What Non-Christians Want Christians To Hear

Then let me do it for them, Strollingbones. I do not mind repenting for them because God knows I am a far greater sinner than they ever were.

I'm sorry for the terrible things people on this board do and say in the name of Christ. I'm sorry for everytime I've seen gays called fudge packers and other obsene names. I'm sorry for people with a cross on their avatar while posting some Jewish person here is a ****! I'm sorry for Christians making posts such as repeatedly saying .....the rapture is any second now and...... me and my family are going but youre all getting left behind because youre going to hell! ( I actually read that on a religion thread - he said, me and my family are going - two times )

If I allowed myself to go there I'd question if they aren't working for Satan himself! What kind of love is that? That is not calvary love. That is me, myself and I!

I'm not posting any threads on the religion forum for now. I hope something changes. I truly do.
No, that's not what I am saying.

What I am saying is that even in the world of opinions and the freedom of religious expression it doesn't take a genius to notice that some professed beliefs qualify as fruit that is pleasing to the eye and good to eat while other fruit is poisonous and defiles and contaminates the mind.

but that isn't the point of this thread, is it?

and if it were, who decides what beliefs are "poisonous"? you?

SECULAR SOCIETY has no right to mess with beliefs.

But actions stemming from those "beliefs" had damned well better not violate SECULAR LAW.

I am sick of all my fellow believers who demand special consideration.

Believing that gay-marriage is wrong is un-Jesus like, and against secular laws of equal treatment.
Then let me do it for them, Strollingbones. I do not mind repenting for them because God knows I am a far greater sinner than they ever were.

I'm sorry for the terrible things people on this board do and say in the name of Christ. I'm sorry for everytime I've seen gays called fudge packers and other obsene names. I'm sorry for people with a cross on their avatar while posting some Jewish person here is a ****! I'm sorry for Christians making posts such as repeatedly saying .....the rapture is any second now and...... me and my family are going but youre all getting left behind because youre going to hell! ( I actually read that on a religion thread - he said, me and my family are going - two times )

If I allowed myself to go there I'd question if they aren't working for Satan himself! What kind of love is that? That is not calvary love. That is me, myself and I!

I'm not posting any threads on the religion forum for now. I hope something changes. I truly do.
You've done your share of bashing on these boards, Jeremiah.
Let me repeat this for those who missed it the first time on this thread. I am willing to apologise to anyone on this board who feels I have harmed them. ANYONE means anyone. Thank you.

Let me repeat this for those who missed it the first time on this thread. I am willing to apologise to anyone on this board who feels I have harmed them. ANYONE means anyone. Thank you.
My apologies.
What you want to hear and what you need to hear are usually two vastly different things.

And if you could see the PMs I have gotten here from the non Christians, you would see that it is clear they need some teaching.

I responded to Strollingbones post and wanted to respond to this one also as someone brought this to my attention today, Sunshine. I've already addressed the second part of what you've said here so let me address the other thing you said.

Yes. What you want to hear and what you need to hear are usually two vastly different things. I agree with this. Truth is rarely recieved well if it compels the listener to change something they are resisting. It may even be deeply offensive to them and that is when they are going to feel as if it is a personal attack against them. All I can say to this is be led by the Spirit.
It may be that right now people appear not to listen to a word Christians are saying here but if they will be firm with the truth ( when asked about it ) then when the day of trouble hits that person they may very well come to you and ask questions because they know you won't lie to them. I believe you are an honest person and would be forthright with anyone including your own friends.

On a grander scale which has little to do with you personally, Sunshine, this is what I believe:

The greatest drawback to effectively sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ is our own behavior. Whether it is fair or unfair Christians are expected to be different than the world. We are in the world, not of it. We lift up, edify, encourage, love, speak truth but if we are telling people to go F themselves in between threads we're tearing down the kingdom of God with our own hands. I know unbelievers who behave better than believers. That should not be. I haven't been posting sermons on the religion forum for past few months but it would be a good idea for someone to post some on the beatitudes. imo.

When Jesus is lifted up all men will be drawn unto him. The answer is lifting up Jesus Christ in our lives. Not posting rapture ready posts every day or two. It isn't our words it is our life----> everything the Christian does has to be aligned with the Word to stand the test and that is not easy to do. Which is why the road is narrow. If it were so easy everyone would be doing it. It isn't.

I am not here to 'share the gospel.' I'm here to discuss politics.
I think what Chuck is saying, Jillian, is that the OP is negative and is asking others to join you in smearing Christians. If reading about the Gospel of Jesus Christ is an imposition to you don't click on the thread. There are plenty of forums on USMB. As to Christians who share the gospel.........

That is what Christians are commanded to do by Jesus Christ. Preach the Gospel.

* My fav. maxim on this board? Accentuate the positive!!

saying christians need to respect the views of others isn't "bashing" anyone.

when you tell others they are going to hell, however….

see how that works?

I can understand how that could easily be hurtful depending on the situation. However, if you don't believe in hell, does it matter at all that someone thinks you are going to a mythical place? If you do believe in hell, but don't think you are doing anything that would send you there, does it matter that someone else does?

Don't worry too much about the opinion fire and damnation people preach at you. Most people who really follow Christ realize that there are as many or more good people out there living their lives without religion as with it. In the end, if there is a God, he's going to have a few choice words for anyone acting in his name doing horrible things.

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