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What Republicans say their policies are, are very very different than actual policies. Why?

Nope . Itā€™s just a lie .

:itsok: anything else?

Yes . When you call out righties on their bullshit , they have nothing but insults .

Where does Obamacare take your doctor away ?!! Itā€™s right wing propaganda and lies . Cause thatā€™s what they do ! Just like the op said .

And none of you will address the deficit thing. Sure youā€™ll say ā€œsince when do Dems care about spending ?ā€. But that doesnā€™t explain the gop once again ignoring their own talking points .

Do you deny Obama lied? Millions lost their plan and doctors fool it was widely reported even by the liberal media. That's why Democrats were obliterated in the 2010 and 2014 elections.

No he didnā€™t lie . ā€œMillions lost ā€œ is a lie . More people than ever have insurance .

Yeah, Dems did What was right even though it hurt at the pols . Now you tell me, If Obamacare is so bad, why isnā€™t it repealed ?

Wow these are for you :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: now :anj_stfu:

You still havenā€™t responded to the OP with anything other than insults. This proves you have no valid arguments, you just want to deflect and defame.
No one "got me" healthcare... That's a personal responsibility, like paying your own bills.

I'm not entirely sure what the current round of GOP policies are honestly, they're in the midst of a shift same as the D's are.
Fuking over the elderly or the disabled is ā€œfunā€ for the GOP. They feel itā€™s their responsibility.
When did they do that?

Dean thinks not supporting his policies to increase premiums and deductibles on the elderly and disabled is screwing them.

Just like he thinks killing the unborn shows he cares about them
No one "got me" healthcare... That's a personal responsibility, like paying your own bills.

I'm not entirely sure what the current round of GOP policies are honestly, they're in the midst of a shift same as the D's are.
Only the most heartless of evil monster dickheads look at the poor, the disabled and the elderly and say "if you can't take care of yourself, then die, and suffer while you do it. It's nothing to me except a bit of humor watching you suffer and a relief when you finally die". Thank God I'm not a Republican.

Not a single republican I know says that son. You're fooling yourself if you think any reasonable person believes that.

Of course they donā€™t say it. They donā€™t say ā€œWeā€™re going to start wars that will cost us blood and all our treasure, and then weā€™re going to give all millionaires and corporations a tax break while forcing the middle class to subsidize minimum wage employees for the most profitable corporations in America, and then weā€™re going to wreck the worldā€™s economyā€, because no one would ever vote Republican. They just do it and then blame someone else for their folly.

What war did we start son? The one where terrorists are attacking innocents on our home soil just the other day? The one where these same folks flew airplanes into buildings and killed more American innocents, our family members, our fucking children? The one where middle eastern trash got jealous and pissed off by American freedom and success, and lost their fucking minds - rather like the idiots on the left have done this past year (go figure, they're infected with the same vile "religious disease" of 'hatred' for American's and American ideals? Those wars?

Frankly, me and mine, and a million other families across this nation, have no issue fighting and paying for those wars - to defend the innocents here at home, to defend the innocent morons in Europe, to defend the helpless over there who are being slaughtered by these same terrorists... and everywhere in the world. Just like we did with the Nazi's, with imperial Japan, Korean communists... We learned a bit though, not going to care about other nations so much (hopefully imo)

Fucking idiot lefties... Just pathetic. Always talking about "protecting and helping others," bragging about how "smart" you are - and yet you cannot even see why the R's fought wars for the same fucking reasons; to help and protect ourselves, others, the world... Yeah... lefties are so fucking smart they've crossed the threshold of reality and become an alien intelligence. Borg intelligence: "if you're not like us you are evil," "we know better," "you owe us." Grow up son.

