What motivates you to vote Democrat?

I agree, most Hispanics are by their very nature religious and socially conservative

They should fit right in to the Republican Party

But two thirds of Hispanics vote Democratic. Think of how much Republicans have to piss off Hispanics to lose a vote that should be theirs

The answer seems to be the Republicans embracing of the alt-right. The element Hillary called the deplorables. The element that hates all immigration, denigrates Hispanics, pushes vindictive legislation
That was the choice Republicans made

Haha...Democrats have sold their asses for constituency...like you, they’ve shit all over the U.S. Constitution, they’re willing to give our nation to Mexico so long as they’re assured control of D.C.
They’re literally committing treason and genocide daily...many should hang in public for their corrupt bullshit.
We are a constitutional nation of law, order and precedent and Democrats can’t fucking stand that...their only pathway to control is through compromising law and the constitution and by displacing Americans with ignorant thirdworlders. You know this...but you can’t dare admit it to yourself.

Quite a screed ya got there

Doesn't address why Hispanics won't vote Republican
It's pretty obvious. Democrats pay them for their vote.


Why don't they just play back all the shit Republicans say about them?
Yeah, why don't they, instead of making shit up and twisting statements? The only way Democrats get ANYBODY to vote for them is to offer them something for nothing. Just look at their base. It's a patchwork of special interest, single issue voters, ALL of them with a hand out.

No twisting required.....

Goes something like this........

Donald Trump kicked off his presidential bid more than a year ago with harsh words for Mexico. “They are not our friend, believe me,” he said, before disparaging Mexican immigrants: “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Donald J. Trump


When will the U.S. stop sending $'s to our enemies, i.e. Mexico and others.

Donald J. Trump


Mexico's court system corrupt.I want nothing to do with Mexico other than to build an impenetrable WALL and stop them from ripping off U.S.
Haha...Democrats have sold their asses for constituency...like you, they’ve shit all over the U.S. Constitution, they’re willing to give our nation to Mexico so long as they’re assured control of D.C.
They’re literally committing treason and genocide daily...many should hang in public for their corrupt bullshit.
We are a constitutional nation of law, order and precedent and Democrats can’t fucking stand that...their only pathway to control is through compromising law and the constitution and by displacing Americans with ignorant thirdworlders. You know this...but you can’t dare admit it to yourself.

Quite a screed ya got there

Doesn't address why Hispanics won't vote Republican
It's pretty obvious. Democrats pay them for their vote.


Why don't they just play back all the shit Republicans say about them?
Yeah, why don't they, instead of making shit up and twisting statements? The only way Democrats get ANYBODY to vote for them is to offer them something for nothing. Just look at their base. It's a patchwork of special interest, single issue voters, ALL of them with a hand out.

No twisting required.....

Goes something like this........

Donald Trump kicked off his presidential bid more than a year ago with harsh words for Mexico. “They are not our friend, believe me,” he said, before disparaging Mexican immigrants: “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Donald J. Trump


When will the U.S. stop sending $'s to our enemies, i.e. Mexico and others.

Donald J. Trump


Mexico's court system corrupt.I want nothing to do with Mexico other than to build an impenetrable WALL and stop them from ripping off U.S.
Mexicans living in this country know that Mexico is corrupt and they know they're sending their rapists and murderers here. It's no secret. They vote Dem because the Dems pay them for their vote. You know it and I know it.
Haha...Democrats have sold their asses for constituency...like you, they’ve shit all over the U.S. Constitution, they’re willing to give our nation to Mexico so long as they’re assured control of D.C.
They’re literally committing treason and genocide daily...many should hang in public for their corrupt bullshit.
We are a constitutional nation of law, order and precedent and Democrats can’t fucking stand that...their only pathway to control is through compromising law and the constitution and by displacing Americans with ignorant thirdworlders. You know this...but you can’t dare admit it to yourself.

