What policies should be implemented to address racism in the country?

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Never said it was. Please tell us exactly what you think would be “ fair”and how to deal with those who I guarantee will riot just like they did in 2020. I can just see the Black Caucus accepting the decision on who doesn’t get them and the amt one should get .
And you don’t worry about whites rioting if they see blacks getting reparations?
REMINDER - This is Zone 1, cool the flames and discuss the topic not each other.
So it seems that now that you got some of us onboard for reparations for those who lived in Jim Crowe states, you’re pushing it to include others because restrictions existed on those in other states. As I said in nother thread, there were covenants against Jews, as well, and none of us - in my parents‘ generation - are pushing for reparations as a result of that.

And this shows the problem with the entire concept with reparations. Once a more limited Jim Crowe program is instituted, blacks and their liberal white enablers will be looking for examples of historical racism elsewhere and pushing to expand it until all blacks are getting free money.

I still say blacks would be better served if they devoted full resources to instilling better values in the black underclass as far as babies and schooling, and focused on the opportunities that exist in this great country and the many ways they can rise above poverty other than just getting money because their ancestors were victimized.
Women were denied equal rights in the past, we are seeking reparations.
Since racism has continued people who came here after 1965 participated in it. And since things just didn't suddenly stop in 1965, you need to quit pretending that it did.
You are delusional to think everyone who is white participated and still participate in discrimination against blacks. How do you know people who came here after 1965 participated? You ASSume too much.
You are delusional to think everyone who is white participated and still participate in discrimination against blacks. How do you know people who came here after 1965 participated? You ASSume too much.
I don't think that at all. Not all whites discriminate against minorities. Only Republicans do.
But democrats are racist too. Even Bernie said no reparations for Negroes, only Jews. Woke progressives are still a minority, a majority of libs are still classical libs. That is to say, very racist/indifferent to racism. When I was homeless in Boston, those crackers didn't give a shit. Actions speak louder than words, they oppose all the measures the true progressives want. The Moderate Liberal is no different than the red state conservative.

Boston crackers? Seriously, Thomas? You've never met a REAL cracker!
Political parties don’t, individuals do. Discrimination isn’t limited to one affiliation.
The Republicans turn it into legislation. Ask any gay, trans, minority, or woman trying to get her health care.

The Republicans are like the Taliban. If it were legal to throw gays off buildings Republicans would do it. Mark my words.
The Republicans turn it into legislation. Ask any gay, trans, minority, or woman trying to get her health care.

The Republicans are like the Taliban. If it were legal to throw gays off buildings Republicans would do it. Mark my words.

Your words come pre-marked as “worthless shit.”
The Republicans turn it into legislation. Ask any gay, trans, minority, or woman trying to get her health care.

The Republicans are like the Taliban. If it were legal to throw gays off buildings Republicans would do it. Mark my words.
The Democraps are not like the Taliban. That’s because if you don’t accept the Gay lifestyle they call you names, if you don’t believe the Transgender subject is appropriate for elementary School kids you’re called a Homophobe and a Hater, if you don’t believe Biological Men should compete in Women’s sports you’re a Hater and Intolerant
I don’t see Whites burning 🔥 down buildings, breaking into stores, killing and maiming people
Oh, you missed he little deal on 1/6? You must have been sick that day :I Here's what you missed:

Oh, you missed he little deal on 1/6? You must have been sick that day :I Here's what you missed:

A drop in the bucket compared to over a billion dollars in damage across the nation in 2021 by BLM and antifa. You must have been out of the country, huh.
A drop in the bucket compared to over a billion dollars in damage across the nation in 2021 by BLM and antifa. You must have been out of the country, huh.
Yep. That's the white supremacist response. I'm no BLM or Antifa. You're an idiot

Bye fool.
Yup….them minorities need to remember their place :rolleyes:

Minority populations aren’t terrorists. That is the first thing.

The second is that the riots that occurred over Floyd have nothing to do with reparations. But, apparently, unlike any other minority group, when it comes to black people reparations (also called “handouts“ and “free stuff” when it’s for blacks) are tied to expectations of collective behavior and African American’s (again, unlike any other minority) are treated, collectively, like wayward children.
I thought this was a “1 zone,” where posters aren’t supposed to come up with nasty personal attacks. I never said or implied that minorities need to stay in their place. I said it was arrogant to make DEMANDS.

And when a BLM leader gets on National TV and tells the reporter that they “will burn the whole system down if whites don’t give blacks what they demand,” YES….that it terrorism.

And also yes, the Floyd riots are related. We have seen what BLM does when they don’t like the outcome of something - and that is to instigate massive riots, throughout the nation, in multiple cities, for months on end. Are we just supposed to forget about that?
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I thought this was a “1 zone,” where posters aren’t supposed to come up with nasty personal attacks. I never said or implied that minorities need to stay in their place.

And when a BLM leader gets on National TV and tells the reporter that they “will burn the whole system down if whites don’t give blacks what they demand,” YES….that it terrorism.

And also yes, the Floyd riots are related. We have seen what BLM does when they don’t like the outcome of something - and that is to instigate massive riots, throughout the nation, in multiple cities, for months on end. Are we just supposed to forget about that?
This is white supremacist nonsense. No Democrat wants to burn anything down. This is the crap Republican thugs tell themselves in an attempt to alleviate their guilt for their treason.
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