“What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?”

When a crazy decides to go on a rampage, and kill as many as they can do they chose bolt action, lever, or pump gun? No, they chose an assault weapon, with a fast reloadable magazine. Since Columbine we have seen multiple mass murders. The ones that have the highest kill rates are done with AR type weapons. Requiring a special license to own one of these would help considerably in keeping the assault weapons out of the hands of the crazies. However, you absolutists will create a situation where we have gun control laws that affect even the weapons I have. It is you, and those like you are a danger to my right to own a weapon.

There has not been a mass public shooting with an assault weapon in this country..... those are military weapons with select fire capability, the AR-15 civilian rifle is not a military rifle, has never been used by the military.......

The French, on the other hand, every mass shooting they have is done with a fully automatic military rifle....even though all rifles and pistols are banned for French citizens.... gun control doesn't work there either...
When a crazy decides to go on a rampage, and kill as many as they can do they chose bolt action, lever, or pump gun? No, they chose an assault weapon, with a fast reloadable magazine. Since Columbine we have seen multiple mass murders. The ones that have the highest kill rates are done with AR type weapons. Requiring a special license to own one of these would help considerably in keeping the assault weapons out of the hands of the crazies. However, you absolutists will create a situation where we have gun control laws that affect even the weapons I have. It is you, and those like you are a danger to my right to own a weapon.
Not true, crazy people are choosing vans to run people over as ISIS has ask them to do.. So are you going to ban vans?
"What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?" | Extrano's Alley
Someone came by searching for “what percentage of murders committed with AR[15.”

That number varies with the year, of course, and is in decline along with other gun related murders. Using 2014 FBI number of 11,961 ‘depraved heart murders,’ 39 of 11,961 murders, or very slightly more than 3 in 1,000 murders were reported by the media to have been committed with AR-15, AK-47, and similar firearms.

On the other hand, the number wanted is the percentage of the homicide total, which includes murder, manslaughter, and “official intervention” 91 of 14,249 homicidem> victims were killed with military style semiautomatic rifles; the majority by police SWAT teams. That is a per decimal percentage of 0.00073845 or approximately 7 per 1,000 homicides, or 0.0.7 percent.

Yet in the face of this we most remember that 40100 people were killed in auto accidents last year, and 40100 families were destroyed. So why are you so concerned with the tiny percentage of people killed by AR-15 style weapons?

Start counting by 1 and stop when you get to 40100..........

110 people a day are killed in cars, how can you not want cars and vans banned

Where did you get the 39 number for AR-15 civilian rifles? I would like to have that source for my own posts...

The link was there, the really sad thing is that the accurate government numbers are hard to find, because they tell the truth that the liberals need to squash
You want to know why those numbers are hard to find? Because the NRA prevented the CDC treating the epidemic of mass shootings as they would any other cause of death in this nation. Until this year, they could not spend money to investigate the causes, and statistics of gun violence. What is really needed is to post the pictures from Sandy Hook, Vegas, and Parkland on every street corner. They allow the pictures of bad wrecks to be published, why not the police pictures of the victims of these horrors?

Yes..... the facts, truth and reality show you are an idiot who doesn't know what they are talking about...so you need to abuse the emotions of uninformed people to get them to give you the power to confiscate guns.... you truly are a fascist....
I have often pointed out that the laws I would like to see enacted would not confiscate anyone's guns. However, given the absolutist attitudes, that is not what is going to happen. Eventually a crazy will shoot up one to many schools, church, movie theater, or music concert, and confiscatory laws will be passed. And you will be the people to blame for that.
Kill 58 and wound nearly 500.

Cocksuck, what you are trying to create is a nation where everyone has to be armed, to go to church, to go to a movie, to go to a music concert, where we have to have armed guards at schools, and pray they are not cowards as the one at Parkland was. Fuck you, we do not want that nation, we want a free nation where we can do what we need without fear of some crazy like you killing us or our children.

