What movie can you watch over and over?

movie(s) I could (do) watch over and over....Lawrence of Arabia ( extended version), Lion in Winter, Apocalypse Now ( redux), Bridge on the River Kwai.....oh and Ben-Hur.....
Ben Hur

That is a movie that affects me deeply I love it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Cxf365YqWA]Ben Hur galley scene - YouTube[/ame]
Well, seeing that it is the start of the Christmas Season, I could easily watch "A Christmas Carol", 1951 version, every week till Christmas. Great movie!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MP2HnAXHHqg]Scrooge (A Christmas Carol) 1951 Alastair Sim.) - YouTube[/ame]
I'm a kid at heart

Monster Squad. Tremors. Oh geeze louize that movie is so funny. The Goonies.

Lost Boys. Oh boy I can go on forever.

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