What policies should be implemented to address racism in the country?

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OK…..here is n example of restrictive covenants against both blacks AND Jews. So if you are claiming that discrimination impacted blacks beyond Jim Crowe and deserve reparations, then why not Jews? (Not that we want any or think we deserve it, as we are just glad we are living in this country and earned our way to a nice life, I‘m just showing you the problem when you focus on ONE single minority to give money to.)


No wonder libs are angry all the time

They are living in the past

No wonder libs are angry all the time

They are living in the past
Well, I had to go back far in time to find these type of covenants. My point was that when libs start digging up stuff from generations back to show how blacks still alive today were mistreated and deserve reparations, I could make the same case for Jews - who of course would never dream of asking for money for that. We are just glad we are in this country with all its opportunities - despite the covenants and other antisemitism. .
Well, I had to go back far in time to find these type of covenants. My point was that when libs start digging up stuff from generations back to show how blacks still alive today were mistreated and deserve reparations, I could make the same case for Jews - who of course would never dream of asking for money for that. We are just glad we are in this country with all its opportunities - despite the covenants and other antisemitism. .
Got it

Libs are stuck in 1619

So 1952 is almost like yesterday
So it seems that now that you got some of us onboard for reparations for those who lived in Jim Crowe states, you’re pushing it to include others because restrictions existed on those in other states. As I said in nother thread, there were covenants against Jews, as well, and none of us - in my parents‘ generation - are pushing for reparations as a result of that.
I never limited it to Jim Crowe states. If you read my responses, I limited it to those still living, who lived under Jim Crowe. The effects of those laws and policies went beyond state boundaries and it wasn’t just restrictive covenants.

And this shows the problem with the entire concept with reparations. Once a more limited Jim Crowe program is instituted, blacks and their liberal white enablers will be looking for examples of historical racism elsewhere and pushing to expand it until all blacks are getting free money.

That is purely conjecture on your part. If that happens, tackle it then. It shouldn’t affect reparations for those who lived under unjust laws.

I still say blacks would be better served if they devoted full resources to instilling better values in the black underclass as far as babies and schooling, and focused on the opportunities that exist in this great country and the many ways they can rise above poverty other than just getting money because their ancestors were victimized.

That seems to be the constant refrain:

Blacks should be responsible for the black underclass.
Blacks should focus on opportunities.
Blacks should…..etc.

These arguments are never leveled against other minorities, such as Japanese Americans who sought reparations for an unjust law.

And again, my aguement has nothing to do with ancestors, you just creating a strawman.

No wonder libs are angry all the time

They are living in the past
Japanese-Americans were interned between 1942 and 1945. They did not get their reparations until 1992.
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I never limited it to Jim Crowe states. If you read my responses, I limited it to those still living, who lived under Jim Crowe. The effects of those laws and policies went beyond state boundaries and it wasn’t just restrictive covenants.

That is purely conjecture on your part. If that happens, tackle it then. It shouldn’t affect reparations for those who lived under unjust laws.

That seems to be the constant refrain:

Blacks should be responsible for the black underclass.
Blacks should focus on opportunities.
Blacks should…..etc.

These arguments are never leveled against other minorities, such as Japanese Americans who sought reparations for an unjust law.

And again, my aguement has nothing to do with ancestors, you just creating a strawman.
That’s because other minorities are not blaming RACISM for being poor! I don’t know how much more clearly I can say it. If XYZ minority was blaming their poverty on racism, I’d say the same thing to them.
Well, I had to go back far in time to find these type of covenants. My point was that when libs start digging up stuff from generations back to show how blacks still alive today were mistreated and deserve reparations, I could make the same case for Jews - who of course would never dream of asking for money for that. We are just glad we are in this country with all its opportunities - despite the covenants and other antisemitism. .
Do you make the same arguments against the Japanese American’s who were interned in 1942.
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That’s because other minorities are not blaming RACISM for being poor! I don’t know how much more clearly I can say it. If XYZ minority was blaming their poverty on racism, I’d say the same thing to them.
It isn’t about what the blame, it has nothing to do with poverty…it is reparations for wrongdoing in the form of certain laws That greatly harmed a group people and deprived them of opportunities, property, the ability to vote, and even their lives and those people are still living.
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Do you make the same arguments against the Japanese American’s who were interned in 1942.
They were DIRECTLY imprisoned.

