What motivates you to vote Democrat?

Despite her rhetoric, big pharma likes Hillary
Pharma employees significantly favor Hillary Clinton with contributions | FiercePharma
Clinton tops 2016 field in drug industry donations
Big Pharma's big donations in 2016 presidential race - CNN
CNN.com › 2016/02/11 › health › big-p...

Feb 11, 2016 · Pharmaceutical companies have donated nearly $1 million in the 2016 presidential election cycle, with Hillary Clinton receiving the most.

Why Hillary Clinton Is Wall Street's Favorite Worst Nightmare - Time Magazine
Time Magazine › ... › Election 2016

Nov 2, 2016 · Employees of the 17 largest bank holding companies and their subsidiaries have been sending her $10 for every $1 they contributed to Trump, according to a Reuters analysis. In 2012, the

Health care leaders donating to Hillary | BenefitsPRO
BenefitsPRO › 2016/11/01 › health-care-...

Nov 1, 2016 · According to donation data, health care industry leaders favor Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. ... In addition, while the insurance industry certainly has its objections to the Affordable Care Act .


There is no alternative. The D Party is the Party which puts people first; the R Party puts global corporations, big pharma, big farma, big banks, big insurance companies and Wall Street before Main St.

Remember, it wasn't a D who once stated, "Corporations are people too"
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Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?

In my youth I leaned Democrat. I voted for them because I believed the hype. As I grew older and wiser, I began to see they're dishonest and not consistent with nature, math, logic or anything else tangible. While Republicans are bad, for the most part they're on the side of better, including reality. That and the modern liberal has become SO FUCKING BAD. The Obama era along with the internet destroyed them.
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?

I've never voted Democrat, but I could be persuaded. I'm eager to, in fact, if it means getting rid of Trump. Here are some goals Democrats could campaign on that might get my attention. I'll try to constrain my list to things they actually might consider (eg. I don't expect Democrats to promise us laissez faire). All I'm asking is for them to be "good liberals":

  • Do something about the surveillance regime exposed by Snowden, and promise to pardon him while you're at it.
  • Repeal the PATRIOT ACT.
  • End the "War on Drugs"
  • End the "War on Terror"
  • “I wholly disapprove of what you say—and will defend to the death your right to say it.” - Liberals used to get this. Get it again.
  • Back off on the freak-of-the-week approach to civil liberties. Equal rights doesn't mean that 'protected classes' get cake. It means we're all equal under the law.
  • Cut our military budget in half. Focus on protecting the US, not on policing the world.

What is it that you hate about the Trump admin and policy?
He wants Americans put first?
He wants to deport thirdworlders; creating more jobs for the Americans hurting the most and shut down our southern border?
He wants to cut spending on bullshit?
He wants your investment portfolio to skyrocket?
He wants your real estate values to climb?

Q. What is it that you hate about the Trump admin and policy?

A. What's to like?

It matters not what he says he wants to do, it is what he has done and may do in the future that I hate (I don't hate the man, I believe he is mentally ill).
i have voted (D), (R), & green party in the past. & although i am an indie, i am a registered (D) so i can vote in the primaries. I registered in 2006 so i can vote against joe libertoady because he was all for staying in iraq & ned lamont wanted to get us out.

in the past i voted (D) primarily to preserve roe v wade. now i vote primarily for (D) to preserve obamacare until universal healthcare becomes a right.

is that honest enough for ya?

There you have it folks...you can now see why only this guy was honest while everyone else hides and plays word games.
When you decode why this kind, honest gentlemen votes Democrat you quickly uncover the motivation.
He/she believes women should be able to kill unborn children...blacks and hispanics should be able to use abortion as a contraceptive.
He/she thinks that us good quality, hard working Americans should pick up his/her healthcare tab.
To sum it all up...I’ll vote Democrat because they’ll give me more free shit and allow for irresponsible, immoral, indecent acts.
I’m not making this shit up folks.

i'm a she. &

A) don't believe in the right to an abortion? don't have one.

