day comes...

Yeah, right, because destroying banks, corporations and the wealthy is the best way to help the middle class.

You just proved my previous post: A severe shortage of brain cells is the reason people vote Democrat.

No, you don't get to blame Dem voters for Bush's actions.

"...destroying the wealthy..."? You're really reaching, though he certainly didn't destroy the wealthy. Neither has Obama.

And Obama saved banks and corporations.

Just name one positive thing Republicans have accomplished.

We're not talking about Obama. We're talking about you and your stated hatred of banks, corporation and the wealthy. Since you just admitted you view them as the enemy, what do you want government to do about them, give them a tax break?
No. I have never asked what MY idea of an accomplishment is. You can't wiggle out of it that easily. LOL.

I don't have to ask. I only need to read your posts.

What have Republicans accomplished?

Medical care?
Equal rights?

Just name one positive thing Republican have accomplished.

See? What did I tell you?

Quit making excuses.

Just name one positive thing Republican have accomplished.

(JK. There isn't anything to name and we all know that.)

I don't view spending boondoggles that saddle future generations with crushing debt as an "accomplishment." So, no, I can't name any such Republican "accomplishments."
I tend to look for the fiscally conservative democrat. Hence, my avatar..... ;)

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The major reason people vote Democrat is a severe shortage of brain sells caused by drinking socialist Kool-Aid.

What have Republicans accomplished?

Medical care?
Equal rights?

What have Democrats accomplished?



Oh, I don't know. Healthcare is a good start. Taking out Bin Laden. Taking us out of Iraq. The Equal Pay Act. Saved the Auto industry and all the associated industries. Brought the economy back. Won a number of cases against China in the World Trade Court........I better stop there, cuz I was only just getting warmed up.

What the fuck has Obama done so far?
Republicans don't actually DO anything.

How many times have I asked what Repubs have accomplished? Not one time has anyone been able to post a link to Repub accomplishments.

The reason I vote Dem? The answer is in my sig.

Your idea of an "accomplishment" is creating some vast spending boondoggle or some regulatory nightmare. That's like looking at a head-on collision as an "accomplishment."

No. I have never asked what MY idea of an accomplishment is. You can't wiggle out of it that easily. LOL

What have Republicans accomplished?

Jobs? (blocked)
Infrastructure? (blocked)
Education? (funding slashed)
Medical care? (still trying to block)
Equal rights? (the GOP is who we are fighting against)

Just name one positive thing Republican have accomplished.

The GOP has been busy little bees. Making stings.
What have Republicans accomplished?

Medical care?
Equal rights?

What have Democrats accomplished?



Oh, I don't know. Healthcare is a good start. Taking out Bin Laden. Taking us out of Iraq. The Equal Pay Act. Saved the Auto industry and all the associated industries. Brought the economy back. Won a number of cases against China in the World Trade Court........I better stop there, cuz I was only just getting warmed up.

What the fuck has Obama done so far?

And yet, not one of them can name even one positive accomplishment by the Republicans. Not even one.

They never can.
What have Democrats accomplished?



Oh, I don't know. Healthcare is a good start. Taking out Bin Laden. Taking us out of Iraq. The Equal Pay Act. Saved the Auto industry and all the associated industries. Brought the economy back. Won a number of cases against China in the World Trade Court........I better stop there, cuz I was only just getting warmed up.

What the fuck has Obama done so far?

And yet, not one of them can name even one positive accomplishment by the Republicans. Not even one.

They never can.

If I were of the ultra wealthy class, I could name a handful of Rethug actions that made me a lot more ultra wealthy. But I am not so I can't.

And when the Repub have an interesting candidate for national office (Huntsman) the Repubs can't wait to kick em to the curb. Weird. I don't think the Repubs ever expect to win a national election for a long time. That's why they have all become a bunch of whiners. Losers and whiners, the cream of the repub party.
What have Republicans accomplished?

Medical care?
Equal rights?

What have Democrats accomplished?



Oh, I don't know. Healthcare is a good start. Taking out Bin Laden. Taking us out of Iraq. The Equal Pay Act. Saved the Auto industry and all the associated industries. Brought the economy back. Won a number of cases against China in the World Trade Court........I better stop there, cuz I was only just getting warmed up.

What the fuck has Obama done so far?

Fucking up our healthcare system is an "accomplishment?" Seal Team 6 took out bin Laden. Getting us out of Iraq was already in the plan before Bush left office. The Equal Pay Act is just a full employment plan for trial lawyers. Bailing out the Autoworker's union and ripping off the bond holders was pure robbery.

