What Obamacare will mean for junior


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
This unconstitutional bill was crammed through government. The bill is technically fascist because it forces the public to buy services from health insurance cartels.

The American public had no choice in the matter, Mitt Romney was selected as the Republican candidate for passing the Obamacare prototype in Massachusetts.


Rick Perry was selected as a Republican contender because he forced young people to go get shots which resulted in the deaths of some teenage girls.

7 years later California passed forced vaccinations


Obamacare forces working citizens to pay money to health insurance companies, but does not guarantee health services. Just like Social Security, people are forced to pay in, but will be worried about what they can get out of it.

This article says the legal challenges to Obamacare will never end. What they are telling you is the system is always going to be broken. Just like Social Security, a broken health care system with forced payments will be a voting tool, there will always be the threat that if you want your service you paid for you need to vote for the right person.



When customers ask me about my trade, HVAC, i'll stand there and answer all their questions , because I know what the fk i'm talking about.

Try asking your doctor a bunch of questions, they walk away because they don't want you trapping them in their words. They don't know anything, they are simply prescribing the pills they are told to sell.

If you tell them your foot hurts, the pharmaceutical companies take the business opportunity to sell a hurt-foot pill. They have to idea what the long term effects are.

As Dr. Drew Pinsky once said 'Testing drugs on humans is nearly impossible. They would have to give someone drugs and test for effects over 50 years'

Even though the FDA approves all of these drugs, there is no way they can be sure they are safe. Under Obamacare , health insurance companies can demand people take vaccinations or other drugs , with unknown effects, or without medical services, while still making people pay their monthly insurance bill.

We gave a system that has shown itself corrupt the ability to forcefully inject drugs into the human body, through the power of law.

The majority of ailments people have is from over-eating, but instead of making that point very clear, the pharmaceutical companies call the side effects "diseases" and sell pills as a business opportunity.

This should be the age when we start exposing the medical industry for the fraud it is, but instead Obama forced all working Americans to participate in the corrupt system.

What Obamacare will mean for junior is

* An insurance bill he doesn't need where the health insurance companies have the power to charge what ever they want, with the blessing of the government.

* A medical system that has authority over his blood stream

* Political mind control in the never ending quest to get benefits from the health care system he's forced to pay for
Let me ask you something, do we have a choice to pay taxes? Do have have a choice to privacy without the government spying on its own citizens? do have a choice to truthful information, do we have a choice of freedom of speech without backlash?

from what i can tell.. just deal with it.

We needed this done, health care is one of our necessities. not every can afford it like you can...
I think what I'm supposed to take away from all of this is to trust the HVAC guy on health care for the country and ignore everyone else.
Let me ask you something, do we have a choice to pay taxes? Do have have a choice to privacy without the government spying on its own citizens? do have a choice to truthful information, do we have a choice of freedom of speech without backlash?

from what i can tell.. just deal with it.

We needed this done, health care is one of our necessities. not every can afford it like you can...

Do you think Christian Scientists should be forced to buy it ? How about people who are healthy and have a long family history of great health ?
There is little doubt 'Junior' will be smarter than dad, so best thing here is let the little tike grow up before assuming the worst. ;)
I think what I'm supposed to take away from all of this is to trust the HVAC guy on health care for the country and ignore everyone else.

Now thats different. He is doing it for business, meaning profit not to save lives. the health care saves lives by proving health cover to those who need it. you may have to pay but what if something happens to you and you dont have health coverage, then taxes rise to pay for your operation.

you should see this change as a collective effort to change our society for the better. there can always be improvements made to the law.

just remember ANY business is out there for profit. why are there 3rd world countries still existing on earth today? because corporates and government exploit their natural resources and people.. its not in their interest to help third world countries, if that were the case our government wouldn't be spending trillions of dollars funding the army in stead use that money to fund American issues such as obesity which has the highest death rates.
Let me ask you something, do we have a choice to pay taxes? Do have have a choice to privacy without the government spying on its own citizens? do have a choice to truthful information, do we have a choice of freedom of speech without backlash?

from what i can tell.. just deal with it.

We needed this done, health care is one of our necessities. not every can afford it like you can...

Do you think Christian Scientists should be forced to buy it ? How about people who are healthy and have a long family history of great health ?

"Long history of health," are you kidding me? Does a car accident apply to that statement of "long history of health"

Oh and doubt religion saves lives... its the biggest killer since man existed on earth.
Let me ask you something, do we have a choice to pay taxes? Do have have a choice to privacy without the government spying on its own citizens? do have a choice to truthful information, do we have a choice of freedom of speech without backlash?

from what i can tell.. just deal with it.