I see that the Oregon referendum, whether it is put to vote at present, will be the way that most states will go. Outlawing all semi-automatics. And, asshole, that will be on your head.

Dumb shit....

Vegas....two rifles, fired from a concealed and fortified position using over 1,000 rounds of ammo against a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people...

Kill 58 and wound nearly 500.

A rental Truck driven by a muslim terrorist, in Nice, France...

On the evening of 14 July 2016, a 19 tonne cargo truck was deliberately driven into crowds of people celebrating Bastille Day on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, France, resulting in the deaths of 86 people[2] and the injury of 458 others.[4]

2016 Nice attack - Wikipedia

Can you tell which numbers are bigger?

Waffle House.... 1 AR-15 rifle.... 4 dead, 4 injured.

Toronto street, 1 rental van.... 10 dead, 15 injured...

Can you tell which number is bigger, you doofus......

We need to ban automobiles...we don't want to live in a world where 38,000 people a year are killed by these murder machines....more are killed with cars than guns, you doofus...
Eh. I think you take the futility of a ban of a specific class of weapon to far. It's legal to do so, but the real impact on preventing mass killings would probably be better from identifying people who pose dangers and having laws to temporarily seize their weapons pending further investigation, and hearings.
When a crazy decides to go on a rampage, and kill as many as they can do they chose bolt action, lever, or pump gun? No, they chose an assault weapon, with a fast reloadable magazine. Since Columbine we have seen multiple mass murders. The ones that have the highest kill rates are done with AR type weapons. Requiring a special license to own one of these would help considerably in keeping the assault weapons out of the hands of the crazies. However, you absolutists will create a situation where we have gun control laws that affect even the weapons I have. It is you, and those like you are a danger to my right to own a weapon.

you mean a plain old everyday commonplace semiautomatic rifle that has been available to to public for over 100 years?
When a crazy decides to go on a rampage, and kill as many as they can do they chose bolt action, lever, or pump gun? No, they chose an assault weapon, with a fast reloadable magazine. Since Columbine we have seen multiple mass murders. The ones that have the highest kill rates are done with AR type weapons. Requiring a special license to own one of these would help considerably in keeping the assault weapons out of the hands of the crazies. However, you absolutists will create a situation where we have gun control laws that affect even the weapons I have. It is you, and those like you are a danger to my right to own a weapon.

There has not been a mass public shooting with an assault weapon in this country..... those are military weapons with select fire capability, the AR-15 civilian rifle is not a military rifle, has never been used by the military.......

The French, on the other hand, every mass shooting they have is done with a fully automatic military rifle....even though all rifles and pistols are banned for French citizens.... gun control doesn't work there either...
Playing games with words, fuck face? If you can fire 30 rounds in under 10 seconds, it is an assault weapon. But you do not get to define what is considered to dangerous a weapon for the general public without a special license. That will be done by State legislatures, and then the House and Senate. And if they go confiscatory, I hope you resist. LOL
"What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?" | Extrano's Alley
Someone came by searching for “what percentage of murders committed with AR[15.”

That number varies with the year, of course, and is in decline along with other gun related murders. Using 2014 FBI number of 11,961 ‘depraved heart murders,’ 39 of 11,961 murders, or very slightly more than 3 in 1,000 murders were reported by the media to have been committed with AR-15, AK-47, and similar firearms.

On the other hand, the number wanted is the percentage of the homicide total, which includes murder, manslaughter, and “official intervention” 91 of 14,249 homicidem> victims were killed with military style semiautomatic rifles; the majority by police SWAT teams. That is a per decimal percentage of 0.00073845 or approximately 7 per 1,000 homicides, or 0.0.7 percent.

Yet in the face of this we most remember that 40100 people were killed in auto accidents last year, and 40100 families were destroyed. So why are you so concerned with the tiny percentage of people killed by AR-15 style weapons?

Start counting by 1 and stop when you get to 40100..........

