What role does Affirmative Action play in the events playing out in Ferguson?


Sounds like an evil company. Who ran it, Ebenezer Scrooge?

Please. Even Scrooge wasn't this intentionally douchy.

I used to think the problem was just this one manager. That said, once he left (only about six months after I did) they brought in some other guy who was just as bad. He just got fired because they caught him with his hand in the till.

The one silver lining. When I got my start writing resumes for people, my first customers were employees of this company.

If the level of person this company was employing were people who needed assistance writing a resume, then I can see why they had such a high turnover ratio. They hired morons.

If the level of person this company was employing were people who needed assistance writing a resume, then I can see why they had such a high turnover ratio. They hired morons.

Guy, I'm sure if you sent me your resume, I could point out a bunch of mistakes on it.

I've written resumes for everyone from Bank Vice Presidents to Waitresses at Hooters, and the one thing I've found out is that 99% of people don't know how to write a resume. I've written two for human resource managers.

I give a guarantee, if I read your resume and I think it's just fine as it is, I'll tell you as much at no charge.

You know what. Never had that scenario happen. Maybe once, but this woman taught professional writing.

If the level of person this company was employing were people who needed assistance writing a resume, then I can see why they had such a high turnover ratio. They hired morons.

Guy, I'm sure if you sent me your resume, I could point out a bunch of mistakes on it.

I've written resumes for everyone from Bank Vice Presidents to Waitresses at Hooters, and the one thing I've found out is that 99% of people don't know how to write a resume. I've written two for human resource managers.

I give a guarantee, if I read your resume and I think it's just fine as it is, I'll tell you as much at no charge.

You know what. Never had that scenario happen. Maybe once, but this woman taught professional writing.

Honestly, I've never had a resume. The Army just told me where to go .

Joe...you are SO clueless about economic history it's amusing to watch you spout off with this nonsense!

The truth is that with the advent of capitalism, working people's lot in life improved so drastically it's not even funny and that was LONG before the advent of unions and had little to do with governments. I don't think you have any concept of how miserable an existence it was for laborers back in feudal times. Capitalism changed EVERYTHING...but you can't see that because of your rabid hatred of your ex-bosses who you think screwed you over!

Again, guy, I got a degree in history. Yes, it was probably pretty miserable to work on a medieval farm. It was equally miserable to work in early factories. Children in Coal mines, people who lost fingers in industrial accidents. And the Capitalists were too busy counting their money to make things any better.

Yes, Capitalism changed everything. Just not for the better. We will be very lucky if it doesn't cause the extinction of the whole planet.

Come on Joe...if you're going to pretend to have a degree in history at least TRY and know something about the subject! Working in early factories was infinitely better than working on medieval farms...which is why a mass migration of workers took place from the country into cities to work in factories. That didn't take place because early factory jobs were as bad as farm jobs...it took place because people got paid more for those factory jobs and had a better quality of life.
Why don't you start your own business, Joe? You can show us all how to do it "right".

Oh wait...that would actually require ambition and taking chances...never mind...

Isn't that kind of like telling a rape victim to buy a strap on and show us how it's "done right"?

(Incidentally, I do own a business. Thanks.)

That may be the stupidest analogy made on this board EVER, Joe...:lame2::lame2::lame2::lame2::lame2::lame2::lame2::lame2::lame2:

If the level of person this company was employing were people who needed assistance writing a resume, then I can see why they had such a high turnover ratio. They hired morons.

Guy, I'm sure if you sent me your resume, I could point out a bunch of mistakes on it.

I've written resumes for everyone from Bank Vice Presidents to Waitresses at Hooters, and the one thing I've found out is that 99% of people don't know how to write a resume. I've written two for human resource managers.

I give a guarantee, if I read your resume and I think it's just fine as it is, I'll tell you as much at no charge.

You know what. Never had that scenario happen. Maybe once, but this woman taught professional writing.

Maybe once? You're not sure? o_O
I'm not anti-good government, Joe. I am however anti big, bloated and totally inefficient government!

As for "greedy business owners"? The majority of business owners in the US these days go to work every day and struggle just to keep the doors open. They are burdened with mountains of governmental red tape and regulations that further handicap them as they try to keep ungrateful idiots like yourself employed and if they DO make a profit they have to defend themselves from the Left that they don't care about "people"!

Guy, I deal with small businesses every day. a lot of them spend a lot of time trying to keep on my good side so I throw more orders their way. I'm not impressed with them, really. Most of them probably never should have gone into business to start with.

