What motivates you to vote Democrat?

As of 2012 I became an independent, but I was a democrat before that. I keep voting Democrat for the simple fact that I despise the Republican party and their lack of empathy for the 99%, minorities and women's rights.

Republican policies are completely out of sync with my beliefs.

Even though the Democratic party has abandoned their progressive message and are pussies when it comes to dealing with Republicans, their polices are in line with most of my fiscal and social beliefs.

What rights have Republicans removed from minorities and women, specifically?

Give us the laundry list.

I will get you started: On (insert date) Republicans removed the right to ( insert the rights removed) from minorities and women.


I mentioned I don’t like to vote Dem because Dems want to spend too much on government and they like my taxes to be too high. It also bothers me that Dems favor illegal immigrants over Americans citizens. Dems have exploited blacks long enough and have gotten all they can from the blacks, so the Dems need to import a new victim underclass to exploit for votes.

That’s how Dems show a lack of empathy for minorities. Dems don’t
Truly care about American citizen minorities, or else Dems wouldn’t be importing illegals to compete for jobs and resources.

Dems are hypocrites and liars.

Where in my post did I say anything about rights being taken? I said Republican party lacks empathy. They try to restrict abortion. Restrict access to affordable healthcare. Create voting polices affect the poor and minorities.

That can't take rights away because we have a constitution. But they create policies that make it hard for women and minorities to get their rights.
Right...like I said....scared to acknowledge facts out of fear.
My beautiful young daughter drives home from USC at night once in a while...she could take a route through Compton to get home....but I insist that she not drive through there as the propensity for criminal activity is quite high....now we all know Compton is predominantly inhabited by Blacks.....So I ask you, in giving my daughter the aforementioned advice am I being WISE or am I being a RACIST?
You’d be paranoid to give your daughter the same advice...wouldn’t you?
but I insist that she not drive through there as the propensity for criminal activity is quite high

Common sense

But only because
of the crime level

You’d be paranoid to give your daughter the same advice...wouldn’t you?

No, but not because of the blacks living in the area.

I do get the impression you're more worried about the blacks, than the crime, tho

Haha...right...because Blacks and criminality don’t go together at all...haha
Amazing how pussified minds work.
“Now you listen here hunny, I want you to be intuitive, wise, logical, and realistic.....EXCEPT for when it comes to common denominators among race and ethnicities....THEN I want you to dumb yourself down and pretend to be stupid...Martin, Al and Jesse said so damnit!”
Fucking mind-blowing!
Haha...right...because Blacks and criminality don’t go together at all...
No more than White and criminality go together.

(and having worked in the prison system for over a decade, I have a better idea about it than the bigoted sites you read probably do)

Amazing how pussified minds work.

Yes, and watching yours is ..... informative, to say the least.

(I thought people like you died out with the dinosaurs)

Hold on a minute...please confirm the ignorance...are you saying that Whites commit crime at the same rate as Blacks?
Please, please have the nutsack to answer the question without sidestepping and word games?

I thought people like you died out with the dinosaurs“
Nope sorry, still lots of rational, logical, wise people in this nation...sucks for you huh? Martin, Jesse and Al can’t scare us into submission...facts remain the primary component in consideration.
Nope sorry, still lots of rational, logical, wise people in this nation...

I hope you don't think you are one of them.

I've talked to members of the Aryan Nation, Klan, and other White Supremacists while they were incarcerated.

I've talked to Crips, Bloods, Nation of Islam, etc, while they were incarcerated.

Didn't consider any of them 'rational, logical, nor wise'.

They were too caught up in bigotry, like you, for me to even consider them so.

are you saying that Whites commit crime at the same rate as Blacks?

pretty much.

as a general rule, whites have a better chance of getting off.

mostly because of people like you

“Pretty much”?
That sounds like word games and semantics to me...no?
You’re just flat out lying to yourself now.
Look Willy, I think we’ve reached that point where I start to make you look really stupid. You're losing credibility here fast....You’re in over your head with me bud...I’ve been down this road before...you’ll cry to “someone” and beg for the thread to be moved because your feelings get hurt...you know how that goes.
Have a good day buddy...and pull your head out soon.
What motivates you to vote Democrat?

I used to vote Democrat 100% of the time when I was very young because both my parents were Democrat, everyone in the area was Democrat telling me to vote Democrat and the Democratic Party wasn't too bad. Everywhere you looked it was DEMOCRAT DEMOCRAT DEMOCRAT.

Then I grew up. My parents were gone, the Democratic Party changed drastically and I started looking at things new and thinking for myself.
Common sense

But only because
of the crime level

No, but not because of the blacks living in the area.

I do get the impression you're more worried about the blacks, than the crime, tho

Haha...right...because Blacks and criminality don’t go together at all...haha
Amazing how pussified minds work.
“Now you listen here hunny, I want you to be intuitive, wise, logical, and realistic.....EXCEPT for when it comes to common denominators among race and ethnicities....THEN I want you to dumb yourself down and pretend to be stupid...Martin, Al and Jesse said so damnit!”
Fucking mind-blowing!
Haha...right...because Blacks and criminality don’t go together at all...
No more than White and criminality go together.

