What should be the maximum voting age in this country?


Why does everyone keep calling the guy black? And why are you calling him Guno?

He is a sock of that pile of shit Guno.

I assume the mods will lock him out fairly soon. Guno claims to be a Jew, but his hatred of white people makes me wonder.
I hate to tell you, guy, but I think you're hallucinating.
This guy doesn't sound like Guno at all.

I agree. guano is hateful bigot. This guy just sounds like a moron. Two peas in a pod for sure, but different. That being said the idea that you can disenfranchise a group of people for any reason is yet more evidence for why no progressive should ever be allowed to serve in politics. They are too batshit crazy.
You shouldn't disenfranchise a whole group of people for holding liberal beliefs, either. Or attribute the spew of one pretty off the wall guy as a mouthpiece for all progressives. Politics makes people so zany.

Why does everyone keep calling the guy black? And why are you calling him Guno?

He is a sock of that pile of shit Guno.

I assume the mods will lock him out fairly soon. Guno claims to be a Jew, but his hatred of white people makes me wonder.
I hate to tell you, guy, but I think you're hallucinating.
This guy doesn't sound like Guno at all.

I agree. guano is hateful bigot. This guy just sounds like a moron. Two peas in a pod for sure, but different. That being said the idea that you can disenfranchise a group of people for any reason is yet more evidence for why no progressive should ever be allowed to serve in politics. They are too batshit crazy.
You shouldn't disenfranchise a whole group of people for holding liberal beliefs, either. Or attribute the spew of one pretty off the wall guy as a mouthpiece for all progressives. Politics makes people so zany.

My tongue was very firmly in cheek. I'm sorry if it wasn't more obviously sarcastic.
There is a major difference between the regressive, less educated, and less tolerant older generations, and the forward thinking, well informed, and socially tolerant younger generations in the United States.

Older people are far less likely to support basic rights such as the right for a woman to choose, the rights of LGBTQ couples to marry, or the right of people of color to peacefully protest the systematic racism in this country. Voters under 40 often tend to be far less bigoted, and believe in freedom for all citizens, not just white males.

Older voters are far more likely to support policies which will cause extreme harm to the environment, this country, and the world as a whole. Meanwhile, more educated younger voters often choose to implement policies which value the world we live in over the making of a quick buck or two, such as a ban on fracking, a ban on nuclear power, and a focus on renewable energy.

Older voters are far more likely to support imperialistic wars in Mideastern countries which pose no threat to the USA, as well as support the genocidal murder of Palestinian children by the illegal state of Israel. Younger voters understand the importance of peace in this world, and are far less likely to provoke a meaningless war overseas or support enemies of justice such as Israel, Turkey or Colombia.

In fact, an argument can be made that not having a maximum voting age kills 32,000 a year. Older white men make up the majority of gun owners in this country, and even as the rest of the country seeks to end meaningless violence such as the massacres in Orlando or Dallas, old white men who treat guns as more precious than the lives of innocent children are allowed to vote, and by voting, they stall any common sense gun reform that can be made in the usa. These geriatric republicans think that people need guns 'to defend" themselves, not knowing that having a gun makes it 50 times more likely for you to be shot, and that the vast majority of gun violence is committed by people who bought their guns legally.

I personally believe that a maximum voting age limit of 65, or 70 at the highest, should be immediately implemented. This country is on the right path, and the older, less intelligent white men who hold this country back are slowly but surely dying out. However, progress needs to be made faster if the USA does not wish to be embroiled in new foreign wars, be known for its rampant homophobia and systematic racism, and lose 80 people a day to gun violence within the next ten or twenty years.

I think that' we don't disenfranchise people because they get older.

nice try though.
There is a major difference between the regressive, less educated, and less tolerant older generations, and the forward thinking, well informed, and socially tolerant younger generations in the United States.

Older people are far less likely to support basic rights such as the right for a woman to choose, the rights of LGBTQ couples to marry, or the right of people of color to peacefully protest the systematic racism in this country. Voters under 40 often tend to be far less bigoted, and believe in freedom for all citizens, not just white males.

