What really important thing have you learned from being here at usmb?

But I've been truly amazed how easy it has been for a would-be dictator, like trump,
How does Trump become a dictator when he can't even make a phone call to Ukraine in his own office to find out what dirty deeds Biden has going on over there without some leftwing snitch being right under his desk listening in ready to run to the media to snitch on him? Dictators need blind loyalty, Holmes, like you have for Joe Bidum.

to lead tens of millions of Americans by the nose, as if they were brainless zombies.
Unless you admit those millions and millions only like him because he is finally the lone reprieve from the kind of braindead, poll-fed, lying pressed suits like democrats and RINOS have been putting in the WH serving themselves for the past 40 years telling us one thing then doing something totally different to serve only themselves when in office?

They do his bidding as if they no longer have a mind of their own.
If all these people keep doing Trump's bidding, then how is it that Trump is in Mar A Lago facing criminal charges? Obumma and Hillary and 40 other democrats must have broken 100 federal laws clearly yet I don't see any of them under investigation! And if Trump is so wrong then why is it that virtually 96% of everyone he endorses is still getting elected to good effect all over the country? Maybe you are just running your yap with the same ol' line of BS to rationalize your own losses and failures? Because really---- Just WHAT has the democrat party really offered much less DONE for the average American in DECADES?

Never thought I'd see that happen in America.
You just never think, period. YOU are the braindead puppet here running the usual boring and stagnant line of party BS so pathetically preconditioned, that you don't even realize you are describing YOURSELF.
I don't know if it's "really important" but I like the internet for exchanging ideas--to the extent we do that here (heh). I'm not a visual person so I don't love Instagram and Tik Tok is just...yeah, I sound old. Anyway since the dawn of the WWW I have enjoyed places where ideas and banter can be kicked around. A lot of it is fluff but I have noticed it helps me get to the foundation of an idea, and to some extent to reason and debate, to look beyond the surface. SO MANY people seem never to do that. It appears everywhere.
I'd need an example re sociopathic predators
Oh, they are and I'm sure they don't view themselves as such. Oddly enough, flying monkeys don't realize they are flying monkeys until the sociopathic predator turns on them. Right? I'm sure you will see it in action. The really great thing to observe (if there is one) is how easily it is to get people to move unquestionably in a specific direction at a micro level because that same behavior at a macro level leads to genocide.

Oh, well. Have a great night!
And, I left out that a lot of people do not proofread their messages, will not use the quotation tool, or lead with just a link to an article they were interested in and expect the reader to develop an interest, read the article, and then what - they want us to write a comment about the article?

And how about this creative response to my earlier post???
Ok then. I suppose. Hard to say. We’re you making a point?
I don't know if it's "really important" but I like the internet for exchanging ideas--to the extent we do that here (heh). I'm not a visual person so I don't love Instagram and Tik Tok is just...yeah, I sound old. Anyway since the dawn of the WWW I have enjoyed places where ideas and banter can be kicked around. A lot of it is fluff but I have noticed it helps me get to the foundation of an idea, and to some extent to reason and debate, to look beyond the surface. SO MANY people seem never to do that. It appears everywhere.
I agree. And this IS really important (not sure why you doubt that).

The opinions of other intelligent, discerning people helps me to figure out how to view certain things that I do not already have a dyed in the wool opinion about. Ofcourse I've lived long enough, experienced so many things.. I have become dyed in the wool on most topics
Oh, they are and I'm sure they don't view themselves as such. Oddly enough, flying monkeys don't realize they are flying monkeys until the sociopathic predator turns on them. Right? I'm sure you will see it in action. The really great thing to observe (if there is one) is how easily it is to get people to move unquestionably in a specific direction at a micro level because that same behavior at a macro level leads to genocide.

Oh, well. Have a great night!
I may have a better one if you explain your post..

If you log onto USMB to learn stuff you probably are a victim of the federal education system that teaches you how to put a condom on a banana but not much else or worse or maybe a foreign based propaganda source. I would hope USMB posters are mature adult American citizens who want to share their opinions and life experiences. Pop culture kids can get their kicks on other sites.
There is this one thing someone said WAY back.. months ago about how when bad things happen, he doesn't get too upset anymore (my paraphrase) because it makes him pray.

I have had the same thought but it is sometimes good to hear someone else confirm such things because to this day, when something b ad happens, I usually go berserk before remembering that little bit of wisdom that poster had. So God bless you, wherever you are, whomever you are. Sometimes just remembering someone's helpful words can calm your ass down.

Then there are other things. I have learned a lot about how passionate people can be in their political views. I have noticed lately that the Rs FAR outweight the Ds in this passion of late. Gee, I wonder why?

But it bugs me that sometimes even Rs get overly passionate and say.. what I say are off the wall things.. like the death penalty in the case of the guy who killed his baby daughter. I mean it was Off with his head (or worse) before all the facts seemed to surface.. so yeh, even Rs can get "emotional" and be blinded to reason at times. i say the Rs are far more likely to snap out of it, though.. the dims never seem to evolve .. mature

just wondering what has stood out for you in posters' messages..
Don't engage the ones with foam coming out of their mouths.
I learned that people are extremely touchy on both sides

and do NOT appreciate you correcting their grammar, punctuation, syntax.. or probably anything else..

nope... don't do that!
I learned that people are extremely touchy on both sides

and do NOT appreciate you correcting their grammar, punctuation, syntax.. or probably anything else..

nope... don't do that!
Correcting. Three periods in an ellipsis.

Sentences begin with a capital letter.

Correcting. Three periods in an ellipsis.

Sentences begin with a capital letter.

I know but at least I admit I do not care if people bring this up. When I am writing to some important person or group, I use proper grammar and etc.. and I check and re-check before sending. But here at the forum.. I figure

well, it's like this

So many posts and threads, so little time. So I cut corners. I do not care if people criticize my lack of capitals and etc.. because again

so many comments.. so little time

At least no one can accuse me of wasting time.. I mean, you know.. to speak of. Show me where I have ever gotten sarcastic about someone criticizing my short cuts.

Grow a spine, people
I know but at least I admit I do not care if people bring this up. When I am writing to some important person or group, I use proper grammar and etc.. and I check and re-check before sending. But here at the forum.. I figure

well, it's like this

So many posts and threads, so little time. So I cut corners. I do not care if people criticize my lack of capitals and etc.. because again

so many comments.. so little time

At least no one can accuse me of wasting time.. I mean, you know.. to speak of. Show me where I have ever gotten sarcastic about someone criticizing my short cuts.

Grow a spine, people
I know, too. I was just screwin’ with ya!

I’ve offered many misspellings and uncaught typos here. The last one I made won’t be the last one I ever do make.
I know, too. I was just screwin’ with ya!

I’ve offered many misspellings and uncaught typos here. The last one I made won’t be the last one I ever do make.
oh... whew! I'm not the only one..

I was beginning to think there was something terribly wrong with me.. having the audacity to point out such things as a lack of commas.

toobfreak doesn't like that so I guess I will be turning to other victims.. I mean posters.
I've learned that there is no real debate here. Nobody's positions ever seem to waver no matter what. It's mostly a right wing echo chamber. There is good conversation to be had in the non political forums though. Apart from political differences, most posters have a lot in common.
I've learned that there is no real debate here. Nobody's positions ever seem to waver no matter what. It's mostly a right wing echo chamber. There is good conversation to be had in the non political forums though. Apart from political differences, most posters have a lot in common.
a lot in common?

I definitely do not agree (assuming I get what you're saying..)
I learned that I have the strength to change. Now that I know that, piss off! ;)

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