what no threads on shower joe scaring the bejesus out of a child

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Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
You are a fool indeed.

Now go cry to the mods about this thread karen

You could have fixed it by now.

The "user content" in OPs that the existing rules require needs to be "stepped up".. "Get a load of this" -- is no longer sufficient topical content"... Must be 2 lines or more.. The more the better.. Must SUMMARIZE the topic to be discussed and why you think it NEEDS discussion..

New "Clean Start" Policy on Creating Threads

Too lazy?
You could have fixed it by now.

The "user content" in OPs that the existing rules require needs to be "stepped up".. "Get a load of this" -- is no longer sufficient topical content"... Must be 2 lines or more.. The more the better.. Must SUMMARIZE the topic to be discussed and why you think it NEEDS discussion..

New "Clean Start" Policy on Creating Threads

Too lazy?
Go Karen Go!


this is definitely not normal behavior. Good gravy. This guy's a sicko
They have him doped up on heroin.
Before I was just guessing but now I'm pretty sure it's true.

Not that he isn't sick to begin with.
Plenty of discussion on this already.

Has it been covered yet that the only thing that saved that child from being eaten is that Joe forgot to bring his favorite snack sauce?

I hear Joe walks around now with a bib, and a knife and a fork in his coat pocket now and only attends events with little kids.

UPDATE: Joe's favorite movie line: Wolf to Red Riding Hood: "All the better to eat you with my Dear!" :71:

Plenty of discussion on this already. Like others that have complained about their threads on this you are just too lazy to check or post a proper thread.

There can't be too many thread about that sick pervert.

Say have you heard? Joe Biden tried to eat a child.
THREAD LOCKED - Read the rules for starting a thread in Zone 2.
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