What percentage of Palestinians are terrorists?

as political propaganda designed to incite adverse emotional responses to Israeli Defense Force (IDF) military action against the aggressor (in this case the Hostile Arab Palestinians).
Israel is the aggressor unless you believe that the Palestinians went to Europe to attack the Zionists.
RE: What percentage of Palestinians are terrorists?
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Do you actually understand the conflict at all?

The real world observations were compared to the intent of the List of Customary Rules of International Humanitarian Law (ICRC) and the prohibitions addressed in either the 19 Terrorist Conventions that are in force, or responsible for the conduct of activities prohibited by some provision of these 40 Resolutions. (See Posting #67, this discussion thread)
Where does it say that this applies to Palestinians and not to Israel?

Well, of course they apply to Israel. But no Israeli has ever been accused of any of the 19 of the Treaties.

There is no outstanding charges of a violation of any of these resolutions:

International legal and normative framework against terrorism

Member States repeatedly cite terrorism as a major threat to international peace and security. Addressing this threat is a priority of the United Nations, as demonstrated by the increasing number of resolutions recently adopted by the General Assembly, including resolution 70/291 on the United Nations Global
Counter-Terrorism Strategy Review, 71/38 on measures to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction, 71/66 on preventing the acquisition by terrorists of radioactive sources and 71/151 on measures to eliminate international terrorism, and by the Security Council, including 2309 (2016) on terrorist threats to
civil aviation, 2322 (2016) on international judicial cooperation in the fight against terrorism, 2331 (2016)
on trafficking in persons and terrorism and 2341 (2017) on the protection of critical infrastructure against terrorist attacks.

Israel has never hijacked a commercial aircraft.
Israel has never unlawfully seized a cruise ship.
Israel has never engaged in suicide bombing.
Israel has never engaged in kidnapping and murder.
Israel has not intentionally destroyed gathering places for innocent people to kill the maximum number of civilians.
Israel has never ambushed an unarmed vehicle and killed every passenger (and in some cases) entire families.
Israel has never taken unarmed passengers and killed them either throwing them overboard or onto the tarmac.
Israel has never created a "terrorist group" which shall mean:
• A structured group of more than two persons, established over a period of time and acting in concert to commit terrorist offenses.
• "Structured group" shall mean a group that is not randomly formed for the immediate commission of an offense and that does not need to have formally defined roles for its members, continuity of its membership or a developed structure.​
Israel has never etc... etc... etc...​

as political propaganda designed to incite adverse emotional responses to Israeli Defense Force (IDF) military action against the aggressor (in this case the Hostile Arab Palestinians).
Israel is the aggressor unless you believe that the Palestinians went to Europe to attack the Zionists.

Between the end of the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (OETA) and the end of the Civil Administration under the Mandate; Jewish Immigration was a function under the British Mandate. At the termination of the British Mandate, immigration became a function of the self-governing institution, the State of Israel established under the right of self-determination and successfully defended against the Arab League.

This nonsense about the Jewish People being aggressors in the Middle East is simply ridiculous. The establishment of the Jewish National Home was agreed upon by the Allied Powers in 1920. It was their decision to make; not that of the enemy population.

Of the territory under the British Mandate, the 77% immediately was allocated to the Arabs for Jordan. Of the remaining 23% --- ≈ 12.5% was allocated for the Jewish People (Israel) and the remaining 10.5% was allocated for another Arab enclave.

Most Respectfully,
Israel has not intentionally destroyed gathering places for innocent people to kill the maximum number of civilians.
Not true, they even firebombed a UN school where children were. They have assassinated international peacekeepers and reporters. They have blown up ambulances carrying injured victims. They have also carried multiple bombing campaigns over Gaza. Additionally, it is a war crime to steal land in war.

Defending war criminals is a pretty bleak way to go through life, but it's your life.
RE: What percentage of Palestinians are terrorists?
※→ et al,


Jihadist, the Fedayeen, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric fighters do not live in a vacuum. Somewhere, from someone, these threats are receiving a considerable amount of help. The local people know who they are and where they stay. The local Arab Palestinians not only vote for these people, but provide material support so that they may continue their terrorist activities. So it is at least a third of the population that voted. We call this a terrorism supporting nation.

Most Respectfully,
This nonsense about the Jewish People being aggressors in the Middle East is simply ridiculous.
Talk about nonsense. The Zionists went to Palestine to take the place over for themselves.

The Zionists called it colonialism. The British called it colonialism. The Palestinians called it colonialism and still do. History calls it colonialism. The facts on the ground call it colonialism. People do not get colonized voluntarily. It requires military force.

