What movie can you watch over and over?

I could name a bunch...

here's a few just off the top of my head:

Bend It Like Beckham
Beverly Hills Cop (the first one)
Ferris Beuller's Day Off
Back To the Future (the first one)
O Brother Where Art Thou
Raising Arizona
The Replacement Killers
La Femme Nikita
The Professional (aka Leon)
The Bourne Identity
The Bourne Supremacy
To Live And Die In L.A.
Terminator (first and second)
Toy Story (first and third)
The Incredibles
Monsters, Inc.
Ghostbusters (first one)
nearly any of Meryl Streep's movies

I'll stop now... but I could easily name another coupla dozen...
ok I'm being a drama queen.

Anyone who has not seen Night of the Hunter..................please go rent it.
more movies I wouldn't mind seeing over and over again:

Die Hard (first one)
Silence Of The Lambs
Places In the Heart
Something Wild
Stop Making Sense
History Of Violence
Running Scared
Runaway Train
Five Easy Pieces
Used Cars
Blues Brothers (first one)
Paper Moon
Paris, Texas
Kill Bill (both parts)

I could name more...
Spooked man.

The Changeling...

Some movies are scary, some movies are spooky..........
Ok ok ok.........Saturday the 14th...............no one would ever love me after this one but what the heck....It was a hysterical movie.
Well this one will guarantee I will never be hit on on the net again....

The Burbs

I love the Burbs................
a few that i like to watch again

the man with one red shoe




a bronx tale


the green mile

shawshank redemption

the road to perdition

pulp fiction
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ok I'm being a drama queen.

Anyone who has not seen Night of the Hunter..................please go rent it.

Creepy film

The scene with Shelly Winters underwater with her throat cut still scares me
ok I'm being a drama queen.

Anyone who has not seen Night of the Hunter..................please go rent it.

Creepy film

The scene with Shelly Winters underwater with her throat cut still scares me
Robert Mitchum chanting "Childrun! Childrun!" with "LOVE" and "HATE" tattooed to his knuckles. That's chilling.

Charles Laughton made his debut as a director with Night of the Hunter.
ok I'm being a drama queen.

Anyone who has not seen Night of the Hunter..................please go rent it.
Creepy film

The scene with Shelly Winters underwater with her throat cut still scares me
Robert Mitchum chanting "Childrun! Childrun!" with "LOVE" and "HATE" tattooed to his knuckles. That's chilling.
I consider Night of the Hunter to be the best of the Post-War American films noirs.

I own a copy of Night of the Hunter. I like to watch it from time to time, since it embodies so much of the essence of America.

The tension of so much evil is finally released in the catharsis of the good, brave old lady shooting the monster with buckshot.

"Deceiver, Guts and Guns Make America What It Is" · · :D
Creepy film

The scene with Shelly Winters underwater with her throat cut still scares me
Robert Mitchum chanting "Childrun! Childrun!" with "LOVE" and "HATE" tattooed to his knuckles. That's chilling.
I consider Night of the Hunter to be the best of the Post-War American films noirs.
I own a copy of Night of the Hunter. I like to watch it from time to time, since it embodies so much of the essence of America.

The tension of so much evil is finally released in the catharsis of the good, brave old lady shooting the monster with buckshot.

"Deceiver, Guts and Guns Make America What It Is" · · :D
That's a big statement! When one considers the work of Nicholas Ray (In a Lonely Place), John Huston (The Asphalt Jungle) John Farrow (The Big Clock), you'll find plenty of claimants to the title 'Best Post-War American film noir.

But Night of the Hunter did something with the genre no other film noir did: the story was taken off the city streets and placed in a little Ohio river town in the country. That alone was innovative. The shadows, deep focus, pacing and narration (by a female rather than a male protagonist) kept Night of the Hunter grounded in the tradition of film noir.
ok I'm being a drama queen.

Anyone who has not seen Night of the Hunter..................please go rent it.

Creepy film

The scene with Shelly Winters underwater with her throat cut still scares me

The strangest film Mitch was ever in. I liked it but it was downright creepy. The money was in the doll. Now you don't have to watch it.
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