What motivates you to vote Democrat?

Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?
I'm not a democrat but if I could make the day worse for RW white supremacists like you, I'd jump at the chance.

What makes me a white supremacist? I have no problem with good quality Blacks and Hispanics... I have many whom are friends and or employees. It's the illegals and the filth that I fucking hate. I hate white trash all the same. Where ya gonna go with that one?
Stop right there. Second line of your link -- the one that looks like it was generated in 1993 on Windows 3.1 by some clod in his mother's basement..

For the first thirty-three years of that period (1882 to 1915) the Klan didn't even EXIST.
ALREADY you're full of shit. Second line.

Nice source, Jockomo.
Some people have trouble accepting the truth.
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

You sure do. That's why I have to keep posting it.
It's also why I keep previous spankings bookmarked ---- some of which have your name on them. And yet here you are again, expecting different results.

Get back on the short bus, Shorty. You ain't anywhere near ready for this.
Yeah, the History Channel is lying. You're not entitled to your own facts, Jack. You lose (again).

The History Channel link is inaccurate ---- 1866 instead of 1865 for example --- and sloppily written, but other than those details it confirms what I already wrote, both in this thread and in the past.

And I quote:

>> A group including many former Confederate veterans founded the first branch of the Ku Klux Klan as a social club in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1866. The first two words of the organization’s name supposedly derived from the Greek word “kyklos,” meaning circle. <<​

It's actually 1865, and it's actually kuklos, and it was derived from the then-popular college fraternity Kuklos Adelphon, which was an obvious model, and I gave the names of all six, and the date, and the address. And I already noted they were ex-soldiers in their 20s who had no political affiliations, and I posted the sign with their names on it, which also has the 1865 date. DUH.

And then I gave the name, date and place of the re-founding in 1915. Which your page doesn't even mention. Because my sources are way more complete.

Prove any of that wrong. It's an open book test.

You can't do it.
Sure, buddy. You're the expert. You know more than the historians, that's why you have your own tv show. No wait, you're just an anonymous douchebag on a discussion forum trying to peddle bullshit. Off you go.

Nope. I just read history. That's all I have to do. That's all ANYBODY has to do.

As I said --- you can't do it. I was right. You were wrong.

The amazing thing is you were wrong about the same shit two, three, four years ago and I got you told then too. Yet here you are again clamoring to be wrong yet again. And I can look 'em up and quote ''em too.

So how are the seats on the Special bus? Comfy?
And you never finished 3rd grade either? Now watch little kid, and learn...Pull your head out of Uranus.

History Of The Democrats And The KKK.....(Why the Democrats started the KKK)

Stop right there. Second line of your link -- the one that looks like it was generated in 1993 on Windows 3.1 by some clod in his mother's basement..

For the first thirty-three years of that period (1882 to 1915) the Klan didn't even EXIST.
ALREADY you're full of shit. Second line.

Nice source, Jockomo.
Some people have trouble accepting the truth.
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

You sure do. That's why I have to keep posting it.
It's also why I keep previous spankings bookmarked ---- some of which have your name on them. And yet here you are again, expecting different results.

Get back on the short bus, Shorty. You ain't anywhere near ready for this.
Yeah, the History Channel is lying. You're not entitled to your own facts, Jack. You lose (again).

History Channel also believes in ancient aliens
They are no longer credible

Tailfin-boi trots that link out over and over thinking that somewhere in there it backs his mythology. He should actually read it one of these years.

The History Channel is a commercial operation. They're selling eyeballs to advertisers, so their motivation is volume, not accuracy. That's why their synopsis is vaguely accurate but sloppy on the details. Me, I like my sources to be academic rather than commercial.
The truth about the Democratic Party's racist history makes little pogo crazy. I like watching his desperation as he tries to rewrite history on a message board. Priceless.

