What Right Wingers Deny: Muslims are Really Good People and Really Good Americans

What Right Wingers Deny: Muslims are Really Good People and Really Good Americans

In a sermon at the Islamic Center of Southern California in Los Angeles, Hathout told worshipers before Friday prayers to expect questions from non-Muslims.

"We find ourselves in that very awkward and uncomfortable place" of answering questions and accusations about Islam and violence, he said.

"People will come to you … to find answers, and they have that right," he said. "Life is not fair. You will be put in that position … [of people asking] 'What’s wrong with you guys?' And so you will find yourselves as a spokesperson for us."

He urged those gathered not to apologize for their faith because they had done nothing wrong. The attackers, he said, were criminals, not people abiding by the tenets of Islam. Hathout urged worshipers to be present in the community, to be willing to answer questions about their faith, and to love and support their fellow citizens.

"Muslims, don’t lose heart," he said. "We are really good people. We are really good Americans."
Muslim leader tells worshipers to expect questions from public - latimes.com

Right wingers are only happy when they are on the attack and dividing and bashing other Americans

How can anybody with an OUNCE of integrity possibly respond to this example of HYPER-RADICAL LEFTIST HYPOCRISY?

Hyper radical? That described you to a T

Left? Dante is a liberal, not a leftist. The only fools who consider everyone a leftists are the imbecilic right wingers who hang out on talk radio and cable news with a dose of cuckoo blogs thrown in for fun
What Right Wingers Deny: Muslims are Really Good People and Really Good Americans

Muslim leader tells worshipers to expect questions from public - latimes.com

Right wingers are only happy when they are on the attack and dividing and bashing other Americans

No less than reactionary fringists on the far rights.

the fringe on the left has been neutered for decades. In recent decades it is the fringe on the right has been more active in terrorism on US soil than has al qaeda

And, of course, you have FACTS to share with us, right?

Or are you too busy puckering your sphincter, in anticipation of sharing another psychotic conclusion with us?
No less than reactionary fringists on the far rights.

the fringe on the left has been neutered for decades. In recent decades it is the fringe on the right has been more active in terrorism on US soil than has al qaeda

And, of course, you have FACTS to share with us, right?

Or are you too busy puckering your sphincter, in anticipation of sharing another psychotic conclusion with us?

you offer NO refutation, only a personal attack? Yep, you just might be a right winger and white trash
What Right Wingers Deny: Muslims are Really Good People and Really Good Americans

In a sermon at the Islamic Center of Southern California in Los Angeles, Hathout told worshipers before Friday prayers to expect questions from non-Muslims.

"We find ourselves in that very awkward and uncomfortable place" of answering questions and accusations about Islam and violence, he said.

"People will come to you … to find answers, and they have that right," he said. "Life is not fair. You will be put in that position … [of people asking] 'What’s wrong with you guys?' And so you will find yourselves as a spokesperson for us."

He urged those gathered not to apologize for their faith because they had done nothing wrong. The attackers, he said, were criminals, not people abiding by the tenets of Islam. Hathout urged worshipers to be present in the community, to be willing to answer questions about their faith, and to love and support their fellow citizens.

"Muslims, don’t lose heart," he said. "We are really good people. We are really good Americans."
Muslim leader tells worshipers to expect questions from public - latimes.com

Right wingers are only happy when they are on the attack and dividing and bashing other Americans

True, but let me know when Christians strap bombs on themselves and set them off or go into crowded Indonesian, Kuwaiti, or Iranian marketplaces and set off bombs. I'm saying that Christians generally don't kill people for religious reasons but rather secular reasons. The few exceptions are abortion clinic bombers or anti-abortion christians who kill doctors, but that's a small number in relation to the muslim mass murderers.
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99% of Muslims are good people who love the country they have made their home. So many people don't believe that, though.

For the most part I agree with that. Unfortunately history tells us a somewhat different story. It really depends upon the circumstances. When Muslims live with non-Muslims and are in the minority, they seem to be peaceful and willing to get along with everyone. Unfortunately, things seem to change when they become the majority. Then they want to control the politics and the rules that everyone must live by. If you want an example, take a close look at Lebanon. What should worry everyone is that most of Europe is on the same path as Lebanon. Within a couple of generations, Europe will likely become majority Muslim. I guess the world will find out how peaceful Muslims truly are once this happens.

That’s a consequence of culture and history, not religion. Islam is relatively new to the ME, much of the conflict in the Region has ancient roots, predating Islam, and exacerbated by centuries of invasion and colonization.
99% of Muslims are good people who love the country they have made their home. So many people don't believe that, though.

Your math is a bit off. The conservative estimate is that about 7% of muslims are radical. (That doesn't leave 99% moderates) There are 1 billion muslims in the world. That makes 70 million of them radical muslims.
What Right Wingers Deny: Muslims are Really Good People and Really Good Americans

In a sermon at the Islamic Center of Southern California in Los Angeles, Hathout told worshipers before Friday prayers to expect questions from non-Muslims.

