What policies should be implemented to address racism in the country?

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Did you view reparations to Japanese Americans as reverse slavery? Or are African Americans uniquely singled out?

You also ignore one important fact in reparations: no one race pays.
Japanese Americans were put in prison. But when you start hunting and pecking for covenants restricting blacks, you also find them restricting Jews. For some reason, you are focused only on the historical wrongdoings against blacks.

And the other two races - Caucasians and Asians - would be the ones paying the third race - blacks.
They were DIRECTLY imprisoned.

So reparations require direct imprisonment to be legit? How about imprisonment restricting your freedoms based on laws?

And i noticed you skipped over my example about covenants against Jews. You want to seek out all sorts of covenants against blacks,even those not living in Jim Crowe states, and give them money…..when Jews also had covenants against them.

I didn’t skip over them, I addressed them. Covenants are certainly bad, since they are a form of redlining, and included Jews, Latinos, Asian Americans as well as blacks. But they aren’t the same as actual state and municipal laws forcing segregation or limiting voting rights, and I don’t think they were as nationally widespread as those against blacks (could be wrong).

When you start looking for historical racism, you will find it against Jews too. Yet I don’t hear you hunting and pecking for shitty laws against THEM, with any cries for them. The point is you can’t just pick one minority (the one liberals defend) and ignore others, and shows why going back three generations to find wrongdoing throughout the country (against just blacks) is ridiculous.

Of course you will find it against Jews, Hispanics, Asian Americans, Native Americans, and no one is stopping any of them from trying to make a case either If they think they have them. The only other group though where I think it was as widespread and devasting to is Native Americans.

And finally, this tells me why a limited program compensating survivors of Jim Crowe states won’t work. Liberals will be cryin…..but, but, but….other blacks suffered too, so THEY should get other people’s money as well.
It worked for the Jews in Germany and the Japanese Americans in the US. DESPITE the fact that Japanese Americans were not tbe only people interned and Jews were not tbe only people slaughtered by the Nazis.
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I didn’t skip over them, I addressed them. Covenants are certainly bad, since they are a form of redlining, and included Jews, Latinos, Asian Americans as well as blacks. But they aren’t the same as actual state and municipal laws forcing segregation or limiting voting rights, and I don’t think they were as nationally widespread as those against blacks (could be wrong).
Now you’re saying that how blacks were treated was worse than how Jews, Latinos, etc., were treated because there weren’t actually municipal laws against the latter. Well I say that how Japanese-Americans were treated was worse because blacks weren’t put in imprisonment camps. What you’re doing is deciding that blacks had it worse than Jews, but then you will object of someone says the Japanese-Americans had it worse than blacks.

Of course you will find it against Jews, Hispanics, Asian Americans, Native Americans, and no one is stopping any of them from trying to make a case either If they think they have them. The only other group though where I think it was as widespread and devasting to is Native Americans.
So your answer is that nobody is stopping the Jews….and the Asians….and the Native Americans….and Latinos….etc., etc., from trying to get money out of the United States government for the wrongs done against THEM?

Is this REALLY how liberals view America? As a horrible, evil country that has done wrong to just about everyone (other than WASPS]? You are turning Americans against their own country - a wonderful country where a poor Jewish son of uneducated immigrants, could end uo with a graduate degree and an upper-middle class life simply by making wise choices and valuing the correct things? Blacks can do that too in today’s environment If only they concentrate on the opportunities available to them instead of focusing on how awful this country is, and what is “owed” them.

Liberals are driven by their underlying hostility toward their own country.
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Now you’re saying that how blacks were treated was worse than how Jews, Latinos, etc., were treated because there weren’t actually municipal laws against the latter. Well I say that how Japanese-Americans were treated was worse because blacks weren’t put in imprisonment camps. What you’re doing is deciding that blacks had it worse than Jews, but then you will object of someone says the Japanese-Americans had it worse than blacks.

So your answer is that nobody is stopping the Jews….and the Asians….and the Native Americans….and Latinos….etc., etc., from trying to get money out of the United States government for the wrongs done against THEM?