110 people a day are killed in cars, how can you not want cars and vans banned

Where did you get the 39 number for AR-15 civilian rifles? I would like to have that source for my own posts...

The link was there, the really sad thing is that the accurate government numbers are hard to find, because they tell the truth that the liberals need to squash
You want to know why those numbers are hard to find? Because the NRA prevented the CDC treating the epidemic of mass shootings as they would any other cause of death in this nation. Until this year, they could not spend money to investigate the causes, and statistics of gun violence. What is really needed is to post the pictures from Sandy Hook, Vegas, and Parkland on every street corner. They allow the pictures of bad wrecks to be published, why not the police pictures of the victims of these horrors?

Yes..... the facts, truth and reality show you are an idiot who doesn't know what they are talking about...so you need to abuse the emotions of uninformed people to get them to give you the power to confiscate guns.... you truly are a fascist....
I have often pointed out that the laws I would like to see enacted would not confiscate anyone's guns. However, given the absolutist attitudes, that is not what is going to happen. Eventually a crazy will shoot up one to many schools, church, movie theater, or music concert, and confiscatory laws will be passed. And you will be the people to blame for that.

No, eventually we will put the blame where it ultimately belongs, that being the use of SSRI antidepressants on our youth, and those people, like you who just want to drug our youth into oblivion, will have to take the blame.
Kill 58 and wound nearly 500.

Cocksuck, what you are trying to create is a nation where everyone has to be armed, to go to church, to go to a movie, to go to a music concert, where we have to have armed guards at schools, and pray they are not cowards as the one at Parkland was. Fuck you, we do not want that nation, we want a free nation where we can do what we need without fear of some crazy like you killing us or our children.

I see that the Oregon referendum, whether it is put to vote at present, will be the way that most states will go. Outlawing all semi-automatics. And, asshole, that will be on your head.

And it is unConstitutional.......already decided in D.C v Heller, Caetano v. Massachusetts, Miller v. United States, and the Dissent in Friedman v Highland Park........you doofus.
"What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?" | Extrano's Alley
Someone came by searching for “what percentage of murders committed with AR[15.”

That number varies with the year, of course, and is in decline along with other gun related murders. Using 2014 FBI number of 11,961 ‘depraved heart murders,’ 39 of 11,961 murders, or very slightly more than 3 in 1,000 murders were reported by the media to have been committed with AR-15, AK-47, and similar firearms.

On the other hand, the number wanted is the percentage of the homicide total, which includes murder, manslaughter, and “official intervention” 91 of 14,249 homicidem> victims were killed with military style semiautomatic rifles; the majority by police SWAT teams. That is a per decimal percentage of 0.00073845 or approximately 7 per 1,000 homicides, or 0.0.7 percent.

Yet in the face of this we most remember that 40100 people were killed in auto accidents last year, and 40100 families were destroyed. So why are you so concerned with the tiny percentage of people killed by AR-15 style weapons?

Start counting by 1 and stop when you get to 40100..........

110 people a day are killed in cars, how can you not want cars and vans banned

Where did you get the 39 number for AR-15 civilian rifles? I would like to have that source for my own posts...

The link was there, the really sad thing is that the accurate government numbers are hard to find, because they tell the truth that the liberals need to squash
You want to know why those numbers are hard to find? Because the NRA prevented the CDC treating the epidemic of mass shootings as they would any other cause of death in this nation. Until this year, they could not spend money to investigate the causes, and statistics of gun violence. What is really needed is to post the pictures from Sandy Hook, Vegas, and Parkland on every street corner. They allow the pictures of bad wrecks to be published, why not the police pictures of the victims of these horrors?
The CDC was never banned from doing any research ever.