Older voters are far more likely to support policies which will cause extreme harm to the environment, this country, and the world as a whole. Meanwhile, more educated younger voters often choose to implement policies which value the world we live in over the making of a quick buck or two, such as a ban on fracking, a ban on nuclear power, and a focus on renewable energy.

Older voters are far more likely to support imperialistic wars in Mideastern countries which pose no threat to the USA, as well as support the genocidal murder of Palestinian children by the illegal state of Israel. Younger voters understand the importance of peace in this world, and are far less likely to provoke a meaningless war overseas or support enemies of justice such as Israel, Turkey or Colombia.

In fact, an argument can be made that not having a maximum voting age kills 32,000 a year. Older white men make up the majority of gun owners in this country, and even as the rest of the country seeks to end meaningless violence such as the massacres in Orlando or Dallas, old white men who treat guns as more precious than the lives of innocent children are allowed to vote, and by voting, they stall any common sense gun reform that can be made in the usa. These geriatric republicans think that people need guns 'to defend" themselves, not knowing that having a gun makes it 50 times more likely for you to be shot, and that the vast majority of gun violence is committed by people who bought their guns legally.

I personally believe that a maximum voting age limit of 65, or 70 at the highest, should be immediately implemented. This country is on the right path, and the older, less intelligent white men who hold this country back are slowly but surely dying out. However, progress needs to be made faster if the USA does not wish to be embroiled in new foreign wars, be known for its rampant homophobia and systematic racism, and lose 80 people a day to gun violence within the next ten or twenty years.
Gonzalo, I am uncomfortable arguing this point from your perspective, because it's not actually possible to lump together all people of a certain age, but to answer your point, here goes:
You are talking about the generation that stopped the war in Vietnam, marched on Washington and went down South to chain themselves to Woolworth counters and help black people get to the polls. You are talking about the generation that formed communes, built solar water heaters on their house made of recycled tires and inserted flowers into the gun barrels of National Guardsmen. Being part of that generation, and the complete antithesis of what you claim 65 year olds are, I find it startling that you hold such a view.
I'm not sure how old you are--young, I'm guessing?--but as you get older and gain a little more experience, I think you will someday look back on this idea as being a mistake.
If you hang around here for awhile, you will discover that conservative and liberal views have little to do with age.
There is actually something to be said for respecting age, too, you know. We've seen a bit and learned from mistakes and had time to think things out. You are very hard on us.
------------------------------- with her name of OLD LADY and her remembrance of her long gone youth and good looks I think that Old Lady is trying to impress , date you or adopt you . I know that I am not impressed as all she is saying is that she was experimenting with mind altering drugs a long time ago Gonzalo .
Thanks for the good looks part, Pismoe. I was being nice so my post wouldn't get deleted again. How'd I do?
I just find it so humorous how you are all about equality and shit and are about as totalitarian as they come.
You are one fo the most inconsistent posters I have ever seen on the internet.
Do you know how many fucked up people I have met on here? A lot.

He just joined yesterday and you know this already?
I just find it so humorous how you are all about equality and shit and are about as totalitarian as they come.
You are one fo the most inconsistent posters I have ever seen on the internet.
Do you know how many fucked up people I have met on here? A lot.

He just joined yesterday and you know this already?
Yes. He has already done about 65 threads
There is a major difference between the regressive, less educated, and less tolerant older generations, and the forward thinking, well informed, and socially tolerant younger generations in the United States.

Older people are far less likely to support basic rights such as the right for a woman to choose, the rights of LGBTQ couples to marry, or the right of people of color to peacefully protest the systematic racism in this country. Voters under 40 often tend to be far less bigoted, and believe in freedom for all citizens, not just white males.

Older voters are far more likely to support policies which will cause extreme harm to the environment, this country, and the world as a whole. Meanwhile, more educated younger voters often choose to implement policies which value the world we live in over the making of a quick buck or two, such as a ban on fracking, a ban on nuclear power, and a focus on renewable energy.

