What right does he have to demand I lose my rights?

Right from[ Joe "the plumber"] Samuel Wurzelbacher. Joe The Plumber: 'Your Dead Kids Don't Trump My Constitutional Rights' To Have Guns.

Here you go right wingers!...Samuel Wurzelbacher, better known as Joe the Plumber, insisted the deaths of innocent people "don't trump" his constitutional rights in an open letter to the families of victims in Friday's shooting rampage near the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Wurzelbacher's letter was published on Barbwire Monday, days after one shooting victim's father blamed "craven, irresponsible politicians" and the National Rifle Association for his son's death.

Wurzelbacher said the words of Richard Martinez, whose son Christopher Martinez was a victim in Friday's incident, "will be exploited by gun-grab extremists as are all tragedies involving gun violence and the mentally ill by the anti-Second Amendment Left." The former Congressional candidate told Martinez to "back off."

Wurzelbacher said his letter is directed "only to the families of the gunshot victims in Santa Barbara" and not to the families of three who were stabbed ahead of the shooting spree.

He's right.

You may not like it or like the way he worded it, but he is right.

seriously you people and the gun grabbers have zero tact. Zero.

He lost any expectations of pity or tact when he went public with his attack on me and millions of other gun owners and NRA members.

He has the right to say what he said.. but he also has to accept the responsibility for what he said and the reaction to his statements.

Again.. if this was a White or Jewish parent attacking all blacks because their child was killed in a Knock-out attack would you be still defending him?
The single largest mass murder in American history was reportedly committed with box cutters (9/11), the second largest ostensibly with fuel oil and fertilizer (OKC) and third place was taken using a gallon of gasoline and a match (Happyland Dance Club).

That last took the least amount of planning, so bang for the buck probably gave the most "payout"--as I recall, 88 people were killed when a jealous lover torched an illegal dance club to revenge himself on a girl who danced with other men--and she survived.
Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


His son was murdered, you sick son of a bitch. He is grieving.

As was already asked and not answered.... If a black man killed his son and he went on a tirade about murdering black savages would you feel the same way?
Central California man wins praise for defending siblings from group of home intruders

Published May 27, 2014
Associated Press
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OROSI, Calif. – A man defended his three younger siblings in a shootout inside their Central California home early Tuesday, killing one intruder and sending a second to the hospital with serious injuries, officials said.

Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux said the 22-year-old man defending his family was also shot in the early morning gun battle but expected to survive after undergoing surgery. Investigators continue to search for one or two more suspects. Boudreaux said the multiple bullet holes the family's home showed signs of a violent exchange.
Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


His son was murdered, you sick son of a bitch. He is grieving.
He's also a bit of a third grade actor appearing in the role of a hysterical mother rather than a father who is both mournful and enraged -- two emotions that never occur together, especially while accompanied by tearless weeping. I've witnessed grief many times, which in its deepest form is quiet and profound.

This guy just wants to make noise. He is screaming for the Congress to "do something!" but he doesn't offer the slightest suggestion of what to do or how to do it. I predict this guy is going to come on like James Brady who was shot along with Reagan and has made himself into a public figure with lots of speaking engagements.
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Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


His son was murdered, you sick son of a bitch. He is grieving.

The choice to "grieve" behind a microphone making bitter partisan statements was his. I'd be telling the reporters to STFU and get out of my yard. There is no way his ridiculous statements should be unchallenged just because he's "grieving." Lies unchallenged become truth. Which of course is your real objective, getting free, unchallenged partisan shots in. Your concern is for that, not him personally.

Being liberal and "grieving" are a free pass to you people. Your largesse does not extend beyond your own.
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Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


His son was murdered, you sick son of a bitch. He is grieving.

As was already asked and not answered.... If a black man killed his son and he went on a tirade about murdering black savages would you feel the same way?

So you are worried we are hurting the feelings of guns?

Reality check. This was a SERIOUSLY disturbed person who was able to get three guns despite being under therapy since he was 8.

And he was able to walk into a gun store three times and buy guns.
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Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


His son was murdered, you sick son of a bitch. He is grieving.

The choice to "grieve" behind a microphone making bitter partisan statements was his. I'd be telling the reporters to STFU and get out of my yard. There is no way his ridiculous statements should be unchallenged just because he's "grieving." Lies unchallenged become truth. Which of course is your real objective, getting free, unchallenged partisan shots in. Your concern is for that, not him personally.

Being liberal and "grieving" are a free pass to you people. Your largesse does not extend beyond your own.

Except you really haven't "challenged" his statements.

You just whine about how he wants to take away your rights.