The only restriction that had was they could not use government money to advocate for gun control

Obama knew this and commissioned a study that found that firearms are an important deterrent to crime
When a crazy decides to go on a rampage, and kill as many as they can do they chose bolt action, lever, or pump gun? No, they chose an assault weapon, with a fast reloadable magazine. Since Columbine we have seen multiple mass murders. The ones that have the highest kill rates are done with AR type weapons. Requiring a special license to own one of these would help considerably in keeping the assault weapons out of the hands of the crazies. However, you absolutists will create a situation where we have gun control laws that affect even the weapons I have. It is you, and those like you are a danger to my right to own a weapon.

There has not been a mass public shooting with an assault weapon in this country..... those are military weapons with select fire capability, the AR-15 civilian rifle is not a military rifle, has never been used by the military.......

The French, on the other hand, every mass shooting they have is done with a fully automatic military rifle....even though all rifles and pistols are banned for French citizens.... gun control doesn't work there either...
Playing games with words, fuck face? If you can fire 30 rounds in under 10 seconds, it is an assault weapon. But you do not get to define what is considered to dangerous a weapon for the general public without a special license. That will be done by State legislatures, and then the House and Senate. And if they go confiscatory, I hope you resist. LOL

No...dumb ass, you can lie all you want, the AR-15 civilian rifle has never been used by the military....

And Friedman v. Highland Park (the dissent by scalia and thomas) and Caetano v Massachusetts already stated you are wrong... The AR-15 rifle is in common use for lawful purposes and is protected by the 2nd Amendment.....
When a crazy decides to go on a rampage, and kill as many as they can do they chose bolt action, lever, or pump gun? No, they chose an assault weapon, with a fast reloadable magazine. Since Columbine we have seen multiple mass murders. The ones that have the highest kill rates are done with AR type weapons. Requiring a special license to own one of these would help considerably in keeping the assault weapons out of the hands of the crazies. However, you absolutists will create a situation where we have gun control laws that affect even the weapons I have. It is you, and those like you are a danger to my right to own a weapon.

There has not been a mass public shooting with an assault weapon in this country..... those are military weapons with select fire capability, the AR-15 civilian rifle is not a military rifle, has never been used by the military.......

The French, on the other hand, every mass shooting they have is done with a fully automatic military rifle....even though all rifles and pistols are banned for French citizens.... gun control doesn't work there either...
Playing games with words, fuck face? If you can fire 30 rounds in under 10 seconds, it is an assault weapon. But you do not get to define what is considered to dangerous a weapon for the general public without a special license. That will be done by State legislatures, and then the House and Senate. And if they go confiscatory, I hope you resist. LOL

The Supreme Court already defined it, you dumb ass...... D.C. v Heller, Caetano v. Massachusetts, the dissent in Friedman v. Highland Park, and Miller v. United States...
Kill 58 and wound nearly 500.

Cocksuck, what you are trying to create is a nation where everyone has to be armed, to go to church, to go to a movie, to go to a music concert, where we have to have armed guards at schools, and pray they are not cowards as the one at Parkland was. Fuck you, we do not want that nation, we want a free nation where we can do what we need without fear of some crazy like you killing us or our children.

I see that the Oregon referendum, whether it is put to vote at present, will be the way that most states will go. Outlawing all semi-automatics. And, asshole, that will be on your head.

Dumb shit....

Vegas....two rifles, fired from a concealed and fortified position using over 1,000 rounds of ammo against a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people...

Kill 58 and wound nearly 500.

A rental Truck driven by a muslim terrorist, in Nice, France...

On the evening of 14 July 2016, a 19 tonne cargo truck was deliberately driven into crowds of people celebrating Bastille Day on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, France, resulting in the deaths of 86 people[2] and the injury of 458 others.[4]

2016 Nice attack - Wikipedia

Can you tell which numbers are bigger?

Waffle House.... 1 AR-15 rifle.... 4 dead, 4 injured.

Toronto street, 1 rental van.... 10 dead, 15 injured...

Can you tell which number is bigger, you doofus......

We need to ban automobiles...we don't want to live in a world where 38,000 people a year are killed by these murder machines....more are killed with cars than guns, you doofus...
To be honest here we don't know how many of those 500 injured were shot and how many were trampled or injured in other ways
Kill 58 and wound nearly 500.

