What right does he have to demand I lose my rights?

The US sells more weaponry to the world than any other nation. More than many other nations combined. The US sells more weaponry to the world in order for the world to defend itself against more weaponry.

It makes sense if you're the one making the weapons.

The US is a major cause of all the problems in this world.
Would you say this is a commonly held opinion in your country? And have you heard similar thoughts from other non-Americans?

I'm genuinely curious about this and would appreciate your candid response.

Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


I hate to say it but I want to argue with you but you are right. How are we ever going to stop someone from doing this if they want to bad enough. But I'll tell you the rest of the world thinks we have a crazy gun culture. Mostly from the inner city shit they hear but then this and the Columbines and all the other shootings that have happened in between. I want to be able to carry a gun to protect me from the rest of you.

I need to hit the lotto so I can go hang out with the super rich. This shit only happens to the masses. I need to live in a gated community. Come on lotto!

Does the name Oscar Pistorius ring a bell? Being in a gated community didn't help his girlfriend. Murdered by a 'responsible' gun nutter.
The US is a major cause of all the problems in this world.
Would you say this is a commonly held opinion in your country? And have you heard similar thoughts from other non-Americans?

I'm genuinely curious about this and would appreciate your candid response.


My response is from living overseas for 11 years, living and working among non-Americans. My current colleagues are from at least 20 countries, and only 1 other, out of about 50, is an American.

Whether you would like to believe it or not, what she is saying, "The US is a major cause of all the problems in this world," is something believed by a great, great many people around the world. And that attitude didn't start with Obama by any means; it has been going on for decades at least. The most recent thing they can point to is the invasion of Iraq. If we had stayed out of it, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi people would still be alive today. The US is considered responsible for all the grief that war caused.
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NOw, yeah, you can make a gun ban work.

The Japanese did it.
The British Did it.
The Germans did it.

So there is no murder in any of those countries with firearms? Did they start out with several hundred million firearms in private hands before the ban?

There's not the huge number of murders we have.

Let's take Germany.

Now Germany doesn't have a complete gun ban. Gun ownership was quite common before World War II (despite bullshit lies about Nazi Gun Control, Hitler love him some guns) but after WWII, the Allies confiscated most German guns. After the establishment of the Federal Republic, gun ownership was allowed, but restricted. No batshit crazy about letting average citizens have guns to overthrow the government or that anyone has a "right" to a gun.

It is estimated that Germany has about 25 million guns for 80 million people. But who can own a gun and what kind of guns they can own and how many bullets they can have are strictly limited. There are a lot of illegal guns, but even those are kept under raps. (Only about 7.2 million of Germany's 25 million guns are registered.) Hand guns are serverely restricted, most of those guns are long guns (Hunting rifles).

Germany had 662 Homicides in 2011. Of those, 158 were with guns, and 18 were with handguns.



Let's look at Japan.

Japan severely restricts gun ownership. There are only 710,000 guns in Japan in a population of some 100 million.

Japan had 442 murders in 2011. Of those 11 were with guns. Japanese police rarely have to draw their weapons.


Ah, but now we need to start chanting- USA-USA-USA!

The USA Has 300 million guns, with the NRA pushing more guns, bigger guns and fighting even the most common sense gun control. You know, like letting people who have to take copious drugs to keep from going crazy STILL own a gun.

We had 15,953 murders in 2011. Of those, 11,101 were committed with guns and 6,371 of those with handguns.


Um, Er.. USA, uhhhh, USA.....
I'm VERY CONCERNED that you have a gun.

Mostly because after five minutes of talking with gun nuts, they start fantasizing about all the people they want to shoot.

You are so full of shit. You're just another elitist city liberal snob who's never seen a gun except on crime shows. I grew up in gun cultures and the whole culture is to not shoot people. You have to stop taking your views about life from The View. You've never met anyone who owned a gun. You think Deliverance reflects everyone outside your city limits.
Whether you would like to believe it or not, what she is saying, "The US is a major cause of all the problems in this world," is something believed by a great, great many people around the world. And that attitude didn't start with Obama by any means; it has been going on for decades at least. The most recent thing they can point to is the invasion of Iraq. If we had stayed out of it, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi people would still be alive today. The US is considered responsible for all the grief that war caused.
People say a lot of shit. We were instrumental in defeating Nazis Japanese imperialists, communists and so far many terrorists the world over.

What's your source for hundreds of thousands of Iraqis killed?
ummm..... you're speaking to an honorably discharged vet welcher boi & YES, there were divisions even back then. TRY READING A BOOK ONCE IN A WHILE!!! :banghead:
You can lie all you want about being in the military, homo, but that doesn't answer my question.

