What motivates an atheist to go on the internet and make a jackass out of himself?

What motivates an atheist to go on the internet and make a jackass of himself?

Because that's what most of you are doing.

Your attacks on religion are funny to you and other atheists, but they make you look like a jackass to most normal people.

And it seems that atheists enjoy making jackasses out of themselves.

For example, Santa Monica was having nice Christmas displays of baby Jesus up and down the street.

A bunch of atheists sued the city, so they got some of the displays for themselves, and they set up anti-God and anti-Christian messages, like "There is no such thing as Santa Claus, or God either."

And really, who else but a jackass would want to spoil everyone's Christmas fun by putting up a display like that?

We often have veteran's groups putting up crosses to honor those who died in war. Atheists like to sue the government and force the veterans to take the crosses down. Only a jackass would do something like that.

Richard Dawkins, one of the biggest jackasses of all time, once said that raising your kid to be Catholic was worse than sexual abuse. Only a supremely arrogant prick of a jackass would say something that mean and hurtful to every Catholic who has ever raised a child.

So guess what atheists, why don't people like you?

Stop acting like a jackass and maybe they will like you more.

Most of them have fooled themselves into believing they are intellectuals when they are actually fools - they just don't know they are.

Are you a Christian? If you are, are Muslims and Jews fools too?

Are you ok as long as a person believes in a generic god or does it have to be your god?

I really fail to see why this is of any business of yours but I will accommodate you since other people's business seems to be so important to you. Yes, I consider myself a Christian. Whether you are a Christian or not has absolutely no interest or concern for me, neither does Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Democrats, hood rats, bats, vermin, bacteria, or anyone or anything else. I grant you permission to worship a crocodile should you so choose.

You have failed once again. You are the one who hates and you will never drag me down to your gutter.

See you theists can't answer the tough questions. I asked you a fucking question stupid. Are Jews and Muslims fools too for not believing in Jesus?

Thank you for telling me which cult you belong to so I know who I'm debating with. See, for you to call us atheists fools, I need to know what exactly we are being foolish about. Is it that we deny any and all gods or that we deny your jesus god?

Because I think you mean Jesus. So, then you must think Jews and Muslims are fools too, no?

Or are they not fools as long as they believe in any god.

See why you can't answer the question? Because then you'd be admitting Jews and Muslims are fools too. Can you say that? I think all you organized religions have an unwritten agreement. They don't vocally admit in public that your religion is bullshit and they don't do that to you. But you all do it to each other privately. I've heard many of you say your way is the only one true way.

Anyways, thanks for avoiding my question. Now at least you know why. If you answer my questions I will back you into a corner you won't be able to get out of.
What motivates an atheist to go on the internet and make a jackass of himself?

Because that's what most of you are doing.

Your attacks on religion are funny to you and other atheists, but they make you look like a jackass to most normal people.

And it seems that atheists enjoy making jackasses out of themselves.

For example, Santa Monica was having nice Christmas displays of baby Jesus up and down the street.

A bunch of atheists sued the city, so they got some of the displays for themselves, and they set up anti-God and anti-Christian messages, like "There is no such thing as Santa Claus, or God either."

And really, who else but a jackass would want to spoil everyone's Christmas fun by putting up a display like that?

We often have veteran's groups putting up crosses to honor those who died in war. Atheists like to sue the government and force the veterans to take the crosses down. Only a jackass would do something like that.

Richard Dawkins, one of the biggest jackasses of all time, once said that raising your kid to be Catholic was worse than sexual abuse. Only a supremely arrogant prick of a jackass would say something that mean and hurtful to every Catholic who has ever raised a child.

So guess what atheists, why don't people like you?

Stop acting like a jackass and maybe they will like you more.

Most of them have fooled themselves into believing they are intellectuals when they are actually fools - they just don't know they are.

Are you a Christian? If you are, are Muslims and Jews fools too?

Are you ok as long as a person believes in a generic god or does it have to be your god?

I really fail to see why this is of any business of yours but I will accommodate you since other people's business seems to be so important to you. Yes, I consider myself a Christian. Whether you are a Christian or not has absolutely no interest or concern for me, neither does Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Democrats, hood rats, bats, vermin, bacteria, or anyone or anything else. I grant you permission to worship a crocodile should you so choose.

You have failed once again. You are the one who hates and you will never drag me down to your gutter.

See you theists can't answer the tough questions. I asked you a fucking question stupid. Are Jews and Muslims fools too for not believing in Jesus?

Thank you for telling me which cult you belong to so I know who I'm debating with. See, for you to call us atheists fools, I need to know what exactly we are being foolish about. Is it that we deny any and all gods or that we deny your jesus god?

Because I think you mean Jesus. So, then you must think Jews and Muslims are fools too, no?

Or are they not fools as long as they believe in any god.

See why you can't answer the question? Because then you'd be admitting Jews and Muslims are fools too. Can you say that? I think all you organized religions have an unwritten agreement. They don't vocally admit in public that your religion is bullshit and they don't do that to you. But you all do it to each other privately. I've heard many of you say your way is the only one true way.

Anyways, thanks for avoiding my question. Now at least you know why. If you answer my questions I will back you into a corner you won't be able to get out of.

Yes, you have totally been destroying me. LOL! .Read the OP about atheists being fools. You are totally proving the OP all by yourself. Your questions aren't tough, they're just stupid. Do you hate your own mother and father? You must. You hate everybody except your god, OBAMA. I don't hate your mother and father - I have sympathy for them. You just might be the abortion crowd's best argument to date. LOL!!
I am in total agreement with that. It is ironic that liberals, who say they are compassionate to the poor and downtrodden, are hostile to a religion that teaches that we should feed and clothe the poor and downtrodden.

But that is the key to understanding. Liberalism sees Christianity as competition in the same niche. If people are feeding and clothing the poor out of their own resources, they don't see the need for the government to do the same job.

What liberalism seeks to do is destroy the Christian virtue of charity, destroy it in men's souls so that people will harden their hearts to the poor and downtrodden, and therefore, be willing to let the government take over the role of feeding and clothing them.

And we can see in Europe, Canada, and Australia, as these countries became more socialist, Christian virtue declined and people stopped going to church on Sundays, or engaging in the charitable works the churches were engaged in.

