What right does he have to demand I lose my rights?

I like how shootings with no one shooting back proves to you that we need gun laws. More shootings with no one shooting back proves we need more gun laws. When bombs blow up at the Boston Marathon that proves we need more gun laws. A guy who stabbed three people also proves we need more gun laws.

So riddle me this batman. Which is easier?

A) Keep the millions of guns in the US, the millions of guns outside the US, people from manufacturing their own guns, knives, explosives and other weapons away from nut jobs.

B) Let people arm themselves and have a chance.

Obviously A is easier, right Nosmo? LOL. You people are the nut jobs....

The Left will do whatever it can, preform amazing feats of mental gymnastics, to avoid dealing with the real issue. They'll say "it should be easier to disarm the mentally ill" instead of realizing we should take the mentally ill and isolate them from society so they can get the treatment and help they need. Why do they want those poor people out shouting at street signs and attacking innocent people rather than in a hospital?

You negged me and said "isolation smacks of Nazi thinking. Typical.", but the point is to get them the treatment they need. The fact that you ignore that shows that you are trying to preform amazing feats of mental gymnastics, to avoid dealing with the real issue, as I said. I don't like calling you a moron, but you prove it with each of your posts.

Who are you talking to? I didn't neg you and I'm the last poster mentioned
The Left will do whatever it can, preform amazing feats of mental gymnastics, to avoid dealing with the real issue. They'll say "it should be easier to disarm the mentally ill" instead of realizing we should take the mentally ill and isolate them from society so they can get the treatment and help they need. Why do they want those poor people out shouting at street signs and attacking innocent people rather than in a hospital?

You negged me and said "isolation smacks of Nazi thinking. Typical.", but the point is to get them the treatment they need. The fact that you ignore that shows that you are trying to preform amazing feats of mental gymnastics, to avoid dealing with the real issue, as I said. I don't like calling you a moron, but you prove it with each of your posts.
Should the mentally ill be armed? Why?

Is the second amendment a suicide pact? If keeping deadly weapons out of the hands of the mentally ill isn't an act of public health and safety, if it does nothing to promote the general welfare, if it fails to ensure domestic tranquility, why aren't we doing a better job at it?

Left up to gun nuts, every gun is in the hands of a law abiding citizen, right up to the point those citizens use those guns as intended: to kill a human being. Then, and only then, do gun nuts turn their myopic gaze to mental health rather than the tool that changes a shooting into a mass shooting.

How can you read his post and possibly take from it that he advocated the mentally ill should be armed? He advocated they be locked up, that's excessively ... not ... armed. You're psychotically stupid.
The Left will do whatever it can, preform amazing feats of mental gymnastics, to avoid dealing with the real issue. They'll say "it should be easier to disarm the mentally ill" instead of realizing we should take the mentally ill and isolate them from society so they can get the treatment and help they need. Why do they want those poor people out shouting at street signs and attacking innocent people rather than in a hospital?

You negged me and said "isolation smacks of Nazi thinking. Typical.", but the point is to get them the treatment they need. The fact that you ignore that shows that you are trying to preform amazing feats of mental gymnastics, to avoid dealing with the real issue, as I said. I don't like calling you a moron, but you prove it with each of your posts.

Who are you talking to? I didn't neg you and I'm the last poster mentioned

I was talking to Nosmo King, who I'd noticed had negged me and left that comment. But, since I'd put him on ignore, I somehow messed up and responded to your post instead of his.

My sincere apologies.
Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


Yes, ban guns, ban knives, and ban anything that could possibly be used as a weapon.

And before you conservatards flip out and post some stupid comment like, "durrr how culd we inforce dat ur dum lol", Australia already has exactly this policy in place. Hammers are considered tightly-regulated weapons of mass destruction there because they, too, can be used as weapons.

It's time for America to step into the 21st Century and outlaw all weapons, as well as anything else that kills people.

You're joking, aren't you?

No, he's really that stupid.
What right does he have to demand I lose my rights?

Its called a First Amendment
The problem is when tragedies such as this occur, most on the partisan right refuses to even address the issue and explore solutions.

Instead they start ranting about ‘gun grabbers,’ ‘losing rights,’ and other such inane, unfounded, and irrelevant nonsense.
The problem is when tragedies such as this occur, most on the partisan right refuses to even address the issue and explore solutions.

Instead they start ranting about ‘gun grabbers,’ ‘losing rights,’ and other such inane, unfounded, and irrelevant nonsense.

Because all your solutions are worthless, and in the end the only thing that would work is to ban ownership of firearms by anyone, even the government.