Is this REALLY how liberals view America? As a horrible, evil country that has done wrong to just about everyone (other than WASPS]? You are turning Americans against their own country - a wonderful country where a poor Jewish son of uneducated immigrants, could end uo with a graduate degree and an upper-middle class life simply by making wise choices and valuing the correct things? Blacks can do that too in today’s environment If only they concentrate on the opportunities available to them instead of focusing on how awful this country is, and what is “owed” them.

Liberals are driven by their underlying hostility toward their own country.
You are really ignorant. No other race in America has faced what blacks have but Native Americans . Chinese were excluded by law, no one bought them over in ships and forced them to work. Same with Japanese. Both were done horribly once the IMMIGRATED here, but there are no records of whites going into either country arming tribes then fomenting violence in order to buy war captives. I don't know what you think Jim Crow was, but it was not just signs saying no blacks allowed.

Don't talk that Jew shit. You're white. The fact is blacks have done everything you say and we have been fucked at every opportunity. That poor Jewish son was a white male. He got top preference. This country has not been good to blacks and we say what we do based on our experience not some opinion from a white housewife who married a white man and was given a job because of affirmative action. This government owes black people for every day this country has existed, and that means right now. And if you believe in Karma or in the justice of God, you better change your attitude and understand the moral responsibility this government has. Because the lord is a just lord and his punishment for injustice is harsh. So if you want to see this nation destroyed, keep it up.
You are really ignorant. No other race in America has faced what blacks have but Native Americans . Chinese were excluded by law, no one bought them over in ships and forced them to work. Same with Japanese. Both were done horribly once the IMMIGRATED here, but there are no records of whites going into either country arming tribes then fomenting violence in order to buy war captives. I don't know what you think Jim Crow was, but it was not just signs saying no blacks allowed.

Don't talk that Jew shit. You're white. The fact is blacks have done everything you say and we have been fucked at every opportunity. That poor Jewish son was a white male. He got top preference. This country has not been good to blacks and we say what we do based on our experience not some opinion from a white housewife who married a white man and was given a job because of affirmative action. This government owes black people for every day this country has existed, and that means right now. And if you believe in Karma or in the justice of God, you better change your attitude and understand the moral responsibility this government has. Because the lord is a just lord and his punishment for injustice is harsh. So if you want to see this nation destroyed, keep it up.
You should thank slavery

Without it you would herding goats in africa
I don’t have any friends who have engaged in burning, looting or murdering nor does that have anything to do with reparations for Jim Crowe. Neither does “free shit”.
I guess he ignores the amount of burning, looting and killing done by whites during the course of our history including 2020.
Only the ones that were still alive

All the slaves are dead
This is not just about slavery but those like you cling to slavery in order to make excuses.
You should thank slavery

Without it you would herding goats in africa

I can't say what I want to that FLAME.

Hate to tell you but cities existed in Africa when the white man got there. But your ancestors were really the ones running from goat herding.
You are really ignorant. No other race in America has faced what blacks have but Native Americans . Chinese were excluded by law, no one bought them over in ships and forced them to work. Same with Japanese. Both were done horribly once the IMMIGRATED here, but there are no records of whites going into either country arming tribes then fomenting violence in order to buy war captives. I don't know what you think Jim Crow was, but it was not just signs saying no blacks allowed.

Don't talk that Jew shit. You're white. The fact is blacks have done everything you say and we have been fucked at every opportunity. That poor Jewish son was a white male. He got top preference. This country has not been good to blacks and we say what we do based on our experience not some opinion from a white housewife who married a white man and was given a job because of affirmative action. This government owes black people for every day this country has existed, and that means right now. And if you believe in Karma or in the justice of God, you better change your attitude and understand the moral responsibility this government has. Because the lord is a just lord and his punishment for injustice is harsh. So if you want to see this nation destroyed, keep it up.

I think we both know you're going to have to try and take it. It won't go well for you. Were you to simply let go of your own Racism and participate in a civil society your life would be a lot better.
You are really ignorant. No other race in America has faced what blacks have but Native Americans . Chinese were excluded by law, no one bought them over in ships and forced them to work. Same with Japanese. Both were done horribly once the IMMIGRATED here, but there are no records of whites going into either country arming tribes then fomenting violence in order to buy war captives. I don't know what you think Jim Crow was, but it was not just signs saying no blacks allowed.