That is why I am convinced that liberalism, defined as the modern leftist movement, is Satan's plan to kill Christian faith in the Western world. And it's working very well.
The Christian church has generated a lot of it's own bad PR over recent years.

The way the Catholic Church sins I may join...I've always dreamed of being a mob boss...
What motivates an atheist to go on the internet and make a jackass of himself?

Because that's what most of you are doing.

Your attacks on religion are funny to you and other atheists, but they make you look like a jackass to most normal people.

And it seems that atheists enjoy making jackasses out of themselves.

For example, Santa Monica was having nice Christmas displays of baby Jesus up and down the street.

A bunch of atheists sued the city, so they got some of the displays for themselves, and they set up anti-God and anti-Christian messages, like "There is no such thing as Santa Claus, or God either."

And really, who else but a jackass would want to spoil everyone's Christmas fun by putting up a display like that?

We often have veteran's groups putting up crosses to honor those who died in war. Atheists like to sue the government and force the veterans to take the crosses down. Only a jackass would do something like that.

Richard Dawkins, one of the biggest jackasses of all time, once said that raising your kid to be Catholic was worse than sexual abuse. Only a supremely arrogant prick of a jackass would say something that mean and hurtful to every Catholic who has ever raised a child.

So guess what atheists, why don't people like you?

Stop acting like a jackass and maybe they will like you more.

Most of them have fooled themselves into believing they are intellectuals when they are actually fools - they just don't know they are.

Are you a Christian? If you are, are Muslims and Jews fools too?

Are you ok as long as a person believes in a generic god or does it have to be your god?

I really fail to see why this is of any business of yours but I will accommodate you since other people's business seems to be so important to you. Yes, I consider myself a Christian. Whether you are a Christian or not has absolutely no interest or concern for me, neither does Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Democrats, hood rats, bats, vermin, bacteria, or anyone or anything else. I grant you permission to worship a crocodile should you so choose.

You have failed once again. You are the one who hates and you will never drag me down to your gutter.

See you theists can't answer the tough questions. I asked you a fucking question stupid. Are Jews and Muslims fools too for not believing in Jesus?

Thank you for telling me which cult you belong to so I know who I'm debating with. See, for you to call us atheists fools, I need to know what exactly we are being foolish about. Is it that we deny any and all gods or that we deny your jesus god?

Because I think you mean Jesus. So, then you must think Jews and Muslims are fools too, no?

Or are they not fools as long as they believe in any god.

See why you can't answer the question? Because then you'd be admitting Jews and Muslims are fools too. Can you say that? I think all you organized religions have an unwritten agreement. They don't vocally admit in public that your religion is bullshit and they don't do that to you. But you all do it to each other privately. I've heard many of you say your way is the only one true way.

Anyways, thanks for avoiding my question. Now at least you know why. If you answer my questions I will back you into a corner you won't be able to get out of.

Atheist? Hell, I see more Christians that have no idea of what their faith encompasses, much less live according to the word...
What motivates an atheist to go on the internet and make a jackass of himself?

Because that's what most of you are doing.

Your attacks on religion are funny to you and other atheists, but they make you look like a jackass to most normal people.

And it seems that atheists enjoy making jackasses out of themselves.

For example, Santa Monica was having nice Christmas displays of baby Jesus up and down the street.

A bunch of atheists sued the city, so they got some of the displays for themselves, and they set up anti-God and anti-Christian messages, like "There is no such thing as Santa Claus, or God either."

And really, who else but a jackass would want to spoil everyone's Christmas fun by putting up a display like that?

We often have veteran's groups putting up crosses to honor those who died in war. Atheists like to sue the government and force the veterans to take the crosses down. Only a jackass would do something like that.

Richard Dawkins, one of the biggest jackasses of all time, once said that raising your kid to be Catholic was worse than sexual abuse. Only a supremely arrogant prick of a jackass would say something that mean and hurtful to every Catholic who has ever raised a child.

So guess what atheists, why don't people like you?

Stop acting like a jackass and maybe they will like you more.

Most of them have fooled themselves into believing they are intellectuals when they are actually fools - they just don't know they are.

Are you a Christian? If you are, are Muslims and Jews fools too?

Are you ok as long as a person believes in a generic god or does it have to be your god?

I really fail to see why this is of any business of yours but I will accommodate you since other people's business seems to be so important to you. Yes, I consider myself a Christian. Whether you are a Christian or not has absolutely no interest or concern for me, neither does Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Democrats, hood rats, bats, vermin, bacteria, or anyone or anything else. I grant you permission to worship a crocodile should you so choose.

You have failed once again. You are the one who hates and you will never drag me down to your gutter.

See you theists can't answer the tough questions. I asked you a fucking question stupid. Are Jews and Muslims fools too for not believing in Jesus?

Thank you for telling me which cult you belong to so I know who I'm debating with. See, for you to call us atheists fools, I need to know what exactly we are being foolish about. Is it that we deny any and all gods or that we deny your jesus god?

Because I think you mean Jesus. So, then you must think Jews and Muslims are fools too, no?

Or are they not fools as long as they believe in any god.

See why you can't answer the question? Because then you'd be admitting Jews and Muslims are fools too. Can you say that? I think all you organized religions have an unwritten agreement. They don't vocally admit in public that your religion is bullshit and they don't do that to you. But you all do it to each other privately. I've heard many of you say your way is the only one true way.

Anyways, thanks for avoiding my question. Now at least you know why. If you answer my questions I will back you into a corner you won't be able to get out of.

Yes, you have totally been destroying me. LOL! .Read the OP about atheists being fools. You are totally proving the OP all by yourself. Your questions aren't tough, they're just stupid. Do you hate your own mother and father? You must. You hate everybody except your god, OBAMA. I don't hate your mother and father - I have sympathy for them. You just might be the abortion crowd's best argument to date. LOL!!

I don't hate my parents, my friends or people who are good. It's hypocrite christians I don't like.

I also hate a lie and organized religions are all lies.

But I will admit that it is mostly us atheists who come on the internet and make fun of you christians. But don't feel singled out. We make fun of the jews, muslims, mormons and all the other theists out there too.

I truly believe a lie, no matter how good it makes YOU feel, is still a lie. I know it hurts your feelings and it makes you feel rejected well I'm sorry but your god offends me too so maybe when you theists go crawl back under the rocks you worship under we'll go back to our business.