The Palestinians were at home minding their own business when this landed on them. They have been defending themselves ever since.
Sure. And when the Arab Palestinians return to their homeland -- its colonialism. The Israelis are there just minding their own business. People do not get colonized voluntarily.
as political propaganda designed to incite adverse emotional responses to Israeli Defense Force (IDF) military action against the aggressor (in this case the Hostile Arab Palestinians).
Israel is the aggressor unless you believe that the Palestinians went to Europe to attack the Zionists.

Arabs are the aggressors - they expelled and massacred Palestinian Jews before any Zionist ever shot a bullet.
as political propaganda designed to incite adverse emotional responses to Israeli Defense Force (IDF) military action against the aggressor (in this case the Hostile Arab Palestinians).
Israel is the aggressor unless you believe that the Palestinians went to Europe to attack the Zionists.

Arabs are the aggressors - they expelled and massacred Palestinian Jews before any Zionist ever shot a bullet.
Shooting people is not the only means of aggression.
as political propaganda designed to incite adverse emotional responses to Israeli Defense Force (IDF) military action against the aggressor (in this case the Hostile Arab Palestinians).
Israel is the aggressor unless you believe that the Palestinians went to Europe to attack the Zionists.

Arabs are the aggressors - they expelled and massacred Palestinian Jews before any Zionist ever shot a bullet.
Shooting people is not the only means of aggression.

So don't be so vague.
Is Jewish presence an aggression upon Arabs?
as political propaganda designed to incite adverse emotional responses to Israeli Defense Force (IDF) military action against the aggressor (in this case the Hostile Arab Palestinians).
Israel is the aggressor unless you believe that the Palestinians went to Europe to attack the Zionists.

Arabs are the aggressors - they expelled and massacred Palestinian Jews before any Zionist ever shot a bullet.
Shooting people is not the only means of aggression.

So don't be so vague.
Is Jewish presence an aggression upon Arabs?
as political propaganda designed to incite adverse emotional responses to Israeli Defense Force (IDF) military action against the aggressor (in this case the Hostile Arab Palestinians).
Israel is the aggressor unless you believe that the Palestinians went to Europe to attack the Zionists.

Arabs are the aggressors - they expelled and massacred Palestinian Jews before any Zionist ever shot a bullet.
Shooting people is not the only means of aggression.

So don't be so vague.
Is Jewish presence an aggression upon Arabs?

1834 looting of Safed - Wikipedia

Accounts of the month-long event tell of large scale looting,[7] as well as killing and raping of Jews and the destruction of homes and synagogues by local Druze. Many Torah scrolls were desecrated[3] and many Jews were left severely wounded.[8][9] The event has been described as a pogrom or "pogrom-like" by some authors.[10][11]Hundreds fled the town seeking refuge in the open countryside or in neighbouring villages. The rioting was quelled by Lebanese Druze troops under the orders of Ibrahim Pasha following the intervention of foreign consuls. The instigators were arrested and later executed in Acre.
Israel is the aggressor unless you believe that the Palestinians went to Europe to attack the Zionists.

Arabs are the aggressors - they expelled and massacred Palestinian Jews before any Zionist ever shot a bullet.
Shooting people is not the only means of aggression.

So don't be so vague.
Is Jewish presence an aggression upon Arabs?

1834 looting of Safed - Wikipedia

Accounts of the month-long event tell of large scale looting,[7] as well as killing and raping of Jews and the destruction of homes and synagogues by local Druze. Many Torah scrolls were desecrated[3] and many Jews were left severely wounded.[8][9] The event has been described as a pogrom or "pogrom-like" by some authors.[10][11]Hundreds fled the town seeking refuge in the open countryside or in neighbouring villages. The rioting was quelled by Lebanese Druze troops under the orders of Ibrahim Pasha following the intervention of foreign consuls. The instigators were arrested and later executed in Acre.
I can't tell with only half of the story.

BTW, if you have to go back a hundred years, it does not look like a systemic problem.
Arabs are the aggressors - they expelled and massacred Palestinian Jews before any Zionist ever shot a bullet.
Shooting people is not the only means of aggression.

So don't be so vague.
Is Jewish presence an aggression upon Arabs?

1834 looting of Safed - Wikipedia

Accounts of the month-long event tell of large scale looting,[7] as well as killing and raping of Jews and the destruction of homes and synagogues by local Druze. Many Torah scrolls were desecrated[3] and many Jews were left severely wounded.[8][9] The event has been described as a pogrom or "pogrom-like" by some authors.[10][11]Hundreds fled the town seeking refuge in the open countryside or in neighbouring villages. The rioting was quelled by Lebanese Druze troops under the orders of Ibrahim Pasha following the intervention of foreign consuls. The instigators were arrested and later executed in Acre.
I can't tell with only half of the story.