Don't talk that Jew shit. You're white. The fact is blacks have done everything you say and we have been fucked at every opportunity. That poor Jewish son was a white male. He got top preference. This country has not been good to blacks and we say what we do based on our experience not some opinion from a white housewife who married a white man and was given a job because of affirmative action. This government owes black people for every day this country has existed, and that means right now. And if you believe in Karma or in the justice of God, you better change your attitude and understand the moral responsibility this government has. Because the lord is a just lord and his punishment for injustice is harsh. So if you want to see this nation destroyed, keep it up.
“Jew shit”?. Thar “Jew” did not get top preference, you racist! That’s probably your jealously speaking, but he couldn’t go to Ivy schools because THEY WERE NOT LETTING JEWS IN! It’s the opposite of what YOU have - schools lowering standards to let blacks in who never would v excepted if they were white! And the Jew has to MOVE OUT OF TOWN because the antisemites weren’t hiring ”Jew boys.”

But did he cry and wail? No. He applied himself, found a axhool that was welcoming to bright Jewish boys, moved to a strange city when he had to, whatever it took.

So go ahead and LIE to yourself that the Jews got top preference. They made sacrifices and did what they needed to do to succeed IN SPITE OF THE PREJUDICE!

Instead of being so jealous of a minority that has succeeded well beyond average in spite of bigotry, you’d be better off EMULATING them.

And what’s this with the nation destroyed? Is that some type of threat? If we don’t give you what you demand - some nerve, right there - you’ll burn the place down.

You better change your attitude or blacks will be stuck in an angry, victimhood mindset when there are tons of advantages being handed out to you now.
Now you’re talking about the right for blacks to VOTE? They got that in 1870!

And Jews were deprived of certain property, too, as I’ve said. They were also deprived of opportunities. Should gentiles today have to pay Jews for that, as well?

Any harm is generations back. Blacks have been favored for 40 years educational programs, displacing better-qualified whites who weren’t even born when these covenants were in place.

Sorry, but the problem is that liberals should be encouraging blacks (the minority that are still in poverty) that the way ahead is via hard work, being polite, speaking well, adhering to schedules, and following one’s boss’s directions rather than demean these as “traits of whiteness” and instead push for free money.

Did we? That's why the Voting Rights Act was passed in 1965.

1971: Around $1 billion + 44 million acres of land: Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act.

1974: A $10 million out-of-court settlement was reached between the U.S. government and Tuskegee victims, black men who had been unwitting subjects of a study of untreated syphilis, and who did not receive available treatments. (“The Tuskegee Timeline”, CDC, updated March 2, 2020.)

1980: $81 million: Klamaths of Oregon. ("Spending Spree" by Dylan Darling, Herald and News (Klamath Falls, OR), June 21, 2005.)

1980: $105 million: Sioux of South Dakota for seizure of their land. (United States v. Sioux Nation of Indians, 448 U.S. 371 (1980).)

1985: $12.3 million: Seminoles of Florida. (see Racial Justice in America: A Reference Handbook by David B. Mustard, 2002, ABC-CLIO, p. 81.)

1985: $31 million: Chippewas of Wisconsin. (see Racial Justice in America: A Reference Handbook by David B. Mustard, 2002, ABC-CLIO, p. 81.)

1986: $32 million per 1836 Treaty: Ottawas of Michigan. (see Racial Justice in America: A Reference Handbook by David B. Mustard, 2002, ABC-CLIO, p. 81.)

1988: Civil Liberties Act of 1988: President Ronald Reagan signed a bill providing $1.2 billion ($20,000 a person) and an apology to each of the approximately 60,000 living Japanese-Americans who had been interned during World War II. Additionally, $12,000 and an apology were given to 450 Unangans (Aleuts) for internment during WWII, and a $6.4 million trust fund was created for their communities. ("U.S. pays restitution; apologizes to Unangan (Aleut) for WWII Internment," National Library of Medicine.)