Frankly, if you aren't a criminal or a crazy person, you ought to be all for background checks for gun buyers.
Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


His son was murdered, you sick son of a bitch. He is grieving.
He's also a bit of a third grade actor appearing in the role of a hysterical mother rather than a father who is both mournful and enraged -- two emotions that never occur together, especially while accompanied by tearless weeping. I've witnessed grief many times, which in its deepest form is quiet and profound.

This guy just wants to make noise. He is screaming for the Congress to "do something!" but he doesn't offer the slightest suggestion of what to do or how to do it. I predict this guy is going to come on like James Brady who was shot along with Reagan and has made himself into a public figure with lots of speaking engagements.

Um, actually, the one who did the speaking was Sarah Brady.

Jim Brady couldn't do a lot of talking because the bullet in his brain destroyed his speech centers.

But you do make a sad point. Jim Brady and President Reagan were shot because a crazy person was able to walk into a gun store and get a gun with no problems.

33 years later, crazy people are still walking into gun stores and still buying guns and still shooting people.
His son was murdered, you sick son of a bitch. He is grieving.

The choice to "grieve" behind a microphone making bitter partisan statements was his. I'd be telling the reporters to STFU and get out of my yard. There is no way his ridiculous statements should be unchallenged just because he's "grieving." Lies unchallenged become truth. Which of course is your real objective, getting free, unchallenged partisan shots in. Your concern is for that, not him personally.

Being liberal and "grieving" are a free pass to you people. Your largesse does not extend beyond your own.

Except you really haven't "challenged" his statements.

You just whine about how he wants to take away your rights.

Frankly, if you aren't a criminal or a crazy person, you ought to be all for background checks for gun buyers.

I'm sorry I made you cry, guy. It's just a message board, don't get so upset.

Actually, I've been all over gun threads. I've debated you there quite a bit. I even started a thread you posted in endlessly on what exactly liberal's proposal is to actually get rid of guns from criminals. I can't help if you have no long term memory.

All that bluster and arrogance and you collapse in a heap like a crying little girl. Here's a tissue, run along and play with your dolls.
But you do make a sad point. Jim Brady and President Reagan were shot because a crazy person was able to walk into a gun store and get a gun with no problems

Right, because if he couldn't do that then he wouldn't have been able to get a gun! And he couldn't have thought of any other way to kill people! He would have given up. Crap, I can't buy a gun, it's freaking IMPOSSIBLE. I triad and they said no. Oh well, I guess I'll go play video games. You live in a fantasy world. The problem is you're trying to make real laws based on it.

You are such a manipulable patsy. Take my word for this one, don't talk to anyone about timeshares...

I'm sorry I made you cry, guy. It's just a message board, don't get so upset.

Actually, I've been all over gun threads. I've debated you there quite a bit. I even started a thread you posted in endlessly on what exactly liberal's proposal is to actually get rid of guns from criminals. I can't help if you have no long term memory.

All that bluster and arrogance and you collapse in a heap like a crying little girl. Here's a tissue, run along and play with your dolls.

Uh, guy, you live in your own fantasy world.

I don't keep track of my conversations with gun whacks, but they usually end with you whacks talking about all the people you'd just LOVE to shoot, usually making my point for me.

It's a pretty simple method.

Hold gun manufacturers responsible for the deaths their guns cause.

Then you'll see them making damn sure they aren't marketting to people who shouldn't have them.
But you do make a sad point. Jim Brady and President Reagan were shot because a crazy person was able to walk into a gun store and get a gun with no problems

Right, because if he couldn't do that then he wouldn't have been able to get a gun! And he couldn't have thought of any other way to kill people! He would have given up. Crap, I can't buy a gun, it's freaking IMPOSSIBLE. I triad and they said no. Oh well, I guess I'll go play video games. You live in a fantasy world. The problem is you're trying to make real laws based on it.

You are such a manipulable patsy. Take my word for this one, don't talk to anyone about timeshares...

No gun, I guess he could have came at Reagan with a knife or an ax. And the Secret Service would have tackled his ass so fast it wouldn't have been funny.

Here's the problem with you gun nuts. You have to pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist.

The other G-7 nations either ban private gun ownership or severely restrict who can have a gun.

So you run the gamit of Japan, where they had all of 11 gun murders in 2010, to Germany, where they had about 250 gun murders.

Now, Germany doesn't ban guns altogether, but they put strict limits on WHO can have guns and what kind of guns they can have. And despite there being 17 million guns for 80 million Germans, they don't have that much gun violence.

Yes. Gun control works.

When it's actually tried.

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