What right does he have to demand I lose my rights?

And, hilariously, he defended union thugs threatening a woman's children because she is a VP for a company that hired nonunion labor as a portion of their workforce. Not all, mind you. But just a portion. According to JoeB, it was the woman's fault if her children were harmed.

Yup. You hire scabs, you take the consequences.

Reject mentally ill suitors, you take the consequences. :lol:

Guy, no one wants to hear about your love life.
I have been around firearms all my life. Served in the Army for 22 years (MOS 11B - 97B) and I have never thought of a firearm as a dick. You KILL with a firearm - you make LOVE with a dick.

See the difference, GI Joe? I would suggest that you tell all the kids that have grown up never knowing the difference between the two (thanks American Dads!) that when you kill on a video game it is just that - a game.

When you pull the trigger in real life - someone doesn't go home.

Given the misogynistic nature of most conservatives, I think it's distinction without a difference.

Frankly, given the crazy shit you post, I'm not seeing a particularly sane guy. I see a guy with serious anger management issues.

The point I was trying to make ist hat most American kids don't need a gun. Most Americans don't need a gun. Other countries have really figured this out.

I figure I'm as sane as your poseur ass. I don't give a damn about your "point". if you are too chicken shit to protect your family with a gun, that's your choice. I don't give a hoot in hell if you become a another number in the "victim" column. Again, your choice. Thank God that the patriots in this country didn't live by your bullshit ideas or we'd all be speaking with an English accent and paying taxes to the Crown.

Anger issues? I'm the most laid back old man on the planet, but pussies like you do tend to piss me off.
Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


Yes, ban guns, ban knives, and ban anything that could possibly be used as a weapon.

And before you conservatards flip out and post some stupid comment like, "durrr how culd we inforce dat ur dum lol", Australia already has exactly this policy in place. Hammers are considered tightly-regulated weapons of mass destruction there because they, too, can be used as weapons.

It's time for America to step into the 21st Century and outlaw all weapons, as well as anything else that kills people.

Better outlaw ladders, rocks, pencils, plastic spoons, glass bottles, plastic bottles, forks, baseball bats, hoes, hoses, string, Velcro, books, remote controls, tree branches, dirt, ..........do you get the idea yet? ALL of those things have been used to murder people.

It's not the tool, it's the person who is dangerous.

I figure I'm as sane as your poseur ass. I don't give a damn about your "point". if you are too chicken shit to protect your family with a gun, that's your choice. I don't give a hoot in hell if you become a another number in the "victim" column. Again, your choice. Thank God that the patriots in this country didn't live by your bullshit ideas or we'd all be speaking with an English accent and paying taxes to the Crown.

Anger issues? I'm the most laid back old man on the planet, but pussies like you do tend to piss me off.

No, I just realize a gun in the house is 43 time more likely to kill someone IN the house than a bad guy. It's pretty much the same reason I don't protect my house with a Rabid Pit bull or Wile E. Coyote style traps.

And, yes, it would be horrible is we spoke proper English, abolished slavery 30 years earlier without a civil war, and had universal health care today.

Those brave founding fathers saved us from the horror of being...


Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


Yes, ban guns, ban knives, and ban anything that could possibly be used as a weapon.

And before you conservatards flip out and post some stupid comment like, "durrr how culd we inforce dat ur dum lol", Australia already has exactly this policy in place. Hammers are considered tightly-regulated weapons of mass destruction there because they, too, can be used as weapons.

It's time for America to step into the 21st Century and outlaw all weapons, as well as anything else that kills people.

Better outlaw ladders, rocks, pencils, plastic spoons, glass bottles, plastic bottles, forks, baseball bats, hoes, hoses, string, Velcro, books, remote controls, tree branches, dirt, ..........do you get the idea yet? ALL of those things have been used to murder people.

It's not the tool, it's the person who is dangerous.

Precisely. ALL there is to it. Time for these Liberal creeps to DEAL with LIFE and people for what they really are instead of inanimate objects.

AND as a BONUS? Understand EVIL does really exist.

I figure I'm as sane as your poseur ass. I don't give a damn about your "point". if you are too chicken shit to protect your family with a gun, that's your choice. I don't give a hoot in hell if you become a another number in the "victim" column. Again, your choice. Thank God that the patriots in this country didn't live by your bullshit ideas or we'd all be speaking with an English accent and paying taxes to the Crown.

Anger issues? I'm the most laid back old man on the planet, but pussies like you do tend to piss me off.

No, I just realize a gun in the house is 43 time more likely to kill someone IN the house than a bad guy. It's pretty much the same reason I don't protect my house with a Rabid Pit bull or Wile E. Coyote style traps.