B) no body should go bankrupt trying to stay healthy.

silly you. jesus never asked if the sick had an insurance card b4 he healed them.

We aren't Jesus and it's OUR tax money. FYI Jesus also said:"Suffer the little children", NOT KILL THE LITTLE CHILDREN!

if you go bankrupt due to high medical bills, & your home is foreclosed on, it comes out of YOUR pocket. not mine... however, whenever someone has to declare bankruptcy - their creditors get screwed... just ask president anus face how that works... he is an expert on bankruptcy.

as for jesus? there are many who aren't christian, so your point is moot. besides the OT has a little story about 'god sanctioned' abortion... which makes a lot of so called 'christians' kinda hypocritical about the whole issue.
I vote Democratic for the free stuff

I get free meals in most restaurants, free drinks at the bar and free lap dances at titty bars
Because it's fake. We don't need protection from hungry people who want to work.”
$20 trillion in debt, $100 billion spent on illegals every year, a record number of Americans living at or below poverty, a record number of Americans on welfare, a record number of American homeless, the American middle class living check to check and you honestly believe we should still be spoon feeding thirdworld criminals? WOW! Thanks for the public admission. Yep....you’re kin to illegals FOR SURE.

"Admission"? Hell, I've been screaming this from the rooftops while you cowards hide behind your delusions that a wall will protect you. You betray the American dream and shit on the statue of liberty, all in the name of pathetic insecurity. You're terrified the brown folks will be more industrious than you. That they'll out work you and 'steal' your job.

Haha...you decided how you would spend other people’s money long ago huh? That’s funny shit.
Nobody but DaShawn and ShaQuita are afraid of Gustavo “stealing their jobs”....most Americans have jobs that require iQ, cash flow, people and communication skills.
“The Statue of Liberty”...hahaha...I love that whiny bullshit.
Ellis Island was designed to process and properly vet INVITED immigrants....you do know there’s a difference...right?
The “American Dream” is intended for Americans...you know this...right?
You’re awfully confused bud....you’re blinded by your nobility...lots of low iQ folks have that tendency..I’ve noticed those who contribute the least love to decide to shit on our laws and constitution to help the world with others money....this is nothing new.....I’m sure you haven’t made a payment to the U.S. Treasury in years.....hahaha
Your emotion has overrun your intelligence...you think that’s noble but it’s actually fucking ignorant...you forgot about economics and the degradation caused by thirdworld subhumans in a first world society.
Why should you be the one to decide when to stop piling thirdworlders on the backs of REAL Americans? We’re tired of spoon feeding the filthy brown cockroaches....fuck them all!
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What motivates you to vote Republican?

I would vote Republican because I believe in market solutions. I would vote Republican because I believe he n a free marketplace. I would vote Republican because I believe in individual freedoms.

But today, voting Republican also means I have to be xenophobic. I have to be homophobic. I have to count the number of times people go to church. I have to be Islamophobic. And, worst of all, I would have to despise anyone who disagrees with me.

It just isn't worth it.

No doubt, some don’t want to put the effort in.
The DNC has made it look much easier to be a Mexicrat....all one must do is breathe oxygen, exist and pretend to be "tolerant".
Think about it...It's tough being a conservative. There's an expectation to be better, to do better and to spend your life thinking about doing and becoming better. With that, we tend to expect more of our fellow countrymen, we appreciate and respect law and order, boundaries, a level of normalcy and an enthusiasm to contribute in positives ways.
If I were a kid growing up in today's era it would look like a lot of work to live and embrace the conservative ideology.
Good job....Mexicrats....I guess?
In your effort to "better yourself" is it necessary to stand on the necks of others to do it? Lessons our parents taught us if they were responsible included the fact that you cannot build yourself up by tearing others down.

In your effort to "better yourself" is it necessary to stand on the necks of others to do it?”