Quite a screed ya got there

Doesn't address why Hispanics won't vote Republican
It's pretty obvious. Democrats pay them for their vote.


Why don't they just play back all the shit Republicans say about them?
Yeah, why don't they, instead of making shit up and twisting statements? The only way Democrats get ANYBODY to vote for them is to offer them something for nothing. Just look at their base. It's a patchwork of special interest, single issue voters, ALL of them with a hand out.

No twisting required.....

Goes something like this........

Donald Trump kicked off his presidential bid more than a year ago with harsh words for Mexico. “They are not our friend, believe me,” he said, before disparaging Mexican immigrants: “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Donald J. Trump


When will the U.S. stop sending $'s to our enemies, i.e. Mexico and others.

Donald J. Trump


Mexico's court system corrupt.I want nothing to do with Mexico other than to build an impenetrable WALL and stop them from ripping off U.S.

Yeah that's so awful ,wanting our citizens secured in a world that's so volatile.
Quite a screed ya got there

Doesn't address why Hispanics won't vote Republican
It's pretty obvious. Democrats pay them for their vote.


Why don't they just play back all the shit Republicans say about them?
Yeah, why don't they, instead of making shit up and twisting statements? The only way Democrats get ANYBODY to vote for them is to offer them something for nothing. Just look at their base. It's a patchwork of special interest, single issue voters, ALL of them with a hand out.

No twisting required.....

Goes something like this........

Donald Trump kicked off his presidential bid more than a year ago with harsh words for Mexico. “They are not our friend, believe me,” he said, before disparaging Mexican immigrants: “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Donald J. Trump


When will the U.S. stop sending $'s to our enemies, i.e. Mexico and others.

Donald J. Trump


Mexico's court system corrupt.I want nothing to do with Mexico other than to build an impenetrable WALL and stop them from ripping off U.S.

Yeah that's so awful ,wanting our citizens secured in a world that's so volatile.

Fear mongering

Fear Mexicans
Fear Muslims
Fear minorities
It's pretty obvious. Democrats pay them for their vote.


Why don't they just play back all the shit Republicans say about them?
Yeah, why don't they, instead of making shit up and twisting statements? The only way Democrats get ANYBODY to vote for them is to offer them something for nothing. Just look at their base. It's a patchwork of special interest, single issue voters, ALL of them with a hand out.

No twisting required.....

Goes something like this........

Donald Trump kicked off his presidential bid more than a year ago with harsh words for Mexico. “They are not our friend, believe me,” he said, before disparaging Mexican immigrants: “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Donald J. Trump


When will the U.S. stop sending $'s to our enemies, i.e. Mexico and others.

Donald J. Trump


Mexico's court system corrupt.I want nothing to do with Mexico other than to build an impenetrable WALL and stop them from ripping off U.S.

Yeah that's so awful ,wanting our citizens secured in a world that's so volatile.

Fear mongering

Fear Mexicans
Fear Muslims
Fear minorities
Fear mongering? You mean like telling black people that Republicans want to put them all back in chains?
It's pretty obvious. Democrats pay them for their vote.


Why don't they just play back all the shit Republicans say about them?
Yeah, why don't they, instead of making shit up and twisting statements? The only way Democrats get ANYBODY to vote for them is to offer them something for nothing. Just look at their base. It's a patchwork of special interest, single issue voters, ALL of them with a hand out.

No twisting required.....

Goes something like this........

Donald Trump kicked off his presidential bid more than a year ago with harsh words for Mexico. “They are not our friend, believe me,” he said, before disparaging Mexican immigrants: “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Donald J. Trump


When will the U.S. stop sending $'s to our enemies, i.e. Mexico and others.

Donald J. Trump


Mexico's court system corrupt.I want nothing to do with Mexico other than to build an impenetrable WALL and stop them from ripping off U.S.

Yeah that's so awful ,wanting our citizens secured in a world that's so volatile.