Older voters are far more likely to support imperialistic wars in Mideastern countries which pose no threat to the USA, as well as support the genocidal murder of Palestinian children by the illegal state of Israel. Younger voters understand the importance of peace in this world, and are far less likely to provoke a meaningless war overseas or support enemies of justice such as Israel, Turkey or Colombia.

In fact, an argument can be made that not having a maximum voting age kills 32,000 a year. Older white men make up the majority of gun owners in this country, and even as the rest of the country seeks to end meaningless violence such as the massacres in Orlando or Dallas, old white men who treat guns as more precious than the lives of innocent children are allowed to vote, and by voting, they stall any common sense gun reform that can be made in the usa. These geriatric republicans think that people need guns 'to defend" themselves, not knowing that having a gun makes it 50 times more likely for you to be shot, and that the vast majority of gun violence is committed by people who bought their guns legally.

I personally believe that a maximum voting age limit of 65, or 70 at the highest, should be immediately implemented. This country is on the right path, and the older, less intelligent white men who hold this country back are slowly but surely dying out. However, progress needs to be made faster if the USA does not wish to be embroiled in new foreign wars, be known for its rampant homophobia and systematic racism, and lose 80 people a day to gun violence within the next ten or twenty years.

^^^^^ Proof that the rule about drug testing USMB posters, previously voted down, should be reconsidered!

All in favor!
This is a great idea. Youngsters have no life experience, no money, and generally are only interested in screwing, drinking, and partying. I agree, they shouldn't be able to vote until they are at least 35 years old. That way they can get some real world experience in them.

Life experience spells bad news for liberals so it doesn't surprise me that they want the older generation to die off and make room for the indoctrinated young people. The left needs to use them to push socialism before they gain enough experience to realize it's the worst idea ever.
I personally believe that a minimum voting IQ of 65, or 70, should be immediately implemented.
That would stop you, and many young morons of color, from voting.
A move in the correct direction although it would be regardless of color, gender or anything else.
If ANYTHING, we should raise the voting age.
I get why you say this, but if the age limit has to be somewhere, and of course it does, I think that where it is now makes sense since a person can enlist once they are 18 too.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Until the draft in the 60's, wasn't the voting age 21? Maybe I'm mixing that up with the drinking age.
Anyway, people are morons regardless of age, so we might as well let everyone put in their flaky 2 cents worth. The more the merrier.
There is a major difference between the regressive, less educated, and less tolerant older generations, and the forward thinking, well informed, and socially tolerant younger generations in the United States.

Older people are far less likely to support basic rights such as the right for a woman to choose, the rights of LGBTQ couples to marry, or the right of people of color to peacefully protest the systematic racism in this country. Voters under 40 often tend to be far less bigoted, and believe in freedom for all citizens, not just white males.

Older voters are far more likely to support policies which will cause extreme harm to the environment, this country, and the world as a whole. Meanwhile, more educated younger voters often choose to implement policies which value the world we live in over the making of a quick buck or two, such as a ban on fracking, a ban on nuclear power, and a focus on renewable energy.

Older voters are far more likely to support imperialistic wars in Mideastern countries which pose no threat to the USA, as well as support the genocidal murder of Palestinian children by the illegal state of Israel. Younger voters understand the importance of peace in this world, and are far less likely to provoke a meaningless war overseas or support enemies of justice such as Israel, Turkey or Colombia.

In fact, an argument can be made that not having a maximum voting age kills 32,000 a year. Older white men make up the majority of gun owners in this country, and even as the rest of the country seeks to end meaningless violence such as the massacres in Orlando or Dallas, old white men who treat guns as more precious than the lives of innocent children are allowed to vote, and by voting, they stall any common sense gun reform that can be made in the usa. These geriatric republicans think that people need guns 'to defend" themselves, not knowing that having a gun makes it 50 times more likely for you to be shot, and that the vast majority of gun violence is committed by people who bought their guns legally.