BTW, if you have to go back a hundred years, it does not look like a systemic problem.

I just went 50 prior to 1st Zionist immigration.
This was indeed a systemic problem all around Europe, North Africa, Arabia and Syria-Palestine

Damascus affair - Wikipedia

Protests and negotiation
The affair drew wide international attention in particular due to the efforts of the Austrian Consul in Aleppo Eliahu Picciotto who made representations to Ibrahim Pasha, Muhammad Ali's son in Egypt, who then ordered an investigation. In 1840, G. W. Pieritz also exposed the matter in the Times to public indignation, after personal representations to the Pasha on May 15.[4][5] Sir Moses Haim Montefiore, backed by other influential westerners including Britain's Lord Palmerston and Damascus consul Charles Henry Churchill,[5] the French lawyer Adolphe Crémieux, Austrian consul Giovanni Gasparo Merlato, Danish missionary John Nicolayson,[5] and Solomon Munk, led a delegation to the ruler of Syria, Muhammad Ali.[citation needed]

Negotiations in Alexandria continued from August 4 to August 28 and secured the unconditional release and recognition of innocence of the nine prisoners still remaining alive (out of thirteen). Later in Constantinople, Montefiore persuaded Sultan Abdülmecid I to issue a firman (edict) intended to halt the spread of blood libel accusations in the Ottoman Empire:

"... and for the love we bear to our subjects, we cannot permit the Jewish nation, whose innocence for the crime alleged against them is evident, to be worried and tormented as a consequence of accusations which have not the least foundation in truth...".

The Rhodes blood libel and the Damascus affair, reported together in The Times, Apr 18, 1840
In a new and groundbreaking effort, the American Jewish community of 15,000[6] protested in six American cities on behalf of their Syrian brethren. "For the first time in American Jewish life, Jews... organized themselves politically to help Diaspora Jewry in distress." Among the new ethnic immigrant populations to the United States, the Jews were the first to attempt to sway the government to act on behalf of their kin and co-religionists abroad; with this incident, they became involved in the politics of foreign policy, persuading but not pressuring President Van Buren to protest officially.[7] The United States consul in Egypt expressed the protest.

Influence of the incident and reactions to it[edit]
The incident and its repercussions were considerable. According to Hasia R. Diner, in The Jews of the United States, 1654 to 2000, "For the Jews, the Damascus affair launched modern Jewish politics on an international scale, and for American Jews it represented their first effort at creating a distinctive political agenda. Just as the United States had used this affair to proclaim its presence on the global scale, so too did American Jews, in their newspapers and at mass meetings, announce to their coreligionists in France and England that they too ought to be thought of players in global Jewish diplomacy."[8]
Israel has not intentionally destroyed gathering places for innocent people to kill the maximum number of civilians.
Not true, they even firebombed a UN school where children were. They have assassinated international peacekeepers and reporters. They have blown up ambulances carrying injured victims. They have also carried multiple bombing campaigns over Gaza. Additionally, it is a war crime to steal land in war.
So what's the problem? Open a criminal case. :cool-45:
Israel has not intentionally destroyed gathering places for innocent people to kill the maximum number of civilians.
Not true, they even firebombed a UN school where children were. They have assassinated international peacekeepers and reporters. They have blown up ambulances carrying injured victims. They have also carried multiple bombing campaigns over Gaza. Additionally, it is a war crime to steal land in war.
So what's the problem? Open a criminal case. :cool-45:
BTW, no Palestinian has ever been taken to court for so called terrorism.
Israel has not intentionally destroyed gathering places for innocent people to kill the maximum number of civilians.
Not true, they even firebombed a UN school where children were. They have assassinated international peacekeepers and reporters. They have blown up ambulances carrying injured victims. They have also carried multiple bombing campaigns over Gaza. Additionally, it is a war crime to steal land in war.
So what's the problem? Open a criminal case. :cool-45:
BTW, no Palestinian has ever been taken to court for so called terrorism.

Barghouti was.
His defense was the same as Eichman's.
I think the list is long.
Israel has not intentionally destroyed gathering places for innocent people to kill the maximum number of civilians.
Not true, they even firebombed a UN school where children were. They have assassinated international peacekeepers and reporters. They have blown up ambulances carrying injured victims. They have also carried multiple bombing campaigns over Gaza. Additionally, it is a war crime to steal land in war.
So what's the problem? Open a criminal case. :cool-45:
BTW, no Palestinian has ever been taken to court for so called terrorism.

Barghouti was.
His defense was the same as Eichman's.
I think the list is long.
I mean a real court, not that kangaroo shit they have in Israel.

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