Cali limited mag size, he had extras.
Cali limited you to 1 gun per month, he waited and planned
Cali does extensive background checks and can make you give up your guns if you are deemed mentally incompetent, the police checked up on him and he passed.
Right from[ Joe "the plumber"] Samuel Wurzelbacher. Joe The Plumber: 'Your Dead Kids Don't Trump My Constitutional Rights' To Have Guns.

Here you go right wingers!...Samuel Wurzelbacher, better known as Joe the Plumber, insisted the deaths of innocent people "don't trump" his constitutional rights in an open letter to the families of victims in Friday's shooting rampage near the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Wurzelbacher's letter was published on Barbwire Monday, days after one shooting victim's father blamed "craven, irresponsible politicians" and the National Rifle Association for his son's death.

Wurzelbacher said the words of Richard Martinez, whose son Christopher Martinez was a victim in Friday's incident, "will be exploited by gun-grab extremists as are all tragedies involving gun violence and the mentally ill by the anti-Second Amendment Left." The former Congressional candidate told Martinez to "back off."

Wurzelbacher said his letter is directed "only to the families of the gunshot victims in Santa Barbara" and not to the families of three who were stabbed ahead of the shooting spree.

Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?

The problem is when tragedies such as this occur, most on the partisan right refuses to even address the issue and explore solutions.

Instead they start ranting about ‘gun grabbers,’ ‘losing rights,’ and other such inane, unfounded, and irrelevant nonsense.

What issues?

California has universal background checks, and all these guns were legally bought through a FFL dealer anyway. He had no high capacity magazines, no assault rifles, and no real history of mental illness. What issues are we supposed to address here? Other than the fact that government can't do anything right?
Right from[ Joe "the plumber"] Samuel Wurzelbacher. Joe The Plumber: 'Your Dead Kids Don't Trump My Constitutional Rights' To Have Guns.

Here you go right wingers!...Samuel Wurzelbacher, better known as Joe the Plumber, insisted the deaths of innocent people "don't trump" his constitutional rights in an open letter to the families of victims in Friday's shooting rampage near the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Wurzelbacher's letter was published on Barbwire Monday, days after one shooting victim's father blamed "craven, irresponsible politicians" and the National Rifle Association for his son's death.

Wurzelbacher said the words of Richard Martinez, whose son Christopher Martinez was a victim in Friday's incident, "will be exploited by gun-grab extremists as are all tragedies involving gun violence and the mentally ill by the anti-Second Amendment Left." The former Congressional candidate told Martinez to "back off."

Wurzelbacher said his letter is directed "only to the families of the gunshot victims in Santa Barbara" and not to the families of three who were stabbed ahead of the shooting spree.

Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


He's right.

You may not like it or like the way he worded it, but he is right.
The Left will do whatever it can, preform amazing feats of mental gymnastics, to avoid dealing with the real issue. They'll say "it should be easier to disarm the mentally ill" instead of realizing we should take the mentally ill and isolate them from society so they can get the treatment and help they need. Why do they want those poor people out shouting at street signs and attacking innocent people rather than in a hospital?

You negged me and said "isolation smacks of Nazi thinking. Typical.", but the point is to get them the treatment they need. The fact that you ignore that shows that you are trying to preform amazing feats of mental gymnastics, to avoid dealing with the real issue, as I said. I don't like calling you a moron, but you prove it with each of your posts.
Should the mentally ill be armed? Why?

Is the second amendment a suicide pact? If keeping deadly weapons out of the hands of the mentally ill isn't an act of public health and safety, if it does nothing to promote the general welfare, if it fails to ensure domestic tranquility, why aren't we doing a better job at it?

Left up to gun nuts, every gun is in the hands of a law abiding citizen, right up to the point those citizens use those guns as intended: to kill a human being. Then, and only then, do gun nuts turn their myopic gaze to mental health rather than the tool that changes a shooting into a mass shooting.

The mentally ill should not be allowed to possess firearms subject to due process; that one might be seeking or receiving mental health treatment alone is not justification to deny him his right to self-defense. And when someone is determined to be mentally incompetent by a judge, then this Second Amendment rights may be restricted.

The issue, therefore, concerns our woefully inadequate mental health delivery system and its inability to detect mental illness soon enough to afford those ill the treatment they need.

Otherwise, no, the Second Amendment is not a suicide pact, it’s case law codifying the right to self-defense and the right to possess a handgun pursuant to the self-defense right.

