What should be the maximum voting age in this country?

Get down on your knees and kiss the feet of seniors and be thankful you have a damn country thanks to them you communist nazi puke.
voting age should be at least 21 and there should be other qualification . Property owner and property tax payer would be good qualification . I also like the idea that the first arriving imported person can not ever vote .

So raising the number of voiceless citizens in this country?

Just kidding, no one has a voice that is not in power.
There is a major difference between the regressive, less educated, and less tolerant older generations, and the forward thinking, well informed, and socially tolerant younger generations in the United States.

Older people are far less likely to support basic rights such as the right for a woman to choose, the rights of LGBTQ couples to marry, or the right of people of color to peacefully protest the systematic racism in this country. Voters under 40 often tend to be far less bigoted, and believe in freedom for all citizens, not just white males.

Older voters are far more likely to support policies which will cause extreme harm to the environment, this country, and the world as a whole. Meanwhile, more educated younger voters often choose to implement policies which value the world we live in over the making of a quick buck or two, such as a ban on fracking, a ban on nuclear power, and a focus on renewable energy.

Older voters are far more likely to support imperialistic wars in Mideastern countries which pose no threat to the USA, as well as support the genocidal murder of Palestinian children by the illegal state of Israel. Younger voters understand the importance of peace in this world, and are far less likely to provoke a meaningless war overseas or support enemies of justice such as Israel, Turkey or Colombia.

In fact, an argument can be made that not having a maximum voting age kills 32,000 a year. Older white men make up the majority of gun owners in this country, and even as the rest of the country seeks to end meaningless violence such as the massacres in Orlando or Dallas, old white men who treat guns as more precious than the lives of innocent children are allowed to vote, and by voting, they stall any common sense gun reform that can be made in the usa. These geriatric republicans think that people need guns 'to defend" themselves, not knowing that having a gun makes it 50 times more likely for you to be shot, and that the vast majority of gun violence is committed by people who bought their guns legally.

I personally believe that a maximum voting age limit of 65, or 70 at the highest, should be immediately implemented. This country is on the right path, and the older, less intelligent white men who hold this country back are slowly but surely dying out. However, progress needs to be made faster if the USA does not wish to be embroiled in new foreign wars, be known for its rampant homophobia and systematic racism, and lose 80 people a day to gun violence within the next ten or twenty years.
You need to see this film:

Or "Logan's Run"...
Get down on your knees and kiss the feet of seniors and be thankful you have a damn country thanks to them you communist nazi puke.

The only way you cannot have a country is if you are living in the ocean.
voting age should be at least 21 and there should be other qualification . Property owner and property tax payer would be good qualification . I also like the idea that the first arriving imported person can not ever vote .

So raising the number of voiceless citizens in this country?

Just kidding, no one has a voice that is not in power.
--------------------------------------------- the imported get to live and work , raise families here in the USA and that should be good enough Onyx .
Meanwhile, more educated younger voters often choose to implement policies which value the world we live in over the making of a quick buck or two, such as a ban on fracking, a ban on nuclear power, and a focus on renewable energy.
You gotta love young people. Their first day on the job, they get upset they aren't put immediately in charge.
and call in sick before the months out.....
we should build a wall and deport all Trump voters regardless of age.​
"This country is on the right path, and the older, less intelligent white men who hold this country back are slowly but surely dying out.However, progress needs to be made faster if the USA does not wish to be embroiled in new foreign wars, be known for its rampant homophobia and systematic racism, and lose 80 people a day to gun violence within the next ten or twenty years.".

Glad to see you eventually stated your true intention after obfuscating it with "Older voters". Your proposal would take the vote away from elderly minority voters and of course all elderly women. That is a lot of collateral damage considering your target is older White men. Are you willing to do that to accomplish your goals?
--------------------------------------------- the imported get to live and work , raise families here in the USA and that should be good enough Onyx .

Yes..... good enough.

That is elitist speak.

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the importeds duty before they get full ability to call themselves Americans should be to assimilate , fit in and learn how to be an American Onyx .
Not a very well thought out plan by the Chairman, no surprise there. Hey moron, how about just stopping medical insurance at 70?
There is a major difference between the regressive, less educated, and less tolerant older generations, and the forward thinking, well informed, and socially tolerant younger generations in the United States.

Older people are far less likely to support basic rights such as the right for a woman to choose, the rights of LGBTQ couples to marry, or the right of people of color to peacefully protest the systematic racism in this country. Voters under 40 often tend to be far less bigoted, and believe in freedom for all citizens, not just white males.

Older voters are far more likely to support policies which will cause extreme harm to the environment, this country, and the world as a whole. Meanwhile, more educated younger voters often choose to implement policies which value the world we live in over the making of a quick buck or two, such as a ban on fracking, a ban on nuclear power, and a focus on renewable energy.

Older voters are far more likely to support imperialistic wars in Mideastern countries which pose no threat to the USA, as well as support the genocidal murder of Palestinian children by the illegal state of Israel. Younger voters understand the importance of peace in this world, and are far less likely to provoke a meaningless war overseas or support enemies of justice such as Israel, Turkey or Colombia.

In fact, an argument can be made that not having a maximum voting age kills 32,000 a year. Older white men make up the majority of gun owners in this country, and even as the rest of the country seeks to end meaningless violence such as the massacres in Orlando or Dallas, old white men who treat guns as more precious than the lives of innocent children are allowed to vote, and by voting, they stall any common sense gun reform that can be made in the usa. These geriatric republicans think that people need guns 'to defend" themselves, not knowing that having a gun makes it 50 times more likely for you to be shot, and that the vast majority of gun violence is committed by people who bought their guns legally.

I personally believe that a maximum voting age limit of 65, or 70 at the highest, should be immediately implemented. This country is on the right path, and the older, less intelligent white men who hold this country back are slowly but surely dying out. However, progress needs to be made faster if the USA does not wish to be embroiled in new foreign wars, be known for its rampant homophobia and systematic racism, and lose 80 people a day to gun violence within the next ten or twenty years.

So let me get this straight, you don't want your mom and dad to have the right to vote.... but you still want to live in their basement , and use the car.
its is silliness that you go to when you have no answer eh Onyx .

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