Fear mongering

Fear Mexicans
Fear Muslims
Fear minorities
Are you a mind reader or a shrink? Because you are a farking genius.
This topic is just a tard excuse to build straw men. To deny whatever reasons people give for voting Democrat and say, "Nuh uh! You vote Democrat because you hate Merka!"

Off Topic:
Open boarders is what Merkel is doing, same as the Dems.
Is anybody in the U.S. advocating for unrestricted immigration?

When did the U.S. last have open borders (unrestricted/unqualified immigration)? AFAIK, not since 1790 when the Naturalization Act of 1790 became law. (See also: Naturalization Act of 1790 | Densho Encyclopedia)

Though EU countries have unrestricted immigration for residents of other EU countries, even they don't have unrestricted immigration..

Additional reading:
Probably the Republicans motivate me to vote Democrat. Not all of them. I would probably have picked Kasich over Hillary, although anyone would have been better than Trump, even Jeb Bush.

Sometimes I've been pissed off at both at voted Libertarian or independent, even write in. But it's a waste to do that in a presidential election, unless there is no one I am voting against that I definitely wouldn't want to win.
Well when you start seeing less taxes taken out of your income tax, you make sure you donate back to the IRS and towards the debt that Obama increased 9.5 trillion. That way you can make President Trump look good, but then you wont feel guilty spending it, thus stimulating the economy, making President Trump look good? Dang, it seems the President has done something that no matter what you do, he is going to look good. bwaahhhhaaahhhhaa, he is a genius.....
The rich had to get bailed out, last time. Why do they get rewarded with low taxes, this time?

A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and healthcare reform!
Putting people in powerful jobs who have zero experience in those areas. who are making big mistakes that will hurt us all.
It's pretty obvious. Democrats pay them for their vote.


Why don't they just play back all the shit Republicans say about them?
Yeah, why don't they, instead of making shit up and twisting statements? The only way Democrats get ANYBODY to vote for them is to offer them something for nothing. Just look at their base. It's a patchwork of special interest, single issue voters, ALL of them with a hand out.

No twisting required.....

Goes something like this........

Donald Trump kicked off his presidential bid more than a year ago with harsh words for Mexico. “They are not our friend, believe me,” he said, before disparaging Mexican immigrants: “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Donald J. Trump


When will the U.S. stop sending $'s to our enemies, i.e. Mexico and others.

Donald J. Trump


Mexico's court system corrupt.I want nothing to do with Mexico other than to build an impenetrable WALL and stop them from ripping off U.S.

Yeah that's so awful ,wanting our citizens secured in a world that's so volatile.

Fear mongering

Fear Mexicans
Fear Muslims
Fear minorities

fascism tenet #3:

3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause - The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.

The 14 defining Characteristics Of Fascism
Haha...Democrats have sold their asses for constituency...like you, they’ve shit all over the U.S. Constitution, they’re willing to give our nation to Mexico so long as they’re assured control of D.C.
They’re literally committing treason and genocide daily...many should hang in public for their corrupt bullshit.
We are a constitutional nation of law, order and precedent and Democrats can’t fucking stand that...their only pathway to control is through compromising law and the constitution and by displacing Americans with ignorant thirdworlders. You know this...but you can’t dare admit it to yourself.

Quite a screed ya got there

Doesn't address why Hispanics won't vote Republican
It's pretty obvious. Democrats pay them for their vote.


Why don't they just play back all the shit Republicans say about them?
Yeah, why don't they, instead of making shit up and twisting statements? The only way Democrats get ANYBODY to vote for them is to offer them something for nothing. Just look at their base. It's a patchwork of special interest, single issue voters, ALL of them with a hand out.