Not only will the right kill for this nation, they will also pay for it, they [the working stiffs, the wealthy republicans, the farmers, and small business owners, churches and religious families] have traditionally ended up paying for everything so you adult children can prance around in tutus and wave fairy wands on work nights, so you immature idiots can take a "sick day" from work or school to "protest" whatever the fuck hair you get up your butts; banana peels and shoelaces? "Why the fuck not!" Why does the right pay for this crap? Because we're adults, and you idiots, as much as we'd like to disown your dumb asses, are our children, our grand children, our family. We don't have a damn choice because unlike the left, the right knows about responsibility, we understand you morons are kind of our fault - we made some mistakes, shrugged and nodded our heads to your stupid ideas a few too many times, let your originally well intended ideas get out of control, let your lazy ideas undermine the real foundation of this country [Capitalism & the drive for success]

I get it son, I went through the same rebellion phase myself, mine was about my father, the General, who would take away my private phone line so I couldn't hack my school grades anymore, so I couldn't talk to my friends. He nailed my bedroom window shut so I couldn't sneak out and fuck my boyfriend. I hated him back then ya know that? Seriously hated him, we chased each other around the dining room table with knives, no joke, he put a dart into my ex husbands temple over my mouthing off. Was he abusive? No. I pushed him, constantly, methodically, intentionally to violence. Why? Because I wanted him my mother to leave him, to hate him as much as I did... to choose me over him. My mother was a liberal with an only child; she gave me everything I wanted, never yelled at me, never made me mad, always took my side - and then /he/ came in there like he owned the damn place and fucked everything up! He made me accountable for my stupid grades, made me clean my damn room and half the fucking house, and wouldn't let me stay out all night at parties doing drugs. He was such a fucking asshole, and I honestly believed that he had ruined my social life; my boyfriend started seeing other girls when I wasn't "available" to put out, my friends did fun shit and I missed out...

Then I grew up. Had kids of my own. Realized, and understood, that every stupid infuriating thing he had done was because he cared about me, because he wanted what was best for me, because he wanted me to have a good life; not just while he was paying the bills for me, but for the rest of my life, teaching me those things that /I/ needed to know; even if at the time I didn't believe him, didn't agree with him...

That is what the right is doing, has always done, and while you don't agree with it now, if you ever allow yourself to grow up and truly take responsibly, you'll get it. See things from their perspective and understand why they vote, and fight, for what they vote and fight for. Until then, you're just throwing a temper tantrum. Perhaps you're just too immature and stupid to realize your own tantrum. Lefties are right about one thing, it was "old people" who won the election, because when you grow out of the immature phase where you need to "make a difference" with bright loud actions and fuck anyone who disagrees with you, you shift right and start doing quiet, deliberate things that /actually/ make a difference and you learn to negotiate and compromise. Depending on how far Trump is able to get with his agenda to fix shit, and how radical you dumb asses allow your D party to go before you stop enabling it, they will fade back into the "shadows," those fly over states, small rural towns, and sleepy little neighborhoods lefties like to discount as "meaningless," and allow the left to do whatever they want again; because that is the real national compromise, and its stability. The right, allowing childish lefties, to do stupid things in the vain hope that they might learn something from their mistakes.

Maybe not though, this current crop of adult children are so stupid, so egotistical, that they are endangering everything; socialism, communism, enabling terrorists, and much more - though I think most notably, putting our daughters in danger for no other reason than to "have a cause" - so yeah, basically you lefties woke the parents up and they're pretty fucking mad that you destroyed the living room... I'm surprised ya'll didn't hear it, that loud authoritative bark in November: "YOU'RE GROUNDED!"
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The war in Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism. It was always about the oil. Iraq had no part in 9/11.

It can reasonably be argued that the Iraq War made terrorism around the world much worse since it gave rise to ISIS. It also gave radicals a whole new set of reasons to hate the US. Additionally it destabilized the Middle East causing millions to flee to Europe for safety.

As for Afghanistan, well 16 years on, youā€™re still there to no good purpose. Still spending blood and treasure for nothing in return.
No one "got me" healthcare... That's a personal responsibility, like paying your own bills.

I'm not entirely sure what the current round of GOP policies are honestly, they're in the midst of a shift same as the D's are.
Fuking over the elderly or the disabled is ā€œfunā€ for the GOP. They feel itā€™s their responsibility.
When did they do that?

