What motivates you to vote Democrat?

What motivates you to vote Republican?

I would vote Republican because I believe in market solutions. I would vote Republican because I believe he n a free marketplace. I would vote Republican because I believe in individual freedoms.

But today, voting Republican also means I have to be xenophobic. I have to be homophobic. I have to count the number of times people go to church. I have to be Islamophobic. And, worst of all, I would have to despise anyone who disagrees with me.

It just isn't worth it.

No doubt, some don’t want to put the effort in.
The DNC has made it look much easier to be a Mexicrat....all one must do is breathe oxygen, exist and pretend to be "tolerant".
Think about it...It's tough being a conservative. There's an expectation to be better, to do better and to spend your life thinking about doing and becoming better. With that, we tend to expect more of our fellow countrymen, we appreciate and respect law and order, boundaries, a level of normalcy and an enthusiasm to contribute in positives ways.
If I were a kid growing up in today's era it would look like a lot of work to live and embrace the conservative ideology.
Good job....Mexicrats....I guess?
In your effort to "better yourself" is it necessary to stand on the necks of others to do it? Lessons our parents taught us if they were responsible included the fact that you cannot build yourself up by tearing others down.
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?
The diversity and inclusion in the Democratic Party makes it very attractive.
Their support for education and voting rights and healthcare and support for a clean environment. And supports building America's infrastructure.

I could never be part of a party that either allows or outright supports:
Porn Stars
Alt White
Hates minorities
Is for voter suppression
Dirty air and dirty water
Passes tax cuts for billionaires and Corporations flush with cash
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?

i'm not stupid enough to vote republican

I have a strong hunch this is del.

I vote D because I am empathic to my fellow Americans . I vote for the people, not the corporations.

Underdogs always “pull” for underdogs. Makes perfect sense...most don’t have the balls to admit they vote for the FSA because they themselves need the spoon feeding. I commend you for the courageous admission in public forum.

ITS a nation of people . Unlike with the gop, who only care about big biz making money .

Take the epa . Who doesn’t want a clean environment? Oh, conservatives don’t . Because big biz don’t like it . It’s cheaper to throw your pollution into the river !

That depends. Do you want the air to be 0.001% cleaner if it costs every American $10,000? Certainly not. You eco freaks behave as if enfironmentalism doesn't have a cost. That's why the EPA needs to be defanged. It behaves the same way.

What has it cost us to live with YOUR level of pollution?
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?
The diversity and inclusion in the Democratic Party makes it very attractive.
Their support for education and voting rights and healthcare and support for a clean environment. And supports building America's infrastructure.

I could never be part of a party that either allows or outright supports:
Porn Stars
Alt White
Hates minorities
Is for voter suppression
Dirty air and dirty water
Passes tax cuts for billionaires and Corporations flush with cash
Of course there's that. But voting Republican today also means having a crippling inferiority complex. A complex so debilitating that one could easily suspect any and all the institutions set up to preserve freedom and justice. The press, the FBI, the wider intelligence community including military intelligence, colleges and universities, religions other than evangelistic Christianity, the arts, science, Public television and a free unfettered internet. All these institutions and more are fodder for wild conspiracy theories and attack on a political basis. I don't know about you, but I could never surrender my freedom to think for myself in the service of a political ideology. Especially one so vile and shallow.
I vote D because I am empathic to my fellow Americans . I vote for the people, not the corporations.

Underdogs always “pull” for underdogs. Makes perfect sense...most don’t have the balls to admit they vote for the FSA because they themselves need the spoon feeding. I commend you for the courageous admission in public forum.

ITS a nation of people . Unlike with the gop, who only care about big biz making money .

Take the epa . Who doesn’t want a clean environment? Oh, conservatives don’t . Because big biz don’t like it . It’s cheaper to throw your pollution into the river !

That depends. Do you want the air to be 0.001% cleaner if it costs every American $10,000? Certainly not. You eco freaks behave as if enfironmentalism doesn't have a cost. That's why the EPA needs to be defanged. It behaves the same way.

What has it cost us to live with YOUR level of pollution?
My level of pollution? What is that?

Cleaning up the environment to its current state of cleanliness has cost quite a lot, possibly trillions of dollars.
What motivates you to vote Democrat?

as of right now, The Orange Liarboi and his lying cucks.
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?



Womans march January 20, 2018

"Since Election Day in the U.S., story after story has profiled women who—motivated by President Donald Trump’s victory or the broader political climate—have voiced interest in running for office.