And i noticed you skipped over my example about covenants against Jews. You want to seek out all sorts of covenants against blacks,even those not living in Jim Crowe states, and give them money…..when Jews also had covenants against them. When you start looking for historical racism, you will find it against Jews too. Yet I don’t hear you hunting and pecking for shitty laws against THEM, with any cries for them. The point is you can’t just pick one minority (the one liberals defend) and ignore others, and shows why going back three generations to find wrongdoing throughout the country (against just blacks) is ridiculous.

And finally, this tells me why a limited program compensating survivors of Jim Crowe states won’t work. Liberals will be cryin…..but, but, but….other blacks suffered too, so THEY should get other people’s money as well.
It isn’t about what the blame, it has nothing to do with poverty…it is reparations for wrongdoing in the form of certain laws That greatly harmed a group people and deprived them of opportunities, property, the ability to vote, and even their lives and those people are still living.
Now you’re talking about the right for blacks to VOTE? They got that in 1870!

And Jews were deprived of certain property, too, as I’ve said. They were also deprived of opportunities. Should gentiles today have to pay Jews for that, as well?

Any harm is generations back. Blacks have been favored for 40 years educational programs, displacing better-qualified whites who weren’t even born when these covenants were in place.

Sorry, but the problem is that liberals should be encouraging blacks (the minority that are still in poverty) that the way ahead is via hard work, being polite, speaking well, adhering to schedules, and following one’s boss’s directions rather than demean these as “traits of whiteness” and instead push for free money.

What policies should be implemented to address racism in the country?​

The GOP dissolves
Middle-ground Democrats create a party that becomes the new right-wing major party
True Leftwingers retain the Democratic party.

That's about it. Any power is taken out of the racist's (GOP) hands.
The funny thing is, you probably think that would make actual people disappear. They're still going to vote, you know, and until you deal with the paternalistic racism at the heart of the democrat party, you're never going to get rid of it in society.
Then the real question should be “why”?

Even when we set up the same restrictions as the other groups who received reparations
1. A distinct event/set of laws that create the wrong
2. Not multigenerational
3. Limited to only those directly effected

You still come with a resounding “no”.
I can HONESTLY be wrong but I believe that if one group gets it due to Jim Crow Laws and others don’t but they feel they have been wronged there would be Civil Unrest that would make 2020 look 👀 like a Peace March
I can HONESTLY be wrong but I believe that if one group gets it due to Jim Crow Laws and others don’t but they feel they have been wronged there would be Civil Unrest that would make 2020 look 👀 like a Peace March
I think it would be viewed as a form of “reverse slavery,” in which one specific race gets a portion of the earnings of those of other races.
I think it would be viewed as a form of “reverse slavery,” in which one specific race gets a portion of the earnings of those of other races.
Only to very ignorant racists.
I can HONESTLY be wrong but I believe that if one group gets it due to Jim Crow Laws and others don’t but they feel they have been wronged there would be Civil Unrest that would make 2020 look 👀 like a Peace March
You are wrong. Besides things after Jim Crow will be considered. Stuff did not end in 1965 and there are still companies and other institutions that do not respect civil rights.
It isn’t about what the blame, it has nothing to do with poverty…it is reparations for wrongdoing in the form of certain laws That greatly harmed a group people and deprived them of opportunities, property, the ability to vote, and even their lives and those people are still living.
So, what will your friends do when they realize that all their burning, looting and murdering in order to get free shit hasn't worked for them, personally?

It seems to me that they will only double down on all their criminality.
That’s because other minorities are not blaming RACISM for being poor! I don’t know how much more clearly I can say it. If XYZ minority was blaming their poverty on racism, I’d say the same thing to them.
Except they are saying the same things blacks are saying.

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So, what will your friends do when they realize that all their burning, looting and murdering in order to get free shit hasn't worked for them, personally?

It seems to me that they will only double down on all their criminality.
I don’t have any friends who have engaged in burning, looting or murdering nor does that have anything to do with reparations for Jim Crowe. Neither does “free shit”.
I think it would be viewed as a form of “reverse slavery,” in which one specific race gets a portion of the earnings of those of other races.
Did you view reparations to Japanese Americans as reverse slavery? Or are African Americans uniquely singled out?

You also ignore one important fact in reparations: no one race pays.
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I can HONESTLY be wrong but I believe that if one group gets it due to Jim Crow Laws and others don’t but they feel they have been wronged there would be Civil Unrest that would make 2020 look 👀 like a Peace March
I think it depends on how it is done…
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