Cocksuck, what you are trying to create is a nation where everyone has to be armed, to go to church, to go to a movie, to go to a music concert, where we have to have armed guards at schools, and pray they are not cowards as the one at Parkland was. Fuck you, we do not want that nation, we want a free nation where we can do what we need without fear of some crazy like you killing us or our children.

I see that the Oregon referendum, whether it is put to vote at present, will be the way that most states will go. Outlawing all semi-automatics. And, asshole, that will be on your head.

Dumb shit....

Vegas....two rifles, fired from a concealed and fortified position using over 1,000 rounds of ammo against a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people...

Kill 58 and wound nearly 500.

A rental Truck driven by a muslim terrorist, in Nice, France...

On the evening of 14 July 2016, a 19 tonne cargo truck was deliberately driven into crowds of people celebrating Bastille Day on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, France, resulting in the deaths of 86 people[2] and the injury of 458 others.[4]

2016 Nice attack - Wikipedia

Can you tell which numbers are bigger?

Waffle House.... 1 AR-15 rifle.... 4 dead, 4 injured.

Toronto street, 1 rental van.... 10 dead, 15 injured...

Can you tell which number is bigger, you doofus......

We need to ban automobiles...we don't want to live in a world where 38,000 people a year are killed by these murder machines....more are killed with cars than guns, you doofus...
To be honest here we don't know how many of those 500 injured were shot and how many were trampled or injured in other ways

"What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?" | Extrano's Alley
Someone came by searching for “what percentage of murders committed with AR[15.”

That number varies with the year, of course, and is in decline along with other gun related murders. Using 2014 FBI number of 11,961 ‘depraved heart murders,’ 39 of 11,961 murders, or very slightly more than 3 in 1,000 murders were reported by the media to have been committed with AR-15, AK-47, and similar firearms.

On the other hand, the number wanted is the percentage of the homicide total, which includes murder, manslaughter, and “official intervention” 91 of 14,249 homicidem> victims were killed with military style semiautomatic rifles; the majority by police SWAT teams. That is a per decimal percentage of 0.00073845 or approximately 7 per 1,000 homicides, or 0.0.7 percent.

Yet in the face of this we most remember that 40100 people were killed in auto accidents last year, and 40100 families were destroyed. So why are you so concerned with the tiny percentage of people killed by AR-15 style weapons?

Start counting by 1 and stop when you get to 40100..........

110 people a day are killed in cars, how can you not want cars and vans banned

Where did you get the 39 number for AR-15 civilian rifles? I would like to have that source for my own posts...

The link was there, the really sad thing is that the accurate government numbers are hard to find, because they tell the truth that the liberals need to squash
You want to know why those numbers are hard to find? Because the NRA prevented the CDC treating the epidemic of mass shootings as they would any other cause of death in this nation. Until this year, they could not spend money to investigate the causes, and statistics of gun violence. What is really needed is to post the pictures from Sandy Hook, Vegas, and Parkland on every street corner. They allow the pictures of bad wrecks to be published, why not the police pictures of the victims of these horrors?
The CDC was never banned from doing any research ever.

The only restriction that had was they could not use government money to advocate for gun control

Obama knew this and commissioned a study that found that firearms are an important deterrent to crime

You can not know everything about the CDC which is actually quite private
"What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?" | Extrano's Alley
Someone came by searching for “what percentage of murders committed with AR[15.”

That number varies with the year, of course, and is in decline along with other gun related murders. Using 2014 FBI number of 11,961 ‘depraved heart murders,’ 39 of 11,961 murders, or very slightly more than 3 in 1,000 murders were reported by the media to have been committed with AR-15, AK-47, and similar firearms.