On Monday, Emily’s List, the political action committee that supports pro-choice Democratic women, released some hard numbers to back up that anecdotal evidence. Since Trump won the White House on November 8, more than 4,000 women have reached out to the organization to say they may want to seek elected office—that’s quadruple the number of women Emily’s List had heard from in the past 22 months combined and includes 1,660 inquiries since inauguration day alone."
More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

It is pretty clear democrats are NOTHING but anti-whites. So whites need an anti-defamation league and hundreds of other organizations to stop the racism. Like jewish folks have. And they need to sue public school systems if they are blocked by the jewish establishment. Etc. etc...
Many reasons.
I like having first world infrastructure, science programs, a solid safetynet, workers rights, consumer rights, clean air, water and food. Many things motivate me to vote democrat!

What motives you to vote republican?
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?

The Republicans have been taken over by Corporate vultures and Religious crazies.

That's why I vote Democratic.

If the GOP started looking out for working people again, instead of playing on their religious, sexual and racial fears to get them to vote against their own economic interests, I'd be happy to vote for some of them.
It is pretty clear democrats are NOTHING but anti-whites. So whites need an anti-defamation league and hundreds of other organizations to stop the racism. Like jewish folks have. And they need to sue public school systems if they are blocked by the jewish establishment. Etc. etc...
I'm "white," of Irish and Russian ethnicity. I love my Danny Boy, I love my Tchaikovsky, I love my ancestors Mary, Thomas Patrick, John Kelly, Andrew, Victor, Constanty, Antony, Anna Helena, Katherine, and the others, who sailed on ships like the liner Bremen out of Hamburg to find a good home in this wonderful country.

Nobody ever picked on us here for being "white" up until this very day. Not a one. Stop trying to do us European-descended people and our ancestors dishonor. Start being an American.
I vote D because I am empathic to my fellow Americans . I vote for the people, not the corporations.

Underdogs always “pull” for underdogs. Makes perfect sense...most don’t have the balls to admit they vote for the FSA because they themselves need the spoon feeding. I commend you for the courageous admission in public forum.

ITS a nation of people . Unlike with the gop, who only care about big biz making money .

Take the epa . Who doesn’t want a clean environment? Oh, conservatives don’t . Because big biz don’t like it . It’s cheaper to throw your pollution into the river !

That depends. Do you want the air to be 0.001% cleaner if it costs every American $10,000? Certainly not. You eco freaks behave as if enfironmentalism doesn't have a cost. That's why the EPA needs to be defanged. It behaves the same way.

What has it cost us to live with YOUR level of pollution?
My level of pollution? What is that?

Cleaning up the environment to its current state of cleanliness has cost quite a lot, possibly trillions of dollars.

So pollution cost us possibly trillions of dollars to clean up?

And your supporting doing it again.

Classic party of dumb.
What motivates you to vote Republican?

I would vote Republican because I believe in market solutions. I would vote Republican because I believe he n a free marketplace. I would vote Republican because I believe in individual freedoms.

But today, voting Republican also means I have to be xenophobic. I have to be homophobic. I have to count the number of times people go to church. I have to be Islamophobic. And, worst of all, I would have to despise anyone who disagrees with me.

It just isn't worth it.

No doubt, some don’t want to put the effort in.
The DNC has made it look much easier to be a Mexicrat....all one must do is breathe oxygen, exist and pretend to be "tolerant".
Think about it...It's tough being a conservative. There's an expectation to be better, to do better and to spend your life thinking about doing and becoming better. With that, we tend to expect more of our fellow countrymen, we appreciate and respect law and order, boundaries, a level of normalcy and an enthusiasm to contribute in positives ways.
If I were a kid growing up in today's era it would look like a lot of work to live and embrace the conservative ideology.
Good job....Mexicrats....I guess?
In your effort to "better yourself" is it necessary to stand on the necks of others to do it? Lessons our parents taught us if they were responsible included the fact that you cannot build yourself up by tearing others down.

In your effort to "better yourself" is it necessary to stand on the necks of others to do it?”

I don’t know any Republican that “stands on the necks of others” in their quest to do better.
What does that even mean?
I vote D because I am empathic to my fellow Americans . I vote for the people, not the corporations.

Underdogs always “pull” for underdogs. Makes perfect sense...most don’t have the balls to admit they vote for the FSA because they themselves need the spoon feeding. I commend you for the courageous admission in public forum.

ITS a nation of people . Unlike with the gop, who only care about big biz making money .

Take the epa . Who doesn’t want a clean environment? Oh, conservatives don’t . Because big biz don’t like it . It’s cheaper to throw your pollution into the river !

That depends. Do you want the air to be 0.001% cleaner if it costs every American $10,000? Certainly not. You eco freaks behave as if enfironmentalism doesn't have a cost. That's why the EPA needs to be defanged. It behaves the same way.

What has it cost us to live with YOUR level of pollution?
My level of pollution? What is that?

Cleaning up the environment to its current state of cleanliness has cost quite a lot, possibly trillions of dollars.

Well who trashed it? Don’t trash it and we don’t have to clean up.

Cons would have the USA look like India .

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