What policies should be implemented to address racism in the country?

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But democrats are racist too. Even Bernie said no reparations for Negroes, only Jews. Woke progressives are still a minority, a majority of libs are still classical libs. That is to say, very racist/indifferent to racism. When I was homeless in Boston, those crackers didn't give a shit.
The peak of America has passed. At some point the decline will manifest itself. A lot of resources swash through the system through government and other entities and it takes more and more to satisfy the receivers of it. For what has been promised through agendas and programs, it should be a lot better than we have today.
Meh, "racism" is just a lame social construct used by people like the OP to divide us so I disregard the whole notion.

Next question OP or is that all you got?
We often get bogged down and navel gaze over what extent racism affects groups or doesn't, but what actual solutions do people have?
I’d say we should start by looking at the anti-Asian policies in education, in which admissions standards and requirements are altered to specifically reject better-scoring Asians and accept lower-scoring blacks.
The topic title is how do we END racism in America, not how do we let Racism take full power in America.

C'mon man.
End Planned Parenthood
End The Democrat Party
End Race Hustling

Racism is a very minor side issue in this country.

America is the most free nation in The World, and there are more Black Millionaires and Billionaires in America than there are in the entire world combined.

Do you want to really end Racism?

Then STFU about it because it does not exist in America.
Ending Black Lives Matters will end racism?

Wow, you really do live in your own little dumbass world, dontcha.

What policies should be implemented to address racism in the country?​

The GOP dissolves
Middle-ground Democrats create a party that becomes the new right-wing major party
True Leftwingers retain the Democratic party.

That's about it. Any power is taken out of the racist's (GOP) hands.

Lol the biggest racists these days are progressives.

All they see is race, when they aren't seeing sex/gender/sexuality/etc

What policies should be implemented to address racism in the country?​

The GOP dissolves
Middle-ground Democrats create a party that becomes the new right-wing major party
True Leftwingers retain the Democratic party.

That's about it. Any power is taken out of the racist's (GOP) hands.
The GOP is not racist, historically it is always the democrats that were the KKK

Democrat senate leader Robert Byrd, also a local leader of the KKK in his home state.

Sadly we have the lazy ignorant morons who follow everything they are told.

In another time if pinkthedoyd had his/her way KKK leader Democrat senator Robert Byrd would lead that new Democrat party.

That is how stupid these people are
We often get bogged down and navel gaze over what extent racism affects groups or doesn't, but what actual solutions do people have?
A few things. We need to continue to demographically displace Americans of white European ancestry through immigration, higher birth rates and racial mixing. We need to continue to educate these groups on America's history of colonialism, racial discrimination and exploitation of African and Indegenous people both here and in the Caribbean and South America. And advocate for the election of progressive candidates who will redirect American wealth from enriching defense contractors, energy companies and financial institutions and towards investment in minority communities, wealth creation and foreign aid to our South American and Caribbean neighbors in order to strengthen their ravaged economies and corrupt political systems (largely through our influence) to stem the need for mass migration.
We often get bogged down and navel gaze over what extent racism affects groups or doesn't, but what actual solutions do people have? People on the right love citing King with "content/character over color" but don't tell us how to get there. Meritocracy is only a platitude if it isn't enforced. It's like hoping and wishing that people won't commit homicide against one another. Without homicide laws and measures, it's a pipe dream.
none…and those that are there should be abolished

You can’t legislate away racism. You can’t legislate away how people think

But the govt can certainly stop being racist, and you don’t fix that by passing laws that are racist
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