What, no Benghazi Post after today's news ? Wow!


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
Will this nation finally connect all the dots concerning this administration and this President maybe ? :cuckoo:

Did this President come in with an agenda, and was it one in which this nation had no idea that he had ? If so what agenda was it, and is he fullfilling it without the nations blessings or complete knowledge of ?
Will this nation finally connect all the dots concerning this administration and this President maybe ? :cuckoo:

Did this President come in with an agenda, and was it one in which this nation had no idea that he had ? If so what agenda was it, and is he fullfilling it without the nations blessings or complete knowledge of ?

He is a lifelong socialist/Marxist. He has been surrounded by it and educated in it his entire contrived life.

We know more about the details of Thomas Jefferson's schooling than we do about this lying piece of shit.

He is deliberately destroying capitalism. He is expanding the poor class in order to permanently gain control of the majority of this country for his pathetic socialist party. He has lied about EVERY SINGLE THING and it is all deliberate.

From his point of view, he is not making mistakes. He is fulfilling what he was put into the white house to do, and he is doing it. All to the claps and cheers of a praetorian media, and a hypocritical, left wing, brainwashed voting base.

It is pathetic, and it truly is a sad time for us to witness it. It is scary where this is going. It truly is.
You would figure by now some people would learn.

People who don't want to know the truth of something, don't watch FOX. And Fox has been the only media reporting on the deaths of 4 Americans in Benghazi and what looks strongly like a cover-up, a`la Richard Nixon, only people were left to die in Benghazi. Obama was busy campaigning.

The rest of the media have egg on their face for not doing their jobs and staying on top of this tragedy that didn't need to happen.
You would figure by now some people would learn.

People who don't want to know the truth of something, don't watch FOX. And Fox has been the only media reporting on the deaths of 4 Americans in Benghazi and what looks strongly like a cover-up, a`la Richard Nixon, only people were left to die in Benghazi. Obama was busy campaigning.

The rest of the media have egg on their face for not doing their jobs and staying on top of this tragedy that didn't need to happen.

I feel sorry for the reporters that wanted to do their jobs, uncovering the truth and holding the Administrations feet to the fire.

Like Sheryl Atkinson sp? who couldn't take it anymore at CBS and bailed. This woman was on Fast and Furious and Benghazi like a dog on a bone.

She was all over the stories. But what do you do when the President of your company has a brother who works for the President in the White House?

The person who wrote that damning email we've all been posting about was none other than that brother! Ben Rhodes.

The incestuous relationship between this administration and the media is very real.

This is just for starters. I mean talk about keeping it "in the family"!


RICHARD GRENELL: I think the media's becoming the story, let's face it. CBS News President David Rhodes and ABC News President Ben Sherwood, both of them have siblings that not only work at the White House, that not only work for President Obama, but they work at the NSC on foreign policy issues directly related to Benghazi. Let's call a spade a spade.

Let's also show you why CNN did not go very far in covering these hearings because the CNN deputy bureau chief, Virginia Moseley, is married to Hillary Clinton’s deputy, Tom Nides.
It is time for the media to start asking questions why are they not covering this. It's a family matter for some of them.

JON SCOTT, HOST: So they don't want to bring embarrassment upon folks who, who they're close to?

GRENELL: Who directly are related to this story. Absolutely. They're covering for them. There's no question about it.

For the record, Ben Sherwood's sister, Dr. Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, is the Special Assistant to Barack Obama.

Virginia Moseley's husband, Tom Nides, is the Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources.

Presidents of ABC and CBS News Have Siblings Working at White House With Ties to Benghazi | NewsBusters
Good stuff everybody, and thanks for visiting this thread to voice your concerns and your opinions of the situation in which so many Americans are wondering about now, including me.
For some of us the attack happening on the date of 9-11 was enough to recognize abject failure of duty by this admin. The coverup based on an alleged spontaneous reaction to a video in order to protect reelection chances was the initial Nixonian element. Attempting to suggest terrorism was claimed from the beginning even after the first coverup made this way, way worse than Nixon. The biggest crime of all may have been the ignoring of the entire incident by our alleged news media. Woodward and Bernstein are in on this Watergate, covering for this Nixon. And the generation who were loudest in bringing down Nixon are hypocritically silent on this one.
For some of us the attack happening on the date of 9-11 was enough to recognize abject failure of duty by this admin. The coverup based on an alleged spontaneous reaction to a video in order to protect reelection chances was the initial Nixonian element. Attempting to suggest terrorism was claimed from the beginning even after the first coverup made this way, way worse than Nixon. The biggest crime of all may have been the ignoring of the entire incident by our alleged news media. Woodward and Bernstein are in on this Watergate, covering for this Nixon. And the generation who were loudest in bringing down Nixon are hypocritically silent on this one.
Was that the only reason for a cover up, otherwise it was all due to election concerns after the attack had happened on the administrations watch (or) was there gun running going on as some are saying now ? If it was a cover up for what was happening in Benghazi prior to and after the attack, then what was happening in Benghazi that needed to be covered up, otherwise after it got this ambassador killed along with his men ?
For some of us the attack happening on the date of 9-11 was enough to recognize abject failure of duty by this admin. The coverup based on an alleged spontaneous reaction to a video in order to protect reelection chances was the initial Nixonian element. Attempting to suggest terrorism was claimed from the beginning even after the first coverup made this way, way worse than Nixon. The biggest crime of all may have been the ignoring of the entire incident by our alleged news media. Woodward and Bernstein are in on this Watergate, covering for this Nixon. And the generation who were loudest in bringing down Nixon are hypocritically silent on this one.
Was that the only reason for a cover up, otherwise it was all due to election concerns after the attack had happened on the administrations watch (or) was there gun running going on as some are saying now ? If it was a cover up for what was happening in Benghazi prior to and after the attack, then what was happening in Benghazi that needed to be covered up, otherwise after it got this ambassador killed along with his men ?
There could be other covert elements but they have little to do with any coverup. This was about protecting the image and claim of al Gayda having been defeated and for not being prepared on the most obvious of dates in the most vulnerable of places. Abject failure of duty.

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