What right does he have to demand I lose my rights?

Who gives two hoots about the other G7 nations? I couldn't care less about what dumbass laws they go by. I don't answer to them or their draconian systems of governance. Perhaps you've forgotten but America broke away from Europe and the King George style governments a long time ago. That's the way we real Americans like it.

Um, yeah. We broke away from England because a bunch of rich, slave-raping assholes didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes.

But only a fool fails to look at what others are doing to see what works.

So you prefer the King George style of governance. The government snaps its fingers and the people jump. Good for you! Why are you still here?

I don't see Europe as "working." It's existing but it's steeped in Progressiveness which is a social illness of which I want no part.

So what do you think of Canada - the colonies that remained Loyal to the Brits when we "southerners" rebelled ? They are somewhat the middle ground between Europe and the USA . Do you feel they evolved along with the rest of North America [Thats us]
Hold gun manufacturers responsible for the deaths their guns cause.

Then you'll see them making damn sure they aren't marketting to people who shouldn't have them.

Yes, and we should hold car companies responsible for deaths caused by automobiles and electric power companies responsible for electrocutions and then we won't have any companies left. Which doesn't matter to you Marxists.

What we will still have however is guns. Criminals will buy illegal ones. I mean duh.

My brother died in a motorcycle crash while riding a Kawasaki 1100. His death had nothing to do with the fact that he was riding WAY too fast around a curve. It's Kawasaki's fault and they should be held responsible for my brother's misuse of their product.

Sound silly? That's the EXACT argument the loony left uses against guns and the NRA. They are literal idiots! I mean what word better describes them?
Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?

I can see you are concerned about your rights. Here is a question for you: Did the six kids who were murdered have any rights? How about the 1st graders who were killed in their classrooms, did they have any rights? How about the 11,000+ homicide victims killed by firearms last year, did they have any rights? Do you really think taking away the rights of others so you can have your rights is acceptable?

FASTSTATS - Homicide
Um, yeah. We broke away from England because a bunch of rich, slave-raping assholes didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes.

But only a fool fails to look at what others are doing to see what works.

So you prefer the King George style of governance. The government snaps its fingers and the people jump. Good for you! Why are you still here?

I don't see Europe as "working." It's existing but it's steeped in Progressiveness which is a social illness of which I want no part.

So what do you think of Canada - the colonies that remained Loyal to the Brits when we "southerners" rebelled ? They are somewhat the middle ground between Europe and the USA . Do you feel they evolved along with the rest of North America [Thats us]

Outside of Canada's Socialist government it's a fine nation.
Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


You're the one who is disgusting. Have you had a family member murdered, much less you own child?

Would you just man up and tell the press that it's OK, your kid was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and you're good with the kid who shot him because he has his rights, too?

I would be blaming the person, not the instrument they used.

Strangely enough, not a single gun that I have ever owned over the past 40 years has ever gone off on it's own. Everyone has had to have the trigger pulled.

Where that bullet goes is the responsibility of the person who pulled the trigger.. Not the gun's.
Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?

I can see you are concerned about your rights. Here is a question for you: Did the six kids who were murdered have any rights? How about the 1st graders who were killed in their classrooms, did they have any rights? How about the 11,000+ homicide victims killed by firearms last year, did they have any rights? Do you really think taking away the rights of others so you can have your rights is acceptable?

FASTSTATS - Homicide

Hmmm.. A friend of mine was killed by a drunk driver. Whose fault was it? Jack Daniel's? Budweiser's? GM's? Ford's? The car itself? Or the person who was driving the car?

We don't ban cars or alcohol because of drunk driving.. We punish the person who drank too much and then got in behind the wheel and drove the car after drinking too much.

I'm sorry I made you cry, guy. It's just a message board, don't get so upset.

Actually, I've been all over gun threads. I've debated you there quite a bit. I even started a thread you posted in endlessly on what exactly liberal's proposal is to actually get rid of guns from criminals. I can't help if you have no long term memory.

All that bluster and arrogance and you collapse in a heap like a crying little girl. Here's a tissue, run along and play with your dolls.

Uh, guy, you live in your own fantasy world.

I don't keep track of my conversations with gun whacks, but they usually end with you whacks talking about all the people you'd just LOVE to shoot, usually making my point for me.

It's a pretty simple method.

Hold gun manufacturers responsible for the deaths their guns cause.

Then you'll see them making damn sure they aren't marketting to people who shouldn't have them.

He killed just as many people with a knife as he did his three guns, why aren't you worried about the fact that crazy people can buy knives? Is it because you are an idiot?

Not to mention that Joe keeps thinking that we can stop criminals from getting guns by making it illegal for criminals to get guns because, you know, criminals follow the law, right Joe? A ... criminal ... wouldn't break the law and buy a gun when that's illegal.

So Joe, anyway guy, have you ever looked up the definition of the word "criminal?" It might be eye opening for you...
Hold gun manufacturers responsible for the deaths their guns cause.

Then you'll see them making damn sure they aren't marketting to people who shouldn't have them.

Yes, and we should hold car companies responsible for deaths caused by automobiles and electric power companies responsible for electrocutions and then we won't have any companies left. Which doesn't matter to you Marxists.

