What right does he have to demand I lose my rights?

When was the last mass shooting in Australia?

18 years ago.

When was the last mass shooting in America?

A day or so ago.

And you think you don't have a problem?

18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and wounding 2.
I'm VERY CONCERNED that you have a gun.

Mostly because after five minutes of talking with gun nuts, they start fantasizing about all the people they want to shoot.

You are so full of shit. You're just another elitist city liberal snob who's never seen a gun except on crime shows. I grew up in gun cultures and the whole culture is to not shoot people. You have to stop taking your views about life from The View. You've never met anyone who owned a gun. You think Deliverance reflects everyone outside your city limits.

Actually, my Dad was an avid hunter and I was in the Army for 11 years and pretty much fired everything they had.

But he also had the sensible belief that criminals, crazy people and people who just aren't responsible shouldn't have guns.

Of course, this was back in the 1970's, before crazy people took over the NRA and they started advocating that a guy on medication should have an extra large magazine full of armor-piercing cop killer bullets.
When was the last mass shooting in Australia?

18 years ago.

When was the last mass shooting in America?

A day or so ago.

And you think you don't have a problem?

18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and wounding 2.

Okay, it's not a mass shooting if only one person dies....
In Joe's simplistic mind, if you could get rid of the guns, people wouldn't be able to think of ways to commit suicide or violence in other ways. He's not that bright. It's not the person who did it, it's the gun! LOL.

Okay, here it is.

If you slit your wrists, I could probably use the very basic first aid that the army taught me to keep you alive until the ambulance got there.

If you used a gun, not so much.

Again, Everyone else had this discussion. Everyone else banned or limited gun onwership. Americans are still dancing to the tune of the gun industry, that thinks that Nancy Lanza just doesn't have enough guns in her house for her crazy son to get a hold of.
When was the last mass shooting in Australia?

18 years ago.

When was the last mass shooting in America?

A day or so ago.

And you think you don't have a problem?

18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and wounding 2.

Okay, it's not a mass shooting if only one person dies....

You're kind of slow are you not?
Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?

Relax drama queen. He just lost his kid. Give him a break.

No, he needs to give himself a break. He lost his kid, now he's stirring the pot. I feel no need to pity someone who would bring that on himself.

Indeed. I feel for his loss. Honest to God, I do. However, is it REALLY time to martyr your child right now?
I'm VERY CONCERNED that you have a gun.

Mostly because after five minutes of talking with gun nuts, they start fantasizing about all the people they want to shoot.

You are so full of shit. You're just another elitist city liberal snob who's never seen a gun except on crime shows. I grew up in gun cultures and the whole culture is to not shoot people. You have to stop taking your views about life from The View. You've never met anyone who owned a gun. You think Deliverance reflects everyone outside your city limits.

Actually, my Dad was an avid hunter and I was in the Army for 11 years and pretty much fired everything they had.
And I'm Dora the Explorer.

You say you know gun owners and then portray us with the accuracy of saying that blacks all act like Bojangles. You obviously are a city snob who has never touched a gun. Gun owners are all about safety first. That you don't know that shows you to be the liar that you are.

You like doing that. Saying you're experienced with guns, then portraying guns with the most stereotypical left wing caricature of them showing you know nothing of guns and have no experience. Just like how you were a Fox watching conservative and one day you woke up as a left wing moonbat who realized the Democratic party was right on every issue.

Here's a tip. If you want to say you were a gun owner, learn something about the attitudes of gun owners so you can connect with us. Don't just give us liberal stereotypes of us. If you want to claim to have been a Republican, learn something about what Republicans think so you can connect with them on some level.

Saying you shot guns and were a Republican but you didn't learn a damned thing about either one is just pointless. You might as well just admit you are and always were an apartment dwelling city liberal snob because a shallow claim to the contrary with zero to back it up accomplishes exactly zero.
The US sells more weaponry to the world than any other nation. More than many other nations combined. The US sells more weaponry to the world in order for the world to defend itself against more weaponry.

It makes sense if you're the one making the weapons.

The US is a major cause of all the problems in this world.

Then why don't you leave?
In Joe's simplistic mind, if you could get rid of the guns, people wouldn't be able to think of ways to commit suicide or violence in other ways. He's not that bright. It's not the person who did it, it's the gun! LOL.

Okay, here it is.

If you slit your wrists, I could probably use the very basic first aid that the army taught me to keep you alive until the ambulance got there.

If you used a gun, not so much.