I personally believe that a maximum voting age limit of 65, or 70 at the highest, should be immediately implemented. This country is on the right path, and the older, less intelligent white men who hold this country back are slowly but surely dying out. However, progress needs to be made faster if the USA does not wish to be embroiled in new foreign wars, be known for its rampant homophobia and systematic racism, and lose 80 people a day to gun violence within the next ten or twenty years.

Another right you wish to deny citizens. Why doesn't that surprise me?
If ANYTHING, we should raise the voting age.
I get why you say this, but if the age limit has to be somewhere, and of course it does, I think that where it is now makes sense since a person can enlist once they are 18 too.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Until the draft in the 60's, wasn't the voting age 21? Maybe I'm mixing that up with the drinking age.
Anyway, people are morons regardless of age, so we might as well let everyone put in their flaky 2 cents worth. The more the merrier.
A complete collective of stupidity. You might be on to something! lol
If ANYTHING, we should raise the voting age.
I get why you say this, but if the age limit has to be somewhere, and of course it does, I think that where it is now makes sense since a person can enlist once they are 18 too.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Until the draft in the 60's, wasn't the voting age 21? Maybe I'm mixing that up with the drinking age.
Anyway, people are morons regardless of age, so we might as well let everyone put in their flaky 2 cents worth. The more the merrier.

It was much later then that that the age was lowered. Maybe late 70s, early 80s

Oops, 1971. My bad
There is a major difference between the regressive, less educated, and less tolerant older generations, and the forward thinking, well informed, and socially tolerant younger generations in the United States.

Older people are far less likely to support basic rights such as the right for a woman to choose, the rights of LGBTQ couples to marry, or the right of people of color to peacefully protest the systematic racism in this country. Voters under 40 often tend to be far less bigoted, and believe in freedom for all citizens, not just white males.

Older voters are far more likely to support policies which will cause extreme harm to the environment, this country, and the world as a whole. Meanwhile, more educated younger voters often choose to implement policies which value the world we live in over the making of a quick buck or two, such as a ban on fracking, a ban on nuclear power, and a focus on renewable energy.

Older voters are far more likely to support imperialistic wars in Mideastern countries which pose no threat to the USA, as well as support the genocidal murder of Palestinian children by the illegal state of Israel. Younger voters understand the importance of peace in this world, and are far less likely to provoke a meaningless war overseas or support enemies of justice such as Israel, Turkey or Colombia.

In fact, an argument can be made that not having a maximum voting age kills 32,000 a year. Older white men make up the majority of gun owners in this country, and even as the rest of the country seeks to end meaningless violence such as the massacres in Orlando or Dallas, old white men who treat guns as more precious than the lives of innocent children are allowed to vote, and by voting, they stall any common sense gun reform that can be made in the usa. These geriatric republicans think that people need guns 'to defend" themselves, not knowing that having a gun makes it 50 times more likely for you to be shot, and that the vast majority of gun violence is committed by people who bought their guns legally.

I personally believe that a maximum voting age limit of 65, or 70 at the highest, should be immediately implemented. This country is on the right path, and the older, less intelligent white men who hold this country back are slowly but surely dying out. However, progress needs to be made faster if the USA does not wish to be embroiled in new foreign wars, be known for its rampant homophobia and systematic racism, and lose 80 people a day to gun violence within the next ten or twenty years.

I personally believe that a maximum voting age limit of 65, or 70 at the highest, should be immediately implemented.

I personally believe that a minimum voting IQ of 65, or 70, should be immediately implemented.
That would stop you, and many young morons of color, from voting.
Yeah, if the dumbfuck actually cared, genuinely, it would be about intelligence. Especially since he is always talking about our current education rate, and wants young people to vote in a majority..
Like I said, inconsistent.

"Yeah, if the dumbfuck actually cared, genuinely, it would be about intelligence."

In every Western nation there should be an IQ test, if someone has an IQ lower than 110 then they shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Leftists shouldn't be allowed to vote only in local elections, they should be prohibited from voting in any national election.

