What policies of Jordan, et al do Establishment Republican Disagree with?

Interesting you ask since you don't know what RINO means. Supposedly. So what makes him a RINO?

People do not elect presidents to set budget policy. Well, you may, but not people who understand the roles of Presidents and Congress.

Trump ran on making the border more secure and reducing illegal immigration. Then shocked RINOs by acting to secure the border and reduce illegal immigration.

.DeSantis rhetoric on the border is stronger than Trump's. But we've fallen for it way too many times. So we go with the guy who has proven that the puking media doesnt phase him.

So, for a member of Congress to be a fake fiscal conservative it makes him a RINO in your world. But the POTUS being a fake fiscal conservative does not make him a RINO in your world.

Thank you for proving my point there is no real meaning to the word.

That was shockingly easy.

By the way, if Trump actually secured the border and reduced illegal immigration, why did border crossing not go down under his watch till 2020 during the heart of the pandemic?
So, for a member of Congress to be a fake fiscal conservative it makes him a RINO in your world. But the POTUS being a fake fiscal conservative does not make him a RINO in your world.

Thank you for proving my point there is no real meaning to the word.
I proved what most adults know well. Presidents and congressmen are different.
That was shockingly easy.

By the way, if Trump actually secured the border and reduced illegal immigration, why did border crossing not go down under his watch till 2020 during the heart of the pandemic?

Remember, you said "border crossings" not encounters or apprehensions or any other metric.
I've indulged the TDS enough on this thread which is about Republican Congress folk who oppose Jorden, Gaetz, Donalds, and Biggs but no one seems to know a policy on which they differ.

If anyone does know say it now.
What's the poison?

Personality aside, what policies did Trump advocate that they openly disagree with?

Trump's real sin was implementing those policies instead of capitulating to Dems. Even at that, he only half assed implemented them.

But that was too much more the Twoparties.
Attacking the capital after lying about losing an election. That works for me.

I mean, I try to give pols a break about embellishing the truth. For example, Reagan's use of his fictitious welfare mom were .... at least bigoted in nature, but he did have a point to make. Still, attempting to violate the constitution and provide FALSE electors .... that's just going too far ... even for me.
How about Tom Emmer, is he a RINO?
He voted for the Pelosi-Plus CR.

He'll win Speaker, but only If He cuts a deal with the Dems. Can he spin that well enough to avoid being primaried into oblivion is the question.

He's whip now, so his role is to keep Republicans united in voting. Bang up job he's doing on that.
You look foolish in this exchange due to not understanding the difference between a congressman and a president.
Well, you’re the one saying that someone who added $8T to the debt is a conservative. How much would a liberal have added?
I said Trump was a conservative?
COme to think of it...no. But you did say he was not a RINO because he didn’t go along with the democrats....yet he did sign off on the bill the democrat lead House and Senate sent him.

And you can’t seem to explain how he can do that and still not be a RINO.

Your position is bizarre and silly but there you are wallowing in it like a pig in shit.
Either he RINOs or the real Republicans will cave or we won't have a Speaker until 2025. I could be wrong, but I would pick the RINOs to be the ones to cave for 3 reasons:

1) They dont fear voter abandonment. If the did, they wouldn't be RINOs. Real Republicans know their voters care.

2) They are not averse to caving. If they were, they wouldn't be RINOs.

3) They can make a secret deal with the Dems and give themselves cover. The secrecy will be temporary because Dems dont honor deals, but it will give them cover for denial.
COme to think of it...no.
Then your TDS is leading you to counter-factual conclusions.
But you did say he was not a RINO because he didn’t go along with the democrats....yet he did sign off on the bill the democrat lead House and Senate sent him.

And you can’t seem to explain how he can do that and still not be a RINO.

Your position is bizarre and silly but there you are wallowing in it like a pig in shit.
Feel free to start another thread to obsess about Trump. This one is about Congress.
Either he RINOs or the real Republicans will cave or we won't have a Speaker until 2025. I could be wrong, but I would pick the RINOs to be the ones to cave for 3 reasons:

1) They dont fear voter abandonment. If the did, they wouldn't be RINOs. Real Republicans know their voters care.

2) They are not averse to caving. If they were, they wouldn't be RINOs.

3) They can make a secret deal with the Dems and give themselves cover. The secrecy will be temporary because Dems dont honor deals, but it will give them cover for denial.
The next speaker will “cave” too; just like the blob did.
Openly, I mean?

Do they disagree with stopping illegal immigration? Cutting spending? Do establish Republicans want to raise taxes?

Where are the saying so?
They want endless money laundering with the Ukraine grift...They want open borders....They want endless wars....They want to spend like there's no tomorrow.
What determines which electors are seated in each state?

This is the part where you go out of your way to say anything other than what is truthful--the popular vote.

I need a good laugh...lets hear your explanation on what determines which electors get to select the President.
The popular vote on the national level (which we both know is what you were talking about) does matter.

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