What right does he have to demand I lose my rights?


Reverse the idiotic law that immunizes gun merchants from the carnage their products cause.

How about also making liable those who sell tobacco products, liquor, and high-calorie foods that directly cause millions of deaths per annum? Add to that list makers of fast cars and motorcycles.

Let's see, what else?

(smile) Not happening Joe, that's just your wet dream.

Why don't you try it the right way, get your boy's to call a Constitutional Convention.

Again, we don't have to do that.

Not that a constitutional convention wouldn't be a bad idea.

But all we really need to do is get some SCOTUS justices who will realize what a shitty decision Heller was.

And Scalia and Kennedy are in their 80's.

They won't be around much longer. Thankfully.

Reverse the idiotic law that immunizes gun merchants from the carnage their products cause.

How about also making liable those who sell tobacco products, liquor, and high-calorie foods that directly cause millions of deaths per annum? Add to that list makers of fast cars and motorcycles.

Let's see, what else?

Actually, the Tobacco industry WAS found liable. And as a result, they agreed to change their marketing practices and pay the states money to compensate them for the costs of treating illnesses caused by their products.

But here's the thing. I would agree someone who kills himself with a gun (or his beneficiaries" probably wouldn't have a case against the gun industry.

But the parents of Sandy Hook never made an agreement with Bushmaster to arm Nancy Lanza like the Zombie Apocalypse was coming.
When was the last mass shooting in Australia?

18 years ago.

When was the last mass shooting in America?

A day or so ago.

And you think you don't have a problem?

Talk about missing the point. The point is not the implication of getting pot, the point is the inability of the government to stop it.

No, it's the fact that the people aren't terribly interested in enforcing these laws. No one is turning in his neighbor for a little weed.

So people who are going to shoot people with illegal guns will be dissuaded for being punished for using a gun, punishing them for shooting someone won't do the job, but punishing them for having a gun will.

The vast majority of carnage with guns aren't criminals.

It's suicides, accidents and domestic violence over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best. And most of those guns were legally acquired.

The punk who killed those people in california, legally acquired his guns despite being batshit crazy.

NOw, yeah, you can make a gun ban work.

The Japanese did it.
The British Did it.
The Germans did it.

So there is no murder in any of those countries with firearms? Did they start out with several hundred million firearms in private hands before the ban?
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The US sells more weaponry to the world than any other nation. More than many other nations combined. The US sells more weaponry to the world in order for the world to defend itself against more weaponry.

It makes sense if you're the one making the weapons.
Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


I hate to say it but I want to argue with you but you are right. How are we ever going to stop someone from doing this if they want to bad enough. But I'll tell you the rest of the world thinks we have a crazy gun culture. Mostly from the inner city shit they hear but then this and the Columbines and all the other shootings that have happened in between. I want to be able to carry a gun to protect me from the rest of you.

I need to hit the lotto so I can go hang out with the super rich. This shit only happens to the masses. I need to live in a gated community. Come on lotto!
The US sells more weaponry to the world than any other nation. More than many other nations combined. The US sells more weaponry to the world in order for the world to defend itself against more weaponry.

It makes sense if you're the one making the weapons.

The US is a major cause of all the problems in this world.
When was the last mass shooting in Australia?

18 years ago.

When was the last mass shooting in America?

A day or so ago.

And you think you don't have a problem?

You don't count the Quaker Hill Nursing Home fire among your mass murders?
If you're SOOOOOO genuinely ASHAMED of our founding fathers and this nations history, then WHAT IN THE FLYING FUCK ARE YOU DOING LIVING HERE?

Get the fuck out ya pathetic COMMIE.
ummm..... you're speaking to an honorably discharged vet welcher boi & YES, there were divisions even back then. TRY READING A BOOK ONCE IN A WHILE!!! :banghead:
You can lie all you want about being in the military, homo, but that doesn't answer my question.

Thats your rebuttal :eusa_eh: You are one candy-assed welcher, bar none Pole Rider [MENTION=1322]007[/MENTION]. If you did that in my command we would have given you a blanket party (kicked your sissy ass) of a lifetime son.

As to the OP, yeah- the clingers are hyperventilating because the shooters father is disgusted w/ this nation's liberal gun restrictions.

LOL, you're a simpleton.

Criminals can't buy stolen guns, guy?

They can't buy guns smuggled into the country? You know, the open borders Democrats work to make sure illegal aliens can walk across? Did you ever thing guns could come in the same way? The planes and ships drug smugglers bring tons of drugs in on?

And guns can't be made illegally here? They aren't rocket science.

You're so thick it's hilarious. So high schoolers can't get pot unless someone legal sells them one, can they guy?

I have to run that buy again...

"A criminal can only get a gun if a non-criminal sells him one"

OMG, :lmao:

Guy, you do get that the Australian, British, Germans, Japanese, French and every other advanced country banned guns and made it mostly stick, right?