I don’t know any Republican that “stands on the necks of others” in their quest to do better.
What does that even mean?
Why is every issue so dire as to create enemies as a result? Are immigrants rapists, murderers, drug dealers? Are homosexuals deviants, mentally challenged and sinful? Are Muslims all terrorists, anti-American? Are environmentalists all conspiratorial and witless communists?

It seems there is not an issue where fearful enemies can't be found. No an issue where feminizations aren't used.

Standing on the necks of others to bolster your politics is seen as boorish.

Why is division necessary?

The worst of us hate judgement, expectations, stereotypes and profiling...for obvious reasons...right?
Us who measure up can’t give two shits about stereotypes...etc. weird huh?
In the real world we compile data for good reason....so we can accurately forecast, project and stereotype.
Stop worrying about it...get your shit right and measure up....simple shit.
What motivates you to vote Republican?

I would vote Republican because I believe in market solutions. I would vote Republican because I believe he n a free marketplace. I would vote Republican because I believe in individual freedoms.

But today, voting Republican also means I have to be xenophobic. I have to be homophobic. I have to count the number of times people go to church. I have to be Islamophobic. And, worst of all, I would have to despise anyone who disagrees with me.

It just isn't worth it.

No doubt, some don’t want to put the effort in.
The DNC has made it look much easier to be a Mexicrat....all one must do is breathe oxygen, exist and pretend to be "tolerant".
Think about it...It's tough being a conservative. There's an expectation to be better, to do better and to spend your life thinking about doing and becoming better. With that, we tend to expect more of our fellow countrymen, we appreciate and respect law and order, boundaries, a level of normalcy and an enthusiasm to contribute in positives ways.
If I were a kid growing up in today's era it would look like a lot of work to live and embrace the conservative ideology.
Good job....Mexicrats....I guess?
In your effort to "better yourself" is it necessary to stand on the necks of others to do it? Lessons our parents taught us if they were responsible included the fact that you cannot build yourself up by tearing others down.

In your effort to "better yourself" is it necessary to stand on the necks of others to do it?”

I don’t know any Republican that “stands on the necks of others” in their quest to do better.
What does that even mean?
Why is every issue so dire as to create enemies as a result? Are immigrants rapists, murderers, drug dealers? Are homosexuals deviants, mentally challenged and sinful? Are Muslims all terrorists, anti-American? Are environmentalists all conspiratorial and witless communists?

It seems there is not an issue where fearful enemies can't be found. No an issue where feminizations aren't used.

Standing on the necks of others to bolster your politics is seen as boorish.

Why is division necessary?

The worst of us hate judgement, expectations, stereotypes and profiling...for obvious reasons...right?
Us who measure up can’t give two shits about stereotypes...etc. weird huh?
In the real world we compile data for good reason....so we can accurately forecast, project and stereotype.
Stop worrying about it...get your shit right and measure up....simple shit.
I'm trying to decipher your post. Am I to infer that stereotyping is a good thin? That you see stereotypes as an "accurate" way to ascertain 'truths' about one's character and make up?

If this is representative of the values you hold dear and count as the noble traits of Conservatism, you might want to rethink your approach. Rather than enticing me to embrace modern Conservatism, I find it repellent. I am looking for nobility in Conservatism. You have shown me crass banality.
No doubt, some don’t want to put the effort in.
The DNC has made it look much easier to be a Mexicrat....all one must do is breathe oxygen, exist and pretend to be "tolerant".
Think about it...It's tough being a conservative. There's an expectation to be better, to do better and to spend your life thinking about doing and becoming better. With that, we tend to expect more of our fellow countrymen, we appreciate and respect law and order, boundaries, a level of normalcy and an enthusiasm to contribute in positives ways.
If I were a kid growing up in today's era it would look like a lot of work to live and embrace the conservative ideology.
Good job....Mexicrats....I guess?
In your effort to "better yourself" is it necessary to stand on the necks of others to do it? Lessons our parents taught us if they were responsible included the fact that you cannot build yourself up by tearing others down.