See, you guys don't understand separation of church and state. When you do we will stop. Simple.
What motivates an atheist to go on the internet and make a jackass of himself?

Because that's what most of you are doing.

Your attacks on religion are funny to you and other atheists, but they make you look like a jackass to most normal people.

And it seems that atheists enjoy making jackasses out of themselves.

For example, Santa Monica was having nice Christmas displays of baby Jesus up and down the street.

A bunch of atheists sued the city, so they got some of the displays for themselves, and they set up anti-God and anti-Christian messages, like "There is no such thing as Santa Claus, or God either."

And really, who else but a jackass would want to spoil everyone's Christmas fun by putting up a display like that?

We often have veteran's groups putting up crosses to honor those who died in war. Atheists like to sue the government and force the veterans to take the crosses down. Only a jackass would do something like that.

Richard Dawkins, one of the biggest jackasses of all time, once said that raising your kid to be Catholic was worse than sexual abuse. Only a supremely arrogant prick of a jackass would say something that mean and hurtful to every Catholic who has ever raised a child.

So guess what atheists, why don't people like you?

Stop acting like a jackass and maybe they will like you more.

Most of them have fooled themselves into believing they are intellectuals when they are actually fools - they just don't know they are.

Are you a Christian? If you are, are Muslims and Jews fools too?

Are you ok as long as a person believes in a generic god or does it have to be your god?

I really fail to see why this is of any business of yours but I will accommodate you since other people's business seems to be so important to you. Yes, I consider myself a Christian. Whether you are a Christian or not has absolutely no interest or concern for me, neither does Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Democrats, hood rats, bats, vermin, bacteria, or anyone or anything else. I grant you permission to worship a crocodile should you so choose.

You have failed once again. You are the one who hates and you will never drag me down to your gutter.

See you theists can't answer the tough questions. I asked you a fucking question stupid. Are Jews and Muslims fools too for not believing in Jesus?

Thank you for telling me which cult you belong to so I know who I'm debating with. See, for you to call us atheists fools, I need to know what exactly we are being foolish about. Is it that we deny any and all gods or that we deny your jesus god?

Because I think you mean Jesus. So, then you must think Jews and Muslims are fools too, no?

Or are they not fools as long as they believe in any god.

See why you can't answer the question? Because then you'd be admitting Jews and Muslims are fools too. Can you say that? I think all you organized religions have an unwritten agreement. They don't vocally admit in public that your religion is bullshit and they don't do that to you. But you all do it to each other privately. I've heard many of you say your way is the only one true way.

Anyways, thanks for avoiding my question. Now at least you know why. If you answer my questions I will back you into a corner you won't be able to get out of.

Atheist? Hell, I see more Christians that have no idea of what their faith encompasses, much less live according to the word...

And just how does that effect you personally other than offer yet another group for you to hate?
What motivates an atheist to go on the internet and make a jackass of himself?

Because that's what most of you are doing.

Your attacks on religion are funny to you and other atheists, but they make you look like a jackass to most normal people.

And it seems that atheists enjoy making jackasses out of themselves.

For example, Santa Monica was having nice Christmas displays of baby Jesus up and down the street.

A bunch of atheists sued the city, so they got some of the displays for themselves, and they set up anti-God and anti-Christian messages, like "There is no such thing as Santa Claus, or God either."

And really, who else but a jackass would want to spoil everyone's Christmas fun by putting up a display like that?

We often have veteran's groups putting up crosses to honor those who died in war. Atheists like to sue the government and force the veterans to take the crosses down. Only a jackass would do something like that.

Richard Dawkins, one of the biggest jackasses of all time, once said that raising your kid to be Catholic was worse than sexual abuse. Only a supremely arrogant prick of a jackass would say something that mean and hurtful to every Catholic who has ever raised a child.

So guess what atheists, why don't people like you?

Stop acting like a jackass and maybe they will like you more.

Most of them have fooled themselves into believing they are intellectuals when they are actually fools - they just don't know they are.

Are you a Christian? If you are, are Muslims and Jews fools too?

Are you ok as long as a person believes in a generic god or does it have to be your god?

I really fail to see why this is of any business of yours but I will accommodate you since other people's business seems to be so important to you. Yes, I consider myself a Christian. Whether you are a Christian or not has absolutely no interest or concern for me, neither does Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Democrats, hood rats, bats, vermin, bacteria, or anyone or anything else. I grant you permission to worship a crocodile should you so choose.

You have failed once again. You are the one who hates and you will never drag me down to your gutter.

See you theists can't answer the tough questions. I asked you a fucking question stupid. Are Jews and Muslims fools too for not believing in Jesus?

Thank you for telling me which cult you belong to so I know who I'm debating with. See, for you to call us atheists fools, I need to know what exactly we are being foolish about. Is it that we deny any and all gods or that we deny your jesus god?

Because I think you mean Jesus. So, then you must think Jews and Muslims are fools too, no?

Or are they not fools as long as they believe in any god.

See why you can't answer the question? Because then you'd be admitting Jews and Muslims are fools too. Can you say that? I think all you organized religions have an unwritten agreement. They don't vocally admit in public that your religion is bullshit and they don't do that to you. But you all do it to each other privately. I've heard many of you say your way is the only one true way.

Anyways, thanks for avoiding my question. Now at least you know why. If you answer my questions I will back you into a corner you won't be able to get out of.

Atheist? Hell, I see more Christians that have no idea of what their faith encompasses, much less live according to the word...

Here is how simple it is to be a christian.

Someone tells you a story that is unbelievable but they tell you that if you don't believe it you will go to hell. They tell you the stories are facts even though they have no proof. If you ask too many questions they will simply tell you that you just have to have faith.

So you say you believe the story that Jesus christ died on the cross for your sins because what are your options? Burn forever or just say you believe.

Most people who are saved or say they believe have never read the bible, haven't done their research looking into other religions. Most have not talked to atheists first.

Simply they are brainwashed.
What motivates an atheist to go on the internet and make a jackass of himself?

Because that's what most of you are doing.

Your attacks on religion are funny to you and other atheists, but they make you look like a jackass to most normal people.

And it seems that atheists enjoy making jackasses out of themselves.

