What right does he have to demand I lose my rights?

Richard Martinez Should Kill Himself | Christopher Cantwell

Richard Martinez Should Kill Himself

But Richard Martinez? Well, you’d think this guy would at least wait for rigor to set in before he started jumping in front of cameras and taking blame away from the guy who murdered his son. Now that’s fuckin low. That shows a level of depravity that we don’t often see in the world. Even Mark Kelly, husband of Gabby Giffords, had the god damn decency to stay out of the gun control debate until his wife was stabilized in the hospital. Even Trayvon Martin’s mother, Sabrina Fulton had the common decorum to wait a few days before politicizing her son’s death. Richard Martinez, he doesn’t even wait until his son’s pupils are dilated before he goes full retard for all the world to see. This guy has all the respect for human life of a drain fly.

The man is pretty shameless. What a skewed perspective he has:

One big problem with today's youth is poor parenting. Many parents (especially left-leaning ones) use the Dr. Spock method of "training" kids. Thus we end up with a bunch of spoiled, rotten, self-centered, narcissistic punks who think the world OWES them something.

The brat was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and coddled his entire life. The fact that he was seeing a psychiatrist from an early age proves that psychiatry can actually do more harm than good. Instead of massacring folks because he wasn't "loved" why didn't he just ask a chick (yeah ... chick! Out of date and totally un-politically correct) out on a date? Wouldn't that have solved the idiot's woes?

Instead, daddy's failure as a parent is supposed to be cause for the rest of us to give up our right to self protection.


When are you shitheads going to learn this is the father of the VICTIM who is speaking out, not the father of the shooter?

The real problem was that he was able to buy guns despite the people in his life expressing serious concerns.

His mother even called the cops to say that she was disturbed by what this kid was posting on youtube. When your own mother rats you out, you have serious problems.

Nope, wouldn't want to violate his "Second Amendment Rights".

Had the cops gone into his apartment, they'd have found his arsenal and his 140 page manifesto.

I know right? :eusa_eh: clingers and their all-or-nothing ideology.
Pretty much like you butt packers and your obamacare.
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Who gives two hoots about the other G7 nations? I couldn't care less about what dumbass laws they go by. I don't answer to them or their draconian systems of governance. Perhaps you've forgotten but America broke away from Europe and the King George style governments a long time ago. That's the way we real Americans like it.

Um, yeah. We broke away from England because a bunch of rich, slave-raping assholes didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes.

But only a fool fails to look at what others are doing to see what works.

yep, they had incurred a war debt to Great Britain & decided to be deadbeats like today's conservatives. They privatize gains & socialize losses.

American Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Britain did not expect the colonies to contribute to the interest or the retirement of debt incurred during its wars, but did expect the Americans to pay a portion of the expenses for colonial defense. Estimating the expenses of defending the continental colonies and the British West Indies at approximately £200,000 annually, the British aimed after the end of the French and Indian War (1754–1763) to raise £78,000 of this amount from American taxpayers.
Who gives two hoots about the other G7 nations? I couldn't care less about what dumbass laws they go by. I don't answer to them or their draconian systems of governance. Perhaps you've forgotten but America broke away from Europe and the King George style governments a long time ago. That's the way we real Americans like it.

Um, yeah. We broke away from England because a bunch of rich, slave-raping assholes didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes.

But only a fool fails to look at what others are doing to see what works.

yep, they had incurred a war debt to Great Britain & decided to be deadbeats like today's conservatives. They privatize gains & socialize losses.

American Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Britain did not expect the colonies to contribute to the interest or the retirement of debt incurred during its wars, but did expect the Americans to pay a portion of the expenses for colonial defense. Estimating the expenses of defending the continental colonies and the British West Indies at approximately £200,000 annually, the British aimed after the end of the French and Indian War (1754–1763) to raise £78,000 of this amount from American taxpayers.
If you're SOOOOOO genuinely ASHAMED of our founding fathers and this nations history, then WHAT IN THE FLYING FUCK ARE YOU DOING LIVING HERE?

