What motivates you to vote Democrat?

There are different kinds of Democrat voters.
One kind is the lazy and unproductive who wants what others have but doesn't want to work for it so he votes for the party that promises to confiscate the wealth of others for his benefit.

oh no worries--- the (R) tax scam that just passed just doubled the inheritance tax cprotection ap, going from $11,000,000,000 to $22,000,000,000 that the unwashed masses can't get their hands on.....LOL...........
Thank you for the confirmation. LOL

that you were duped? you're welcome. btw, enjoy the extra $10-$20 per week going into your pocket for the next few years.... that is until it isn't anymore.............lol...............
I can easily articulate why I lean conservative.

My belief is that government should be only large enough to keep the peace and keep the trains running on time and other than that, stay the fuck out fo my life.

I don’t want a ticket if I decide to warm up my car in my own fucking driveway, for example. Punish the car theives, not me for letting my own car run in my own driveway.

That’s the basic difference between libs and cons. Libs want government to be their mommy from cradle to grave. Cons want more personal freedoms, in general.

Republicans and Cons are not necessarily synonymous. Most Congressional Republicans are corrupt deep state pieces of shit.

Most liberals would not dare say that about any Congressional Dems.....because they are cult followers.

nancy pelosi lost any respect i had for her the day she said impeachment was off the table for W.
There are different kinds of Democrat voters.
One kind is the lazy and unproductive who wants what others have but doesn't want to work for it so he votes for the party that promises to confiscate the wealth of others for his benefit.

oh no worries--- the (R) tax scam that just passed just doubled the inheritance tax cprotection ap, going from $11,000,000,000 to $22,000,000,000 that the unwashed masses can't get their hands on.....LOL...........
Thank you for the confirmation. LOL

that you were duped? you're welcome. btw, enjoy the extra $10-$20 per week going into your pocket for the next few years.... that is until it isn't anymore.............lol...............
10 bucks?

Oh my lord!

That justifies cutting corporate rates in half
There are different kinds of Democrat voters.
One kind is the lazy and unproductive who wants what others have but doesn't want to work for it so he votes for the party that promises to confiscate the wealth of others for his benefit.

oh no worries--- the (R) tax scam that just passed just doubled the inheritance tax cprotection ap, going from $11,000,000,000 to $22,000,000,000 that the unwashed masses can't get their hands on.....LOL...........
Thank you for the confirmation. LOL

that you were duped? you're welcome. btw, enjoy the extra $10-$20 per week going into your pocket for the next few years.... that is until it isn't anymore.............lol...............
10 bucks?

Oh my lord!

That justifies cutting corporate rates in half

an avg of $1600 a year... but that depends on your take home pay to begin with.... & a lot of deductions are gone. it kinda screws the middle class in the long run.....
There are different kinds of Democrat voters.
One kind is the lazy and unproductive who wants what others have but doesn't want to work for it so he votes for the party that promises to confiscate the wealth of others for his benefit.

oh no worries--- the (R) tax scam that just passed just doubled the inheritance tax cprotection ap, going from $11,000,000,000 to $22,000,000,000 that the unwashed masses can't get their hands on.....LOL...........
Thank you for the confirmation. LOL

that you were duped? you're welcome. btw, enjoy the extra $10-$20 per week going into your pocket for the next few years.... that is until it isn't anymore.............lol...............

There are different kinds of Democrat voters.
One kind is the lazy and unproductive who wants what others have but doesn't want to work for it so he votes for the party that promises to confiscate the wealth of others for his benefit.

oh no worries--- the (R) tax scam that just passed just doubled the inheritance tax cprotection ap, going from $11,000,000,000 to $22,000,000,000 that the unwashed masses can't get their hands on.....LOL...........
Thank you for the confirmation. LOL

that you were duped? you're welcome. btw, enjoy the extra $10-$20 per week going into your pocket for the next few years.... that is until it isn't anymore.............lol...............
10 bucks?

Oh my lord!

That justifies cutting corporate rates in half

an avg of $1600 a year... but that depends on your take home pay to begin with.... & a lot of deductions are gone. it kinda screws the middle class in the long run.....

“I saw the statement for my first paycheck for this Friday that uses the new tax rates. I cleared an extra $70. I get paid every two weeks so over the year that amount will be $1820. My wife's should be similar since we make about the same amount. Plus throw in the extra $1,000 child tax credit and by the end of this year we'll have an extra $4,000 to $5,000 in our pockets we wouldn't have had if the new tax legislation hadn't passed. I can use a lot of this money to pay down my student loans faster. We've also talked about redoing our master bathroom.

When will Democrats stop lying and claiming that this legislation won't help the middle class?” -
Dont Taz Me Bro
There are different kinds of Democrat voters.
One kind is the lazy and unproductive who wants what others have but doesn't want to work for it so he votes for the party that promises to confiscate the wealth of others for his benefit.

oh no worries--- the (R) tax scam that just passed just doubled the inheritance tax cprotection ap, going from $11,000,000,000 to $22,000,000,000 that the unwashed masses can't get their hands on.....LOL...........
Thank you for the confirmation. LOL

that you were duped? you're welcome. btw, enjoy the extra $10-$20 per week going into your pocket for the next few years.... that is until it isn't anymore.............lol...............
10 bucks?