History Channel also believes in ancient aliens
They are no longer credible
They're not giving your version of history, therefore they are no longer credible. We know how that works, don't we? ;)


Believing in spacemen building the pyramids and knights Templar burying the arc of the covenant on Oak Island is not a version of history
History Channel also believes in ancient aliens
They are no longer credible
They're not giving your version of history, therefore they are no longer credible. We know how that works, don't we? ;)

There is no "version". There are only facts. In this case they got the part right about the founders being six ex-soldiers founding a social club and the location, while they got the date and the spelling of "kuklos" wrong.

The thing is --- I already PROVED that BEFORE you posted it. And then you posted it anyway.

Special Bus.
History Channel also believes in ancient aliens
They are no longer credible
They're not giving your version of history, therefore they are no longer credible. We know how that works, don't we? ;)

There is no "version". There are only facts. In this case they got the part right about the founders being six ex-soldiers founding a social club and the location, while they got the date and the spelling of "kuklos" wrong.

The thing is --- I already PROVED that BEFORE you posted it. And then you posted it anyway.

Special Bus.
Your rebuttal of history is based on the spelling of a word. That's the blabbering you've been reduced to. Go fetch, li'l pogo. :lol:

What motivates me for vote "democrat:? First, I can spell. It's "Democratic." Secondly, take a look at the policies that the Republicans are trying to put into place as law. Absolute shit trying to destroy our society and our freedoms.
What motivates me to vote democrat? The party's stance on net neutrality. As No. 43 would say, long live "The Internets"!
History Channel also believes in ancient aliens
They are no longer credible
They're not giving your version of history, therefore they are no longer credible. We know how that works, don't we? ;)

There is no "version". There are only facts. In this case they got the part right about the founders being six ex-soldiers founding a social club and the location, while they got the date and the spelling of "kuklos" wrong.

The thing is --- I already PROVED that BEFORE you posted it. And then you posted it anyway.

Special Bus.
Your rebuttal of history is based on the spelling of a word. That's the blabbering you've been reduced to. Go fetch, li'l pogo. :lol:

The variant spelling of kuklos is not an issue, even if it is the shiny object you now want to fixate on as all you have left. The point remains your own link refuted you, even though it was sloppily assembled. I gave you (again) a complete list of names, dates and places and challenged you to connect any of those dots to any political parties --- and you can't do it. And we both KNOW you can't do it, because this challenge is years old and you've been asswhupped on it before.

And yet ------------- here you come again somehow deluding yourself that "THIS time maybe I'll get away with it". :auiqs.jpg:

Special Bus.
History Channel also believes in ancient aliens
They are no longer credible
They're not giving your version of history, therefore they are no longer credible. We know how that works, don't we? ;)

There is no "version". There are only facts. In this case they got the part right about the founders being six ex-soldiers founding a social club and the location, while they got the date and the spelling of "kuklos" wrong.

The thing is --- I already PROVED that BEFORE you posted it. And then you posted it anyway.

Special Bus.
Your rebuttal of history is based on the spelling of a word. That's the blabbering you've been reduced to. Go fetch, li'l pogo. :lol:

The variant spelling of kuklos is not an issue, even if it is the shiny object you now want to fixate on as all you have left. The point remains your own link refuted you, even though it was sloppily assembled. I gave you (again) a complete list of names, dates and places and challenged you to connect any of those dots to any political parties --- and you can't do it. And we both KNOW you can't do it, because this challenge is years old and you've been asswhupped on it before.

And yet ------------- here you come again somehow deluding yourself that "THIS time maybe I'll get away with it". :auiqs.jpg:

Special Bus.
You had nothing then and you have nothing now, everyone knows it. PS, you don't need to sign your posts, we know who you are.
History Channel also believes in ancient aliens
They are no longer credible
They're not giving your version of history, therefore they are no longer credible. We know how that works, don't we? ;)

There is no "version". There are only facts. In this case they got the part right about the founders being six ex-soldiers founding a social club and the location, while they got the date and the spelling of "kuklos" wrong.