But that’s not the issue, as more restrictions and regulations are not the answer, treating only the symptoms, not the cause of the problem.
Gun fetishists are far too reactionary to someone even saying they dislike guns, much less banning them or even suggesting something, anything sholud be done. Every time something like this happens the gun worshipers, knowing full well the door has been slammed on any kind of real gun control, close ranks and cry that people are out to grab their precious guns. I am all for responsible gun ownership but that kind of reactionary, pitiless response to tragedy makes me less than proud that I mostly share the prevailing opinion on gun ownership with the assholes that seeing horror in our streets reflexively think "my guns are in danger". What an embarrassment you people are.

So gun owners should just relax and bask in the knowledge that their rights will never be infringed upon ? Sorta like we can relax---our govt would never spy on us ?

Yes you should and quit living in fear while you are at it. I thought guns were supposed to make people feel secure but instead politically motivated gun owners are the biggest, most fearful pussies in the world.

Occupied, you are on a roll. Thumbs up.
Right from[ Joe "the plumber"] Samuel Wurzelbacher. Joe The Plumber: 'Your Dead Kids Don't Trump My Constitutional Rights' To Have Guns.

Here you go right wingers!...Samuel Wurzelbacher, better known as Joe the Plumber, insisted the deaths of innocent people "don't trump" his constitutional rights in an open letter to the families of victims in Friday's shooting rampage near the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Wurzelbacher's letter was published on Barbwire Monday, days after one shooting victim's father blamed "craven, irresponsible politicians" and the National Rifle Association for his son's death.

Wurzelbacher said the words of Richard Martinez, whose son Christopher Martinez was a victim in Friday's incident, "will be exploited by gun-grab extremists as are all tragedies involving gun violence and the mentally ill by the anti-Second Amendment Left." The former Congressional candidate told Martinez to "back off."

Wurzelbacher said his letter is directed "only to the families of the gunshot victims in Santa Barbara" and not to the families of three who were stabbed ahead of the shooting spree.

Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


He's right.

You may not like it or like the way he worded it, but he is right.

Joe the Plumber to victims families........Fuck you, I got my rights
Right from[ Joe "the plumber"] Samuel Wurzelbacher. Joe The Plumber: 'Your Dead Kids Don't Trump My Constitutional Rights' To Have Guns.

Here you go right wingers!...Samuel Wurzelbacher, better known as Joe the Plumber, insisted the deaths of innocent people "don't trump" his constitutional rights in an open letter to the families of victims in Friday's shooting rampage near the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Wurzelbacher's letter was published on Barbwire Monday, days after one shooting victim's father blamed "craven, irresponsible politicians" and the National Rifle Association for his son's death.

Wurzelbacher said the words of Richard Martinez, whose son Christopher Martinez was a victim in Friday's incident, "will be exploited by gun-grab extremists as are all tragedies involving gun violence and the mentally ill by the anti-Second Amendment Left." The former Congressional candidate told Martinez to "back off."

Wurzelbacher said his letter is directed "only to the families of the gunshot victims in Santa Barbara" and not to the families of three who were stabbed ahead of the shooting spree.

Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


He's right.

You may not like it or like the way he worded it, but he is right.

seriously you people and the gun grabbers have zero tact. Zero.
You negged me and said "isolation smacks of Nazi thinking. Typical.", but the point is to get them the treatment they need. The fact that you ignore that shows that you are trying to preform amazing feats of mental gymnastics, to avoid dealing with the real issue, as I said. I don't like calling you a moron, but you prove it with each of your posts.

Who are you talking to? I didn't neg you and I'm the last poster mentioned

I was talking to Nosmo King, who I'd noticed had negged me and left that comment. But, since I'd put him on ignore, I somehow messed up and responded to your post instead of his.

My sincere apologies.

No problem, I didn't think you meant me, I was just confused.
The problem is when tragedies such as this occur, most on the partisan right refuses to even address the issue and explore solutions.

Instead they start ranting about ‘gun grabbers,’ ‘losing rights,’ and other such inane, unfounded, and irrelevant nonsense.

The only SOLUTION you fucking jackholes want is making it impossible for law abiding citizens to defend themselves and you take the side of the god-damned criminals.

Just shut the fuck up Clayton. The Second means what it says. You can take your gun laws and shove 'em up your asses sideways.
The problem is when tragedies such as this occur, most on the partisan right refuses to even address the issue and explore solutions.

Instead they start ranting about ‘gun grabbers,’ ‘losing rights,’ and other such inane, unfounded, and irrelevant nonsense.

All you're saying is we won't agree to do it your way with gun restrictions that affect honest citizens and do nothing about criminals. That is the only "solution" you ever "explore."

Give an example otherwise, where you are considering options other than restricting gun sales and you're considering other views rather than that you demand other people consider your solutions?
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