What makes you vote for democrats the most? is it republican policies?

What urges you to vote democrat?

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1. Example: In my understanding Libertarian party and Green party want the same thing - to defeat establishment, keep environment clean and keep economy going, HOWEVER - their arguments between themselves if they exist, to me sound like an argument over which way a roll of toilet paper must be put on. The purpose of the leader is to find common ground and speak for both parties, and other independents.[...]

Well, you see, the thing is this: the fact that you've anointed yourself humanity's Mediator-in-Chief is no reason for anyone else on the planet to accept your judgements as fair or correct. In fact, the self-appointment itself seems an excellent basis for calling into question the soundness of your mind.

Yes, your biography is interesting and I actually agree with some of your political commentary; but for anyone remotely sane, those facts shouldn't be sufficient to promote you as the sole arbitrator of truth ...much less The Leader of All Humanity.

On a related note, you've also spoken of eradicating the world's religions, which leads me to believe that mediating between opposing beliefs isn't the only modus operandi you have in mind.

Care to talk theology? ;)

[...]I see no need to silence opposition, opposition such as Hillary Clinton and other pretend to be anti establishment trolls simply need to exposed for the fraud that they are - NOWHERE in my speeches I talked about the need to ban any media, I despise them absolutely.

And here we see the true nature of your diplomatic skills. Certain people are just frauds or trolls, ...presumably when their worldviews don't include you as their supreme leader?

For your own sake, I suggest that you stop proselytizing long enough to cast a second glance over your personal beliefs, because the signs of disorder are glaring.

Beyond your clear and present need to get over yourself, I think you have some great insights to share, and I sincerely hope that you take this as I intended it -- constructively.
1. Example: In my understanding Libertarian party and Green party want the same thing - to defeat establishment, keep environment clean and keep economy going, HOWEVER - their arguments between themselves if they exist, to me sound like an argument over which way a roll of toilet paper must be put on. The purpose of the leader is to find common ground and speak for both parties, and other independents.[...]

Well, you see, the thing is this: the fact that you've anointed yourself humanity's Mediator-in-Chief is no reason for anyone else on the planet to accept your judgements as fair or correct. In fact, the self-appointment itself seems an excellent basis for calling into question the soundness of your mind.

Yes, your biography is interesting and I actually agree with some of your political commentary; but for anyone remotely sane, those facts shouldn't be sufficient to promote you as the sole arbitrator of truth ...much less The Leader of All Humanity.

On a related note, you've also spoken of eradicating the world's religions, which leads me to believe that mediating between opposing beliefs isn't the only modus operandi you have in mind.

Care to talk theology? ;)

[...]I see no need to silence opposition, opposition such as Hillary Clinton and other pretend to be anti establishment trolls simply need to exposed for the fraud that they are - NOWHERE in my speeches I talked about the need to ban any media, I despise them absolutely.

And here we see the true nature of your diplomatic skills. Certain people are just frauds or trolls, ...presumably when their worldviews don't include you as their supreme leader?

For your own sake, I suggest that you stop proselytizing long enough to cast a second glance over your personal beliefs, because the signs of disorder are glaring.

Beyond your clear and present need to get over yourself, I think you have some great insights to share, and I sincerely hope that you take this as I intended it -- constructively.
I take everything constructively, I am just unable at the moment to get through to you what I mean by me being a leader, because naturally people associate leader with a dictator living on a hill, silencing opposition, eating lobsters and flying in air force one. but I am working on speeches that will correct this vision, that is all I can do, understanding that only a leader can liberate humanity. As a leader I only seek to be a spokesman, and WHO IS TO BE A LEADER? what a better leader than someone who has suffered under both a socialist system and a capitalist system? As someone who can speak Russian I will be able to reach out with Russians when international bankers will attempt to push us into war against each other as a last resort. who can take an average American seriously any more? to regain sanity, people first need to smash their television sets and live 20 years without it, then they will have an open enough mind to be considered for a leadership position:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVqQpGzkPic]Who is insane, who are they, what is their solution? - YouTube[/ame]
I take everything constructively, I am just unable at the moment to get through to you what I mean by me being a leader, because naturally people associate leader with a dictator living on a hill, silencing opposition, eating lobsters and flying in air force one. but I am working on speeches that will correct this vision, that is all I can do, understanding that only a leader can liberate humanity. ...

Oh, I think I have a pretty good handle on what you mean by being a leader, especially after viewing your most recent video contribution to this thread (How many threads have you killed with that particular video, incidentally?).

In any case, leaders need followers, and as long as you continue on your present path, it seems pretty safe to assume that you'll never amass a significant number of those. It's not your style, methods, or even the message per se that repel them; it's what all of those things together say about the messenger -- you. There's a tried and true rule of thumb with which you may or may not be familiar: namely that sooner or later the common denominator HAS to be considered when the same or similar results keep popping up again and again from diverse situations. How many more people need to implore you to seek professional help, or at least to stop and take an honest look inward ...so that maybe, just maybe, you might catch a glimpse of what so many others have seen in you? People tend to share a common compunction to the notion of following a madman.

[...]As a leader I only seek to be a spokesman, and WHO IS TO BE A LEADER? what a better leader than someone who has suffered under both a socialist system and a capitalist system? As someone who can speak Russian I will be able to reach out with Russians when international bankers will attempt to push us into war against each other as a last resort. ...

Listen, and please take these words to heart: you're about as qualified to lead humanity on the grounds you've mentioned here and elsewhere ...as an average American third-grader would be to teach differential calculus at MIT. As a matter of fact, in light of your bull-headed persistence in refusing to consider the mere possibility that your psyche might not be functioning healthily (the one course of action that might actually garner some respect), you're probably LESS qualified than the third-grader.

[...] who can take an average American seriously any more? to regain sanity, people first need to smash their television sets and live 20 years without it, then they will have an open enough mind to be considered for a leadership position: ...

An open mind, eh? HA!

Here's hoping that one of these days your own mind will open up just enough to allow you to consider the prospect that the entire world might not be as insane as you think it is ...and that maybe instead it's just you.

Of course, I realize you'll most likely dismiss my words, as you have the words of so many others before me. After all, YOU were born on December 25th (Hey, I was born on 9/11. Does that make me the anti to your christ?), and YOU'RE trilingual (Not that big a deal these days - my 16 year-old daughter speaks and is fully literate in three languages, one of which is Russian!), and YOU'RE an immigrant (along with an estimated 38 million others), and people have been mean to YOU on both sides of the globe (Boo-fucking-hoo!), and YOU'VE been banned from "countless" discussion boards (Gee, I wonder why.), and YOU live in a national forest with YOUR hot wife (Good for you, Pal.), and YOU have a big-ass fish tank and a beautiful garden, and YOU'RE writing more speeches (that might get all of 15 views on YouTube), and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah... :blahblah:

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