Get the fuck out ya pathetic COMMIE.
Who gives two hoots about the other G7 nations? I couldn't care less about what dumbass laws they go by. I don't answer to them or their draconian systems of governance. Perhaps you've forgotten but America broke away from Europe and the King George style governments a long time ago. That's the way we real Americans like it.

Um, yeah. We broke away from England because a bunch of rich, slave-raping assholes didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes.

But only a fool fails to look at what others are doing to see what works.

yep, they had incurred a war debt to Great Britain & decided to be deadbeats like today's conservatives. They privatize gains & socialize losses.

American Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Britain did not expect the colonies to contribute to the interest or the retirement of debt incurred during its wars, but did expect the Americans to pay a portion of the expenses for colonial defense. Estimating the expenses of defending the continental colonies and the British West Indies at approximately £200,000 annually, the British aimed after the end of the French and Indian War (1754–1763) to raise £78,000 of this amount from American taxpayers.


Yeah, that really puts it all in perspective.

Um, yeah. We broke away from England because a bunch of rich, slave-raping assholes didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes.

But only a fool fails to look at what others are doing to see what works.

yep, they had incurred a war debt to Great Britain & decided to be deadbeats like today's conservatives. They privatize gains & socialize losses.

American Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Britain did not expect the colonies to contribute to the interest or the retirement of debt incurred during its wars, but did expect the Americans to pay a portion of the expenses for colonial defense. Estimating the expenses of defending the continental colonies and the British West Indies at approximately £200,000 annually, the British aimed after the end of the French and Indian War (1754–1763) to raise £78,000 of this amount from American taxpayers.
If you're SOOOOOO genuinely ASHAMED of our founding fathers and this nations history, then WHAT IN THE FLYING FUCK ARE YOU DOING LIVING HERE?

Get the fuck out ya pathetic COMMIE.
ummm..... you're speaking to an honorably discharged vet welcher boi & YES, there were divisions even back then. TRY READING A BOOK ONCE IN A WHILE!!! :banghead:
yep, they had incurred a war debt to Great Britain & decided to be deadbeats like today's conservatives. They privatize gains & socialize losses.

American Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If you're SOOOOOO genuinely ASHAMED of our founding fathers and this nations history, then WHAT IN THE FLYING FUCK ARE YOU DOING LIVING HERE?

Get the fuck out ya pathetic COMMIE.
ummm..... you're speaking to an honorably discharged vet welcher boi & YES, there were divisions even back then. TRY READING A BOOK ONCE IN A WHILE!!! :banghead:
You can lie all you want about being in the military, homo, but that doesn't answer my question.

nice non sequitur. :rolleyes:

how many kids do people have to lose before we have background checks that weed out crazies and criminals?

It happened in California. I don't believe there's another State with more strict, Progressive gun control laws that the Communist State of Cali. Don't blame the NRA for California's failures. Oh ... and don't blame guns for California's loonies born and raised in Progressive households.
But you do make a sad point. Jim Brady and President Reagan were shot because a crazy person was able to walk into a gun store and get a gun with no problems

Right, because if he couldn't do that then he wouldn't have been able to get a gun! And he couldn't have thought of any other way to kill people! He would have given up. Crap, I can't buy a gun, it's freaking IMPOSSIBLE. I triad and they said no. Oh well, I guess I'll go play video games. You live in a fantasy world. The problem is you're trying to make real laws based on it.

You are such a manipulable patsy. Take my word for this one, don't talk to anyone about timeshares...

No gun, I guess he could have came at Reagan with a knife or an ax. And the Secret Service would have tackled his ass so fast it wouldn't have been funny.

Here's the problem with you gun nuts. You have to pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist.

The other G-7 nations either ban private gun ownership or severely restrict who can have a gun.

So you run the gamit of Japan, where they had all of 11 gun murders in 2010, to Germany, where they had about 250 gun murders.