And, yes, it would be horrible is we spoke proper English, abolished slavery 30 years earlier without a civil war, and had universal health care today.

Those brave founding fathers saved us from the horror of being...



Geez, 43 times..... When they first trotted out that lie it was 41 times. I see they are following the advice of their favorite propagandist old Goebbels..."tell a big lie, people are more inclined to believe a big lie than a small one.

It was actually an intruder versus a non-intruder. Nevertheless, it was
a misrepresentation of a meaningless comparison from a limited and
poorly done study. This study was performed over a 6 year period in one
single county in the USA. As this study is was done in just one county,
that makes its results useless for saying what happens anywhere else.
Scientists and researchers call this "a sample size of one".

The comparison is meaningless because it is an apples vs oranges
comparison. 37 of the 43 are suicides, 4.6 are classified as criminal
homicides, and 1.3 were classified as accidents

36. Isn't a gun in the home 43 times more likely to kill a friend or loved-one than be used against an intruder?
I have been around firearms all my life. Served in the Army for 22 years (MOS 11B - 97B) and I have never thought of a firearm as a dick. You KILL with a firearm - you make LOVE with a dick.

See the difference, GI Joe? I would suggest that you tell all the kids that have grown up never knowing the difference between the two (thanks American Dads!) that when you kill on a video game it is just that - a game.

When you pull the trigger in real life - someone doesn't go home.

Given the misogynistic nature of most conservatives, I think it's distinction without a difference.

Frankly, given the crazy shit you post, I'm not seeing a particularly sane guy. I see a guy with serious anger management issues.

The point I was trying to make ist hat most American kids don't need a gun. Most Americans don't need a gun. Other countries have really figured this out.

I figure I'm as sane as your poseur ass. I don't give a damn about your "point". if you are too chicken shit to protect your family with a gun, that's your choice. I don't give a hoot in hell if you become a another number in the "victim" column. Again, your choice. Thank God that the patriots in this country didn't live by your bullshit ideas or we'd all be speaking with an English accent and paying taxes to the Crown.

Anger issues? I'm the most laid back old man on the planet, but pussies like you do tend to piss me off.
AMEN Brother...or maybe in Joey's case? He want to BOW to Mecca 5 times a day against his will, or pay homage to the Kremlin?

Joey is a sick puppy.
Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


Yes, ban guns, ban knives, and ban anything that could possibly be used as a weapon.

And before you conservatards flip out and post some stupid comment like, "durrr how culd we inforce dat ur dum lol", Australia already has exactly this policy in place. Hammers are considered tightly-regulated weapons of mass destruction there because they, too, can be used as weapons.

It's time for America to step into the 21st Century and outlaw all weapons, as well as anything else that kills people.

Better outlaw ladders, rocks, pencils, plastic spoons, glass bottles, plastic bottles, forks, baseball bats, hoes, hoses, string, Velcro, books, remote controls, tree branches, dirt, ..........do you get the idea yet? ALL of those things have been used to murder people.
Then all of them should be banned, no exceptions.

It's not the tool, it's the person who is dangerous.
Then ban the people who kill people too. That's literally what we have prison for.
Yes, ban guns, ban knives, and ban anything that could possibly be used as a weapon.

And before you conservatards flip out and post some stupid comment like, "durrr how culd we inforce dat ur dum lol", Australia already has exactly this policy in place. Hammers are considered tightly-regulated weapons of mass destruction there because they, too, can be used as weapons.

It's time for America to step into the 21st Century and outlaw all weapons, as well as anything else that kills people.

Better outlaw ladders, rocks, pencils, plastic spoons, glass bottles, plastic bottles, forks, baseball bats, hoes, hoses, string, Velcro, books, remote controls, tree branches, dirt, ..........do you get the idea yet? ALL of those things have been used to murder people.
Then all of them should be banned, no exceptions.

It's not the tool, it's the person who is dangerous.
Then ban the people who kill people too. That's literally what we have prison for.
BAN them? What the FUCK? Are they on a message board?

YOU need a checkup from the NECK-UP:cuckoo:
Better outlaw ladders, rocks, pencils, plastic spoons, glass bottles, plastic bottles, forks, baseball bats, hoes, hoses, string, Velcro, books, remote controls, tree branches, dirt, ..........do you get the idea yet? ALL of those things have been used to murder people.
Then all of them should be banned, no exceptions.

It's not the tool, it's the person who is dangerous.
Then ban the people who kill people too. That's literally what we have prison for.
BAN them? What the FUCK? Are they on a message board?