Thats your rebuttal :eusa_eh: You are one candy-assed welcher, bar none Pole Rider [MENTION=1322]007[/MENTION]. If you did that in my command we would have given you a blanket party (kicked your sissy ass) of a lifetime son.

As to the OP, yeah- the clingers are hyperventilating because the shooters father is disgusted w/ this nation's liberal gun restrictions.
So you're going to "KICK MY SISSY ASS" aye Got Dumb... all 5' 3" 140 pounds of you is going to kick my 6' 2" 215 pound ass aye.

You better bring some friends you pathetic little cock sucker.

[MENTION=36528]cereal_killer[/MENTION] [MENTION=9429]AVG-JOE[/MENTION]
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I'm VERY CONCERNED that you have a gun.

Mostly because after five minutes of talking with gun nuts, they start fantasizing about all the people they want to shoot.

You are so full of shit. You're just another elitist city liberal snob who's never seen a gun except on crime shows. I grew up in gun cultures and the whole culture is to not shoot people. You have to stop taking your views about life from The View. You've never met anyone who owned a gun. You think Deliverance reflects everyone outside your city limits.

He says that, but it's always the Leftist who is imagining people being shot and if you look at the "spree shooters", they are almost always a Leftist.

Of course, he's just a lying troll, so nothing he says should be taken seriously at all.
Gentlemen we can arrange for a cage match offline, but please leave it off the forum. You know the deal, I don't need to remind you. PM me for the fight schedule and we'll get you guys going. Thank you.....
The US sells more weaponry to the world than any other nation. More than many other nations combined. The US sells more weaponry to the world in order for the world to defend itself against more weaponry.

It makes sense if you're the one making the weapons.

The US is a major cause of all the problems in this world.

Feel free to return the $965,654 of foreign aid that your nation received plus reimburse us for ensuring you would not be a vassal state of the Japanese Empire after the end of WWII.
Would you say this is a commonly held opinion in your country? And have you heard similar thoughts from other non-Americans?

I'm genuinely curious about this and would appreciate your candid response.


My response is from living overseas for 11 years, living and working among non-Americans. My current colleagues are from at least 20 countries, and only 1 other, out of about 50, is an American.

Whether you would like to believe it or not, what she is saying, "The US is a major cause of all the problems in this world," is something believed by a great, great many people around the world. And that attitude didn't start with Obama by any means; it has been going on for decades at least. The most recent thing they can point to is the invasion of Iraq. If we had stayed out of it, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi people would still be alive today. The US is considered responsible for all the grief that war caused.

yea the US is hated until someone wants our needs our help....
You can lie all you want about being in the military, homo, but that doesn't answer my question.

Thats your rebuttal :eusa_eh: You are one candy-assed welcher, bar none Pole Rider [MENTION=1322]007[/MENTION]. If you did that in my command we would have given you a blanket party (kicked your sissy ass) of a lifetime son.

As to the OP, yeah- the clingers are hyperventilating because the shooters father is disgusted w/ this nation's liberal gun restrictions.
So you're going to "KICK MY SISSY ASS" aye Got Dumb... all 5' 3" 140 pounds of you is going to kick my 6' 2" 215 pound ass aye.

You better bring some friends you pathetic little cock sucker.

[MENTION=36528]cereal_killer[/MENTION] [MENTION=9429]AVG-JOE[/MENTION]

more like 5'3" 240....just what i was told....
Gentlemen we can arrange for a cage match offline, but please leave it off the forum. You know the deal, I don't need to remind you. PM me for the fight schedule and we'll get you guys going. Thank you.....

how much are the tickets and who is the main event?...
When was the last mass shooting in Australia?

18 years ago.

When was the last mass shooting in America?

A day or so ago.

And you think you don't have a problem?
The American and Australian cultures evolved under very different circumstances. Were it not for guns there would not be an America, so Americans' affinity for guns is innate and historical.

America was born in a cloud of gunsmoke and we have an extremely violent history. But we like koalas, kangaroos, and wombats.

She ignores the fact that while the tools have mostly changed (they still have shootings there), the impulses of humans are the same and the reality is that they are no safer than before the ban.