(and having worked in the prison system for over a decade, I have a better idea about it than the bigoted sites you read probably do)

Amazing how pussified minds work.

Yes, and watching yours is ..... informative, to say the least.

(I thought people like you died out with the dinosaurs)

Hold on a minute...please confirm the ignorance...are you saying that Whites commit crime at the same rate as Blacks?
Please, please have the nutsack to answer the question without sidestepping and word games?

I thought people like you died out with the dinosaurs“
Nope sorry, still lots of rational, logical, wise people in this nation...sucks for you huh? Martin, Jesse and Al can’t scare us into submission...facts remain the primary component in consideration.
Nope sorry, still lots of rational, logical, wise people in this nation...

I hope you don't think you are one of them.

I've talked to members of the Aryan Nation, Klan, and other White Supremacists while they were incarcerated.

I've talked to Crips, Bloods, Nation of Islam, etc, while they were incarcerated.

Didn't consider any of them 'rational, logical, nor wise'.

They were too caught up in bigotry, like you, for me to even consider them so.

are you saying that Whites commit crime at the same rate as Blacks?

pretty much.

as a general rule, whites have a better chance of getting off.

mostly because of people like you

“Pretty much”?
That sounds like word games and semantics to me...no?
You’re just flat out lying to yourself now.
Look Willy, I think we’ve reached that point where I start to make you look really stupid. You're losing credibility here fast....You’re in over your head with me bud...I’ve been down this road before...you’ll cry to “someone” and beg for the thread to be moved because your feelings get hurt...you know how that goes.
Have a good day buddy...and pull your head out soon.
You’re just flat out lying to yourself now.

Not nearly as much as you've been lying to yourself the majority of your life.

Look Willy, I think we’ve reached that point where I start to make you look really stupid.

You've already passed the point where you made yourself look really stupid

You're losing credibility here fast....

At least I had some to begin with

....You’re in over your head with me bud...

Yup, you've been piling your bullshit fairly deep

I’ve been down this road before...
Shame you weren't capable of learning from your trip

...you’ll cry to “someone” and beg for the thread to be moved because your feelings get hurt...you know how that goes.

My feeling aren't hurt, how could they be?

I'm arguing with a rather foolish child.
What motivates you to vote Democrat?

I used to vote Democrat 100% of the time when I was very young because both my parents were Democrat, everyone in the area was Democrat telling me to vote Democrat and the Democratic Party wasn't too bad. Everywhere you looked it was DEMOCRAT DEMOCRAT DEMOCRAT.

Then I grew up. My parents were gone, the Democratic Party changed drastically and I started looking at things new and thinking for myself.

Thinking for yourself?

Crazy concept, huh?

You mean you don’t let Nancy Pelosi tell you what you think?
Why do we have a government?

To do things collectively that are not practical to do individually. Defense, education, infrastructure, healthcare, taking care of those who need help,

Republicans used to understand this. But they have sold out to the capitalists. Do whatever it takes to keep them making money. The people are there to make money for the capitalists
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Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?
I'm socially liberal and fiscally conservative. I believe in a free market. I think government is what keeps us civilized and safe, not unlike the referee in a football game. I think we should include every citizen in government policy making. I think providing an equal start in life to every child and equal opportunity to every adult is smart and fair. I don't think a noble class is a good thing so estate taxes should be high.

I'm a Democrat.
I think government is what keeps us civilized and safe, not unlike the referee in a football game.
Let's hope the government does a better job at it than do football referees.
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?

The same thing that motivates me to vote for a Republican... or a Libertarian... or an Independent... or any other candidate. I think they will be the best person for the job out of all the other candidates. I believe they best represent me and my beliefs on varying issues.

I do not identify with any party these days. I am truly a moderate whatever. SOme issues I lean right, others left, and still others mean nothing to me.

I was a registered Republican for many, many years, though I did vote across party lines at times. Nowadays I am registered with no affiliation.
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I vote Democratic because I believe a baby needs a healthy life out of the womb

I believe that old people should have meals on wheels and affordable medications

I believe that we should not be judged by the color of our skin or lifestyle..but if you are a good person or not.

I believe that pre-existing conditions should not stop you from getting affordable health care

I feel that college should be affordable like it was for my generation

I feel that the Republicans line the pockets for the wealthy , while the dummies don't see that the middle class tax break is only for a few years..what a joke

I dislike the way the far right thinks that voting Republican is so Christian

I hate Paul Ryan, and McConnell and the other GOP snakes
Trey Gowdy is as creepy as they come.

Sent from my XT1575 using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
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I vote Democratic because I believe a baby needs a healthy life out of the womb

I believe that old people should have meals on wheels and affordable medications

I believe that we should not be judged by the color of our skin or lifestyle..but if you are a good person or not.