Reparations is not free money.
He’s actually driving racism with his nasty diatribes. I think he’s a BLM or Farrakhan type activist.
If posting facts is driving racism, you were already a racist. And justaguy is a raciat, so.. BLM and Farrakhan are 2 different sets of people. I am not a member of the nation. But you and just a guy are white supremacists.
Yeah, he sure gives us warm fuzzies and makes us more inclined to vote for reparations, doesn’t he?
Lol! Reparations are not going to be your decision. Unless you are a member of Congress.
You are wrong. Besides things after Jim Crow will be considered. Stuff did not end in 1965 and there are still companies and other institutions that do not respect civil rights.
Who decided who gets them and who doesn’t? Those who did not participate should not pay a dime. Tell someone who came here after 1965 they are responsible. Give some reparations while others don’t get them. Want a Civil War? That’s the quickest way I can think of. It will make the riots of 2020 seem like a block party 🎈
Why should ( Just a FEW EXAMPLES) those who came from Japan, China, South of the Border, India, etc. pay reparations? Those who don’t believe in Reparations are Ignorant Racists? You’re the ignorant Racist
I can hear the Democrats next divisive accusation: anyone who doesn’t approve of reparations is going to be called a white suoremacist.
“Jew shit”?. Thar “Jew” did not get top preference, you racist! That’s probably your jealously speaking, but he couldn’t go to Ivy schools because THEY WERE NOT LETTING JEWS IN! It’s the opposite of what YOU have - schools lowering standards to let blacks in who never would v excepted if they were white! And the Jew has to MOVE OUT OF TOWN because the antisemites weren’t hiring ”Jew boys.”

But did he cry and wail? No. He applied himself, found a axhool that was welcoming to bright Jewish boys, moved to a strange city when he had to, whatever it took.

So go ahead and LIE to yourself that the Jews got top preference. They made sacrifices and did what they needed to do to succeed IN SPITE OF THE PREJUDICE!

Instead of being so jealous of a minority that has succeeded well beyond average in spite of bigotry, you’d be better off EMULATING them.

And what’s this with the nation destroyed? Is that some type of threat? If we don’t give you what you demand - some nerve, right there - you’ll burn the place down.

You better change your attitude or blacks will be stuck in an angry, victimhood mindset when there are tons of advantages being handed out to you now.
You are white. Stop playing with religion in order to absolve your racism. There are black Jews.

And I am not lying about anything.

Anti-black racism among white Jewish people is a seldom discussed aspect of the complicated arc of black-Jewish relations in the U.S. Yet Sterling’s comments are noteworthy because they not only highlight the white supremacist bent of Israeli anti-African sentiment but the social construction of Jewish whiteness. Echoing rancher Cliven Bundy’s recent references to blacks thriving under slavery, Sterling expressed the paternalistic view that he “supports” blacks on the team by giving them clothes, houses, and cars. He then blasts Stiviano for comparing anti-black racism and discrimination to the Jewish Holocaust. Implicit in this shutdown is the notion that Jewish suffering under the Holocaust precludes consideration of how white Jews have benefited from institutional and systemic racism.

This is what you do.

White Jews Have Found Privilege in America. Black Communities Haven't

White American Jews have historically been victims of white supremacy — but we have also benefited, incontrovertibly, from white privilege. We have profited from the entitlements that white privilege affords; our communal success has been tied to its perpetuation. White Jews have been complicit in white privilege because we have gained from it, we have assimilated into its culture and embedded in its structures. From white privilege we have gained our homes, our bank loans, our positions of influence. We have not only embedded in the system but also climbed to its very upper echelons.

But you are in here spewing racist bs then whining about the suffering Jew in order to dismiss the experience of blacks. Then you have the nerve to talk about somebody being jealous. You are white and you have been able to hide whatever Jewish you claim to have. I can't pretend to be white. I can't change my name from Weinstein to Williams. So you need to stop using your religion to dismiss the experience and suffering of others and as an excuse to be a racist.
I can hear the Democrats next divisive accusation: anyone who doesn’t approve of reparations is going to be called a white suoremacist.
No only white supremacists do that.
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