"We find ourselves in that very awkward and uncomfortable place" of answering questions and accusations about Islam and violence, he said.

"People will come to you … to find answers, and they have that right," he said. "Life is not fair. You will be put in that position … [of people asking] 'What’s wrong with you guys?' And so you will find yourselves as a spokesperson for us."

He urged those gathered not to apologize for their faith because they had done nothing wrong. The attackers, he said, were criminals, not people abiding by the tenets of Islam. Hathout urged worshipers to be present in the community, to be willing to answer questions about their faith, and to love and support their fellow citizens.

"Muslims, don’t lose heart," he said. "We are really good people. We are really good Americans."
Muslim leader tells worshipers to expect questions from public - latimes.com

Right wingers are only happy when they are on the attack and dividing and bashing other Americans

True, but let me know when Christians strap bombs on themselves and set them off or go into crowded Indonesian, Kuwaiti, or Iranian marketplaces and set off bombs. I'm saying that Christians generally don't kill people for religious reasons but rather secular reasons. The few exceptions are abortion clinic bombers or anti-abortion christians who kill doctors, but that's a small number in relation to the muslim mass murderers.

These are criminal acts committed by persons who happen to be Muslim, where their religion is incidental. Such actions are sanctioned by no Islamic sect, nor condoned by any legitimate, recognized Islamic authority.

That they justify their criminal acts in the context of Islamic dogma is as much an attack on Islam.

And it remains a fundamental fallacy to blame an entire group of people for the actions of the criminal few; it’s also an affront to our basic tenets of due process and the rule of law.

It is, in essence, a manifestation of ignorance and hate.
99% of Muslims are good people who love the country they have made their home. So many people don't believe that, though.

Your math is a bit off. The conservative estimate is that about 7% of muslims are radical. (That doesn't leave 99% moderates) There are 1 billion muslims in the world. That makes 70 million of them radical muslims.


What criteria are used to determine a given Muslim is ‘radical’?

What is the process to test for ‘radical,’ do Muslims take a test? Show of hands? Complete an opinion poll?

And what entity determined this ‘conservative estimate’?

This is just another example of unfounded hate towards Muslims, predicated solely on ignorance and animus concerning Islam.
What Right Wingers Deny: Muslims are Really Good People and Really Good Americans

In a sermon at the Islamic Center of Southern California in Los Angeles, Hathout told worshipers before Friday prayers to expect questions from non-Muslims.

"We find ourselves in that very awkward and uncomfortable place" of answering questions and accusations about Islam and violence, he said.

"People will come to you … to find answers, and they have that right," he said. "Life is not fair. You will be put in that position … [of people asking] 'What’s wrong with you guys?' And so you will find yourselves as a spokesperson for us."

He urged those gathered not to apologize for their faith because they had done nothing wrong. The attackers, he said, were criminals, not people abiding by the tenets of Islam. Hathout urged worshipers to be present in the community, to be willing to answer questions about their faith, and to love and support their fellow citizens.

"Muslims, don’t lose heart," he said. "We are really good people. We are really good Americans."
Muslim leader tells worshipers to expect questions from public - latimes.com

Right wingers are only happy when they are on the attack and dividing and bashing other Americans

You have that completely backwards. It is the left wingers who deny that. Says so in your article.
He urged those gathered not to apologize for their faith because they had done nothing wrong. The attackers, he said, were criminals, not people abiding by the tenets of Islam. Hathout urged worshipers to be present in the community, to be willing to answer questions about their faith, and to love and support their fellow citizens.

"Muslims, don’t lose heart," he said. "We are really good people. We are really good Americans."


And it’s sad and telling that American citizens must actually prepare themselves to sustain attacks from fellow citizens based solely on their religion.

Meh, it happens to Christians all the time.
What Right Wingers Deny: Muslims are Really Good People and Really Good Americans

In a sermon at the Islamic Center of Southern California in Los Angeles, Hathout told worshipers before Friday prayers to expect questions from non-Muslims.

"We find ourselves in that very awkward and uncomfortable place" of answering questions and accusations about Islam and violence, he said.

"People will come to you … to find answers, and they have that right," he said. "Life is not fair. You will be put in that position … [of people asking] 'What’s wrong with you guys?' And so you will find yourselves as a spokesperson for us."

He urged those gathered not to apologize for their faith because they had done nothing wrong. The attackers, he said, were criminals, not people abiding by the tenets of Islam. Hathout urged worshipers to be present in the community, to be willing to answer questions about their faith, and to love and support their fellow citizens.