Now, Germany doesn't ban guns altogether, but they put strict limits on WHO can have guns and what kind of guns they can have. And despite there being 17 million guns for 80 million Germans, they don't have that much gun violence.

Yes. Gun control works.

When it's actually tried.

And at least regional if not universal
Hold gun manufacturers responsible for the deaths their guns cause.

Then you'll see them making damn sure they aren't marketting to people who shouldn't have them.

Yes, and we should hold car companies responsible for deaths caused by automobiles and electric power companies responsible for electrocutions and then we won't have any companies left. Which doesn't matter to you Marxists.

What we will still have however is guns. Criminals will buy illegal ones. I mean duh.
No gun, I guess he could have came at Reagan with a knife or an ax. And the Secret Service would have tackled his ass so fast it wouldn't have been funny.

Or he could have bought an illegal gun...

Here's the problem with you gun nuts. You have to pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist.

The other G-7 nations either ban private gun ownership or severely restrict who can have a gun.

So you run the gamit of Japan, where they had all of 11 gun murders in 2010, to Germany, where they had about 250 gun murders.

Now, Germany doesn't ban guns altogether, but they put strict limits on WHO can have guns and what kind of guns they can have. And despite there being 17 million guns for 80 million Germans, they don't have that much gun violence.

Yes. Gun control works.

When it's actually tried.

Those countries are different than the US. You need more to the argument than that they have gun laws and they have fewer murders, ergo, gun laws work. You have the mind of a child.

And you never did have an answer to the question that kids can get all the pot they want, how are we going to keep guns out.

Here's a tip, arrogance isn't an argument. And you way, way overrate your pedestrian intelligence.
Guy, the Nazis let average Germans own as many guns as they wanted. germany had its most open gun laws under the Nazis.

So argument fail.

Even if this were true, an argument failed because you can think of one example that suits your purpose? LOL, you're the class clown.

Actually, you're wrong. You must be used to that by now. "The same arguments for and against were made in the 1920s in the chaos of Germany’s Weimar Republic, which opted for gun registration. Law-abiding persons complied with the law, but the Communists and Nazis committing acts of political violence did not."

How the Nazis Used Gun Control | National Review Online

nice non sequitur. :rolleyes:

how many kids do people have to lose before we have background checks that weed out crazies and criminals?

LOL, you saying non-sequitur to someone else? I can't think of posts you actually address the point made. You are Ms. Non-Sequitur.

I do have a question, how many crazies and criminals are we going to let kill kids before we allow people to defend themselves?

I have another one. How many of these murders are committed with legal guns now? Do you even know?
I want to know how you're going to weed out the so called crazies.

Mandate psychiatric evaluations for the entire country perhaps?

And how can you be sure that not having a gun will stop a crazy person from killing a bunch of people?

This wacko stabbed three people to death before he started shooting anyone didn't he?

People kill people.

People always have killed people

People always will kill people.

Accept that and move on.
His son was murdered, you sick son of a bitch. He is grieving.

As was already asked and not answered.... If a black man killed his son and he went on a tirade about murdering black savages would you feel the same way?

So you are worried we are hurting the feelings of guns?

Reality check. This was a SERIOUSLY disturbed person who was able to get three guns despite being under therapy since he was 8.

And he was able to walk into a gun store three times and buy guns.

He was in therapy because he had "low self esteem", and the therapists all told him that the world should worship him. You should really watch that video of his before you blame the gun laws for this, as soon as anyone knew he made a threat they called the police.

I'm sorry I made you cry, guy. It's just a message board, don't get so upset.

Actually, I've been all over gun threads. I've debated you there quite a bit. I even started a thread you posted in endlessly on what exactly liberal's proposal is to actually get rid of guns from criminals. I can't help if you have no long term memory.

All that bluster and arrogance and you collapse in a heap like a crying little girl. Here's a tissue, run along and play with your dolls.