Males that have one of these things below, should not only be prohibited from voting but also rounded up and given 6 years hard labour breaking rocks, there is NO excuse for ginger beards.

There is a major difference between the regressive, less educated, and less tolerant older generations, and the forward thinking, well informed, and socially tolerant younger generations in the United States.

Older people are far less likely to support basic rights such as the right for a woman to choose, the rights of LGBTQ couples to marry, or the right of people of color to peacefully protest the systematic racism in this country. Voters under 40 often tend to be far less bigoted, and believe in freedom for all citizens, not just white males.

Older voters are far more likely to support policies which will cause extreme harm to the environment, this country, and the world as a whole. Meanwhile, more educated younger voters often choose to implement policies which value the world we live in over the making of a quick buck or two, such as a ban on fracking, a ban on nuclear power, and a focus on renewable energy.

Older voters are far more likely to support imperialistic wars in Mideastern countries which pose no threat to the USA, as well as support the genocidal murder of Palestinian children by the illegal state of Israel. Younger voters understand the importance of peace in this world, and are far less likely to provoke a meaningless war overseas or support enemies of justice such as Israel, Turkey or Colombia.

In fact, an argument can be made that not having a maximum voting age kills 32,000 a year. Older white men make up the majority of gun owners in this country, and even as the rest of the country seeks to end meaningless violence such as the massacres in Orlando or Dallas, old white men who treat guns as more precious than the lives of innocent children are allowed to vote, and by voting, they stall any common sense gun reform that can be made in the usa. These geriatric republicans think that people need guns 'to defend" themselves, not knowing that having a gun makes it 50 times more likely for you to be shot, and that the vast majority of gun violence is committed by people who bought their guns legally.

I personally believe that a maximum voting age limit of 65, or 70 at the highest, should be immediately implemented. This country is on the right path, and the older, less intelligent white men who hold this country back are slowly but surely dying out. However, progress needs to be made faster if the USA does not wish to be embroiled in new foreign wars, be known for its rampant homophobia and systematic racism, and lose 80 people a day to gun violence within the next ten or twenty years.

I personally believe that a maximum voting age limit of 65, or 70 at the highest, should be immediately implemented.

I personally believe that a minimum voting IQ of 65, or 70, should be immediately implemented.
That would stop you, and many young morons of color, from voting.
Yeah, if the dumbfuck actually cared, genuinely, it would be about intelligence. Especially since he is always talking about our current education rate, and wants young people to vote in a majority..
Like I said, inconsistent.

"Yeah, if the dumbfuck actually cared, genuinely, it would be about intelligence."

In every Western nation there should be an IQ test, if someone has an IQ lower than 110 then they shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Leftists shouldn't be allowed to vote only in local elections, they should be prohibited from voting in any national election.

Males that have one of these things below, should not only be prohibited from voting but also rounded up and given 6 years hard labour breaking rocks, there is NO excuse for ginger beards.


I guess it's a good thing my beard is so grey,,,
There is a major difference between the regressive, less educated, and less tolerant older generations, and the forward thinking, well informed, and socially tolerant younger generations in the United States.

Older people are far less likely to support basic rights such as the right for a woman to choose, the rights of LGBTQ couples to marry, or the right of people of color to peacefully protest the systematic racism in this country. Voters under 40 often tend to be far less bigoted, and believe in freedom for all citizens, not just white males.

Older voters are far more likely to support policies which will cause extreme harm to the environment, this country, and the world as a whole. Meanwhile, more educated younger voters often choose to implement policies which value the world we live in over the making of a quick buck or two, such as a ban on fracking, a ban on nuclear power, and a focus on renewable energy.

Older voters are far more likely to support imperialistic wars in Mideastern countries which pose no threat to the USA, as well as support the genocidal murder of Palestinian children by the illegal state of Israel. Younger voters understand the importance of peace in this world, and are far less likely to provoke a meaningless war overseas or support enemies of justice such as Israel, Turkey or Colombia.