The Dems are using them, just so they can stay in power.
It sick.
How well has anyone done under their policies?
The war on poverty has caused more to be on government assistance rather than getting them out of it.
The Dems are using them, just so they can stay in power.
The economic exigencies appertaining to immigration have nothing to do with either party's aims to retain political power. They have everything to do with U.S. birth rates being too low to support the demand U.S. employers have for labor. It's really that basic. Can one evaluate the empirical impacts of greater and lesser quantities of immigrants becoming residents/citizens of the U.S. and show further that U.S. GDP is greater with immigration (or more of it than we currently have) than without it? Yes. Numerous economists have done so and done so soundly/cogently.
It's pretty obvious. Democrats pay them for their vote.


Why don't they just play back all the shit Republicans say about them?
Yeah, why don't they, instead of making shit up and twisting statements? The only way Democrats get ANYBODY to vote for them is to offer them something for nothing. Just look at their base. It's a patchwork of special interest, single issue voters, ALL of them with a hand out.

No twisting required.....

Goes something like this........

Donald Trump kicked off his presidential bid more than a year ago with harsh words for Mexico. “They are not our friend, believe me,” he said, before disparaging Mexican immigrants: “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Donald J. Trump


When will the U.S. stop sending $'s to our enemies, i.e. Mexico and others.

Donald J. Trump


Mexico's court system corrupt.I want nothing to do with Mexico other than to build an impenetrable WALL and stop them from ripping off U.S.

Yeah that's so awful ,wanting our citizens secured in a world that's so volatile.

Fear mongering

Fear Mexicans
Fear Muslims
Fear minorities

Not fear at all.
This is America where people are welcome but restrictions must be enforced, not continual amnesty .
That's how were getting the criminals, just like Europe.
I am a registered Republican & hsave been 96% of my voting life.

I vote the following issues not in any particular order

1) Environmental protection
2) Healthcare like the ACA & hopes to single payer
3) Pro Education
4) Pro Science
5) Fight global warming
6) Fair Trade
7) Open fair elections
8) Maintenance of safety net
9) Social Security & Medicare
10) equal rights & access for all
11) The right for workers to organize
12) People over corporations & party
13) redistribution of wealth back toward the middle class
14) Truth in politics
15) The right for women to choose.
16) Separation of church & state
17) Balanced Budgets
18) No subsidies for fossil fuels
19) Green energy
20) better treatment for animals

It is my fault Democrat candidates better fit than Republicans?

Republicans used to fit. There were Republican candidates for President that hit a lot of my issues.
I am a registered Republican & hsave been 96% of my voting life.
And you are a fucking liar. #2 right there PROVES you are a fucking COMMIE bastard and need to be aborted with what little brain matter to be sucked out...
Quite a screed ya got there

Doesn't address why Hispanics won't vote Republican
It's pretty obvious. Democrats pay them for their vote.


Why don't they just play back all the shit Republicans say about them?
Yeah, why don't they, instead of making shit up and twisting statements? The only way Democrats get ANYBODY to vote for them is to offer them something for nothing. Just look at their base. It's a patchwork of special interest, single issue voters, ALL of them with a hand out.

The Dems are using them, just so they can stay in power.
It sick.
How well has anyone done under their policies?
The war on poverty has caused more to be on government assistance rather than getting them out of it.
The Dems are using them, just so they can stay in power.
The economic exigencies appertaining to immigration have nothing to do with either party's aims to retain political power. They have everything to do with U.S. birth rates being too low to support the demand U.S. employers have for labor. It's really that basic. Can one evaluate the empirical impacts of greater and lesser quantities of immigrants becoming residents/citizens of the U.S. and show further that U.S. GDP is greater with immigration (or more of it than we currently have) than without it? Yes. Numerous economists have done so and done so soundly/cogently.
They have everything to do with U.S. birth rates being too low to support the demand U.S. employers have for labor.
Another crock of shit, for if the Liberals didn't kill 300,000 unborn and born future Democrat voters a year, the birth rate would be fine. But thanks, because with the migration of illegals back across the border, soon the Democrat Party wont exist anymore.
It's pretty obvious. Democrats pay them for their vote.