7 September 1996 – British tourist Brian Hagland was murdered by Aaron Martin at Bondi Beach.
14 September 1996 – Keli Lane was sentenced to 18 years in prison for the murder of her two-day old daughter, Tegan, who she had concealed.
10 October 1996 – Tjandamurra O'Shane was set alight in a school playground in Cairns, Queensland by unemployed drifter Paul Wade Streeton.
18 May 1997 – champion waterskier Jason Burton was stabbed to death by Emad Sleiman while trying to break up a fight at the General Bourke Hotel in Parramatta, New South Wales.
15 June 1997 – Jaidyn Leskie was murdered and found dumped in a dam near Moe, Victoria (unsolved).
6 October 1997 – Bega schoolgirl murders – 14-year-old Lauren Barry and 16-year-old Nichole Collins were kidnapped, raped, tortured and murdered by New Zealand-born career criminal Lindsay Beckett and Victorian prison escapee Leslie Camilleri.
16 January 1998 to 15 June 2009 – Melbourne gangland killings – A series of 35 murders of crime figures and their associates that began with the slaying of Alphonse Gangitano in his home, most likely by Jason Moran, the latest victim being Des Moran who was murdered in Ascot Vale on 15 June 2009.
12 June 1998 and 19 June 1998 – Mark Valera tortured and murdered Albion Park shopkeeper David O'Hearn and former Wollongong Lord Mayor Frank Arkell. Mark's sister Belinda van Krevel later 'asked' boyfriend Keith Schreiber to murder her father Jack van Krevel in retaliation for alleged sexual assault claims.
16 August 1998 – Victorian police officers Gary Silk and Rodney Miller were shot dead in an ambush by Bendali Debs and Jason Joseph Roberts in the Moorabbin Police murders.
3 February 1999 – Phillip John McCormack was bashed to death in the southern suburbs of Adelaide by Brett Stuart Williams and Lawrence Hersbach in the driveway of Williams' home. Police found McCormack's body in a grave at Owen on 27 May 1999. All three were small-time criminals involved in the drug trade.[57]
20 May 1999 – The Snowtown murders were uncovered when the remains of eight bodies were found in six acid-filled barrels in a disused bank vault in Snowtown, South Australia, and the remains of two more bodies were later discovered under a brick rainwater tank stand at a Salisbury North property, bringing the total number of victims to 12.
29 February 2000 – Katherine Knight stabbed, skinned, partially cooked and cannibalized her de facto husband John Price in Aberdeen, New South Wales.
13 March 2000 – Millewa State Forest Murders – Barbara and Stephen Brooks and Stacie Willoughby were found dead, all three having been shot execution style and left in the forest.
28 May 2000 – Keith William Allan was murdered in a contract killing in Melbourne.
Winter 2000 – Sydney gang rapes – A series of ethnically motivated gang rapes by Lebanese youths swept Sydney's west.
23 June 2000 – Childers Palace Fire – Robert Paul Long set fire to a backpacker's hostel in Childers, Queensland; 15 people were killed.
15 September 2000 – The activities of serial paedophile Geoffrey Robert Dobbs were exposed after he brought a VCR with a jammed cassette into a Melbourne electronics store for repair; police later determined that Dobbs molested at least 63 girls, including five family members, aged between one month and 15 years in Queensland between 1972 and 2000 while acting as a teacher and youth leader. Dobbs was sentenced in July 2003 to two consecutive terms of indefinite imprisonment with a nominal sentence of 30 years.
10 July 2001 – Sef Gonzales bashed, stabbed and strangled his sister Clodine, mother Mary and father Teddy within two and a half hours in their North Ryde home in Sydney, NSW.
12 July 2001 – Carolyn Matthews was repeatedly stabbed on the front lawn of her West Lakes home by David William Key on the orders of her husband, Kevin, and his lover, Michelle Burgess, to maintain their affair.
14 July 2001 – British tourists Joanne Lees and Peter Falconio are assaulted near Barrow Creek, Northern Territory by Bradley John Murdoch; Falconio is never found and Murdoch is subsequently found guilty of his murder.
1 September 2001 – Former CIB chief Don Hancock and his friend Lou Lewis were killed in a car bombing in Perth, Western Australia.
4 April 2002 – Society Murders: Matthew Wales drugged and bashed his mother Margaret Wales-King and stepfather Paul King to death before burying them in a shallow grave at Marysville, Victoria.
14 October 2002 – Dr. Margret Tobin, the South Australian head of Mental Health Services, was shot dead by Jean Eric Gassy as she walked out of a lift in her office building.
21 October 2002 – Monash University shooting – Huan Xiang opened fire in a tutorial room, killing two and injuring five.
April 2003 – Pong Su incident: A North Korean freighter was boarded after four-day chase and taken into custody in connection with a worldwide heroin smuggling operation.
30 November 2003 – Cyclist Ian Humphery was stuck and killed by Eugene McGee along the Kapunda Road, South Australia. Due to the controversy over McGee's later conviction and the public protests it ignited, the South Australian Government ordered a Royal Commission into the incident and the trail.
7 December 2003 – Daniel Morcombe is abducted from under an overpass on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland while waiting for a bus; his remains were not found until 2012.
31 December 2003 – convicted paedophile Jeffrey John Hillsley bashed former coworker Michael Davies to death with a hammer at Campsie, NSW and kidnapped and raped his 10-year-old stepdaughter before being captured by special operations police after a 14-hour siege.
14 February 2004 – 2004 Redfern riots – Aboriginal youths rioted against police in response to the death of 17-year-old TJ Hickey, who accidentally impaled himself on a fence while fleeing police he mistakenly believed to be pursuing him.
March 2004 – Darwin sex workers Phuangsri Kroksamrang and Somjai Insamnan were bound with cable ties and thrown alive into the Adelaide River by Ben William McLean and Phu Ngoc Trinh.