I could only imagine what some of them would be like if the governmetn wasn't keeping them from pouring garbage into the water supply.

It seems like the only folks you ARE impressed by, Joe...are unions and the government. I hate to tell you but you come across as someone who's desperately unhappy with his lot in life and is looking for someone to blame because YOU didn't become one of the 1%. God knows it COULDN'T be your fault...

Come on Joe...if you're going to pretend to have a degree in history at least TRY and know something about the subject! Working in early factories was infinitely better than working on medieval farms...which is why a mass migration of workers took place from the country into cities to work in factories. That didn't take place because early factory jobs were as bad as farm jobs...it took place because people got paid more for those factory jobs and had a better quality of life.

Not really, guy. But you keep telling yourself that Capitalism was so wonderful and those riots working folks did in the 19th century were just a hissy-fit.

How bad was Capitalism in the 19th century. People actually though Communism sounded reasonable.

It seems like the only folks you ARE impressed by, Joe...are unions and the government. I hate to tell you but you come across as someone who's desperately unhappy with his lot in life and is looking for someone to blame because YOU didn't become one of the 1%. God knows it COULDN'T be your fault...

Like I said guy, until about six years ago, I was as right wing as you.

Then I realized, I couldn't be the knid of guy like my boss who would fire a girl because she was pregnant.

If that's what it takes to be a 1%er, you can have it. Because the pitchforks are a comin' for those fuckers, and it will be fun to watch.

If the level of person this company was employing were people who needed assistance writing a resume, then I can see why they had such a high turnover ratio. They hired morons.

Guy, I'm sure if you sent me your resume, I could point out a bunch of mistakes on it.

I've written resumes for everyone from Bank Vice Presidents to Waitresses at Hooters, and the one thing I've found out is that 99% of people don't know how to write a resume. I've written two for human resource managers.

I give a guarantee, if I read your resume and I think it's just fine as it is, I'll tell you as much at no charge.

You know what. Never had that scenario happen. Maybe once, but this woman taught professional writing.

Maybe once? You're not sure? o_O

That was marginal. I rewrote it for her anyway. Gave her a few stylistic points I thought she could improve on. But this woman was a published author, probably not much I could do for her.

Do try to get bogged down in details. It spares you from having to discuss what an evil system you defend.
Why don't you start your own business, Joe? You can show us all how to do it "right".

Oh wait...that would actually require ambition and taking chances...never mind...

Isn't that kind of like telling a rape victim to buy a strap on and show us how it's "done right"?

(Incidentally, I do own a business. Thanks.)

That may be the stupidest analogy made on this board EVER, Joe...:lame2::lame2::lame2::lame2::lame2::lame2::lame2::lame2::lame2:

Yeah, I realize that you guys hate that analogy.

But it's apt. "Hey, if you don't like the way your boss treats you, start your own business."

"Hey, if you don't like the way you got raped, here's a dildo, go rape someone a "nice" way."

I think it works perfectly.
Many years ago I took an economics class at Amherst College with Thomas Sowell. I remember quite vividly Sowell's objections at that time to Affirmative Action and the reasons WHY he said that it would ultimately fail for low income people. I went back to see if I could find anything online from Sowell on that topic and found the following:

That was from almost forty years ago. Affirmative Action worked amazingly well for Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Susan Rice and Valerie Jarrett...but hasn't done a THING for young black males like Michael Brown.

interesting connection, bit of a reach concluding that AA helped cause this since you must conclude that w/o AA there wouldn't be any criminal assholes out there.

however, if AA had forced the hiring of more black cops, it might have been a black cop that shot him and if that had happened, we would never have heard of this shooting.

Come on Joe...if you're going to pretend to have a degree in history at least TRY and know something about the subject! Working in early factories was infinitely better than working on medieval farms...which is why a mass migration of workers took place from the country into cities to work in factories. That didn't take place because early factory jobs were as bad as farm jobs...it took place because people got paid more for those factory jobs and had a better quality of life.

Not really, guy. But you keep telling yourself that Capitalism was so wonderful and those riots working folks did in the 19th century were just a hissy-fit.

How bad was Capitalism in the 19th century. People actually though Communism sounded reasonable.

Answer me this, Joe...

Was the working man better off BEFORE Capitalism or after?

People thought Communism sounded great before they saw it in practice! (It's kind of like a Barack Obama Presidency.)
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Also, to Oldstyle, Capitalism in the United States was fueled by "King Cotton", an industry that relied on Slavery for its expansion.