We needed this done, health care is one of our necessities. not every can afford it like you can...

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - B. Franklin

Your belief that the ACA will take care of your health care necessity is an illusion. By the time you actually grok this, if you ever do, it will be too late.
I think what I'm supposed to take away from all of this is to trust the HVAC guy on health care for the country and ignore everyone else.

Now thats different. He is doing it for business, meaning profit not to save lives. the health care saves lives by proving health cover to those who need it. you may have to pay but what if something happens to you and you dont have health coverage, then taxes rise to pay for your operation.

you should see this change as a collective effort to change our society for the better. there can always be improvements made to the law.

just remember ANY business is out there for profit. why are there 3rd world countries still existing on earth today? because corporates and government exploit their natural resources and people.. its not in their interest to help third world countries, if that were the case our government wouldn't be spending trillions of dollars funding the army in stead use that money to fund American issues such as obesity which has the highest death rates.

Aren't you a Special Little Snowflake! You'd better watch out - you're about to melt on the sidewalk.
Let me ask you something, do we have a choice to pay taxes? Do have have a choice to privacy without the government spying on its own citizens? do have a choice to truthful information, do we have a choice of freedom of speech without backlash?

from what i can tell.. just deal with it.

We needed this done, health care is one of our necessities. not every can afford it like you can...

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - B. Franklin

Your belief that the ACA will take care of your health care necessity is an illusion. By the time you actually grok this, if you ever do, it will be too late.

You make important point and nice use of the quote. Your answer however directs at The Federal Reserve, and their control for power and gov seeking a military/intrusive power system to "protect" its citizens but set in reality to control the masses. - so what im saying is you used the wrong quote.

Also you point out we live in a capitalist society. Sir, that road has long sailed. Look at how Gov. and corporations create lies in advertisements. Our society is based on a monetary system, meaning profit seeking society.Supposedly progress is the only key to development, however this is an illusion as you stated and i agree, but i would disagree Obama care is an illusion.

I am guessing you have never been to a third world country... i have. Health,shelter,food, and water are key to having a happy life. isnt the point to living? or is it to collect green pieces of paper all your life?
Let me ask you something, do we have a choice to pay taxes? Do have have a choice to privacy without the government spying on its own citizens? do have a choice to truthful information, do we have a choice of freedom of speech without backlash?

from what i can tell.. just deal with it.

We needed this done, health care is one of our necessities. not every can afford it like you can...

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - B. Franklin

Your belief that the ACA will take care of your health care necessity is an illusion. By the time you actually grok this, if you ever do, it will be too late.

You make important point and nice use of the quote. Your answer however directs at The Federal Reserve, and their control for power.

Also you point out we live in a capitalist society. Sir, that road has long sailed. Look at how Gov. and corporations create lies in advertisements. Our society is based on a monetary system, meaning profit seeking society.Supposedly progress is the only key to development, however this is an illusion as you stated and i agree, but i would disagree Obama care is an illusion.

I am guessing you have never been to a third world country... i have. Health,shelter,food, and water are key to having a happy life. isnt the point to living? or is it to collect green pieces of paper all your life?

You aren't very discerning, are you? I'm not a sir, I'm a gal. I made no reference to capitalism, but do note that Liberty and Capitalism are symbiotic. In the U.S., both are severely compromised by Big Government Cronysim. Our system is not a Free Market.
This unconstitutional bill was crammed through government. The bill is technically fascist because it forces the public to buy services from health insurance cartels.

The American public had no choice in the matter, Mitt Romney was selected as the Republican candidate for passing the Obamacare prototype in Massachusetts.


Rick Perry was selected as a Republican contender because he forced young people to go get shots which resulted in the deaths of some teenage girls.

7 years later California passed forced vaccinations


Obamacare forces working citizens to pay money to health insurance companies, but does not guarantee health services. Just like Social Security, people are forced to pay in, but will be worried about what they can get out of it.

This article says the legal challenges to Obamacare will never end. What they are telling you is the system is always going to be broken. Just like Social Security, a broken health care system with forced payments will be a voting tool, there will always be the threat that if you want your service you paid for you need to vote for the right person.



When customers ask me about my trade, HVAC, i'll stand there and answer all their questions , because I know what the fk i'm talking about.

Try asking your doctor a bunch of questions, they walk away because they don't want you trapping them in their words. They don't know anything, they are simply prescribing the pills they are told to sell.

If you tell them your foot hurts, the pharmaceutical companies take the business opportunity to sell a hurt-foot pill. They have to idea what the long term effects are.