23 March 2004 – John Sharpe murdered his pregnant wife, two-year-old daughter and unborn son with a speargun at Mornington, Victoria.
26 July 2004 – Security guard Karen Brown shot dead armed robber William Aquilina in a Sydney carpark after he violently bashed her and stole the hotel's takings. Brown was charged with murder but acquitted on the grounds of self-defence.
11 February 2005 – Melbourne woman Maria Korp was found in a coma in the boot of her car. Her husband Joe and his lover, Tania Herman, were subsequently charged with her murder after Mrs Korp's life-support was switched off. Joe Korp subsequently hanged himself in the garage of his home.
26 February – 1 March 2005 – Macquarie Fields riots – residents of the south western Sydney suburb rioted in response to the deaths of two youths, who were passengers in a stolen car being driven by a known criminal, during a police pursuit. Residents believed police were unfairly persecuting local youths.
1 June 2005 – Indonesian embassy bioterrorism hoax
5 November 2005 – Sydney teenager Lauren Huxley was severely bashed and doused with petrol in her home by Robert Black Farmer.
December 2005 – 2005 Cronulla riots – rioting by European Australians and Arab Australians directed against each other were sparked by the reported bashing of Surf Life Savers the previous week by several individuals of "middle-eastern appearance"; retaliatory and counter-retaliatory violence continued for two weeks.
18 February 2006 – Cardross Hit and Run – Thomas Graham Towle crashed his car at high speed into a group of 13 teenagers killing six and injuring seven near the town of Cardross, Victoria.
20 February 2006 – Errol Graham Hayes set fire to a house at Annerley, Queensland after an argument; his former girlfriend, Theresa Marchetti, her new partner, Mark Christensen, and his own 18-month-old son, Joshua Hayes, were killed in the fire.[69]
26 June 2006 – Canning Vale murder – 8-year-old Sofia Rodriguez-Urrutia-Shu was raped and murdered in a suburban Perth shopping mall by Dante Wyndham Arthurs.
5 June 2007 – Tony Mokbel arrested – Convicted drug trafficker Tony Mokbel was arrested in Athens, Greece after fleeing Australia in March 2006 during his trial for the importation of cocaine.
18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[70]
3 December 2008 – 83-year-old pensioner Vonne McGlynn was murdered and dismembered by Angelika Gavare at her home in Reynella, South Australia as part of Gavare's plan to steal McGlynn's identity to take her house and money; McGlynn's remains were found at Christie's Creek on 23 February 2009.
7 February 2009 – 2009 Victorian bushfires – Arsonists lit several fires contributing to the deaths of 173 people.
2 June 2009 – Violence against Indians stirs up international controversy.
18 July 2009 – Lin family murders – Five members of the Lin family were found dead in their home in Epping, New South Wales.
27 April 2010 – Former US Marine Walter Marsh ambushed his boss, Michelle Beets, before slitting her throat and stabbing her eight times in the chest outside her Chatswood home.
1 May 2010 – Brett Nicholas Richard Kuzimski stabbed and strangled Melanie Carle and Kellie Maree Guyler before placing their bodies into a Toyota Land Cruiser and torching it off the Tonkin Highway at Wattle Grove, Western Australia.
1 June 2010 – David Warwick Hopkins stabbed Nicole Miller in the neck and set her alight at a petrol station in Bayswater, Victoria; Miller died of her injuries in hospital.
8 November 2010 – Jason Alexander Downie repeatedly stabbed Andrew, Rose and Chantelle Rowe in a frenzied attack at their home in Kapunda, South Australia.
28 April 2011 – 2011 Hectorville siege – Donato Anthony Corbo shot dead Kobus and Annetjie Snyman and their son-in-law Luc Mombers and seriously wounded Mr Mombers' 14-year-old son Marcel and a police officer at Hectorville, South Australia before being arrested after an eight-hour stand off.
10 August 2011 – convicted drug dealer Peter Dent is stabbed multiple times by two men in his Hamilton South home. Dent died four days later in hospital from his injuries.[78]
18 November 2011 – Roger Kingsley Dean deliberately set fire to two rooms at the Quakers Hill Nursing Home to hide his theft of prescription drugs; 11 residents were killed in the blaze and eight others injured.[79] Dean pleaded gulity and was sentenced to eleven consecutive sentences of life imprisonment plus 12 years without parole.
29 January 2012 – Giovanni Focarelli, son of Comancheros gang member Vincenzo Focarelli, was shot dead whilst Vincenzo survived the fourth attempt on his life.
28 April 2012 – A man opened fire in a busy shopping mall in Robina on the Gold Coast shooting Bandidos bikie Jacques Teamo. A woman who was an innocent bystander was also injured from a shotgun blast to the leg. Neither of the victims died, but the incident highlighted the recent increase in gun crime across major Australian cities including Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide.
22 May 2012 – A man and two young children were found dead by police in a house in Leanyer, Northern Territory. The 23-year-old man was the father and stepfather of the two children, a boy and a girl, aged 4 and 8.
23 May 2012 – Christopher 'Badness' Binse, a career criminal well known to police, was arrested after a 44-hour siege at an East Keilor home in Melbourne's north west. During the siege, Binse fired several shots at police and refused to co-operate with negotiators; eventually tear gas had to be used to force him out of the house, at which point he refused to put down his weapon and was then sprayed with a volley of non-lethal bullets.
22 September 2012 – Radio producer Jill Meagher was raped and killed by convicted criminal Adrian Bayley. She was abducted while walking approximately five minutes to her home from a bar on Sydney Road in Brunswick, Victoria a suburb north of Melbourne. Her body was buried in a shallow grave along the road verge of Blackhill Road, Gisborne South.
Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