Again, Everyone else had this discussion. Everyone else banned or limited gun onwership. Americans are still dancing to the tune of the gun industry, that thinks that Nancy Lanza just doesn't have enough guns in her house for her crazy son to get a hold of.

Actually, no other country you listed ever remotely had the culture we do. They are more homogenistic, they never had a lot of guns and overwhelming majority of the people want it that way. There is no comparison to keeping guns out of their culture and taking them by force out of ours.

And BTW, guns aren't the magic firing sticks you think they are. They are simply projectiles propelled by a chemical reaction. You should get someone to show you one someday.

Also, your view that guns, which only shoot projectiles, have no purpose but killing people actually shows how sick you are. People play all kinds of games. When people play asteroids or throw darts, they aren't fantasizing about killing people. Only you are doing that. Shooting skeet or trap is fun, just like other target games. It's not about killing people. It just isn't. And when people learn to protect themselves, they aren't fantasizing about going on a shooting spree. Only sick people do that. You know, you.
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You are so full of shit. You're just another elitist city liberal snob who's never seen a gun except on crime shows. I grew up in gun cultures and the whole culture is to not shoot people. You have to stop taking your views about life from The View. You've never met anyone who owned a gun. You think Deliverance reflects everyone outside your city limits.

Actually, my Dad was an avid hunter and I was in the Army for 11 years and pretty much fired everything they had.
And I'm Dora the Explorer.

You say you know gun owners and then portray us with the accuracy of saying that blacks all act like Bojangles. You obviously are a city snob who has never touched a gun. Gun owners are all about safety first. That you don't know that shows you to be the liar that you are.

You like doing that. Saying you're experienced with guns, then portraying guns with the most stereotypical left wing caricature of them showing you know nothing of guns and have no experience. Just like how you were a Fox watching conservative and one day you woke up as a left wing moonbat who realized the Democratic party was right on every issue.

Here's a tip. If you want to say you were a gun owner, learn something about the attitudes of gun owners so you can connect with us. Don't just give us liberal stereotypes of us. If you want to claim to have been a Republican, learn something about what Republicans think so you can connect with them on some level.

Saying you shot guns and were a Republican but you didn't learn a damned thing about either one is just pointless. You might as well just admit you are and always were an apartment dwelling city liberal snob because a shallow claim to the contrary with zero to back it up accomplishes exactly zero.

I love it. He served in the Army for 11 years and "fired pretty much everything they had" - that statement right there tells me he is full of beans. What was his MOS? An Infantryman fires his rifle and a M60 or perhaps a SAW. So I can't help but wonder exactly what his MOS was......

I was an Infantryman in Viet Nam. Never fired a Vulcan or a 105 MM Howitzer. Or a 30 MM Cannon from a Gunship. Never fired a Missile from a Sheridan tank.

Full of beans I tell you. My take? He was a clerk.
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The US sells more weaponry to the world than any other nation. More than many other nations combined. The US sells more weaponry to the world in order for the world to defend itself against more weaponry.

It makes sense if you're the one making the weapons.

The US is a major cause of all the problems in this world.

Then why don't you leave?

I believe she would have to come here to leave as her profile says she's Australian.
Actually, my Dad was an avid hunter and I was in the Army for 11 years and pretty much fired everything they had.
And I'm Dora the Explorer.

You say you know gun owners and then portray us with the accuracy of saying that blacks all act like Bojangles. You obviously are a city snob who has never touched a gun. Gun owners are all about safety first. That you don't know that shows you to be the liar that you are.

You like doing that. Saying you're experienced with guns, then portraying guns with the most stereotypical left wing caricature of them showing you know nothing of guns and have no experience. Just like how you were a Fox watching conservative and one day you woke up as a left wing moonbat who realized the Democratic party was right on every issue.

Here's a tip. If you want to say you were a gun owner, learn something about the attitudes of gun owners so you can connect with us. Don't just give us liberal stereotypes of us. If you want to claim to have been a Republican, learn something about what Republicans think so you can connect with them on some level.

Saying you shot guns and were a Republican but you didn't learn a damned thing about either one is just pointless. You might as well just admit you are and always were an apartment dwelling city liberal snob because a shallow claim to the contrary with zero to back it up accomplishes exactly zero.

I love it. He served in the Army for 11 years and "fired pretty much everything they had" - that statement right there tells me he is full of beans. What was his MOS? An Infantryman fires his rifle and a M60 or perhaps a SAW. So I can't help but wonder exactly what his MOS was......

I was an Infantryman in Viet Nam. Never fired a Vulcan or a 105 MM Howitzer. Or a 30 MM Cannon from a Gunship. Never fired a Missile from a Sheridan tank.