YOU need a checkup from the NECK-UP:cuckoo:
Ban them from society, conservatard, via life in prison or the death penalty. It's the only way.

I figure I'm as sane as your poseur ass. I don't give a damn about your "point". if you are too chicken shit to protect your family with a gun, that's your choice. I don't give a hoot in hell if you become a another number in the "victim" column. Again, your choice. Thank God that the patriots in this country didn't live by your bullshit ideas or we'd all be speaking with an English accent and paying taxes to the Crown.

Anger issues? I'm the most laid back old man on the planet, but pussies like you do tend to piss me off.

No, I just realize a gun in the house is 43 time more likely to kill someone IN the house than a bad guy. It's pretty much the same reason I don't protect my house with a Rabid Pit bull or Wile E. Coyote style traps.

And, yes, it would be horrible is we spoke proper English, abolished slavery 30 years earlier without a civil war, and had universal health care today.

Those brave founding fathers saved us from the horror of being...



I have had LOADED guns in my house for the last 55 years. No one in the house has EVER been injured in the slightest. Why? Because my children were TAUGHT gun safety from the time they could walk. The first rule? An unloaded gun is a door stop. the second rule? NEVER touch a gun without clearing it FIRST.

The only idiots who don't known those two PRIMARY rules are people that should never be around a gun. PERIOD.

My first notion about gun ownership? If you don't know what the hell you are doing, get educated or stay away from them.

My third rule of gun ownership? While pussies (like you) are waiting for the cops to "protect" you, I will be waiting on the coroner to get the dead thug out of my house. THAT'S the way life is in MY world.

Your "whole house" idea is worthless. In this case, the actual crazy person bought the guns. And he went thru, not one, not two, but three background checks. None of them showed anything. Why? Because his mental health providers failed in their duty to report him.

Do you think the national gun registry would help? Do you think the cops would have checked the registry and waited for an answer? There was no sign that they treated him as a serious threat.

Then you FIRE THEM. You make a big deal about firing them. You let it be known they didn't do their jobs and six people died. YOu blacklist them so they never, ever work in law enforcement again.

Then the next guy will check the fuckin' registry.

Then you go after the gun store. YOu take away his license to deal guns and you confiscate all his inventory and you throw a padlock in the front of his store.

Then the next guy will do an accurate background check. He might even notice this guy is acting a little screwy when he's in the store.

So the gun store does the standard NICS background check, gets the OK to sell the gun, and you want to take away his license and steal his inventory?? You are the lunatic in this scenario. The gun dealer did it right. And how the guy acts is not part of the system, here. You have to have actual reasons to deny the sale.
Your "whole house" idea is worthless. In this case, the actual crazy person bought the guns. And he went thru, not one, not two, but three background checks. None of them showed anything. Why? Because his mental health providers failed in their duty to report him.

Do you think the national gun registry would help? Do you think the cops would have checked the registry and waited for an answer? There was no sign that they treated him as a serious threat.

Then you FIRE THEM. You make a big deal about firing them. You let it be known they didn't do their jobs and six people died. YOu blacklist them so they never, ever work in law enforcement again.

Then the next guy will check the fuckin' registry.

Then you go after the gun store. YOu take away his license to deal guns and you confiscate all his inventory and you throw a padlock in the front of his store.

Then the next guy will do an accurate background check. He might even notice this guy is acting a little screwy when he's in the store.

Excuse me, genius, he wasn't on the mental health registry. If he was, he wouldn't have been able to buy the guns in the first place. Did you know California approves all gun sales at the state level after a 10 day waiting period?
Yes, ban guns, ban knives, and ban anything that could possibly be used as a weapon.

And before you conservatards flip out and post some stupid comment like, "durrr how culd we inforce dat ur dum lol", Australia already has exactly this policy in place. Hammers are considered tightly-regulated weapons of mass destruction there because they, too, can be used as weapons.

It's time for America to step into the 21st Century and outlaw all weapons, as well as anything else that kills people.

Better outlaw ladders, rocks, pencils, plastic spoons, glass bottles, plastic bottles, forks, baseball bats, hoes, hoses, string, Velcro, books, remote controls, tree branches, dirt, ..........do you get the idea yet? ALL of those things have been used to murder people.
Then all of them should be banned, no exceptions.

It's not the tool, it's the person who is dangerous.
Then ban the people who kill people too. That's literally what we have prison for.

:lol::lol::lol: Either you're trying to be sarcastic...and failing, or you're serious and demented....
Geez, 43 times..... When they first trotted out that lie it was 41 times. I see they are following the advice of their favorite propagandist old Goebbels..."tell a big lie, people are more inclined to believe a big lie than a small one.