Oh my lord!

That justifies cutting corporate rates in half

an avg of $1600 a year... but that depends on your take home pay to begin with.... & a lot of deductions are gone. it kinda screws the middle class in the long run.....

I looked at my situation
I will save money on taxes but lose $14,000 in deductions

I am hoping it is a wash

It also screws charities as more people will no longer itemize
There are different kinds of Democrat voters.
One kind is the lazy and unproductive who wants what others have but doesn't want to work for it so he votes for the party that promises to confiscate the wealth of others for his benefit.

oh no worries--- the (R) tax scam that just passed just doubled the inheritance tax cprotection ap, going from $11,000,000,000 to $22,000,000,000 that the unwashed masses can't get their hands on.....LOL...........
Thank you for the confirmation. LOL

that you were duped? you're welcome. btw, enjoy the extra $10-$20 per week going into your pocket for the next few years.... that is until it isn't anymore.............lol...............

oh no worries--- the (R) tax scam that just passed just doubled the inheritance tax cprotection ap, going from $11,000,000,000 to $22,000,000,000 that the unwashed masses can't get their hands on.....LOL...........
Thank you for the confirmation. LOL

that you were duped? you're welcome. btw, enjoy the extra $10-$20 per week going into your pocket for the next few years.... that is until it isn't anymore.............lol...............
10 bucks?

Oh my lord!

That justifies cutting corporate rates in half

an avg of $1600 a year... but that depends on your take home pay to begin with.... & a lot of deductions are gone. it kinda screws the middle class in the long run.....

“I saw the statement for my first paycheck for this Friday that uses the new tax rates. I cleared an extra $70. I get paid every two weeks so over the year that amount will be $1820. My wife's should be similar since we make about the same amount. Plus throw in the extra $1,000 child tax credit and by the end of this year we'll have an extra $4,000 to $5,000 in our pockets we wouldn't have had if the new tax legislation hadn't passed. I can use a lot of this money to pay down my student loans faster. We've also talked about redoing our master bathroom.

When will Democrats stop lying and claiming that this legislation won't help the middle class?” -
Dont Taz Me Bro

i believe any student loan interest deductions are gone...........
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?
I'll be transparent and honest. But first I'd like to comment on some of the previous posts. There are some without a comprehensive knowledge of PoliticalScience. These folks project hard baked attitudes about Democrats and Liberals that must have been developed by some perverse fandom to talk radio and the partisan propaganda that is the stock and trade of the 'pundits' plying their talking points.

These unfortunate fellow citizens revel in the division, the tribalism that has poisoned our national political discourse. As they have no knowledge of Political Science they fail to realize that our republic is born of and relies upon compromise. Their warped attitudes throw sand into the gears of governance. They actively seek to destroy our system by partisan authoritarianism. Their misinformed disparagement of any fellow citizen who disagrees with them not only coarseness our discourse but causes unnecessary and possibly irreparable harm to our nation.

Now, why I vote a Democrat ticket is primarily history. I voted against Richard Nixon in 1972 and I have been voting against Republican policy ever since. I I vote for great education, environmental protection, workplace safety, expansion of rights to minorities and women and workers.

I vote for a government where all Americans can come together for a greater good, not a privatized system extending greater benefit to the haves while repressing the have nots. I vote for great roads and ports and city services. I vote for fairness for all and not giving those who already have advantages greater advantage.

That's what motivates me to vote Democrat.
There are different kinds of Democrat voters.
One kind is the lazy and unproductive who wants what others have but doesn't want to work for it so he votes for the party that promises to confiscate the wealth of others for his benefit.

oh no worries--- the (R) tax scam that just passed just doubled the inheritance tax cprotection ap, going from $11,000,000,000 to $22,000,000,000 that the unwashed masses can't get their hands on.....LOL...........
Thank you for the confirmation. LOL

that you were duped? you're welcome. btw, enjoy the extra $10-$20 per week going into your pocket for the next few years.... that is until it isn't anymore.............lol...............
You're butthurt because Trump's policies don't benefit the lazy and unproductive. The Kenyan isn't president anymore, you're gonna have to get a job now. :itsok:
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?
I'll be transparent and honest. But first I'd like to comment on some of the previous posts. There are some without a comprehensive knowledge of PoliticalScience. These folks project hard baked attitudes about Democrats and Liberals that must have been developed by some perverse fandom to talk radio and the partisan propaganda that is the stock and trade of the 'pundits' plying their talking points.

These unfortunate fellow citizens revel in the division, the tribalism that has poisoned our national political discourse. As they have no knowledge of Political Science they fail to realize that our republic is born of and relies upon compromise. Their warped attitudes throw sand into the gears of governance. They actively seek to destroy our system by partisan authoritarianism. Their misinformed disparagement of any fellow citizen who disagrees with them not only coarseness our discourse but causes unnecessary and possibly irreparable harm to our nation.