The thing is --- I already PROVED that BEFORE you posted it. And then you posted it anyway.

Special Bus.
Your rebuttal of history is based on the spelling of a word. That's the blabbering you've been reduced to. Go fetch, li'l pogo. :lol:

The variant spelling of kuklos is not an issue, even if it is the shiny object you now want to fixate on as all you have left. The point remains your own link refuted you, even though it was sloppily assembled. I gave you (again) a complete list of names, dates and places and challenged you to connect any of those dots to any political parties --- and you can't do it. And we both KNOW you can't do it, because this challenge is years old and you've been asswhupped on it before.

And yet ------------- here you come again somehow deluding yourself that "THIS time maybe I'll get away with it". :auiqs.jpg:

Special Bus.
You had nothing then and you have nothing now, everyone knows it. PS, you don't need to sign your posts, we know who you are.

I've already laid out ALL the details Fin-boi. The challenge is yours to prop up your assertions. I just GAVE you the names to research and FIVE YEARS to find connections. And you FAILED.

And you know why you failed, Fin-boi? You failed because you started with bullshit. And I already let you know it was bullshit, years ago on this same board. And anyone who was legitimately curious to find out could have done the same thing --- it ain't like I have some secret decoder ring that you don't. It's more that I believe in factual history whereas you believe in fantasies of bullshit. And after your fantasies are proven to be just that --- you trot 'em out again.

Your posts are like the internet version of the 1962 Mets -- one doesn't really want to humiliate them, but they're just begging for it.
Pogo thinks he's entitled to his own facts. That's funny, but what's even funnier is how he melts down when he's unable to convince anyone that he knows more than real historians. LMAO at his fragile ego.

Pogo thinks he's entitled to his own facts. That's funny, but what's even funnier is how he melts down when he's unable to convince anyone that he knows more than real historians. LMAO at his fragile ego.

Actually "real historians" is what I've buried you under every time you've tried to float this mythology turd in the past.

Such as here for example from three years ago, which was itself not the first time you'd been exposed and yet still came back for more. Nine historical links in that post alone.

You meanwhile come up with one link, to a commercial TV station ---- which backs up my facts anyway. That same link is already QUOTED in my list of nine in that post, which was already a rerun--- in other words you got it from me, and here you come trotting out a a single link (apparently all you can handle) purporting to claim it says the opposite of what it does say.

Special Bus.

So in sum there is no evidence either of the Klans was started by "Democrats".
However -- if you insist on indulging in Composition Fallacy --- there is ample evidence that both of them were put to death by Democrats. Lie by the Composition Fallacy --- die by it.
Last edited:
I am a registered Republican & hsave been 96% of my voting life.

I vote the following issues not in any particular order

1) Environmental protection
2) Healthcare like the ACA & hopes to single payer
3) Pro Education
4) Pro Science
5) Fight global warming
6) Fair Trade
7) Open fair elections
8) Maintenance of safety net
9) Social Security & Medicare
10) equal rights & access for all
11) The right for workers to organize
12) People over corporations & party
13) redistribution of wealth back toward the middle class
14) Truth in politics
15) The right for women to choose.
16) Separation of church & state
17) Balanced Budgets
18) No subsidies for fossil fuels
19) Green energy
20) better treatment for animals

It is my fault Democrat candidates better fit than Republicans?

Republicans used to fit. There were Republican candidates for President that hit a lot of my issues.
I am a registered Republican & hsave been 96% of my voting life.
And you are a fucking liar. #2 right there PROVES you are a fucking COMMIE bastard and need to be aborted with what little brain matter to be sucked out...
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?
Fucked up ignorant bigoted assholes like you that are on the other side. Good enough for you?

Hahahaha...the ole, “I’ll show you....I’ll fuck myself to fuck you over.”
That’s what all the smart people do...haha
Just admit it bud...don’t be ashamed ....there’s lots of filthy bottom feeders just like you....you want...you need...more FREE SHIT. That’s why you really vote for the FSA.

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