For example, Santa Monica was having nice Christmas displays of baby Jesus up and down the street.

A bunch of atheists sued the city, so they got some of the displays for themselves, and they set up anti-God and anti-Christian messages, like "There is no such thing as Santa Claus, or God either."

And really, who else but a jackass would want to spoil everyone's Christmas fun by putting up a display like that?

We often have veteran's groups putting up crosses to honor those who died in war. Atheists like to sue the government and force the veterans to take the crosses down. Only a jackass would do something like that.

Richard Dawkins, one of the biggest jackasses of all time, once said that raising your kid to be Catholic was worse than sexual abuse. Only a supremely arrogant prick of a jackass would say something that mean and hurtful to every Catholic who has ever raised a child.

So guess what atheists, why don't people like you?

Stop acting like a jackass and maybe they will like you more.

Most of them have fooled themselves into believing they are intellectuals when they are actually fools - they just don't know they are.

Are you a Christian? If you are, are Muslims and Jews fools too?

Are you ok as long as a person believes in a generic god or does it have to be your god?

I really fail to see why this is of any business of yours but I will accommodate you since other people's business seems to be so important to you. Yes, I consider myself a Christian. Whether you are a Christian or not has absolutely no interest or concern for me, neither does Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Democrats, hood rats, bats, vermin, bacteria, or anyone or anything else. I grant you permission to worship a crocodile should you so choose.

You have failed once again. You are the one who hates and you will never drag me down to your gutter.

See you theists can't answer the tough questions. I asked you a fucking question stupid. Are Jews and Muslims fools too for not believing in Jesus?

Thank you for telling me which cult you belong to so I know who I'm debating with. See, for you to call us atheists fools, I need to know what exactly we are being foolish about. Is it that we deny any and all gods or that we deny your jesus god?

Because I think you mean Jesus. So, then you must think Jews and Muslims are fools too, no?

Or are they not fools as long as they believe in any god.

See why you can't answer the question? Because then you'd be admitting Jews and Muslims are fools too. Can you say that? I think all you organized religions have an unwritten agreement. They don't vocally admit in public that your religion is bullshit and they don't do that to you. But you all do it to each other privately. I've heard many of you say your way is the only one true way.

Anyways, thanks for avoiding my question. Now at least you know why. If you answer my questions I will back you into a corner you won't be able to get out of.

Atheist? Hell, I see more Christians that have no idea of what their faith encompasses, much less live according to the word...

And just how does that effect you personally other than offer yet another group for you to hate?

I am sad for them for being lost when they want to be found...
What motivates an atheist to go on the internet and make a jackass of himself?

Because that's what most of you are doing.

Your attacks on religion are funny to you and other atheists, but they make you look like a jackass to most normal people.

And it seems that atheists enjoy making jackasses out of themselves.

For example, Santa Monica was having nice Christmas displays of baby Jesus up and down the street.

A bunch of atheists sued the city, so they got some of the displays for themselves, and they set up anti-God and anti-Christian messages, like "There is no such thing as Santa Claus, or God either."

And really, who else but a jackass would want to spoil everyone's Christmas fun by putting up a display like that?

We often have veteran's groups putting up crosses to honor those who died in war. Atheists like to sue the government and force the veterans to take the crosses down. Only a jackass would do something like that.

Richard Dawkins, one of the biggest jackasses of all time, once said that raising your kid to be Catholic was worse than sexual abuse. Only a supremely arrogant prick of a jackass would say something that mean and hurtful to every Catholic who has ever raised a child.

So guess what atheists, why don't people like you?

Stop acting like a jackass and maybe they will like you more.

Most of them have fooled themselves into believing they are intellectuals when they are actually fools - they just don't know they are.

Are you a Christian? If you are, are Muslims and Jews fools too?

Are you ok as long as a person believes in a generic god or does it have to be your god?

I really fail to see why this is of any business of yours but I will accommodate you since other people's business seems to be so important to you. Yes, I consider myself a Christian. Whether you are a Christian or not has absolutely no interest or concern for me, neither does Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Democrats, hood rats, bats, vermin, bacteria, or anyone or anything else. I grant you permission to worship a crocodile should you so choose.

You have failed once again. You are the one who hates and you will never drag me down to your gutter.

See you theists can't answer the tough questions. I asked you a fucking question stupid. Are Jews and Muslims fools too for not believing in Jesus?

Thank you for telling me which cult you belong to so I know who I'm debating with. See, for you to call us atheists fools, I need to know what exactly we are being foolish about. Is it that we deny any and all gods or that we deny your jesus god?

Because I think you mean Jesus. So, then you must think Jews and Muslims are fools too, no?

Or are they not fools as long as they believe in any god.

See why you can't answer the question? Because then you'd be admitting Jews and Muslims are fools too. Can you say that? I think all you organized religions have an unwritten agreement. They don't vocally admit in public that your religion is bullshit and they don't do that to you. But you all do it to each other privately. I've heard many of you say your way is the only one true way.

Anyways, thanks for avoiding my question. Now at least you know why. If you answer my questions I will back you into a corner you won't be able to get out of.

Yes, you have totally been destroying me. LOL! .Read the OP about atheists being fools. You are totally proving the OP all by yourself. Your questions aren't tough, they're just stupid. Do you hate your own mother and father? You must. You hate everybody except your god, OBAMA. I don't hate your mother and father - I have sympathy for them. You just might be the abortion crowd's best argument to date. LOL!!

I don't hate my parents, my friends or people who are good. It's hypocrite christians I don't like.

I also hate a lie and organized religions are all lies.

But I will admit that it is mostly us atheists who come on the internet and make fun of you christians. But don't feel singled out. We make fun of the jews, muslims, mormons and all the other theists out there too.

I truly believe a lie, no matter how good it makes YOU feel, is still a lie. I know it hurts your feelings and it makes you feel rejected well I'm sorry but your god offends me too so maybe when you theists go crawl back under the rocks you worship under we'll go back to our business.

See, you guys don't understand separation of church and state. When you do we will stop. Simple.

Don't bother to explain or apologize. Your views, mad rants, and insane beliefs have absolutely no effect on me. Actually I am amused at your hatred for so many. You see, in the grand scale of things, you are totally insignificant.
What motivates an atheist to go on the internet and make a jackass of himself?

Because that's what most of you are doing.