Uh, guy, you live in your own fantasy world.

I don't keep track of my conversations with gun whacks, but they usually end with you whacks talking about all the people you'd just LOVE to shoot, usually making my point for me.

It's a pretty simple method.

Hold gun manufacturers responsible for the deaths their guns cause.

Then you'll see them making damn sure they aren't marketting to people who shouldn't have them.

He killed just as many people with a knife as he did his three guns, why aren't you worried about the fact that crazy people can buy knives? Is it because you are an idiot?
Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


You're the one who is disgusting. Have you had a family member murdered, much less you own child?

Would you just man up and tell the press that it's OK, your kid was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and you're good with the kid who shot him because he has his rights, too?
No, he needs to give himself a break. He lost his kid, now he's stirring the pot. I feel no need to pity someone who would bring that on himself.

One big problem with today's youth is poor parenting. Many parents (especially left-leaning ones) use the Dr. Spock method of "training" kids. Thus we end up with a bunch of spoiled, rotten, self-centered, narcissistic punks who think the world OWES them something.

The brat was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and coddled his entire life. The fact that he was seeing a psychiatrist from an early age proves that psychiatry can actually do more harm than good. Instead of massacring folks because he wasn't "loved" why didn't he just ask a chick (yeah ... chick! Out of date and totally un-politically correct) out on a date? Wouldn't that have solved the idiot's woes?

Instead, daddy's failure as a parent is supposed to be cause for the rest of us to give up our right to self protection.


When are you shitheads going to learn this is the father of the VICTIM who is speaking out, not the father of the shooter?

The real problem was that he was able to buy guns despite the people in his life expressing serious concerns.

His mother even called the cops to say that she was disturbed by what this kid was posting on youtube. When your own mother rats you out, you have serious problems.

Nope, wouldn't want to violate his "Second Amendment Rights".

Had the cops gone into his apartment, they'd have found his arsenal and his 140 page manifesto.

Excuse me, genius, California gun laws are pretty strict when it comes to mental illness.

A person is barred from possessing, purchasing, receiving, attempting to purchase or receive, or having control or custody of any firearms if the person:
  • Has been admitted to a facility and is receiving in-patient treatment for a mental illness and the attending mental health professional opines that the patient is a danger to self or others. This prohibition applies even if the person has consented to the treatment, although the prohibition ends as soon as the patient is discharged from the facility;
  • Has been adjudicated to be a danger to others as a result of a mental disorder or mental illness or has been adjudicated to be a mentally disordered sex offender. This prohibition does not apply, however, if the court of adjudication issues, upon the individual’s release from treatment or at a later date, a certificate stating that the person may possess a firearm without endangering others;
  • Has been found not guilty by reason of insanity of enumerated violent felonies. A person who is found not guilty by reason of insanity of other crimes is barred from possessing firearms unless a court finds that the person has recovered his or her sanity;
  • Has been found mentally incompetent to stand trial, unless there is a subsequent finding that the person has become competent;
  • Is currently under a court-ordered conservatorship because he or she is gravely disabled as a result of a mental disorder or impaired by chronic alcoholism

A person shall not have in his or her possession or under his or her custody or control, or purchase or receive, or attempt to purchase or receive, any firearms whatsoever or any other deadly weapon for a period of six months whenever he or she communicates to a licensed psychotherapist a serious threat of physical violence against a reasonably identifiable victim or victims. Licensed psychotherapists are required to immediately report to a local law enforcement agency the identity of a person who has communicated a serious threat of violence against a reasonably identifiable victim or victims (see § 8105(c)).

CA Codes (wic:8100-8108)

He was in therapy for self esteem issues, not because he was trying to kill people. If you can show a valid reason to deny him his rights simply because he went to see a doctor feel free to lay it out, if all you have is a strawman that everyone who isn't you wants psychopaths to have guns I suggest you go argue with Tank, he is almost as stupid as you, you might have a chance against him.

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