In your effort to "better yourself" is it necessary to stand on the necks of others to do it?”

I don’t know any Republican that “stands on the necks of others” in their quest to do better.
What does that even mean?
Why is every issue so dire as to create enemies as a result? Are immigrants rapists, murderers, drug dealers? Are homosexuals deviants, mentally challenged and sinful? Are Muslims all terrorists, anti-American? Are environmentalists all conspiratorial and witless communists?

It seems there is not an issue where fearful enemies can't be found. No an issue where feminizations aren't used.

Standing on the necks of others to bolster your politics is seen as boorish.

Why is division necessary?

The worst of us hate judgement, expectations, stereotypes and profiling...for obvious reasons...right?
Us who measure up can’t give two shits about stereotypes...etc. weird huh?
In the real world we compile data for good reason....so we can accurately forecast, project and stereotype.
Stop worrying about it...get your shit right and measure up....simple shit.
I'm trying to decipher your post. Am I to infer that stereotyping is a good thin? That you see stereotypes as an "accurate" way to ascertain 'truths' about one's character and make up?

If this is representative of the values you hold dear and count as the noble traits of Conservatism, you might want to rethink your approach. Rather than enticing me to embrace modern Conservatism, I find it repellent. I am looking for nobility in Conservatism. You have shown me crass banality.

YES....stereotyping is a GREAT thing...it’s what good quality smart people do.
My beautiful young daughter drives home from USC at night once in a while...she could take a route through Compton to get home....but I insist that she not drive through there as the propensity for criminal activity is quite high.....Compton is predominantly inhabited by low grade Blacks. See how this works?
You’d be paranoid to give your daughter the same advice...wouldn’t you? You’d let her drive through there and get car jacked, raped or murdered before you’d catch yourself “stereotyping”......am I right?
I vote Democratic for the free stuff

I get free meals in most restaurants, free drinks at the bar and free lap dances at titty bars
Just flash the secret Democrat hand sign and the world's your oyster!

I got a free car on my birthday.

Republicans give free stuff to Billionaires

Republic love to put us in debt while giving the top the spoils of debt financed tax cuts.

Analysis | The U.S. government is set to borrow nearly $1 trillion this year, an 84 percent jump from last year
In your effort to "better yourself" is it necessary to stand on the necks of others to do it? Lessons our parents taught us if they were responsible included the fact that you cannot build yourself up by tearing others down.

In your effort to "better yourself" is it necessary to stand on the necks of others to do it?”

I don’t know any Republican that “stands on the necks of others” in their quest to do better.
What does that even mean?
Why is every issue so dire as to create enemies as a result? Are immigrants rapists, murderers, drug dealers? Are homosexuals deviants, mentally challenged and sinful? Are Muslims all terrorists, anti-American? Are environmentalists all conspiratorial and witless communists?

It seems there is not an issue where fearful enemies can't be found. No an issue where feminizations aren't used.

Standing on the necks of others to bolster your politics is seen as boorish.

Why is division necessary?

The worst of us hate judgement, expectations, stereotypes and profiling...for obvious reasons...right?
Us who measure up can’t give two shits about stereotypes...etc. weird huh?
In the real world we compile data for good reason....so we can accurately forecast, project and stereotype.
Stop worrying about it...get your shit right and measure up....simple shit.
I'm trying to decipher your post. Am I to infer that stereotyping is a good thin? That you see stereotypes as an "accurate" way to ascertain 'truths' about one's character and make up?

If this is representative of the values you hold dear and count as the noble traits of Conservatism, you might want to rethink your approach. Rather than enticing me to embrace modern Conservatism, I find it repellent. I am looking for nobility in Conservatism. You have shown me crass banality.