Your attacks on religion are funny to you and other atheists, but they make you look like a jackass to most normal people.

And it seems that atheists enjoy making jackasses out of themselves.

For example, Santa Monica was having nice Christmas displays of baby Jesus up and down the street.

A bunch of atheists sued the city, so they got some of the displays for themselves, and they set up anti-God and anti-Christian messages, like "There is no such thing as Santa Claus, or God either."

And really, who else but a jackass would want to spoil everyone's Christmas fun by putting up a display like that?

We often have veteran's groups putting up crosses to honor those who died in war. Atheists like to sue the government and force the veterans to take the crosses down. Only a jackass would do something like that.

Richard Dawkins, one of the biggest jackasses of all time, once said that raising your kid to be Catholic was worse than sexual abuse. Only a supremely arrogant prick of a jackass would say something that mean and hurtful to every Catholic who has ever raised a child.

So guess what atheists, why don't people like you?

Stop acting like a jackass and maybe they will like you more.

Most of them have fooled themselves into believing they are intellectuals when they are actually fools - they just don't know they are.

Are you a Christian? If you are, are Muslims and Jews fools too?

Are you ok as long as a person believes in a generic god or does it have to be your god?

I really fail to see why this is of any business of yours but I will accommodate you since other people's business seems to be so important to you. Yes, I consider myself a Christian. Whether you are a Christian or not has absolutely no interest or concern for me, neither does Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Democrats, hood rats, bats, vermin, bacteria, or anyone or anything else. I grant you permission to worship a crocodile should you so choose.

You have failed once again. You are the one who hates and you will never drag me down to your gutter.

See you theists can't answer the tough questions. I asked you a fucking question stupid. Are Jews and Muslims fools too for not believing in Jesus?

Thank you for telling me which cult you belong to so I know who I'm debating with. See, for you to call us atheists fools, I need to know what exactly we are being foolish about. Is it that we deny any and all gods or that we deny your jesus god?

Because I think you mean Jesus. So, then you must think Jews and Muslims are fools too, no?

Or are they not fools as long as they believe in any god.

See why you can't answer the question? Because then you'd be admitting Jews and Muslims are fools too. Can you say that? I think all you organized religions have an unwritten agreement. They don't vocally admit in public that your religion is bullshit and they don't do that to you. But you all do it to each other privately. I've heard many of you say your way is the only one true way.

Anyways, thanks for avoiding my question. Now at least you know why. If you answer my questions I will back you into a corner you won't be able to get out of.

Atheist? Hell, I see more Christians that have no idea of what their faith encompasses, much less live according to the word...

Here is how simple it is to be a christian.

Someone tells you a story that is unbelievable but they tell you that if you don't believe it you will go to hell. They tell you the stories are facts even though they have no proof. If you ask too many questions they will simply tell you that you just have to have faith.

So you say you believe the story that Jesus christ died on the cross for your sins because what are your options? Burn forever or just say you believe.

Most people who are saved or say they believe have never read the bible, haven't done their research looking into other religions. Most have not talked to atheists first.

Simply they are brainwashed.

For me it is living the word of Christ.....yet I am no Christian in that tense because I know I can't...
What motivates an atheist to go on the internet and make a jackass of himself?

Because that's what most of you are doing.

Your attacks on religion are funny to you and other atheists, but they make you look like a jackass to most normal people.

And it seems that atheists enjoy making jackasses out of themselves.

For example, Santa Monica was having nice Christmas displays of baby Jesus up and down the street.

A bunch of atheists sued the city, so they got some of the displays for themselves, and they set up anti-God and anti-Christian messages, like "There is no such thing as Santa Claus, or God either."

And really, who else but a jackass would want to spoil everyone's Christmas fun by putting up a display like that?

We often have veteran's groups putting up crosses to honor those who died in war. Atheists like to sue the government and force the veterans to take the crosses down. Only a jackass would do something like that.

Richard Dawkins, one of the biggest jackasses of all time, once said that raising your kid to be Catholic was worse than sexual abuse. Only a supremely arrogant prick of a jackass would say something that mean and hurtful to every Catholic who has ever raised a child.

So guess what atheists, why don't people like you?

Stop acting like a jackass and maybe they will like you more.

Most of them have fooled themselves into believing they are intellectuals when they are actually fools - they just don't know they are.

Are you a Christian? If you are, are Muslims and Jews fools too?

Are you ok as long as a person believes in a generic god or does it have to be your god?

I really fail to see why this is of any business of yours but I will accommodate you since other people's business seems to be so important to you. Yes, I consider myself a Christian. Whether you are a Christian or not has absolutely no interest or concern for me, neither does Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Democrats, hood rats, bats, vermin, bacteria, or anyone or anything else. I grant you permission to worship a crocodile should you so choose.

You have failed once again. You are the one who hates and you will never drag me down to your gutter.

See you theists can't answer the tough questions. I asked you a fucking question stupid. Are Jews and Muslims fools too for not believing in Jesus?

Thank you for telling me which cult you belong to so I know who I'm debating with. See, for you to call us atheists fools, I need to know what exactly we are being foolish about. Is it that we deny any and all gods or that we deny your jesus god?

Because I think you mean Jesus. So, then you must think Jews and Muslims are fools too, no?

Or are they not fools as long as they believe in any god.

See why you can't answer the question? Because then you'd be admitting Jews and Muslims are fools too. Can you say that? I think all you organized religions have an unwritten agreement. They don't vocally admit in public that your religion is bullshit and they don't do that to you. But you all do it to each other privately. I've heard many of you say your way is the only one true way.

Anyways, thanks for avoiding my question. Now at least you know why. If you answer my questions I will back you into a corner you won't be able to get out of.

Atheist? Hell, I see more Christians that have no idea of what their faith encompasses, much less live according to the word...

And just how does that effect you personally other than offer yet another group for you to hate?

I am sad for them for being lost when they want to be found...

Who Jews and Muslims? That's what Mormon's say about you non Mormon Christians. Did you know that? That's their whole angle. You're version of Christianity has lost its way. Mormonism is the one true way they say. Do you buy that? Why not? Are you saying Joseph Smith made all that stuff up?

How dare you when you call us fools when we say your miracle stories are all made up too. Funny you can tell bullshit stories when you see them but you can't do that with your own religion.

