What problems have Dem congressional members solved the last 2 yrs?

A few months back I showed a picture of Pelosi's office where the desk had no papers/files/notations on it. NO WORK. Explains why she stutters and trips up over her own (winging it) comments.
Her desk didn't even have drawers, no legal pads or pens, nothing.

You mean sort of like this..


HE works more hours then the combined Dem Congress, he has drawers and is in a photo op in which prior picture "has papers", and thousands of presidential pens floating around (handed out) and many signed bills and appointments later prove your post a failure to be intellectually honest while proving the nature to demonize people instead of answeringvthe simple question and refute the issue raised.
NOTICE: instead of naming one solution plan raised by the Dems you resorted to ad hominem replies instead. =epic fail, my picture of the giant cricket stands amongst the silence of your solutions.
Here's a suggestion for you. If you do not want people to talk about the correlation between a clean desk and amount of work done, which, as you rightly pointed out after you brought it up, has nothing to do with the OP, you probably shouldn't make a post about it.
A few months back I showed a picture of Pelosi's office where the desk had no papers/files/notations on it. NO WORK. Explains why she stutters and trips up over her own (winging it) comments.
Her desk didn't even have drawers, no legal pads or pens, nothing.

You mean sort of like this..


HE works more hours then the combined Dem Congress, he has drawers and is in a photo op in which prior picture "has papers", and thousands of presidential pens floating around (handed out) and many signed bills and appointments later prove your post a failure to be intellectually honest while proving the nature to demonize people instead of answeringvthe simple question and refute the issue raised.
NOTICE: instead of naming one solution plan raised by the Dems you resorted to ad hominem replies instead. =epic fail, my picture of the giant cricket stands amongst the silence of your solutions.

There is not one solution plan raised by the Dems, and there is not one solution plan raised by the Repubs because the government is never the fucking solution you statist.
DEMS only solution was a three stooges like
wag the dog misdirection that hurt foreign policy and relations (sabotage).
Everything they touch they break, so much so that I should name them after my brother who's also known to break everything he touches.
DEMS only solution was a three stooges like
wag the dog misdirection that hurt foreign policy and relations (sabotage).
Everything they touch they break, so much so that I should name them after my brother who's also known to break everything he touches.

Which is not different than the Repubs solutions...

And that is because the government is never the fucking solution unless you are a socialist or a statist.
A few months back I showed a picture of Pelosi's office where the desk had no papers/files/notations on it. NO WORK. Explains why she stutters and trips up over her own (winging it) comments.
Her desk didn't even have drawers, no legal pads or pens, nothing.

You mean sort of like this..


HE works more hours then the combined Dem Congress, he has drawers and is in a photo op in which prior picture "has papers", and thousands of presidential pens floating around (handed out) and many signed bills and appointments later prove your post a failure to be intellectually honest while proving the nature to demonize people instead of answeringvthe simple question and refute the issue raised.
NOTICE: instead of naming one solution plan raised by the Dems you resorted to ad hominem replies instead. =epic fail, my picture of the giant cricket stands amongst the silence of your solutions.
Here's a suggestion for you. If you do not want people to talk about the correlation between a clean desk and amount of work done, which, as you rightly pointed out after you brought it up, has nothing to do with the OP, you probably shouldn't make a post about it.
INSUFFICIENT RESPONSE, that does not answer the question to name a solution they've proposed or came up with within the last 2 years.
Making an observation that correlates to their lack of work for our country is perfectly in line with the OP, so you were mistaken or willingly lying. Displacing blame, deflections is not a solution. THEY DON'T WANT A SOLUTION TO ANY ISSUE IF IT MAKES THIS Administration look good....PERIOD!
[INSUFFICIENT RESPONSE, that does not answer the question to name a solution they've proposed or came up with within the last 2 years.
Making an observation that correlates to their lack of work for our country is perfectly in line with the OP, so you were mistaken or willingly lying. Displacing blame, deflections is not a solution. THEY DON'T WANT A SOLUTION TO ANY ISSUE IF IT MAKES THIS Administration look good....PERIOD!


It is that fucking simple. There is no solution they have proposed in the last 2 years, And that number is the exact same number of solutions proposed by the Repubs in the last two years.

and this is because the government is not the solution unless you are a socialist or a statist.
Many of the solutions by the Rep. party you don't recognize because they weren't from direct acts, but indirect acts which caused an affect that solved an important issue. Example: cracking down on criminal element & gangs of illegal immigrants opened up jobs and raised pay for minority communities, tax cuts stimulating sluggish economy (trickle circular affect), Bringing back the manufacturers through
lowering the biz taxes helped lower unemployment and injected the economy. Clearing red tape helped small biz which once again stimulated the economy and job market.
All these affected the dying commodities co's and miners such as metals and coal which Obama tried to bankrupt and destroy which was andcwould have had negative affects in manufacturing and caused select debt crisis.
They did miss a solution to an important issue but that was probably Huckabees fault for putting his blind faith before humanity and country by passing on hearing out and passing along the important info offered. The result of placing his affiliation pride over country was probably more casualties during the Hurricane then if he had listened and conveyed and they applied the solution. Also there's a chance his lack of action could affect his States midd term elections and if that changes the majority then his lacking really would become a serious new sequence of issues (cause and affect). Huckabee would have to have that on his conscious in the same way Dems place party over country have to live with their obstruction and negative affects through pride.
Under Democrats, and after Bush, the governments saved the economy, starting with the auto companies.

