What percentage of todays Democrats are ‘conventional’ American values / Americans first ideologists?

Are there any whom still firmly believe (in) the following….
Americans First
The American Way
American values and a moral order
Aggressive border security
That men can’t become women by proclamation
Are anti-socialism

YOU have proven many times that YOU don't believe in all of those.

YOU don't believe in the American way.
YOU don't believe in capitalism.
YOU don't believe in Christianity.
YOU don't believe in American values or morality.
YOU are a hypocrite.
Nothing says conventional values like 5 kids by 3 wives. Multiple affairs. Bragging about grabbing women by the pussy. Admits fraud for his charitable foundation and his private University. Burying a former wife in one of your golf courses for a tax break. Being involved in 4000 law suits. Declaring bankruptcy multiple times to not pay debts but he is worth billions, falsifying medical records to avoid serving his country, 36 tax liens on his properties, refuses to denounce white supremacist organization that support him.

Yes, tell us about conventional values

That makes the ways of living in ghettos look like neanderthal cavemen.
YOU have proven many times that YOU don't believe in all of those.

YOU don't believe in the American way.
YOU don't believe in capitalism.
YOU don't believe in Christianity.
YOU don't believe in American values or morality.
YOU are a hypocrite.
Are you pro Choice?
Always amusing to watch these people preach about morals.

They make a mockery of morality.
Who are these people, and what morals do you speak of they make mockery of? That is pretty vague, I am new, so I have no idea who you might support.
Are there any whom still firmly believe (in) the following….
Americans First
The American Way
American values and a moral order
Aggressive border security
That men can’t become women by proclamation
Are anti-socialism

All of the aforementioned are absolute kryptonite to the very few Democrats I reluctantly have to speak to.

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Probably a lot more than you think.
But they allowed the crazies to drive the messaging and policies for the whole party.
We are seeing this in action already today on Twitter,
Twitter isn't even close to the same platform it was before. Not even close.
When some nutty tweeker liberal post something stupid - no one is deleting the responses now. I assure you the responses are now overwhelmingly against them. We are now seeing how people really think. And not the heavily-heavily-heavily redacted version Twitter was showing.

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