You do know if you were born in Saudi Arabia you'd be a devout Muslim, right? And you'd think all Christians were lost too. Funny both sides think the same thing.
What motivates an atheist to go on the internet and make a jackass of himself?

Because that's what most of you are doing.

Your attacks on religion are funny to you and other atheists, but they make you look like a jackass to most normal people.

And it seems that atheists enjoy making jackasses out of themselves.

For example, Santa Monica was having nice Christmas displays of baby Jesus up and down the street.

A bunch of atheists sued the city, so they got some of the displays for themselves, and they set up anti-God and anti-Christian messages, like "There is no such thing as Santa Claus, or God either."

And really, who else but a jackass would want to spoil everyone's Christmas fun by putting up a display like that?

We often have veteran's groups putting up crosses to honor those who died in war. Atheists like to sue the government and force the veterans to take the crosses down. Only a jackass would do something like that.

Richard Dawkins, one of the biggest jackasses of all time, once said that raising your kid to be Catholic was worse than sexual abuse. Only a supremely arrogant prick of a jackass would say something that mean and hurtful to every Catholic who has ever raised a child.

So guess what atheists, why don't people like you?

Stop acting like a jackass and maybe they will like you more.

Most of them have fooled themselves into believing they are intellectuals when they are actually fools - they just don't know they are.

Are you a Christian? If you are, are Muslims and Jews fools too?

Are you ok as long as a person believes in a generic god or does it have to be your god?

I really fail to see why this is of any business of yours but I will accommodate you since other people's business seems to be so important to you. Yes, I consider myself a Christian. Whether you are a Christian or not has absolutely no interest or concern for me, neither does Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Democrats, hood rats, bats, vermin, bacteria, or anyone or anything else. I grant you permission to worship a crocodile should you so choose.

You have failed once again. You are the one who hates and you will never drag me down to your gutter.

See you theists can't answer the tough questions. I asked you a fucking question stupid. Are Jews and Muslims fools too for not believing in Jesus?

Thank you for telling me which cult you belong to so I know who I'm debating with. See, for you to call us atheists fools, I need to know what exactly we are being foolish about. Is it that we deny any and all gods or that we deny your jesus god?

Because I think you mean Jesus. So, then you must think Jews and Muslims are fools too, no?

Or are they not fools as long as they believe in any god.

See why you can't answer the question? Because then you'd be admitting Jews and Muslims are fools too. Can you say that? I think all you organized religions have an unwritten agreement. They don't vocally admit in public that your religion is bullshit and they don't do that to you. But you all do it to each other privately. I've heard many of you say your way is the only one true way.

Anyways, thanks for avoiding my question. Now at least you know why. If you answer my questions I will back you into a corner you won't be able to get out of.

Atheist? Hell, I see more Christians that have no idea of what their faith encompasses, much less live according to the word...

Here is how simple it is to be a christian.

Someone tells you a story that is unbelievable but they tell you that if you don't believe it you will go to hell. They tell you the stories are facts even though they have no proof. If you ask too many questions they will simply tell you that you just have to have faith.

So you say you believe the story that Jesus christ died on the cross for your sins because what are your options? Burn forever or just say you believe.

Most people who are saved or say they believe have never read the bible, haven't done their research looking into other religions. Most have not talked to atheists first.

Simply they are brainwashed.

For me it is living the word of Christ.....yet I am no Christian in that tense because I know I can't...
The fortunate thing for us today is that this is a free nation and you can live without repercussions and censorship when you want to live in the way you believe, or want to live, as long as it is reasonable and does not inflict harm or violate another humans rights... That freedom though does not give you the right to judge how others do not live like you...
What motivates an atheist to go on the internet and make a jackass of himself?

Because that's what most of you are doing.

Your attacks on religion are funny to you and other atheists, but they make you look like a jackass to most normal people.

And it seems that atheists enjoy making jackasses out of themselves.

For example, Santa Monica was having nice Christmas displays of baby Jesus up and down the street.

A bunch of atheists sued the city, so they got some of the displays for themselves, and they set up anti-God and anti-Christian messages, like "There is no such thing as Santa Claus, or God either."

And really, who else but a jackass would want to spoil everyone's Christmas fun by putting up a display like that?

We often have veteran's groups putting up crosses to honor those who died in war. Atheists like to sue the government and force the veterans to take the crosses down. Only a jackass would do something like that.

Richard Dawkins, one of the biggest jackasses of all time, once said that raising your kid to be Catholic was worse than sexual abuse. Only a supremely arrogant prick of a jackass would say something that mean and hurtful to every Catholic who has ever raised a child.

So guess what atheists, why don't people like you?

Stop acting like a jackass and maybe they will like you more.

Most of them have fooled themselves into believing they are intellectuals when they are actually fools - they just don't know they are.

Are you a Christian? If you are, are Muslims and Jews fools too?

Are you ok as long as a person believes in a generic god or does it have to be your god?

I really fail to see why this is of any business of yours but I will accommodate you since other people's business seems to be so important to you. Yes, I consider myself a Christian. Whether you are a Christian or not has absolutely no interest or concern for me, neither does Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Democrats, hood rats, bats, vermin, bacteria, or anyone or anything else. I grant you permission to worship a crocodile should you so choose.

You have failed once again. You are the one who hates and you will never drag me down to your gutter.

See you theists can't answer the tough questions. I asked you a fucking question stupid. Are Jews and Muslims fools too for not believing in Jesus?

Thank you for telling me which cult you belong to so I know who I'm debating with. See, for you to call us atheists fools, I need to know what exactly we are being foolish about. Is it that we deny any and all gods or that we deny your jesus god?

Because I think you mean Jesus. So, then you must think Jews and Muslims are fools too, no?

Or are they not fools as long as they believe in any god.

See why you can't answer the question? Because then you'd be admitting Jews and Muslims are fools too. Can you say that? I think all you organized religions have an unwritten agreement. They don't vocally admit in public that your religion is bullshit and they don't do that to you. But you all do it to each other privately. I've heard many of you say your way is the only one true way.

Anyways, thanks for avoiding my question. Now at least you know why. If you answer my questions I will back you into a corner you won't be able to get out of.

Atheist? Hell, I see more Christians that have no idea of what their faith encompasses, much less live according to the word...

