What next for the Middle East?


Jun 26, 2014
With events moving so fast in the Middle East it can be hard to imagine a peaceful outcome to this issue let alone keep up with all the developments.

What do you think is the most desirable next step for resolving the issue? Get Iran involved? Get US involved?

For my 'two cents' (my favourite Americanism) I wonder why the UN Peacekeepers haven't been discussed as a potential ceasefire enabling solution? Surely an international faced force as opposed to one countries intervention would be preferable? Though I can see where this solution could be bogged down in backroom politics.

We should stay the hell out of it. Our meddling over the decades has caused nothing but problems, and cost countless dollars. What happens next should be up to those living there.
Agreed that it is only going to cause further problems if one country gets involved but perhaps a UN force to protect citizen interests?

I think US pressure on the issue has sidelined the international aspect of the issue. The people living there have little say as to what happens as they are largely unarmed/untrained and tasked with fighting an invasion made up of soldiers from all over the world, ISIS being formed of fighters from all over the middle east/world. So if they have an international input in their efforts should we not as well?
With events moving so fast in the Middle East it can be hard to imagine a peaceful outcome to this issue let alone keep up with all the developments.

What do you think is the most desirable next step for resolving the issue? Get Iran involved? Get US involved?

For my 'two cents' (my favourite Americanism) I wonder why the UN Peacekeepers haven't been discussed as a potential ceasefire enabling solution? Surely an international faced force as opposed to one countries intervention would be preferable? Though I can see where this solution could be bogged down in backroom politics.

Where would you station the peacekeepers, Syria, Iraq, the Jordan Valley?
Russia and the US sit on the Security Council, and they would undoubtedly protect their clients in that region from any effective UN actions.
It is tempting to think the solution involves the surgical application of overwhelming military force, but as long as there is more profit in war than in peace, the amount of money made from arms sales and oil sales in the Middle East will probably drive the politics.
With any luck at all, maybe they'll wipe themselves out and the problem will solve itself.
There is nothing we can do. ISIS will win and move on to Jordan. Without leadership, whatever we do will only do more harm than good. Let Russia and/or Iran take care of it.
There is nothing we can do. ISIS will win and move on to Jordan. Without leadership, whatever we do will only do more harm than good. Let Russia and/or Iran take care of it.
What point does the IDF get involved?

When there is a danger posed to Israel. Then Israel can wipe them out.

We have more middle eastern terrorists in the US than are in Israel. We will just have to absorb attacks while we become Nigeria.
There is nothing we can do. ISIS will win and move on to Jordan. Without leadership, whatever we do will only do more harm than good. Let Russia and/or Iran take care of it.
What point does the IDF get involved?

When there is a danger posed to Israel. Then Israel can wipe them out.

We have more middle eastern terrorists in the US than are in Israel. We will just have to absorb attacks while we become Nigeria.
Which side is the CIA on?

"The very details of the ISIS military success in the key Iraqi oil center, Mosul, are suspect.

"According to well-informed Iraqi journalists, ISIS overran the strategic Mosul region, site of some of the world’s most prolific oilfields, with barely a shot fired in resistance.

"According to one report , residents of Tikrit reported remarkable displays of 'soldiers handing over their weapons and uniforms peacefully to militants who ordinarily would have been expected to kill government soldiers on the spot.'

"We are told that ISIS masked psychopaths captured “arms and ammunition from the fleeing security forces” - arms and ammunition supplied by the American government.

"The offensive coincides with a successful campaign by ISIS in eastern Syria.

"According to Iraqi journalists, Sunni tribal chiefs in the region had been convinced to side with ISIS against the Shiite Al-Maliki government in Baghdad.

"They were promised a better deal under ISIS Sunni Sharia than with Baghdad anti-Sunni rule."

What's next?

Left to their own devices?


Idiots, and their Sunni-Shiite horseshit...
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How would such heroics affect the price of gas/food in Illinois?
We won't have any control over how they kill each other.
How many nukes do "they" have?
The Israelis?


The Arabs?


So far.

But we're looking at the future of the Middle East, in that imagery, or so I strongly suspect.

When your religion and its founder say that it's OK to kill in the name of God, and to advance his cause, and when each nuclear crispy-fried martyr can expect 72 virgins and a handshake with the Prophet upon reaching Paradise, what's a few milliseconds at 1,000,000 degrees Farenheit?
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We won't have any control over how they kill each other.
How many nukes do "they" have?
The Israelis?


The Arabs?


So far.

But we're looking at the future of the Middle East, in that imagery, or so I strongly suspect.

When your religion and its founder say that it's OK to kill in the name of God, and to advance his cause, and when each nuclear crispy-fried martyr can expect 72 virgins and a handshake with the Prophet upon reaching Paradise, what's a few milliseconds at 1,000,000 degrees Farenheit?
We are fast closing in on lucky number 13 from 9/11/2001.
Any thoughts on how many innocent Muslim lives capitalism will claim by 9/27?
We are fast closing in on lucky number 13 from 9/11/2001. Any thoughts on how many innocent Muslim lives capitalism will claim by 9/27?
Not really. Never really gave it a thought. And after 9-11, I don't much care.
Saudi blowback's a real BITCH:

"The Anglo-American Petroleum Agreement of 1944 was based on negotiations between the United States and Britain over the control of Middle Eastern oil. Below is shown what the American President Franklin D. Roosevelt had in mind for to a British Ambassador in 1944:

"Persian oil ... is yours. We share the oil of Iraq and Kuwait. As for Saudi Arabian oil, it's ours.[7]"

United States foreign policy in the Middle East - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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