Why don't they just play back all the shit Republicans say about them?
Yeah, why don't they, instead of making shit up and twisting statements? The only way Democrats get ANYBODY to vote for them is to offer them something for nothing. Just look at their base. It's a patchwork of special interest, single issue voters, ALL of them with a hand out.

The Dems are using them, just so they can stay in power.
It sick.
How well has anyone done under their policies?
The war on poverty has caused more to be on government assistance rather than getting them out of it.
The Dems are using them, just so they can stay in power.
The economic exigencies appertaining to immigration have nothing to do with either party's aims to retain political power. They have everything to do with U.S. birth rates being too low to support the demand U.S. employers have for labor. It's really that basic. Can one evaluate the empirical impacts of greater and lesser quantities of immigrants becoming residents/citizens of the U.S. and show further that U.S. GDP is greater with immigration (or more of it than we currently have) than without it? Yes. Numerous economists have done so and done so soundly/cogently.
They have everything to do with U.S. birth rates being too low to support the demand U.S. employers have for labor.
Another crock of shit, for if the Liberals didn't kill 300,000 unborn and born future Democrat voters a year, the birth rate would be fine. But thanks, because with the migration of illegals back across the border, soon the Democrat Party wont exist anymore.
Another crock of shit

By all means, "Milton," I'd love to see your sound positive (empirical) economics refutation of the content presented in any of the papers to which I linked in post 175. Here -- Measuring the Economic Impact of Immigration: A Scoping Paper -- I'll even give you a "head start" for developing the positive argument that gives soundness to your normative conclusion(s).

It is no crime to be ignorant of economics, which is, after all, a specialized discipline and one that most people consider to be a "dismal science." But it is totally irresponsible to have a loud and vociferous opinion on economic subjects while remaining in this state of ignorance.
-- Murray N. Rothbard​

Why don't they just play back all the shit Republicans say about them?
Yeah, why don't they, instead of making shit up and twisting statements? The only way Democrats get ANYBODY to vote for them is to offer them something for nothing. Just look at their base. It's a patchwork of special interest, single issue voters, ALL of them with a hand out.

The Dems are using them, just so they can stay in power.
It sick.
How well has anyone done under their policies?
The war on poverty has caused more to be on government assistance rather than getting them out of it.
The Dems are using them, just so they can stay in power.
The economic exigencies appertaining to immigration have nothing to do with either party's aims to retain political power. They have everything to do with U.S. birth rates being too low to support the demand U.S. employers have for labor. It's really that basic. Can one evaluate the empirical impacts of greater and lesser quantities of immigrants becoming residents/citizens of the U.S. and show further that U.S. GDP is greater with immigration (or more of it than we currently have) than without it? Yes. Numerous economists have done so and done so soundly/cogently.
They have everything to do with U.S. birth rates being too low to support the demand U.S. employers have for labor.
Another crock of shit, for if the Liberals didn't kill 300,000 unborn and born future Democrat voters a year, the birth rate would be fine. But thanks, because with the migration of illegals back across the border, soon the Democrat Party wont exist anymore.
Another crock of shit

By all means, "Milton," I'd love to see your sound positive (empirical) economics refutation of the content presented in any of the papers to which I linked in post 175. Here -- Measuring the Economic Impact of Immigration: A Scoping Paper -- I'll even give you a "head start" for developing the positive argument that gives soundness to your normative conclusion(s).

It is no crime to be ignorant of economics, which is, after all, a specialized discipline and one that most people consider to be a "dismal science." But it is totally irresponsible to have a loud and vociferous opinion on economic subjects while remaining in this state of ignorance.
-- Murray N. Rothbard​

Only 1 thing that you left out "ILLEGAL". Doesn't fit into your narrative, when those crossing the border pay no taxes and their ANCHORS suck the rest of our Taxes through FREE STUFF...Trying to teach you is like teaching a rat to go through a maze. Rats are smarter because they actually learn...

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