Stop making guns, stop letting people have them if they don't really need them and strictly enforce the law. It's really not complicated.

Big difference between pot and guns.

No one's going to go into your kids school and kill him with a joint.

talk to Katz.....she will say your full of shit....

Not to mention that Joe keeps thinking that we can stop criminals from getting guns by making it illegal for criminals to get guns because, you know, criminals follow the law, right Joe? A ... criminal ... wouldn't break the law and buy a gun when that's illegal.

So Joe, anyway guy, have you ever looked up the definition of the word "criminal?" It might be eye opening for you...

A criminal can only get a gun if a non-criminal sells him one.

No guns. NO crooks with guns.

It's pretty effin' simple.

A criminal can only get a gun if a non-criminal sells him one.

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ummm..... you're speaking to an honorably discharged vet welcher boi & YES, there were divisions even back then. TRY READING A BOOK ONCE IN A WHILE!!! :banghead:
You can lie all you want about being in the military, homo, but that doesn't answer my question.

Thats your rebuttal :eusa_eh: You are one candy-assed welcher, bar none Pole Rider @007 . If you did that in my command we would have given you a blanket party (kicked your sissy ass) of a lifetime son.

As to the OP, yeah- the clingers are hyperventilating because the shooters father is disgusted w/ this nation's liberal gun restrictions.

Unless the shooters father can show me what "common sense" additions he wants to add to the gun laws in California, he is a fucking idiot, just like the idiot that claimed the OP was about the shooter's father when it is actually about the idiot father of one of the victims.
Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


I feel sorry for the man who lost his child. I hope I never go through that agony. But I feel equally sorry for all the parents of the soldiers lost in battle fighting for the rights they swore to protect in our constitution. The right to have and bear arms being one of them.

Reverse the idiotic law that immunizes gun merchants from the carnage their products cause.

How about also making liable those who sell tobacco products, liquor, and high-calorie foods that directly cause millions of deaths per annum? Add to that list makers of fast cars and motorcycles.

Let's see, what else?

Actually, the Tobacco industry WAS found liable. And as a result, they agreed to change their marketing practices and pay the states money to compensate them for the costs of treating illnesses caused by their products.

But here's the thing. I would agree someone who kills himself with a gun (or his beneficiaries" probably wouldn't have a case against the gun industry.

But the parents of Sandy Hook never made an agreement with Bushmaster to arm Nancy Lanza like the Zombie Apocalypse was coming.
Not a valid comparison because the tobacco industry cannot present an adequately redeeming use for its products, whereas the sport of hunting, the bona fide interest of collecting, and the issue of personal defense quite adequately satisfies the need to possess firearms. A reasonably close analogy would be automobiles, which kill and maim many thousands every year, but which serve a useful purpose.

Tobacco does nothing but foster a dangerous addiction and cause sickness and death.
When was the last mass shooting in Australia?

18 years ago.

When was the last mass shooting in America?

A day or so ago.

And you think you don't have a problem?
The American and Australian cultures evolved under very different circumstances. Were it not for guns there would not be an America, so Americans' affinity for guns is innate and historical.

America was born in a cloud of gunsmoke and we have an extremely violent history. But we like koalas, kangaroos, and wombats.
The US sells more weaponry to the world than any other nation. More than many other nations combined. The US sells more weaponry to the world in order for the world to defend itself against more weaponry.

It makes sense if you're the one making the weapons.

The US is a major cause of all the problems in this world.
Would you say this is a commonly held opinion in your country? And have you heard similar thoughts from other non-Americans?

I'm genuinely curious about this and would appreciate your candid response.
I always get a kick or of the same people who demand guns be banned because every now and then some brain dead fool kills a few people with one gun out of millions owned in the country. Yet they stand up and refuse to put any limits on abortions which kill a living person every time it is performed.

Molon Labe
Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


I'm not sure I understand your outrage.

A parent loses their child and wants something tangible that can be blamed and controlled.
...And for this the grieving parent is to be scorned?

Why aren't you mad at the ghoulish media shoving microphones into that man's face so hard that that the foam tops of the microphones get wet from his still fresh tears? Do you really think it is perfectly okay for the media to exploit a grieving parent and spoonfeed that parent, who is in a state of shock and dismay, a narrative that provides exactly that tangible thing the parent so desperately wants? Worse yet, the media does it for the purpose of creating ratings and scandal.

This man is not the only parent who has lost a child and been paraded onto the media scene. Below is a link to another media outlet leading a grieving parent onto the stage to be spoonfed a narrative that fits the need for that tangible thing but really only serves the needs of the media outlet for ratings and scandal.
'Would Rescue in Benghazi Have Been Aggressive If Your Child Were There?' Ty Woods' Dad Writes Letter to Obama | Fox News Insider

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