As Dr. Drew Pinsky once said 'Testing drugs on humans is nearly impossible. They would have to give someone drugs and test for effects over 50 years'

Even though the FDA approves all of these drugs, there is no way they can be sure they are safe. Under Obamacare , health insurance companies can demand people take vaccinations or other drugs , with unknown effects, or without medical services, while still making people pay their monthly insurance bill.

We gave a system that has shown itself corrupt the ability to forcefully inject drugs into the human body, through the power of law.

The majority of ailments people have is from over-eating, but instead of making that point very clear, the pharmaceutical companies call the side effects "diseases" and sell pills as a business opportunity.

This should be the age when we start exposing the medical industry for the fraud it is, but instead Obama forced all working Americans to participate in the corrupt system.

What Obamacare will mean for junior is

* An insurance bill he doesn't need where the health insurance companies have the power to charge what ever they want, with the blessing of the government.

* A medical system that has authority over his blood stream

* Political mind control in the never ending quest to get benefits from the health care system he's forced to pay for

It doesn't force you to buy insurance. Buying the insurance exempts you from a certain tax.
I am understanding in the importance of life and freedom. For a country to not provide health care is a shame. Look at African countries, people are dieing of easily curable disease while we argue that someone might gain couple dollar bills because of the obama care.

Listen anything you buy someone gets a profit - this is business! this is how our monetary system works. if people are upset they are spending money to save a life.. i say shame on them. if people continue to compare profits with life, i fear we wont advance in society.

we need to fully focus on health of this planet and the living things that surround us.
This unconstitutional bill was crammed through government. The bill is technically fascist because it forces the public to buy services from health insurance cartels.

The American public had no choice in the matter, Mitt Romney was selected as the Republican candidate for passing the Obamacare prototype in Massachusetts.


Rick Perry was selected as a Republican contender because he forced young people to go get shots which resulted in the deaths of some teenage girls.

7 years later California passed forced vaccinations


Obamacare forces working citizens to pay money to health insurance companies, but does not guarantee health services. Just like Social Security, people are forced to pay in, but will be worried about what they can get out of it.

This article says the legal challenges to Obamacare will never end. What they are telling you is the system is always going to be broken. Just like Social Security, a broken health care system with forced payments will be a voting tool, there will always be the threat that if you want your service you paid for you need to vote for the right person.



When customers ask me about my trade, HVAC, i'll stand there and answer all their questions , because I know what the fk i'm talking about.

Try asking your doctor a bunch of questions, they walk away because they don't want you trapping them in their words. They don't know anything, they are simply prescribing the pills they are told to sell.

If you tell them your foot hurts, the pharmaceutical companies take the business opportunity to sell a hurt-foot pill. They have to idea what the long term effects are.

As Dr. Drew Pinsky once said 'Testing drugs on humans is nearly impossible. They would have to give someone drugs and test for effects over 50 years'

Even though the FDA approves all of these drugs, there is no way they can be sure they are safe. Under Obamacare , health insurance companies can demand people take vaccinations or other drugs , with unknown effects, or without medical services, while still making people pay their monthly insurance bill.

We gave a system that has shown itself corrupt the ability to forcefully inject drugs into the human body, through the power of law.

The majority of ailments people have is from over-eating, but instead of making that point very clear, the pharmaceutical companies call the side effects "diseases" and sell pills as a business opportunity.

This should be the age when we start exposing the medical industry for the fraud it is, but instead Obama forced all working Americans to participate in the corrupt system.

What Obamacare will mean for junior is

* An insurance bill he doesn't need where the health insurance companies have the power to charge what ever they want, with the blessing of the government.

* A medical system that has authority over his blood stream

* Political mind control in the never ending quest to get benefits from the health care system he's forced to pay for

It doesn't force you to buy insurance. Buying the insurance exempts you from a certain tax.

LMAO-----oh hell--well that's a whole different story now isn't it ?
I am understanding in the importance of life and freedom. For a country to not provide health care is a shame. Look at African countries, people are dieing of easily curable disease while we argue that someone might gain couple dollar bills because of the obama care.

Listen anything you buy someone gets a profit - this is business! this is how our monetary system works. if people are upset they are spending money to save a life.. i say shame on them. if people continue to compare profits with life, i fear we wont advance in society.

we need to fully focus on health of this planet and the living things that surround us.

How about YOU focus on what YOU wanna focus on and let ME focus on what I want to focus on and we can agree to stay away from each others wallets. Deal ?
This unconstitutional bill was crammed through government. The bill is technically fascist because it forces the public to buy services from health insurance cartels.

The American public had no choice in the matter, Mitt Romney was selected as the Republican candidate for passing the Obamacare prototype in Massachusetts.