What we will still have however is guns. Criminals will buy illegal ones. I mean duh.

My brother died in a motorcycle crash while riding a Kawasaki 1100. His death had nothing to do with the fact that he was riding WAY too fast around a curve. It's Kawasaki's fault and they should be held responsible for my brother's misuse of their product.

Sound silly? That's the EXACT argument the loony left uses against guns and the NRA. They are literal idiots! I mean what word better describes them?

They are arguing that. And even more than that they are arguing we will save lives by not selling them to the people who don't drive too fast...

Also, I'm sorry for your loss.
His son was murdered, you sick son of a bitch. He is grieving.
He's also a bit of a third grade actor appearing in the role of a hysterical mother rather than a father who is both mournful and enraged -- two emotions that never occur together, especially while accompanied by tearless weeping. I've witnessed grief many times, which in its deepest form is quiet and profound.

This guy just wants to make noise. He is screaming for the Congress to "do something!" but he doesn't offer the slightest suggestion of what to do or how to do it. I predict this guy is going to come on like James Brady who was shot along with Reagan and has made himself into a public figure with lots of speaking engagements.

Um, actually, the one who did the speaking was Sarah Brady.

Jim Brady couldn't do a lot of talking because the bullet in his brain destroyed his speech centers.

But you do make a sad point. Jim Brady and President Reagan were shot because a crazy person was able to walk into a gun store and get a gun with no problems.

33 years later, crazy people are still walking into gun stores and still buying guns and still shooting people.
With due respect for your concern, one cannot walk into a drug store and buy a deck of heroin either.

If the necessary laws existed to bar Hinckley from buying that pawn shop .22 he would have found a street dealer who might have sold him a .357 -- and that would have been the end of Ronald Reagan and Jim Brady. As alcohol Prohibition and today's wholly counterproductive War On Drugs have plainly demonstrated, bans and prohibitive laws do not work. Whatever people are willing to pay for but cannot buy in the light someone will make available to them in the dark. That applies to guns as well as booze and drugs.

If more restrictive gun laws are passed it will result in more cops, more courts, and more prisons, and the laws will succeed in disarming the responsible gun owner. But you may rest assured the criminals and the crazies will still get all the guns they are willing and able to pay for or steal.
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Yes, and we should hold car companies responsible for deaths caused by automobiles and electric power companies responsible for electrocutions and then we won't have any companies left. Which doesn't matter to you Marxists.

What we will still have however is guns. Criminals will buy illegal ones. I mean duh.

My brother died in a motorcycle crash while riding a Kawasaki 1100. His death had nothing to do with the fact that he was riding WAY too fast around a curve. It's Kawasaki's fault and they should be held responsible for my brother's misuse of their product.

Sound silly? That's the EXACT argument the loony left uses against guns and the NRA. They are literal idiots! I mean what word better describes them?

They are arguing that. And even more than that they are arguing we will save lives by not selling them to the people who don't drive too fast...

Also, I'm sorry for your loss.

Thanks. He was the best member of our family. A Russian interpreter during the Viet Nam era; a top-notch chess player; and a champion arm-wrestler; and an outdoor sportsman. He later became a cop and then a lawyer. His only vise was fast cars and motorcycles. He was the glue that kept my 7 brothers and sisters together and in contact. With him gone most of us rarely speak and I don't know where most of my family even lives. But he's been gone a long time so we've all pretty much moved on.
My brother died in a motorcycle crash while riding a Kawasaki 1100. His death had nothing to do with the fact that he was riding WAY too fast around a curve. It's Kawasaki's fault and they should be held responsible for my brother's misuse of their product.

Sound silly? That's the EXACT argument the loony left uses against guns and the NRA. They are literal idiots! I mean what word better describes them?

They are arguing that. And even more than that they are arguing we will save lives by not selling them to the people who don't drive too fast...

Also, I'm sorry for your loss.

Thanks. He was the best member of our family. A Russian interpreter during the Viet Nam era; a top-notch chess player; and a champion arm-wrestler; and an outdoor sportsman. He later became a cop and then a lawyer. His only vise was fast cars and motorcycles. He was the glue that kept my 7 brothers and sisters together and in contact. With him gone most of us rarely speak and I don't know where most of my family even lives. But he's been gone a long time so we've all pretty much moved on.

Well, you can't fix the world, but maybe you could just build a few of your own bridges. I only have one brother and one sister, but they are two of the people I know I can always rely on in the world. We don't always agree, it's not always smooth. But we all know where we are when the chips are down.
And when are you going to stop passing the buck?

When are you going to stop blaming the gun instead of actually addressing the real problem?

The kid was a full blown nut job, like you. The gun was misused in his twisted little world of narcissism and butt hurt rich boy pussyism.

When are you going to admit the truth that guns aren't the problem, that the crazy bastards that misuse them are?

Uh, not the problem was that someone this deranged was able to get a gun.

His parents knew he was nuts, his three shrinks knew he was nuts, but the gun seller, he was just a "Gold Customer".
With due respect for your concern, one cannot walk into a drug store and buy a deck of heroin either.