YES....stereotyping is a GREAT thing...it’s what good quality smart people do.
My beautiful young daughter drives home from USC at night once in a while...she could take a route through Compton to get home....but I insist that she not drive through there as the propensity for criminal activity is quite high.....Compton is predominantly inhabited by low grade Blacks. See how this works?
You’d be paranoid to give your daughter the same advice...wouldn’t you? You’d let her drive through there and get car jacked, raped or murdered before you’d catch yourself “stereotyping”......am I right?
I don't think you know what stereotyping means. To advise someone,to avoid a bad neighborhood is right. But to presume everyone in that neighborhood are "low grade Blacks" is stereotyping.

It reminds me of the Conservative attitude about political correctness. By dismissing PC, Conservatives seem to think they have a renewed license to be rude. That's because they never understood what political correctis all about. Misunderstanding, or worse, rationalizing definitions to justify ignoble behavior seems to be part and parcel of today's Conservatism.
I vote Democratic because I believe a baby needs a healthy life out of the womb

I believe that old people should have meals on wheels and affordable medications

I believe that we should not be judged by the color of our skin or lifestyle..but if you are a good person or not.

I believe that pre-existing conditions should not stop you from getting affordable health care

I feel that college should be affordable like it was for my generation

I feel that the Republicans line the pockets for the wealthy , while the dummies don't see that the middle class tax break is only for a few years..what a joke

I dislike the way the far right thinks that voting Republican is so Christian

I hate Paul Ryan, and McConnell and the other GOP snakes
Trey Gowdy is as creepy as they come.
Sent from my XT1575 using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

Great post! I'm non partisan but I do vote for democrats frequently because they seem to care about clean water and air; they support collective bargaining; the democrats are responsible for the social safety nets we now take for granted to help the old, the infirmed and the disabled to live with dignity.
Add that to your list for me will ya?
i have voted (D), (R), & green party in the past. & although i am an indie, i am a registered (D) so i can vote in the primaries. I registered in 2006 so i can vote against joe libertoady because he was all for staying in iraq & ned lamont wanted to get us out.

in the past i voted (D) primarily to preserve roe v wade. now i vote primarily for (D) to preserve obamacare until universal healthcare becomes a right.

is that honest enough for ya?
Handouts? Free? So you are want producers to pay your way? Worked well in Venezuela.
I vote Democratic because I believe a baby needs a healthy life out of the womb

I believe that old people should have meals on wheels and affordable medications

I believe that we should not be judged by the color of our skin or lifestyle..but if you are a good person or not.

I believe that pre-existing conditions should not stop you from getting affordable health care

I feel that college should be affordable like it was for my generation

I feel that the Republicans line the pockets for the wealthy , while the dummies don't see that the middle class tax break is only for a few years..what a joke

I dislike the way the far right thinks that voting Republican is so Christian

I hate Paul Ryan, and McConnell and the other GOP snakes
Trey Gowdy is as creepy as they come.
Sent from my XT1575 using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

Great post! I'm non partisan but I do vote for democrats frequently because they seem to care about clean water and air; they support collective bargaining; the democrats are responsible for the social safety nets we now take for granted to help the old, the infirmed and the disabled to live with dignity.
Add that to your list for me will ya?
How old are you?
I vote Democratic because I believe a baby needs a healthy life out of the womb

I believe that old people should have meals on wheels and affordable medications

I believe that we should not be judged by the color of our skin or lifestyle..but if you are a good person or not.

I believe that pre-existing conditions should not stop you from getting affordable health care

I feel that college should be affordable like it was for my generation

I feel that the Republicans line the pockets for the wealthy , while the dummies don't see that the middle class tax break is only for a few years..what a joke

I dislike the way the far right thinks that voting Republican is so Christian

I hate Paul Ryan, and McConnell and the other GOP snakes
Trey Gowdy is as creepy as they come.
Sent from my XT1575 using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

Great post! I'm non partisan but I do vote for democrats frequently because they seem to care about clean water and air; they support collective bargaining; the democrats are responsible for the social safety nets we now take for granted to help the old, the infirmed and the disabled to live with dignity.
Add that to your list for me will ya?
How old are you?
Old enough...what's on your mind?

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