I believe that pre-existing conditions should not stop you from getting affordable health care

I feel that college should be affordable like it was for my generation

I feel that the Republicans line the pockets for the wealthy , while the dummies don't see that the middle class tax break is only for a few years..what a joke

I dislike the way the far right thinks that voting Republican is so Christian

I hate Paul Ryan, and McConnell and the other GOP snakes
Trey Gowdy is as creepy as they come.

Sent from my XT1575 using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
You've been brainwashed.
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?
I'm socially liberal and fiscally conservative. I believe in a free market. I think government is what keeps us civilized and safe, not unlike the referee in a football game. I think we should include every citizen in government policy making. I think providing an equal start in life to every child and equal opportunity to every adult is smart and fair. I don't think a noble class is a good thing so estate taxes should be high.

I'm a Democrat.
I think government is what keeps us civilized and safe, not unlike the referee in a football game.
Let's hope the government does a better job at it than do football referees.
The rules are made by the NFL in one case and Congress in the other. Congress makes the NFL look like a responsive, reasonable, representative body. Everything Congress is not.
There are three basic kinds of Democrat Voters.
The kind who hate Christians, or their fellow Christians.
The kind who hate White folks.
The kind who hate Rich People.
They can be broken down into sub categories after that.
The Democrat Politicians know this and they exploit it with their crass demagoguery.
I vote Democratic because I believe a baby needs a healthy life out of the womb

I believe that old people should have meals on wheels and affordable medications

I believe that we should not be judged by the color of our skin or lifestyle..but if you are a good person or not.

I believe that pre-existing conditions should not stop you from getting affordable health care

I feel that college should be affordable like it was for my generation

I feel that the Republicans line the pockets for the wealthy , while the dummies don't see that the middle class tax break is only for a few years..what a joke

I dislike the way the far right thinks that voting Republican is so Christian

I hate Paul Ryan, and McConnell and the other GOP snakes
Trey Gowdy is as creepy as they come.

Sent from my XT1575 using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
You've been brainwashed.

How so? Democrats actually fight for those things. Many are in the Democratic platform.

Democrat vs Republican - Difference and Comparison | Diffen
What motivates you to vote Democrat?

I would say the answer is obvious: Republicans.
And the motive to vote Republican: Democrats.

The American citizen is smart enough to know how to game the system where they favor common sense over ideology. This is seen in the 20th and 21st centuries presidential election results where we rarely allowed the presidency to be held by one political party for more than 8 straight years. The exceptions, FDR/Truman 1933-1953 and Reagan/Bush 1981-1993.

It's like having a boat where the rudder can only be held in left or right positions. We switch between them to move ahead so not to end up going in circles.
There are three basic kinds of Democrat Voters.
The kind who hate Christians, or their fellow Christians.
The kind who hate White folks.
The kind who hate Rich People.
They can be broken down into sub categories after that.
The Democrat Politicians know this and they exploit it with their crass demagoguery.
The kind who want to help those who need help and not mock them for their struggles
The kind who understand the strength and purpose of democratic government
The kind who are willing to make sacrifices today to protect our environment tomorrow
The kind who understand our role in the global community
Because I lived for many years in a liberal state, in an even more liberal county. then moved to a very conservative state in an even more conservative county. think this allows me to have a better view of how both sides see things. so not happy with either party . that said last election I voted Dem, Libertarian, Repub. am repulsed by the lock step mentality, anger, and hate I see promoted here on this board.
Most of us white working class people went to public schools, & because of how much personal effort we put in we have obtained what ever degree of success we have. the same people now are spewing negatives about public schools WHY? we have seen both party's give more to those that donate to them than to us that vote for them, WHY?
there view is divide us, & that allows them to control us. because there are always two sides to every thing a balanced government is the best solution.
oh my. you think i need your permission to do anything? anything at all? tsk tsk.... you are amusing. but i will indulge just a tad.


i'd say that clears it up just fine, cletus.

Hold on a minute...it’s 1861 and the government is depriving citizens of Constitutional rights...you wouldn’t respect the courage of citizens willing to take up arms against government to preserve your rights?
Most un-American filth tries real hard not to see it this way...you?

the right to own people? there's nothing to respect about that, bumpkin.

it's 2018. your side lost, & your flag is obsolete.

& you are still a racist.

Awfully ignorant and arrogant of you to think you should apply today’s mentality to 1861...no?
Those were the times, if you would have lived in those times and been even semi wealthy you would have owned slaves as well....you know this right?

uh-huh... i am female...so i didn't have any rights either back then. & you want to go back to enslaving us by repealing roe v wade.

you know this right?

Who said anything about going back and enslaving you? Are you schizophrenic?

follow the bouncing ball..... would you (personally & as a knuckledragging social conservative) vote for those that would outlaw a female's right to her own autonomy? if the answer is yes, then ya.... that's a form of slavery for any female.

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