Now, why I vote a Democrat ticket is primarily history. I voted against Richard Nixon in 1972 and I have been voting against Republican policy ever since. I I vote for great education, environmental protection, workplace safety, expansion of rights to minorities and women and workers.

I vote for a government where all Americans can come together for a greater good, not a privatized system extending greater benefit to the haves while repressing the have nots. I vote for great roads and ports and city services. I vote for fairness for all and not giving those who already have advantages greater advantage.

That's what motivates me to vote Democrat.

Lots of word games have been played in this thread...it’s actually quite entertaining to hear all the not so clever ways to frame and package the same old shit....I mean, your wordplay is pretty damn slick but just beneath the first layer of warm and fuzzy lies the same shit.
To sum it up:

“I vote for the party that promises to steal the most from our most productive to fund the most free shit for our lowest grade.”
an avg of $1600 a year... but that depends on your take home pay to begin with.... & a lot of deductions are gone. it kinda screws the middle class in the long run.....

What deductions have the middle class lost?
an avg of $1600 a year... but that depends on your take home pay to begin with.... & a lot of deductions are gone. it kinda screws the middle class in the long run.....

What deductions have the middle class lost?

To reconcile all this, the legislation proposed eliminating or capping many deductions that people currently take. To make these concessions more palatable to the public, the bill increases the current “standard deduction” to taxpayers—which for 2018 is sixty-five hundred dollars per person and thirteen thousand dollars per couple—to around twelve thousand dollars per person and twenty-four thousand dollars per couple. While this increased standard deduction sounds good, it is not enough to make up for all of the other kinds of deductions that are being lost (or capped), including those for mortgage interest, local taxes, medical expenses, and personal exemptions. Republicans are effectively giving many taxpayers a tax break while taking it away at the same time.

The Republican Tax Plan Contains More Middle-Class Pain Than Even Its Critics Are Saying
There are different kinds of Democrat voters.
One kind is the lazy and unproductive who wants what others have but doesn't want to work for it so he votes for the party that promises to confiscate the wealth of others for his benefit.

oh no worries--- the (R) tax scam that just passed just doubled the inheritance tax cprotection ap, going from $11,000,000,000 to $22,000,000,000 that the unwashed masses can't get their hands on.....LOL...........
Thank you for the confirmation. LOL

that you were duped? you're welcome. btw, enjoy the extra $10-$20 per week going into your pocket for the next few years.... that is until it isn't anymore.............lol...............
You're butthurt because Trump's policies don't benefit the lazy and unproductive. The Kenyan isn't president anymore, you're gonna have to get a job now. :itsok:

uh-huh. my mortgage is paid off, i haven't paid interest on my credit cards in years & my 3 vehicles have no loans on them albeit my 'newest' car is a 2007. my life is quite comfy but that doesn't mean i don't have empathy for those less fortunate. that makes me a 'liberal' to you, right?
an avg of $1600 a year... but that depends on your take home pay to begin with.... & a lot of deductions are gone. it kinda screws the middle class in the long run.....

What deductions have the middle class lost?

Tax reform: 9 tax deductions are going away in 2018

Tax reform: 9 tax deductions are going away in 2018

The personal exemption was replaced with a larger standard deduction, so that's basically a wash. The mortgage interest deduction is still good for homes up to $750k, so the only people losing out there are wealthier people, not really middle class. The rest of the stuff listed are a small amount and/or hardly used How often do people move more than 50 miles away? How often do people have a loss to property theft? I can see maybe the job expenses and transit reimbursement having more of an effect, but between the reduction in rates and increase in other credits (child tax credit) most people will end up ahead or at the very least even.
an avg of $1600 a year... but that depends on your take home pay to begin with.... & a lot of deductions are gone. it kinda screws the middle class in the long run.....

What deductions have the middle class lost?

To reconcile all this, the legislation proposed eliminating or capping many deductions that people currently take. To make these concessions more palatable to the public, the bill increases the current “standard deduction” to taxpayers—which for 2018 is sixty-five hundred dollars per person and thirteen thousand dollars per couple—to around twelve thousand dollars per person and twenty-four thousand dollars per couple. While this increased standard deduction sounds good, it is not enough to make up for all of the other kinds of deductions that are being lost (or capped), including those for mortgage interest, local taxes, medical expenses, and personal exemptions. Republicans are effectively giving many taxpayers a tax break while taking it away at the same time.

The Republican Tax Plan Contains More Middle-Class Pain Than Even Its Critics Are Saying

That's one person's opinion. People keep bringing up the mortgage deduction despite the fact it only affects people with homes valued at more than $750k. I find it amusing that Democrats are concerned about people who can afford homes four times the national average.

As I pointed out in another thread, my wife and I are due to come out around $4k - $5k ahead this year.

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