"Muslims, don’t lose heart," he said. "We are really good people. We are really good Americans."
Muslim leader tells worshipers to expect questions from public - latimes.com

Right wingers are only happy when they are on the attack and dividing and bashing other Americans

SOME Muslims are Really Good People

The really good American thing is meaningless after all one can't be a good American if he is not first a good person.
These are criminal acts committed by persons who happen to be Muslim, where their religion is incidental. Such actions are sanctioned by no Islamic sect, nor condoned by any legitimate, recognized Islamic authority.

That they justify their criminal acts in the context of Islamic dogma is as much an attack on Islam.

And it remains a fundamental fallacy to blame an entire group of people for the actions of the criminal few; it’s also an affront to our basic tenets of due process and the rule of law.

It is, in essence, a manifestation of ignorance and hate.

By that logic it is a manifestation of ignorance and hate and a fundamental fallacy to say something like, oh, just to pick a random example from this thread... " What Right Wingers Deny: Muslims are Really Good People and Really Good Americans". Or to pick a second ignorant and hateful statement at random, "99% of Muslims are good people who love the country...". (noomi implies here the number of muslims who are not good people in America is not a handful but tens of thousands given that muslims make up nearly one percent of the population)

Wow. Dante and Noomi are quite the ignorant haters by CC Jonesy's standards.
These are criminal acts committed by persons who happen to be Muslim, where their religion is incidental. Such actions are sanctioned by no Islamic sect, nor condoned by any legitimate, recognized Islamic authority.

That they justify their criminal acts in the context of Islamic dogma is as much an attack on Islam.

And it remains a fundamental fallacy to blame an entire group of people for the actions of the criminal few; it’s also an affront to our basic tenets of due process and the rule of law.

It is, in essence, a manifestation of ignorance and hate.

By that logic it is a manifestation of ignorance and hate and a fundamental fallacy to say something like, oh, just to pick a random example from this thread... " What Right Wingers Deny: Muslims are Really Good People and Really Good Americans". Or to pick a second ignorant and hateful statement at random, "99% of Muslims are good people who love the country...". (noomi implies here the number of muslims who are not good people in America is not a handful but tens of thousands given that muslims make up nearly one percent of the population)

Wow. Dante and Noomi are quite the ignorant haters by CC Jonesy's standards.

Very well done but now we have a problem. CCJones is an established left wing moron so is he right, or are Dante and Noomi in fact NOT haters? It's a puzzler.
What Right Wingers Deny: Muslims are Really Good People and Really Good Americans

In a sermon at the Islamic Center of Southern California in Los Angeles, Hathout told worshipers before Friday prayers to expect questions from non-Muslims.

"We find ourselves in that very awkward and uncomfortable place" of answering questions and accusations about Islam and violence, he said.

"People will come to you … to find answers, and they have that right," he said. "Life is not fair. You will be put in that position … [of people asking] 'What’s wrong with you guys?' And so you will find yourselves as a spokesperson for us."

He urged those gathered not to apologize for their faith because they had done nothing wrong. The attackers, he said, were criminals, not people abiding by the tenets of Islam. Hathout urged worshipers to be present in the community, to be willing to answer questions about their faith, and to love and support their fellow citizens.

"Muslims, don’t lose heart," he said. "We are really good people. We are really good Americans."
Muslim leader tells worshipers to expect questions from public - latimes.com

Right wingers are only happy when they are on the attack and dividing and bashing other Americans

SOME Muslims are Really Good People

The really good American thing is meaningless after one can't be a good American if he is not first a good person.

Good people do terrible things. History bears this out
What Right Wingers Deny: Muslims are Really Good People and Really Good Americans

In a sermon at the Islamic Center of Southern California in Los Angeles, Hathout told worshipers before Friday prayers to expect questions from non-Muslims.

"We find ourselves in that very awkward and uncomfortable place" of answering questions and accusations about Islam and violence, he said.

"People will come to you … to find answers, and they have that right," he said. "Life is not fair. You will be put in that position … [of people asking] 'What’s wrong with you guys?' And so you will find yourselves as a spokesperson for us."

He urged those gathered not to apologize for their faith because they had done nothing wrong. The attackers, he said, were criminals, not people abiding by the tenets of Islam. Hathout urged worshipers to be present in the community, to be willing to answer questions about their faith, and to love and support their fellow citizens.

"Muslims, don’t lose heart," he said. "We are really good people. We are really good Americans."
Muslim leader tells worshipers to expect questions from public - latimes.com

Right wingers are only happy when they are on the attack and dividing and bashing other Americans

I know you as pissed off that the bombers were Muslim and not right wing, gun toting, Christians. Sorry your day is going so wrong.

There are some great Muslims and they are faithful and loyal, upright and honest. Which is more than I can say of you.

So, I'd rather be around the likes of them and far removed from the hate, bigotry and decisiveness of you.

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