What movie can you watch over and over?

The Bogart/Bacall movies, the Thin Man series, most anything with Cary Grant especially when teamed with Kathryn Hepburn.
Cape Fear (Robert Mitchum version)
To Kill a Mockingbird
Buster Keaton silents
Marx Brothers talkies
Repo Man
Blade Runner
Fifth Element
O Brother Where Art Thou & Intolerable Cruelty
The Incredibles, Treasure Planet
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I often enjoy curling up with one of my two favorite movies and thinking -- which shall it be? Eisenstein's Ivan Grozny [Ivan the Terrible], or Resnais' Last Year at Marienbad?

The magnificent Ivan Grozny! The enchantment of its black-and-white photography! Those wonderful tableau! -- I never tire of them! -- such an insight into 19th century acting styles, preserved in a Russian time capsule -- a glimpse of what otherwise would have been lost forever to history!

And the fascinating interleaving of the Byzantine Empire, 16th century Russia, and the State of Paranoia ruled by Stalin!

Hard to get more history in so short a space!

I watched a classic Russian black & white film way back in the 1950s. For some reason it made an impression on me and I was quite surprised to see it playing recently on Turner Classic Movies. The name of the film (and its warrior protagonist) is Ilyha Murometz. If you're into that genre, and if you haven't already seen it, I'm sure you'll like this one.
If I can name only one:


If I could name more than one, I would include some musicals:

My Fair Lady
South Pacific
Phantom of the Opera
The Sound of Music

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