Full of beans I tell you. My take? He was a clerk.

If he was in the military, which I doubt. I think he calls his mother when he successfully goes to the grocery store on his own and she says what a big boy he is turning out to be. He's a terrible liar.
And I'm Dora the Explorer.

So you yell "Swiper, no Swiping" at people who want to take your guns because you're nutz?

You say you know gun owners and then portray us with the accuracy of saying that blacks all act like Bojangles. You obviously are a city snob who has never touched a gun. Gun owners are all about safety first. That you don't know that shows you to be the liar that you are.

Actually, most sensible gun owners don't want crazy people to have a 30-round clip full of cop killer bullets either. I'm not talking about gun owners. I'm talking about you nut jobs who want to arm yourselves like the Zombie Apocalypse is coming because you are afraid of the government and Negros. (Which probably explains the panic you all have been in since 2009. It was a two-fer!)

You like doing that. Saying you're experienced with guns, then portraying guns with the most stereotypical left wing caricature of them showing you know nothing of guns and have no experience. Just like how you were a Fox watching conservative and one day you woke up as a left wing moonbat who realized the Democratic party was right on every issue.

No, guy, I didn't wake up one day.

I got a call into my boss's office and was informed that I was going to be fired because I had run up too many medical bills, and ha, ha, there was nothing I could do about it hey, he didn't have to deal with a union.

Oh, yeah, and then finding myself with a new job that paid 25% less, a busted 401K and an Underwater Mortgage didn't help matter much either. Unlike you wingnuts, I didn't say, "Well, I still gots my gun, that's the important thing!"

Here's a tip. If you want to say you were a gun owner, learn something about the attitudes of gun owners so you can connect with us. Don't just give us liberal stereotypes of us. If you want to claim to have been a Republican, learn something about what Republicans think so you can connect with them on some level.

Saying you shot guns and were a Republican but you didn't learn a damned thing about either one is just pointless. You might as well just admit you are and always were an apartment dwelling city liberal snob because a shallow claim to the contrary with zero to back it up accomplishes exactly zero.

I did learn something. I learned there are the "Rich" issues - Free Trade, Tax Cuts for the Rich, Right to Work - that the GOP really cares about and fights for.

And then there are the Rube issues - Abortion, gay marriage, Creationism - that they taut to keep stupid people like you voting against your own economic interests.

I finally figured this out. Took me until my late 40's, but I figured it out.

Guns fall into kind of a gray area in between. It is a rich issue in that the NRA wants to keep as many people scared as they can so they keep buying guns they really don't need. But it's a rube issue in that they keep playing you guys and trying to keep you scared, when in fact, a gun in your house is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the household than a bad guy.
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I love it. He served in the Army for 11 years and "fired pretty much everything they had" - that statement right there tells me he is full of beans. What was his MOS? An Infantryman fires his rifle and a M60 or perhaps a SAW. So I can't help but wonder exactly what his MOS was......

I was an Infantryman in Viet Nam. Never fired a Vulcan or a 105 MM Howitzer. Or a 30 MM Cannon from a Gunship. Never fired a Missile from a Sheridan tank.

Full of beans I tell you. My take? He was a clerk.

I was a 76Y30- Supply Sergeant. And yes, since i was in charge of the armory, i worked with everything we had - M16A1, M1911A1, M60, M2, M203. fired all of them at some point.

I just didn't think it was a substitute for my dick.

Actually, no other country you listed ever remotely had the culture we do. They are more homogenistic, they never had a lot of guns and overwhelming majority of the people want it that way. There is no comparison to keeping guns out of their culture and taking them by force out of ours.

Guy, we used to have Jim Crow as part of our culture. We learned and we got better.

The overwealming majority wants common sense gun control. Unfortunately, you have the NRA which has too much influence and uses a lot of scare tactics. But eventually, people are going to get sick and tired of watching children be dragged out in body bags and some NRA asshole saying, "That's the cost of 'freedom'."

And BTW, guns aren't the magic firing sticks you think they are. They are simply projectiles propelled by a chemical reaction. You should get someone to show you one someday.

Also, your view that guns, which only shoot projectiles, have no purpose but killing people actually shows how sick you are. People play all kinds of games. When people play asteroids or throw darts, they aren't fantasizing about killing people. Only you are doing that. Shooting skeet or trap is fun, just like other target games. It's not about killing people. It just isn't. And when people learn to protect themselves, they aren't fantasizing about going on a shooting spree. Only sick people do that. You know, you.

Okay, so I guess you don't read all the USMB posters who go around talking smack about wanting to shoot anyone who will take their guns, then?