In fact, an argument can be made that not having a maximum voting age kills 32,000 a year. Older white men make up the majority of gun owners in this country, and even as the rest of the country seeks to end meaningless violence such as the massacres in Orlando or Dallas, old white men who treat guns as more precious than the lives of innocent children are allowed to vote, and by voting, they stall any common sense gun reform that can be made in the usa. These geriatric republicans think that people need guns 'to defend" themselves, not knowing that having a gun makes it 50 times more likely for you to be shot, and that the vast majority of gun violence is committed by people who bought their guns legally.

I personally believe that a maximum voting age limit of 65, or 70 at the highest, should be immediately implemented. This country is on the right path, and the older, less intelligent white men who hold this country back are slowly but surely dying out. However, progress needs to be made faster if the USA does not wish to be embroiled in new foreign wars, be known for its rampant homophobia and systematic racism, and lose 80 people a day to gun violence within the next ten or twenty years.

I personally believe that a maximum voting age limit of 65, or 70 at the highest, should be immediately implemented.

I personally believe that a minimum voting IQ of 65, or 70, should be immediately implemented.
That would stop you, and many young morons of color, from voting.
Yeah, if the dumbfuck actually cared, genuinely, it would be about intelligence. Especially since he is always talking about our current education rate, and wants young people to vote in a majority..
Like I said, inconsistent.

"Yeah, if the dumbfuck actually cared, genuinely, it would be about intelligence."

In every Western nation there should be an IQ test, if someone has an IQ lower than 110 then they shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Leftists shouldn't be allowed to vote only in local elections, they should be prohibited from voting in any national election.

Males that have one of these things below, should not only be prohibited from voting but also rounded up and given 6 years hard labour breaking rocks, there is NO excuse for ginger beards.


I guess it's a good thing my beard is so grey,,,

Yes think how lucky you are :smile:
There is a major difference between the regressive, less educated, and less tolerant older generations, and the forward thinking, well informed, and socially tolerant younger generations in the United States.

Older people are far less likely to support basic rights such as the right for a woman to choose, the rights of LGBTQ couples to marry, or the right of people of color to peacefully protest the systematic racism in this country. Voters under 40 often tend to be far less bigoted, and believe in freedom for all citizens, not just white males.

Older voters are far more likely to support policies which will cause extreme harm to the environment, this country, and the world as a whole. Meanwhile, more educated younger voters often choose to implement policies which value the world we live in over the making of a quick buck or two, such as a ban on fracking, a ban on nuclear power, and a focus on renewable energy.

Older voters are far more likely to support imperialistic wars in Mideastern countries which pose no threat to the USA, as well as support the genocidal murder of Palestinian children by the illegal state of Israel. Younger voters understand the importance of peace in this world, and are far less likely to provoke a meaningless war overseas or support enemies of justice such as Israel, Turkey or Colombia.

In fact, an argument can be made that not having a maximum voting age kills 32,000 a year. Older white men make up the majority of gun owners in this country, and even as the rest of the country seeks to end meaningless violence such as the massacres in Orlando or Dallas, old white men who treat guns as more precious than the lives of innocent children are allowed to vote, and by voting, they stall any common sense gun reform that can be made in the usa. These geriatric republicans think that people need guns 'to defend" themselves, not knowing that having a gun makes it 50 times more likely for you to be shot, and that the vast majority of gun violence is committed by people who bought their guns legally.

I personally believe that a maximum voting age limit of 65, or 70 at the highest, should be immediately implemented. This country is on the right path, and the older, less intelligent white men who hold this country back are slowly but surely dying out. However, progress needs to be made faster if the USA does not wish to be embroiled in new foreign wars, be known for its rampant homophobia and systematic racism, and lose 80 people a day to gun violence within the next ten or twenty years.

Well seeing it will take the Congress to pass the Amendment to do this mean it will never happen seeing the States will tell limp wrist nutters like you to fuck off and die!

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