Here is how simple it is to be a christian.

Someone tells you a story that is unbelievable but they tell you that if you don't believe it you will go to hell. They tell you the stories are facts even though they have no proof. If you ask too many questions they will simply tell you that you just have to have faith.

So you say you believe the story that Jesus christ died on the cross for your sins because what are your options? Burn forever or just say you believe.

Most people who are saved or say they believe have never read the bible, haven't done their research looking into other religions. Most have not talked to atheists first.

Simply they are brainwashed.

But you apparently do not think you are brainwashed so I ask again, how exactly does the fact that you consider them to be brainwashed while you are not, effect you? Whether those Christians you speak of are brainwashed or not does not effect me. Whether you are brainwashed or not does not effect me either. Only if I were brainwashed would I be effected.
What motivates an atheist to go on the internet and make a jackass of himself?

Because that's what most of you are doing.

Your attacks on religion are funny to you and other atheists, but they make you look like a jackass to most normal people.

And it seems that atheists enjoy making jackasses out of themselves.

For example, Santa Monica was having nice Christmas displays of baby Jesus up and down the street.

A bunch of atheists sued the city, so they got some of the displays for themselves, and they set up anti-God and anti-Christian messages, like "There is no such thing as Santa Claus, or God either."

And really, who else but a jackass would want to spoil everyone's Christmas fun by putting up a display like that?

We often have veteran's groups putting up crosses to honor those who died in war. Atheists like to sue the government and force the veterans to take the crosses down. Only a jackass would do something like that.

Richard Dawkins, one of the biggest jackasses of all time, once said that raising your kid to be Catholic was worse than sexual abuse. Only a supremely arrogant prick of a jackass would say something that mean and hurtful to every Catholic who has ever raised a child.

So guess what atheists, why don't people like you?

Stop acting like a jackass and maybe they will like you more.

Most of them have fooled themselves into believing they are intellectuals when they are actually fools - they just don't know they are.

Are you a Christian? If you are, are Muslims and Jews fools too?

Are you ok as long as a person believes in a generic god or does it have to be your god?

I really fail to see why this is of any business of yours but I will accommodate you since other people's business seems to be so important to you. Yes, I consider myself a Christian. Whether you are a Christian or not has absolutely no interest or concern for me, neither does Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Democrats, hood rats, bats, vermin, bacteria, or anyone or anything else. I grant you permission to worship a crocodile should you so choose.

You have failed once again. You are the one who hates and you will never drag me down to your gutter.

See you theists can't answer the tough questions. I asked you a fucking question stupid. Are Jews and Muslims fools too for not believing in Jesus?

Thank you for telling me which cult you belong to so I know who I'm debating with. See, for you to call us atheists fools, I need to know what exactly we are being foolish about. Is it that we deny any and all gods or that we deny your jesus god?

Because I think you mean Jesus. So, then you must think Jews and Muslims are fools too, no?

Or are they not fools as long as they believe in any god.

See why you can't answer the question? Because then you'd be admitting Jews and Muslims are fools too. Can you say that? I think all you organized religions have an unwritten agreement. They don't vocally admit in public that your religion is bullshit and they don't do that to you. But you all do it to each other privately. I've heard many of you say your way is the only one true way.

Anyways, thanks for avoiding my question. Now at least you know why. If you answer my questions I will back you into a corner you won't be able to get out of.

Atheist? Hell, I see more Christians that have no idea of what their faith encompasses, much less live according to the word...

And just how does that effect you personally other than offer yet another group for you to hate?

I am sad for them for being lost when they want to be found...

Who Jews and Muslims? That's what Mormon's say about you non Mormon Christians. Did you know that? That's their whole angle. You're version of Christianity has lost its way. Mormonism is the one true way they say. Do you buy that? Why not? Are you saying Joseph Smith made all that stuff up?

How dare you when you call us fools when we say your miracle stories are all made up too. Funny you can tell bullshit stories when you see them but you can't do that with your own religion.

You do know if you were born in Saudi Arabia you'd be a devout Muslim, right? And you'd think all Christians were lost too. Funny both sides think the same thing.
Lost in the sense that that which they yern for they can't find because they are not living their beliefs with strict discipline...
I am in total agreement with that. It is ironic that liberals, who say they are compassionate to the poor and downtrodden, are hostile to a religion that teaches that we should feed and clothe the poor and downtrodden.

But that is the key to understanding. Liberalism sees Christianity as competition in the same niche. If people are feeding and clothing the poor out of their own resources, they don't see the need for the government to do the same job.

What liberalism seeks to do is destroy the Christian virtue of charity, destroy it in men's souls so that people will harden their hearts to the poor and downtrodden, and therefore, be willing to let the government take over the role of feeding and clothing them.

And we can see in Europe, Canada, and Australia, as these countries became more socialist, Christian virtue declined and people stopped going to church on Sundays, or engaging in the charitable works the churches were engaged in.

That is why I am convinced that liberalism, defined as the modern leftist movement, is Satan's plan to kill Christian faith in the Western world. And it's working very well.
The Christian church has generated a lot of it's own bad PR over recent years.

The way the Catholic Church sins I may join...I've always dreamed of being a mob boss...

Being a mob boss requires some ambition and initiative. You actually must produce. You must also be a leader. Are you sure you are qualified?
What motivates an atheist to go on the internet and make a jackass of himself?

Because that's what most of you are doing.

Your attacks on religion are funny to you and other atheists, but they make you look like a jackass to most normal people.

And it seems that atheists enjoy making jackasses out of themselves.

For example, Santa Monica was having nice Christmas displays of baby Jesus up and down the street.

A bunch of atheists sued the city, so they got some of the displays for themselves, and they set up anti-God and anti-Christian messages, like "There is no such thing as Santa Claus, or God either."

And really, who else but a jackass would want to spoil everyone's Christmas fun by putting up a display like that?

We often have veteran's groups putting up crosses to honor those who died in war. Atheists like to sue the government and force the veterans to take the crosses down. Only a jackass would do something like that.

Richard Dawkins, one of the biggest jackasses of all time, once said that raising your kid to be Catholic was worse than sexual abuse. Only a supremely arrogant prick of a jackass would say something that mean and hurtful to every Catholic who has ever raised a child.

So guess what atheists, why don't people like you?