Sorry, the gun industry is not making billions of dollars selling "Skeet" shooters. They are selling fear. they are selling 12 guns to Nancy Lanza because they know Nancy is a batshit crazy prepper.

And it's kind of understandable. Less of the country hunts as a hobby. Less households own guns. so their goal is not to sell one gun to everyone, it's to sell 20 guns to one person.

And if she's a crazy person or she has a crazy son, and he goes off and shoots a bunch of school kids one morning... Oh, well, we're going to have the PR Department put in some overtime on this one.
The US sells more weaponry to the world than any other nation. More than many other nations combined. The US sells more weaponry to the world in order for the world to defend itself against more weaponry.

It makes sense if you're the one making the weapons.

The US is a major cause of all the problems in this world.

Then why don't you leave?
Indeed. Let's take up a collection for a one-way ticket...NO RETURN.
People intent on committing mayhem will find a way to do it. Islamo terrorists all have ready access to guns, but their weapon of choice seems to be bombs. Would you prefer to be killed via gunman? Bomber? Somebody poisoning your food or water supply? Arson? When it comes to your life and your loved ones, does it really matter?

The USA is made up of people and government, neither of whom are perfect. And you find many admirable qualities and also feet of clay. We'll get it very right at times; very wrong at others. And I am sure we are portrayed as the symbol of all evil by others around the world even as we are the most common desired destination of non-Americans who wish to leave where they are. A weird love/hate relationship going on.

And we are condemned by the same people who are able to spend fairly nominal amounts of their budgets on their national defense because they know they can count on the might of Americans to come to their rescue should somebody threaten or attack them; the same folks who look to America to send massive help during times of national disaster. It would be interesting to see what a European or Australian or Japanese etc. culture would look like if there was no USA. Would it be better? Worse? It is the stuff of speculation and philosophical discussion, but is sure to be decided by emotion more than reality.

The problems in America are not due to the guns. The guns are one of the symbols of the great spirit of our heritage, independence, and liberty however much some would like to snuff that out.
I love it. He served in the Army for 11 years and "fired pretty much everything they had" - that statement right there tells me he is full of beans. What was his MOS? An Infantryman fires his rifle and a M60 or perhaps a SAW. So I can't help but wonder exactly what his MOS was......

I was an Infantryman in Viet Nam. Never fired a Vulcan or a 105 MM Howitzer. Or a 30 MM Cannon from a Gunship. Never fired a Missile from a Sheridan tank.

Full of beans I tell you. My take? He was a clerk.

I was a 76Y30- Supply Sergeant. And yes, since i was in charge of the armory, i worked with everything we had - M16A1, M1911A1, M60, M2, M203. fired all of them at some point.

I just didn't think it was a substitute for my dick.

I have been around firearms all my life. Served in the Army for 22 years (MOS 11B - 97B) and I have never thought of a firearm as a dick. You KILL with a firearm - you make LOVE with a dick.

See the difference, GI Joe? I would suggest that you tell all the kids that have grown up never knowing the difference between the two (thanks American Dads!) that when you kill on a video game it is just that - a game.

When you pull the trigger in real life - someone doesn't go home.
I love it. He served in the Army for 11 years and "fired pretty much everything they had" - that statement right there tells me he is full of beans. What was his MOS? An Infantryman fires his rifle and a M60 or perhaps a SAW. So I can't help but wonder exactly what his MOS was......

I was an Infantryman in Viet Nam. Never fired a Vulcan or a 105 MM Howitzer. Or a 30 MM Cannon from a Gunship. Never fired a Missile from a Sheridan tank.

Full of beans I tell you. My take? He was a clerk.

I was a 76Y30- Supply Sergeant. And yes, since i was in charge of the armory, i worked with everything we had - M16A1, M1911A1, M60, M2, M203. fired all of them at some point.

I just didn't think it was a substitute for my dick.

I have been around firearms all my life. Served in the Army for 22 years (MOS 11B - 97B) and I have never thought of a firearm as a dick. You KILL with a firearm - you make LOVE with a dick.

See the difference, GI Joe? I would suggest that you tell all the kids that have grown up never knowing the difference between the two (thanks American Dads!) that when you kill on a video game it is just that - a game.

When you pull the trigger in real life - someone doesn't go home.

He's lying. If he'd truly been an armorer, he'd identify his MOS as 92 Yankee. He just found something on the internet and is hoping it sounds authoritative enough to not be questioned.

Now, if you guys would stop quoting him, I wouldn't see his drivel at all.

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