They did such a good job, Republicans are still trying to take credit.
Many of the solutions by the Rep. party you don't recognize because they weren't from direct acts, but indirect acts which caused an affect that solved an important issue. Example: cracking down on criminal element & gangs of illegal immigrants opened up jobs and raised pay for minority communities, tax cuts stimulating sluggish economy (trickle circular affect), Bringing back the manufacturers through
lowering the biz taxes helped lower unemployment and injected the economy. Clearing red tape helped small biz which once again stimulated the economy and job market.
All these affected the dying commodities co's and miners such as metals and coal which Obama tried to bankrupt and destroy which was andcwould have had negative affects in manufacturing and caused select debt crisis.
They did miss a solution to an important issue but that was probably Huckabees fault for putting his blind faith before humanity and country by passing on hearing out and passing along the important info offered. The result of placing his affiliation pride over country was probably more casualties during the Hurricane then if he had listened and conveyed and they applied the solution. Also there's a chance his lack of action could affect his States midd term elections and if that changes the majority then his lacking really would become a serious new sequence of issues (cause and affect). Huckabee would have to have that on his conscious in the same way Dems place party over country have to live with their obstruction and negative affects through pride.

Well I will be damned, you are a Socialist and a proud one at that.
They get paid to disappear and do no work in order to not make the administration look good?
Why do they get a salary, as what country pays it's members of the Gov't to sabotage, obstruct, and comit treason? Someone tell us one problem the Dem Congressional members helped solve? What solutions have they offered?
We can name many many problems they've caused, but can't figure out what they've done for this country besides kvetch and abuse their power and waste our money.

Republicans have been the majority. This thread makes no sense
They get paid to disappear and do no work in order to not make the administration look good?
Why do they get a salary, as what country pays it's members of the Gov't to sabotage, obstruct, and comit treason? Someone tell us one problem the Dem Congressional members helped solve? What solutions have they offered?
We can name many many problems they've caused, but can't figure out what they've done for this country besides kvetch and abuse their power and waste our money.

Republicans have been the majority. This thread makes no sense

Why do people expect rational thought from mindless sheep?
They get paid to disappear and do no work in order to not make the administration look good?
Why do they get a salary, as what country pays it's members of the Gov't to sabotage, obstruct, and comit treason? Someone tell us one problem the Dem Congressional members helped solve? What solutions have they offered?
We can name many many problems they've caused, but can't figure out what they've done for this country besides kvetch and abuse their power and waste our money.
What problems have the dems solved in the last 10 years

None, but they created plenty
They get paid to disappear and do no work in order to not make the administration look good?
Why do they get a salary, as what country pays it's members of the Gov't to sabotage, obstruct, and comit treason? Someone tell us one problem the Dem Congressional members helped solve? What solutions have they offered?
We can name many many problems they've caused, but can't figure out what they've done for this country besides kvetch and abuse their power and waste our money.
What problems have the dems solved in the last 10 years

None, but they created plenty

Oh lookie, another statist that thinks the government is there to solve our problems.
They get paid to disappear and do no work in order to not make the administration look good?
Why do they get a salary, as what country pays it's members of the Gov't to sabotage, obstruct, and comit treason? Someone tell us one problem the Dem Congressional members helped solve? What solutions have they offered?
We can name many many problems they've caused, but can't figure out what they've done for this country besides kvetch and abuse their power and waste our money.
What problems have the dems solved in the last 10 years

None, but they created plenty

Oh lookie, another statist that thinks the government is there to solve our problems.
No rebuttal to the truth

You may go burn a college now
Under Democrats, and after Bush, the governments saved the economy, starting with the auto companies.

They did such a good job, Republicans are still trying to take credit.
IN a Dem controlled Gov't Republican
John Kasich balanced our budget (solved an issue) =country before party. ONCE AGAIN ANSWER THE QUESTION:
What solution did Dems come up with besides wanting to buy a time machine?
They get paid to disappear and do no work in order to not make the administration look good?
Why do they get a salary, as what country pays it's members of the Gov't to sabotage, obstruct, and comit treason? Someone tell us one problem the Dem Congressional members helped solve? What solutions have they offered?
We can name many many problems they've caused, but can't figure out what they've done for this country besides kvetch and abuse their power and waste our money.

Republicans have been the majority. This thread makes no sense
So you are admitting our system is flawed or your party that they forget they still are part of a country and system that is supposed to help the people who elect them. NOW STOP MAKING EXCUSES, why have they offered no solutions to any problems?
Under Democrats, and after Bush, the governments saved the economy, starting with the auto companies.

They did such a good job, Republicans are still trying to take credit.
Detroit says different, the jobs had left, plants closed then the new administration policies, involvement (hard work) and corp tax cuts brought those factories and jobs back.
Are these outlandish twists coming from you and are they your poor memory or is it due to your flawed information source?
Obama threatens US car industry with bankruptcy

OBAMA USED SOCIALISM to keep the industry afloat, even as far as controlling who they hired and fired to manage themselves, but it was in bad bad shape under his administration. Factories closed left and right and lost Jobs some which went to Mexico.
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They get paid to disappear and do no work in order to not make the administration look good?
Why do they get a salary, as what country pays it's members of the Gov't to sabotage, obstruct, and comit treason? Someone tell us one problem the Dem Congressional members helped solve? What solutions have they offered?
We can name many many problems they've caused, but can't figure out what they've done for this country besides kvetch and abuse their power and waste our money.
What problems have the dems solved in the last 10 years

None, but they created plenty

Oh lookie, another statist that thinks the government is there to solve our problems.
No rebuttal to the truth

You may go burn a college now

Why would I rebut what I agree with?

Where you and I diverge is that you are a big government statist who thinks the government is there to solve all our problems.

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