It was actually an intruder versus a non-intruder. Nevertheless, it was
a misrepresentation of a meaningless comparison from a limited and
poorly done study. This study was performed over a 6 year period in one
single county in the USA. As this study is was done in just one county,
that makes its results useless for saying what happens anywhere else.
Scientists and researchers call this "a sample size of one".

The comparison is meaningless because it is an apples vs oranges
comparison. 37 of the 43 are suicides, 4.6 are classified as criminal
homicides, and 1.3 were classified as accidents

Now, there are three possible responses to Kellerman-

1) The Study was flawed, we need more studies to validate the data. It's something called the Scientific method.

2) The Study was spot on, we need to change our idiotic gun laws.

3) The Study was spot on, we need to BAN THE CDC from ever looking at this issue again, and never speak of this again, lest the words summon Sensible Gun Policy.

Of course, the Gun Nuts went with 3), because at some level, they know damned well that most gun homicides and suicides are not defense related.

I have had LOADED guns in my house for the last 55 years. No one in the house has EVER been injured in the slightest. Why? Because my children were TAUGHT gun safety from the time they could walk. The first rule? An unloaded gun is a door stop. the second rule? NEVER touch a gun without clearing it FIRST.

The only idiots who don't known those two PRIMARY rules are people that should never be around a gun. PERIOD.

My first notion about gun ownership? If you don't know what the hell you are doing, get educated or stay away from them.

My third rule of gun ownership? While pussies (like you) are waiting for the cops to "protect" you, I will be waiting on the coroner to get the dead thug out of my house. THAT'S the way life is in MY world.

Guy, I've known three people who've had to bury family members who were killed with that gun that someone bought for protection. (Two suicides and one domestic murder).

I've never known anyone who has plugged a bad guy and waited for the coroner.

NOw, your argument for gun safety might even have some validity.

Let's make that the standard. You can't own a gun unless you've passed a qualified safety course and certified as a safe gun owner.

My guess. The minute someone makes that the law, people like you would be screaming something about "Founding Fathers" and "Second Amendment" and "Freeeeeedooooom".

Your "whole house" idea is worthless. In this case, the actual crazy person bought the guns. And he went thru, not one, not two, but three background checks. None of them showed anything. Why? Because his mental health providers failed in their duty to report him.

Do you think the national gun registry would help? Do you think the cops would have checked the registry and waited for an answer? There was no sign that they treated him as a serious threat.

Then you FIRE THEM. You make a big deal about firing them. You let it be known they didn't do their jobs and six people died. YOu blacklist them so they never, ever work in law enforcement again.

Then the next guy will check the fuckin' registry.

Then you go after the gun store. YOu take away his license to deal guns and you confiscate all his inventory and you throw a padlock in the front of his store.

Then the next guy will do an accurate background check. He might even notice this guy is acting a little screwy when he's in the store.

So the gun store does the standard NICS background check, gets the OK to sell the gun, and you want to take away his license and steal his inventory?? You are the lunatic in this scenario. The gun dealer did it right. And how the guy acts is not part of the system, here. You have to have actual reasons to deny the sale.

Uh, no, the gun owner didn't "do it right'. He sold three guns to a guy who went on to kill six people.

You make a total fucking example out of this guy, the rest of them will get the message.
Then you FIRE THEM. You make a big deal about firing them. You let it be known they didn't do their jobs and six people died. YOu blacklist them so they never, ever work in law enforcement again.

Then the next guy will check the fuckin' registry.

Then you go after the gun store. YOu take away his license to deal guns and you confiscate all his inventory and you throw a padlock in the front of his store.

Then the next guy will do an accurate background check. He might even notice this guy is acting a little screwy when he's in the store.

So the gun store does the standard NICS background check, gets the OK to sell the gun, and you want to take away his license and steal his inventory?? You are the lunatic in this scenario. The gun dealer did it right. And how the guy acts is not part of the system, here. You have to have actual reasons to deny the sale.

Uh, no, the gun owner didn't "do it right'. He sold three guns to a guy who went on to kill six people.

You make a total fucking example out of this guy, the rest of them will get the message.

I guess his crystal ball was in the shop that day. That you want to bankrupt a business because the owner is not clairvoyant speaks volumes. You can threaten someone's children if they don't hire who you say they should hire, because you claim to be all about the working man. But when the working man does everything by the book, and an unmedicated lunatic goes crazy, you want to hold that working man responsible. Nice double standard there.

So would you push to prosecute and/or bankrupt the people who sold him the knives he used to stab 3 people to death?

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