He is wrong about taking away gun rights. But I have to give him a pass on anything he says right now. He is living a nightmare.

What I can't grasp is how someone living a nightmare would want to do that behind a microphone

Talk about missing the point. The point is not the implication of getting pot, the point is the inability of the government to stop it.

No, it's the fact that the people aren't terribly interested in enforcing these laws. No one is turning in his neighbor for a little weed.

So people who are going to shoot people with illegal guns will be dissuaded for being punished for using a gun, punishing them for shooting someone won't do the job, but punishing them for having a gun will.

The vast majority of carnage with guns aren't criminals.

It's suicides, accidents and domestic violence over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best. And most of those guns were legally acquired.

The punk who killed those people in california, legally acquired his guns despite being batshit crazy.

NOw, yeah, you can make a gun ban work.

The Japanese did it.
The British Did it.
The Germans did it.

So there is no murder in any of those countries with firearms? Did they start out with several hundred million firearms in private hands before the ban?

In Joe's simplistic mind, if you could get rid of the guns, people wouldn't be able to think of ways to commit suicide or violence in other ways. He's not that bright. It's not the person who did it, it's the gun! LOL.
When was the last mass shooting in Australia?

18 years ago.

When was the last mass shooting in America?

A day or so ago.

And you think you don't have a problem?

No one thinks that mass shootings are not a problem, that's a complete non point. We are discussing what to do about it. Our liberals think that taking guns away from people who are not shooting people will fix the problem. The rest of us don't. Your post was completely vacuous and irrelevant to the discussion. You simply stated a point no one disagrees with.
I'm VERY CONCERNED that you have a gun.

Mostly because after five minutes of talking with gun nuts, they start fantasizing about all the people they want to shoot.

You are so full of shit. You're just another elitist city liberal snob who's never seen a gun except on crime shows. I grew up in gun cultures and the whole culture is to not shoot people. You have to stop taking your views about life from The View. You've never met anyone who owned a gun. You think Deliverance reflects everyone outside your city limits.

He says that, but it's always the Leftist who is imagining people being shot and if you look at the "spree shooters", they are almost always a Leftist.

Of course, he's just a lying troll, so nothing he says should be taken seriously at all.

Yes, joe obviously doesn't know any gun owners, he knows nothing of what we're like. Unfortunately for him, there are many of us here to call him on his crap.

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