Rick Perry was selected as a Republican contender because he forced young people to go get shots which resulted in the deaths of some teenage girls.

7 years later California passed forced vaccinations


Obamacare forces working citizens to pay money to health insurance companies, but does not guarantee health services. Just like Social Security, people are forced to pay in, but will be worried about what they can get out of it.

This article says the legal challenges to Obamacare will never end. What they are telling you is the system is always going to be broken. Just like Social Security, a broken health care system with forced payments will be a voting tool, there will always be the threat that if you want your service you paid for you need to vote for the right person.



When customers ask me about my trade, HVAC, i'll stand there and answer all their questions , because I know what the fk i'm talking about.

Try asking your doctor a bunch of questions, they walk away because they don't want you trapping them in their words. They don't know anything, they are simply prescribing the pills they are told to sell.

If you tell them your foot hurts, the pharmaceutical companies take the business opportunity to sell a hurt-foot pill. They have to idea what the long term effects are.

As Dr. Drew Pinsky once said 'Testing drugs on humans is nearly impossible. They would have to give someone drugs and test for effects over 50 years'

Even though the FDA approves all of these drugs, there is no way they can be sure they are safe. Under Obamacare , health insurance companies can demand people take vaccinations or other drugs , with unknown effects, or without medical services, while still making people pay their monthly insurance bill.

We gave a system that has shown itself corrupt the ability to forcefully inject drugs into the human body, through the power of law.

The majority of ailments people have is from over-eating, but instead of making that point very clear, the pharmaceutical companies call the side effects "diseases" and sell pills as a business opportunity.

This should be the age when we start exposing the medical industry for the fraud it is, but instead Obama forced all working Americans to participate in the corrupt system.

What Obamacare will mean for junior is

* An insurance bill he doesn't need where the health insurance companies have the power to charge what ever they want, with the blessing of the government.

* A medical system that has authority over his blood stream

* Political mind control in the never ending quest to get benefits from the health care system he's forced to pay for

It doesn't force you to buy insurance. Buying the insurance exempts you from a certain tax.
A "tax" (or penalty, if you prefer), certainly punishes you for not buying it, though.... And the price is set to rise every year.
I am understanding in the importance of life and freedom. For a country to not provide health care is a shame. Look at African countries, people are dieing of easily curable disease while we argue that someone might gain couple dollar bills because of the obama care.

Listen anything you buy someone gets a profit - this is business! this is how our monetary system works. if people are upset they are spending money to save a life.. i say shame on them. if people continue to compare profits with life, i fear we wont advance in society.

we need to fully focus on health of this planet and the living things that surround us.

How about YOU focus on what YOU wanna focus on and let ME focus on what I want to focus on and we can agree to stay away from each others wallets. Deal ?

Ahhh, DD. You know that doesn't work for the Busybody Progs. Even if one leaves them alone to do their thing, they cannot stand the fact that others aren't sharing their GroupThink.
I am understanding in the importance of life and freedom. For a country to not provide health care is a shame. Look at African countries, people are dieing of easily curable disease while we argue that someone might gain couple dollar bills because of the obama care.

Listen anything you buy someone gets a profit - this is business! this is how our monetary system works. if people are upset they are spending money to save a life.. i say shame on them. if people continue to compare profits with life, i fear we wont advance in society.

we need to fully focus on health of this planet and the living things that surround us.

How about YOU focus on what YOU wanna focus on and let ME focus on what I want to focus on and we can agree to stay away from each others wallets. Deal ?

As far as i can tell our wallets are already mixed if we like it or dont through obama care. so might as well talk about - life.

But in all seriousness, i agree with you... Its a matter of picking the lesser evil. Yes, no one shouldn't be forced to do anything, especially if someone is healthy. but take a closer look at your taxes. every time you buy something you have no idea where your tax dollars go towards, im assuming. part of my property tax goes towards school, and guess what i dont go to school anymore and dont have kids... why should i pay the school tax? the answer is that we live in a utilitarian society.
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Let me ask you something, do we have a choice to pay taxes? Do have have a choice to privacy without the government spying on its own citizens? do have a choice to truthful information, do we have a choice of freedom of speech without backlash?

from what i can tell.. just deal with it.

We needed this done, health care is one of our necessities. not every can afford it like you can...
The truth is this;

"Although the Obama administration and Congressional Democrats who voted for the law don’t talk much about it, a significant percentage of the population will always be in a kind of no-man’s land. They earn too much to quality for either Medicaid or federal subsidies, but they also earn too little to be penalized for not buying it."

Millions of middle class Americans will remain uninsured despite Obamacare Center for Public Integrity

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