What should be done, if anything, to bring home $5 trillion held overseas by American businesses?

Round up the unpatriotic scum who run these companies, line them up against the wall, and shoot them all.

Tell the next bunch who take over that this is what's in store if you fuck up again and try to weasel out of paying your fair share to the country that allows you to operate unhindered.
Just stop double taxing it?

If a US company has made money in the UK, China, wherever, and paid tax on those profits why should they pay more tax for the privilege of moving their own money into the USA?
And in my state a Democrat has proposed a "gross receipts" tax on business.

15% right off the top of every penny that comes in the door.

No eduction for material purchased for sale.
No deduction for labor costs.
No deduction for rent or building amortiation.
No deduction for expenses (lighting, heating, etc.)
No deduction for advertising.
No deduction for insurance.

But, yes, Penalties for raising prices to stay in business.


In a "progressive" sort of way, nu?
I'd like to maybe see a 10% tax on the money.

If there is $5 trillion overseas and none of it comes back, we got nothing.

35% of $0 is $0.

Let's say $1 trillion comes back....only 20% of the $5 trillion

10% of $1 trillion is $100 billion.

The math I was taught in elementary school, $100 billion >>>>>>>>>$0.

Where am I wrong?

You would be wrong in the assumption that none of it comes back.
It would be nice to have some of that money come back home.

So that the rest of us aren't sacked with it? Yep.
could help with the infrastructure needed

So basically, you're looking for a way to tell private entities how to run their businesses, and to demand that they turn their earnings over to the government to be used as the hive sees fit.

Good luck with that. Let us know how that works out for you.
Make all earnings taxable. Overseas and here at home. Earnings held overseas taxed at a much higher rate.
Why? What is the reasoning for taxing money made somewhere else and brought back here that they should be taxed at a higher rate.

Why would you do that and what do you think you're going to gain from it?
Round up the unpatriotic scum who run these companies, line them up against the wall, and shoot them all.

Tell the next bunch who take over that this is what's in store if you fuck up again and try to weasel out of paying your fair share to the country that allows you to operate unhindered.
Umm, that doesn't sound like they are in a country that allows them to operate unhindered. When you are killing people for actually making money that doesn't sound like a system that is going to be very productive. We've seen those countries before. You may want to read up on how that worked out for them.

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