On the other hand, the number wanted is the percentage of the homicide total, which includes murder, manslaughter, and “official intervention” 91 of 14,249 homicidem> victims were killed with military style semiautomatic rifles; the majority by police SWAT teams. That is a per decimal percentage of 0.00073845 or approximately 7 per 1,000 homicides, or 0.0.7 percent.

Yet in the face of this we most remember that 40100 people were killed in auto accidents last year, and 40100 families were destroyed. So why are you so concerned with the tiny percentage of people killed by AR-15 style weapons?

Start counting by 1 and stop when you get to 40100..........

110 people a day are killed in cars, how can you not want cars and vans banned

Where did you get the 39 number for AR-15 civilian rifles? I would like to have that source for my own posts...

The link was there, the really sad thing is that the accurate government numbers are hard to find, because they tell the truth that the liberals need to squash
You want to know why those numbers are hard to find? Because the NRA prevented the CDC treating the epidemic of mass shootings as they would any other cause of death in this nation. Until this year, they could not spend money to investigate the causes, and statistics of gun violence. What is really needed is to post the pictures from Sandy Hook, Vegas, and Parkland on every street corner. They allow the pictures of bad wrecks to be published, why not the police pictures of the victims of these horrors?
The CDC was never banned from doing any research ever.

The only restriction that had was they could not use government money to advocate for gun control

Obama knew this and commissioned a study that found that firearms are an important deterrent to crime

You can not know everything about the CDC which is actually quite private

I know that the CDC was never banned from doing research on firearms as they relate to the health and safety of the public
Where did you get the 39 number for AR-15 civilian rifles? I would like to have that source for my own posts...

The link was there, the really sad thing is that the accurate government numbers are hard to find, because they tell the truth that the liberals need to squash
You want to know why those numbers are hard to find? Because the NRA prevented the CDC treating the epidemic of mass shootings as they would any other cause of death in this nation. Until this year, they could not spend money to investigate the causes, and statistics of gun violence. What is really needed is to post the pictures from Sandy Hook, Vegas, and Parkland on every street corner. They allow the pictures of bad wrecks to be published, why not the police pictures of the victims of these horrors?
The CDC was never banned from doing any research ever.

The only restriction that had was they could not use government money to advocate for gun control

Obama knew this and commissioned a study that found that firearms are an important deterrent to crime

You can not know everything about the CDC which is actually quite private

I know that the CDC was never banned from doing research on firearms as they relate to the health and safety of the public

How are you privy to information by the government agency task with understanding infectious diseases and germ warfare?

I think you are stretching the limits of your intellectual knowledge.

Bye the way if you had this info and were blabbering it here, you would already be dead, like this guy

Whistleblower, prominent Atlanta doctor goes missing after flu warning

The fact is that the flu deaths this year were caused by the flu shot, but the guy who knew vanished
The link was there, the really sad thing is that the accurate government numbers are hard to find, because they tell the truth that the liberals need to squash
You want to know why those numbers are hard to find? Because the NRA prevented the CDC treating the epidemic of mass shootings as they would any other cause of death in this nation. Until this year, they could not spend money to investigate the causes, and statistics of gun violence. What is really needed is to post the pictures from Sandy Hook, Vegas, and Parkland on every street corner. They allow the pictures of bad wrecks to be published, why not the police pictures of the victims of these horrors?
The CDC was never banned from doing any research ever.

The only restriction that had was they could not use government money to advocate for gun control

Obama knew this and commissioned a study that found that firearms are an important deterrent to crime

You can not know everything about the CDC which is actually quite private

I know that the CDC was never banned from doing research on firearms as they relate to the health and safety of the public

How are you privy to information by the government agency task with understanding infectious diseases and germ warfare?

I think you are stretching the limits of your intellectual knowledge.

Bye the way if you had this info and were blabbering it here, you would already be dead, like this guy

Whistleblower, prominent Atlanta doctor goes missing after flu warning

The fact is that the flu deaths this year were caused by the flu shot, but the guy who knew vanished

What does a gun study have to do with the flu?

Oh yeah not a fucking thing

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