That's the Democrat conception of an "accomplishment."
The major reason people vote Democrat is a severe shortage of brain sells caused by drinking socialist Kool-Aid.

What have Republicans accomplished?

Medical care?
Equal rights?

Just name one positive thing Republican have accomplished.

my State has many of those same problems Luddy.....30 out of 58 Counties are 8% or higher UE,15 are 10% or higher......infrastructure still the pits.....went from top 5 to bottom 5 in Education....lots of people need med care.....lots of people on welfare....where i sit the Democrats are no better than Republicans at governing.....both parties need to be shook up down to their cores...
The major reason people vote Democrat is a severe shortage of brain sells caused by drinking socialist Kool-Aid.

What have Republicans accomplished?

Medical care?
Equal rights?

Just name one positive thing Republican have accomplished.

my State has many of those same problems Luddy.....30 out of 58 Counties are 8% or higher UE,15 are 10% or higher......infrastructure still the pits.....went from top 5 to bottom 5 in Education....lots of people need med care.....lots of people on welfare....where i sit the Democrats are no better than Republicans at governing.....both parties need to be shook up down to their cores...

I agree that our system is screwed up, broken. Badly broken.

BUT, the fact still stands that every time I ask for Repub accomplishments, all we see is a lot of twist and shout.

The R party does nothing positive.

And, people vote for them BECAUSE they do nothing positive.
Yeah, right, because destroying banks, corporations and the wealthy is the best way to help the middle class. ...

Maybe not, but it's pretty clear that destroying the middle class has been helpful to big money interests (bank bailouts, exporting jobs, legislative loopholes specially designed for the wealthy, ETC.).

It's not necessarily a matter of destroying the Wizards of OZ, who benefit so richly from a sharply divided population; it's simply a matter of pulling open the curtain and exposing the greedy bastards, so that the little people can unite and finally get more of the things so many of us need (a brain, a heart, the nerve, and a home).

Again, I'm fully aware that the only viable candidates from either party will likely continue to be provided and funded by the very same interests, and that peons like you and I will have little choice but to play along; but I personally take solace in forcing some of those politicians to at least keep up the pretense that our concerns take priority over maintaining the untouchable status quo at home and abroad. In this small way, we can inconvenience the offspring of the progenitors of the divide and conquer strategy that has worked so well in the United States for the last 100 years (from 1913 to the present).

...You just proved my previous post: A severe shortage of brain cells is the reason people vote Democrat.

I know I'm not the smartest kid on the block (not by a long shot), but I suggest it takes even fewer brain cells to buy into the Left/Right illusion as deeply as you apparently have...
Occasionally I start to wonder if Dems are really the lesser evil, and then the Reps remind me why it is so :p
What makes you vote for democrats the most? is it republican policies?

Homophobic, gun crazy, war mongering deluded Christians whose leader wore magic underwear in the last election.
The major reason people vote Democrat is a severe shortage of brain sells caused by drinking socialist Kool-Aid.

What have Republicans accomplished?

Medical care?
Equal rights?

Just name one positive thing Republican have accomplished.
The problem begins when society begins to expect government to accomplish things - in Americas' case today, what needs to be done is for the people to rise up against the government to stop oppressing people - we are now a welfare state burdened with taxation, and regulation, and unavailability of jobs and high prices as a result of it. think about it. I only like the part in your sig about "who I am depends on your attitude" the rest IMO is garbage
What have Democrats accomplished?



Oh, I don't know. Healthcare is a good start. Taking out Bin Laden. Taking us out of Iraq. The Equal Pay Act. Saved the Auto industry and all the associated industries. Brought the economy back. Won a number of cases against China in the World Trade Court........I better stop there, cuz I was only just getting warmed up.

What the fuck has Obama done so far?

Fucking up our healthcare system is an "accomplishment?" Seal Team 6 took out bin Laden. Getting us out of Iraq was already in the plan before Bush left office. The Equal Pay Act is just a full employment plan for trial lawyers. Bailing out the Autoworker's union and ripping off the bond holders was pure robbery.

That's the Democrat conception of an "accomplishment."

Its impressive that you cant name one repub accomplishment but you know all about what isnt, what aint, whats not.....ANTI.

No solutions just constant whining and no shame for backing a party that you yourself cant explain why you support it. Keep winning! :cuckoo:

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