Stop acting like a jackass and maybe they will like you more.

Most of them have fooled themselves into believing they are intellectuals when they are actually fools - they just don't know they are.

Are you a Christian? If you are, are Muslims and Jews fools too?

Are you ok as long as a person believes in a generic god or does it have to be your god?

I really fail to see why this is of any business of yours but I will accommodate you since other people's business seems to be so important to you. Yes, I consider myself a Christian. Whether you are a Christian or not has absolutely no interest or concern for me, neither does Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Democrats, hood rats, bats, vermin, bacteria, or anyone or anything else. I grant you permission to worship a crocodile should you so choose.

You have failed once again. You are the one who hates and you will never drag me down to your gutter.

See you theists can't answer the tough questions. I asked you a fucking question stupid. Are Jews and Muslims fools too for not believing in Jesus?

Thank you for telling me which cult you belong to so I know who I'm debating with. See, for you to call us atheists fools, I need to know what exactly we are being foolish about. Is it that we deny any and all gods or that we deny your jesus god?

Because I think you mean Jesus. So, then you must think Jews and Muslims are fools too, no?

Or are they not fools as long as they believe in any god.

See why you can't answer the question? Because then you'd be admitting Jews and Muslims are fools too. Can you say that? I think all you organized religions have an unwritten agreement. They don't vocally admit in public that your religion is bullshit and they don't do that to you. But you all do it to each other privately. I've heard many of you say your way is the only one true way.

Anyways, thanks for avoiding my question. Now at least you know why. If you answer my questions I will back you into a corner you won't be able to get out of.

Atheist? Hell, I see more Christians that have no idea of what their faith encompasses, much less live according to the word...

Here is how simple it is to be a christian.

Someone tells you a story that is unbelievable but they tell you that if you don't believe it you will go to hell. They tell you the stories are facts even though they have no proof. If you ask too many questions they will simply tell you that you just have to have faith.

So you say you believe the story that Jesus christ died on the cross for your sins because what are your options? Burn forever or just say you believe.

Most people who are saved or say they believe have never read the bible, haven't done their research looking into other religions. Most have not talked to atheists first.

Simply they are brainwashed.

For me it is living the word of Christ.....yet I am no Christian in that tense because I know I can't...
The fortunate thing for us today is that this is a free nation and you can live without repercussions and censorship when you want to live in the way you believe, or want to live, as long as it is reasonable and does not inflict harm or violate another humans rights... That freedom though does not give you the right to judge how others do not live like you...

I judge Ray Rice. He has faith by the way. Oh yea, his actions did inflict harm on another.

Who says I can't judge?
You debaters have yet to be initiated to a real enlightenment by mans humanity, All I see in this room is who can be the nastiest, meanest and cruelist, is that what you believe in?
I am in total agreement with that. It is ironic that liberals, who say they are compassionate to the poor and downtrodden, are hostile to a religion that teaches that we should feed and clothe the poor and downtrodden.

But that is the key to understanding. Liberalism sees Christianity as competition in the same niche. If people are feeding and clothing the poor out of their own resources, they don't see the need for the government to do the same job.

What liberalism seeks to do is destroy the Christian virtue of charity, destroy it in men's souls so that people will harden their hearts to the poor and downtrodden, and therefore, be willing to let the government take over the role of feeding and clothing them.

And we can see in Europe, Canada, and Australia, as these countries became more socialist, Christian virtue declined and people stopped going to church on Sundays, or engaging in the charitable works the churches were engaged in.

That is why I am convinced that liberalism, defined as the modern leftist movement, is Satan's plan to kill Christian faith in the Western world. And it's working very well.
The Christian church has generated a lot of it's own bad PR over recent years.

The way the Catholic Church sins I may join...I've always dreamed of being a mob boss...

Being a mob boss requires some ambition and initiative. You actually must produce. You must also be a leader. Are you sure you are qualified?

I have lots of experience.....
I am in total agreement with that. It is ironic that liberals, who say they are compassionate to the poor and downtrodden, are hostile to a religion that teaches that we should feed and clothe the poor and downtrodden.

But that is the key to understanding. Liberalism sees Christianity as competition in the same niche. If people are feeding and clothing the poor out of their own resources, they don't see the need for the government to do the same job.

What liberalism seeks to do is destroy the Christian virtue of charity, destroy it in men's souls so that people will harden their hearts to the poor and downtrodden, and therefore, be willing to let the government take over the role of feeding and clothing them.

And we can see in Europe, Canada, and Australia, as these countries became more socialist, Christian virtue declined and people stopped going to church on Sundays, or engaging in the charitable works the churches were engaged in.

That is why I am convinced that liberalism, defined as the modern leftist movement, is Satan's plan to kill Christian faith in the Western world. And it's working very well.
The Christian church has generated a lot of it's own bad PR over recent years.

The way the Catholic Church sins I may join...I've always dreamed of being a mob boss...

Being a mob boss requires some ambition and initiative. You actually must produce. You must also be a leader. Are you sure you are qualified?

I have lots of experience.....

I could be a mob hit-man. I might even do a few freebies.
What motivates an atheist to go on the internet and make a jackass of himself?

Because that's what most of you are doing.

Your attacks on religion are funny to you and other atheists, but they make you look like a jackass to most normal people.

And it seems that atheists enjoy making jackasses out of themselves.

For example, Santa Monica was having nice Christmas displays of baby Jesus up and down the street.

A bunch of atheists sued the city, so they got some of the displays for themselves, and they set up anti-God and anti-Christian messages, like "There is no such thing as Santa Claus, or God either."

And really, who else but a jackass would want to spoil everyone's Christmas fun by putting up a display like that?

We often have veteran's groups putting up crosses to honor those who died in war. Atheists like to sue the government and force the veterans to take the crosses down. Only a jackass would do something like that.

Richard Dawkins, one of the biggest jackasses of all time, once said that raising your kid to be Catholic was worse than sexual abuse. Only a supremely arrogant prick of a jackass would say something that mean and hurtful to every Catholic who has ever raised a child.

So guess what atheists, why don't people like you?

Stop acting like a jackass and maybe they will like you more.

Maybe we should have a contest of posting examples of atheists behaving badly in the name of atheism vs. people of faith behaving badly in the name of their chosen religion,

and see who runs out of examples first.

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