You're bound and determined I'm some southern redneck racist, aren't you, Joe? Sorry to disappoint but my great grandfather was an officer with the 54th Massachusetts Infantry. He lost an arm in the battle for Fort Wagner in South Carolina.

As for Capitalism in the US being fueled by cotton? Without question cotton played a major role in the US economy and did indeed fuel Capitalism but then again Capitalism in the US was also fueled by the textile and whaling industries in New England as well as an abundance of some of the best farming land in the world. More than anything else, Capitalism was fueled by the dawn of the Industrial age. Cotton was a holdover from Agrarian times. It was the creation of things like power looms and cotton gins that fueled Capitalism as much if not more than the use of slavery to pick cotton.
Why don't you start your own business, Joe? You can show us all how to do it "right".

Oh wait...that would actually require ambition and taking chances...never mind...

Isn't that kind of like telling a rape victim to buy a strap on and show us how it's "done right"?

(Incidentally, I do own a business. Thanks.)

That may be the stupidest analogy made on this board EVER, Joe...:lame2::lame2::lame2::lame2::lame2::lame2::lame2::lame2::lame2:

Yeah, I realize that you guys hate that analogy.

But it's apt. "Hey, if you don't like the way your boss treats you, start your own business."

"Hey, if you don't like the way you got raped, here's a dildo, go rape someone a "nice" way."

I think it works perfectly.

It was a perfect combination of stupid and offensive, Joe! You keep trotting it out there, even if each time you do, you come across as "crazy Uncle Joe"...you know the guy that has too much to drink at holiday dinners and says things he shouldn't until Aunt Sally has had enough and hauls his drunk ass home?

Answer me this, Joe...

Was the working man better off BEFORE Capitalism or after?

People thought Communism sounded great before they saw it in practice! (It's kind of like a Barack Obama Presidency.)

Depends which working man you were talking about.

Capitalism certainly made life for the slaves in the South a hell of a lot worse. It went from something that was slowly being phased out to something that was quite brutal. People who worked in coal mines, children who were working around industrial machines, their lives were made a lot worse so the Carnegies and other Robber Barons could live large.

Sorry, man, Capitalism is a shit sandwich for most people. The reason why it's less of one is because of Democracy and unionization and technical advancement. Left to their own devices, Capitalists will pretty much kill off hte planet for another Dressage Horsie.

Or as Herbert Hoover once opined "The Problem with Capitalism is Capitalists. They're too damned Greedy."

We got a big old reminder of that in 2008.

It was a perfect combination of stupid and offensive, Joe! You keep trotting it out there, even if each time you do, you come across as "crazy Uncle Joe"...you know the guy that has too much to drink at holiday dinners and says things he shouldn't until Aunt Sally has had enough and hauls his drunk ass home?

No, it's offensive to you because you are an apologist for Greed. It's not offensive to the guy who got let go because after six years of loyal service and hard work, he was cut because he had the bad luck to bust up his knee.
Also, to Oldstyle, Capitalism in the United States was fueled by "King Cotton", an industry that relied on Slavery for its expansion.

You're bound and determined I'm some southern redneck racist, aren't you, Joe? Sorry to disappoint but my great grandfather was an officer with the 54th Massachusetts Infantry. He lost an arm in the battle for Fort Wagner in South Carolina.

As for Capitalism in the US being fueled by cotton? Without question cotton played a major role in the US economy and did indeed fuel Capitalism but then again Capitalism in the US was also fueled by the textile and whaling industries in New England as well as an abundance of some of the best farming land in the world. More than anything else, Capitalism was fueled by the dawn of the Industrial age. Cotton was a holdover from Agrarian times. It was the creation of things like power looms and cotton gins that fueled Capitalism as much if not more than the use of slavery to pick cotton.

Guy, you don't get credit for what ancestors did.

Cotton was not a holdover from agrarian times. Cotton was the fuel of the capitalist industrial machine, which is why the North was happy to tolerate slavery for as long as it did and they pitched such a bitch when the South decided to secede and maybe sell that Cotton to the British. And when the Rednecks put Jim Crow into place, everyone was just peachy with it.

Sorry, man, Capitalism has been a force for evil. The only reason why it is less evil is because we have laws keeping them from behaving badly. Unless we are stupid enough to put Republicans in office, and those laws don't get enforced.

Once again, see "Crash of 2008". Oh, no, wait. That was poor people buying houses.

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