If the necessary laws existed to bar Hinckley from buying that pawn shop .22 he would have found a street dealer who might have sold him a .357 -- and that would have been the end of Ronald Reagan and Jim Brady. As alcohol Prohibition and today's wholly counterproductive War On Drugs have plainly demonstrated, bans and prohibitive laws do not work. Whatever people are willing to pay for but cannot buy in the light someone will make available to them in the dark. That applies to guns as well as booze and drugs.

If more restrictive gun laws are passed it will result in more cops, more courts, and more prisons, and the laws will succeed in disarming the responsible gun owner. But you may rest assured the criminals and the crazies will still get all the guns they are willing and able to pay for or steal.

Uh, your argument MIGHT be impressive if there weren't you know, other countries in the world world that DO restrict gun ownership and DO have less crime and have never had a head of state shot.

Will we eliminate every possible gun? Nope. Can we reduce the carnage by limiting who can get them? Yes.

Not to mention that Joe keeps thinking that we can stop criminals from getting guns by making it illegal for criminals to get guns because, you know, criminals follow the law, right Joe? A ... criminal ... wouldn't break the law and buy a gun when that's illegal.

So Joe, anyway guy, have you ever looked up the definition of the word "criminal?" It might be eye opening for you...

A criminal can only get a gun if a non-criminal sells him one.

No guns. NO crooks with guns.

It's pretty effin' simple.

Those countries are different than the US. You need more to the argument than that they have gun laws and they have fewer murders, ergo, gun laws work. You have the mind of a child.

And you never did have an answer to the question that kids can get all the pot they want, how are we going to keep guns out.

Here's a tip, arrogance isn't an argument. And you way, way overrate your pedestrian intelligence.

Here's the major difference.

The kids can get all the pot they want, but they aren't going to accidently kill me with a joint.

Very easy to get the guns out.

1) Make them illegal.
2) Offer big rewards to people who rat out their neighbors who don't turn them in.
3) Make very big splashy arrests of the few assholes who miss the point.

Problem solved.
Who gives two hoots about the other G7 nations? I couldn't care less about what dumbass laws they go by. I don't answer to them or their draconian systems of governance. Perhaps you've forgotten but America broke away from Europe and the King George style governments a long time ago. That's the way we real Americans like it.

Um, yeah. We broke away from England because a bunch of rich, slave-raping assholes didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes.

But only a fool fails to look at what others are doing to see what works.

What they wanted was a say in the passing of the taxes in parliament, something denied them.

OH, bullshit, that was just a pretense. They didn't even wait for an answer from London before taking up arms.

The colonists instigated a war with France, to grab territory, and then when it came time to pay the bills, they didn't want to pony up.
If you're SOOOOOO genuinely ASHAMED of our founding fathers and this nations history, then WHAT IN THE FLYING FUCK ARE YOU DOING LIVING HERE?

Get the fuck out ya pathetic COMMIE.

Because of some of the things that happened AFTER the Founding Slave Rapists.

Because we had guys like Lincoln and FDR and JFK and Ike and Teddy Roosevelt, who kept the promises of guys who talked about freedom and then wrote a constitution that said blacks were 3/5th of a white man.

But i don't get all misty eyed because the founding slave rapists saved us from being 'Canadians".
Hold gun manufacturers responsible for the deaths their guns cause.

Then you'll see them making damn sure they aren't marketting to people who shouldn't have them.

Yes, and we should hold car companies responsible for deaths caused by automobiles and electric power companies responsible for electrocutions and then we won't have any companies left. Which doesn't matter to you Marxists.

What we will still have however is guns. Criminals will buy illegal ones. I mean duh.

Are cars being specifically designed to kill people?

That's the purpose of a gun. They are designed for nothing else. OH a few hunting rifles are designed to kill animals, but most are designed to kill people.

So when a crazy person uses a product FOR THE PURPOSE IT WAS DESIGNED FOR, then they should be held accountable when the wrong people get them, doncha think?

Not to mention that Joe keeps thinking that we can stop criminals from getting guns by making it illegal for criminals to get guns because, you know, criminals follow the law, right Joe? A ... criminal ... wouldn't break the law and buy a gun when that's illegal.

So Joe, anyway guy, have you ever looked up the definition of the word "criminal?" It might be eye opening for you...

A criminal can only get a gun if a non-criminal sells him one.

No guns. NO crooks with guns.

It's pretty effin' simple.

LOL, you're a simpleton.

Criminals can't buy stolen guns, guy?

They can't buy guns smuggled into the country? You know, the open borders Democrats work to make sure illegal aliens can walk across? Did you ever thing guns could come in the same way? The planes and ships drug smugglers bring tons of drugs in on?

And guns can't be made illegally here? They aren't rocket science.

You're so thick it's hilarious. So high schoolers can't get pot unless someone legal sells them one, can they guy?

LOL, wow. Just wow. Seriously, if you hear the name timeshare, run away. You have no ability to question what you hear at all. They are in fact not good investments.

I have to run that buy again...

"A criminal can only get a gun if a non-criminal sells him one"

OMG, :lmao:

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