Dean thinks not supporting his policies to increase premiums and deductibles on the elderly and disabled is screwing them.

Just like he thinks killing the unborn shows he cares about them
Democrats don't want to kill any children.

Republicans don't care about the born.

Two true statements.

Democrats worked to get healthcare for millions.

Republicans want to take healthcare away from millions.

Two more totally true statements.

Do you see how easy it is to tell the truth?
No one "got me" healthcare... That's a personal responsibility, like paying your own bills.

I'm not entirely sure what the current round of GOP policies are honestly, they're in the midst of a shift same as the D's are.
Fuking over the elderly or the disabled is ā€œfunā€ for the GOP. They feel itā€™s their responsibility.
When did they do that?

Dean thinks not supporting his policies to increase premiums and deductibles on the elderly and disabled is screwing them.

Just like he thinks killing the unborn shows he cares about them
Democrats don't want to kill any children.

Republicans don't care about the born.

Two true statements.

Democrats worked to get healthcare for millions.

Republicans want to take healthcare away from millions.

Two more totally true statements.

Do you see how easy it is to tell the truth?
You lie 24/7 like all regressives.
What Republicans say their policies are, are very very different than actual policies. Why?
Because Republicans dangle shiny baubles in front of their Sheeple to keep them from realizing true intentions.

A tactic they learned from Democrats, long ago.
The war in Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism. It was always about the oil. Iraq had no part in 9/11.

It can reasonably be argued that the Iraq War made terrorism around the world much worse since it gave rise to ISIS. It also gave radicals a whole new set of reasons to hate the US. Additionally it destabilized the Middle East causing millions to flee to Europe for safety.

As for Afghanistan, well 16 years on, youā€™re still there to no good purpose. Still spending blood and treasure for nothing in return.

If the Iraq war was only about the oil, why didn't we take any?
No one "got me" healthcare... That's a personal responsibility, like paying your own bills.

I'm not entirely sure what the current round of GOP policies are honestly, they're in the midst of a shift same as the D's are.
Fuking over the elderly or the disabled is ā€œfunā€ for the GOP. They feel itā€™s their responsibility.
When did they do that?

Dean thinks not supporting his policies to increase premiums and deductibles on the elderly and disabled is screwing them.

Just like he thinks killing the unborn shows he cares about them
Democrats don't want to kill any children.

Republicans don't care about the born.

Two true statements.

Democrats worked to get healthcare for millions.

Republicans want to take healthcare away from millions.

Two more totally true statements.

Do you see how easy it is to tell the truth?

If telling the truth is so easy, why do you keep lying?
The war in Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism. It was always about the oil. Iraq had no part in 9/11.

It can reasonably be argued that the Iraq War made terrorism around the world much worse since it gave rise to ISIS. It also gave radicals a whole new set of reasons to hate the US. Additionally it destabilized the Middle East causing millions to flee to Europe for safety.

As for Afghanistan, well 16 years on, youā€™re still there to no good purpose. Still spending blood and treasure for nothing in return.

Whoa...hold on a second...the reason millions fled to Europe for safety wasn't because of the "Iraq War"...it was because Obama prematurely withdrew US combat troops from Iraq despite warnings from his military advisors that doing so would create a dangerous vacuum of power that might be exploited. The rise of ISIS and it's establishment of a terror Caliphate followed and THAT caused millions to flee the Middle East for safety!

Islamic radicals hated the US LONG before we deposed Saddam Hussein...saying that doing so created ISIS ignores history.
Obama withdrew troops from Iraq because Americans were sick of a war which should never have been started in the first place, and because W signed an agreement with the Iraqi government to withdraw.

W carefully timed the date of withdrawal until after his presidency ended to deflect blame on his successor should that go amuck.

Everything Republicans did during Wā€™s Presidency turned to shit. His economic policies nearly crashed not only the US economy, but the world economy as well. His foreign policy destabilized the Middle East and gave rise to ISIS making the entire world less safe.

Not that you loons in the right will ever take responsibility for any of it.

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