What should happen to kids of illegal aliens being deported?

It's a pretty common scenario today. Illegal alien parents who produced kids in the U.S., get busted and deported. What happens to their U.S. citizen kids? Especially young kids, barely past toddler stage?

An adult man crosses the border illegally, and lives here. He marries someone, say another illegal alien. They have kids here. The kids are U.S. citizens under the current interpretation of the 14th amendment, since they were born on U.S. soil.

Then the man (and maybe his wife) get busted by ICE, proven to be illegal aliens (which they in fact are), and get listed for deportation.

What happens to the kids?

The kids are U.S. citizens, no doubt about it. ICE has no grounds whatever for deporting them. But the parents are unquestionably illegal aliens, and the law is clear, the parents must be deported. Must the family be broken up? Who says so?

I've hear some people protest that it's inhuman for ICE to separate the kids (who are, say, 3 and 4 years old by now) from their parents. But is it ICE who is actually doing that?

This man knew before he ever came here, that he was breaking U.S. law, and was subject to deportation if caught. And his wife, if she is also an illegal alien, knew the same about herself. And when they were making kids here on U.S. soil and delivering them, they knew the same was still true.

It's not ICE who is planning to split up this family. It is the man and his wife, knowing that he and she might be booted out at any time for breaking U.S. immigration law, and that any kids they produced while living illegally in America, would be citizens NOT subject to deporation. They knew all these things going in. And one must assume they planned for them. (If they didn't plan, whose fault is that?)

So, what did this man and his wife plan would happen to their U.S. kids if and when they (the parents) got busted and deported? What plans did they make about what should happen to their kids? The kids are 3 and 4 years old now. They are considered U.S. citizens and have the legal right to stay in this country. Of course, they can't stay alone in the house their parents were just deported out of, if there are no other responsible adults around - the kids are just 3 and 4 years old. Of course, the kids also have the legal right to go with their parents back to the parents' home country.

The parents knew going in, that their own deportation was possible and legal... and even just. WHAT DID THEY PLAN FOR THEIR KIDS if that were to happen to them?

Did they plan that those kids would come back to the parents' home country with them? Or did they plan that the kids would stay with other (legal) family, however distantly related, in the U.S.? Or...? What DID these parents plan, for the time when the parents got busted?

Where does anyone get the idea that the government is responsible for the kids?

The parents are responsible for their kids. What have they planned?
Put them up for adoption.

they should go with their parents

they are not citizens either
Oh Lordy... sure know what you are talking about.
Kids are us citizens. Do you family kids? Why would you take your family to Mexico?
So you do not have waste bandwidth. Follow my post for Geaux called class us citizens 101.

yeah i do

the kids of illegals are not legal either
According to you. According to the law of the United States, they are.

They are not citizens by birth according to the 14th Amendment. It has merely been an unchallenged PC practice to deem them so. Trump and many others are trying to get this changed and it should be. No one should gain our birthright citizenship via lawlessness on the part of their parents and they are not under our jurisdiction.
Put them up for adoption.

they should go with their parents

they are not citizens either
Oh Lordy... sure know what you are talking about.
Kids are us citizens. Do you family kids? Why would you take your family to Mexico?
So you do not have waste bandwidth. Follow my post for Geaux called class us citizens 101.

yeah i do

the kids of illegals are not legal either
According to you. According to the law of the United States, they are.

They are not citizens by birth according to the 14th Amendment. It has merely been an unchallenged PC practice to deem them so. Trump and many others are trying to get this changed and it should be. No one should gain our birthright citizenship via lawlessness on the part of their parents and they are not under our jurisdiction.

Where did you graduate from law school?
Put them up for adoption.

they should go with their parents

they are not citizens either
Oh Lordy... sure know what you are talking about.
Kids are us citizens. Do you family kids? Why would you take your family to Mexico?
So you do not have waste bandwidth. Follow my post for Geaux called class us citizens 101.

yeah i do

the kids of illegals are not legal either
According to you. According to the law of the United States, they are.

They are not citizens by birth according to the 14th Amendment. ....

When were you appointed to the United States Supreme Court?
they should go with their parents

they are not citizens either
Oh Lordy... sure know what you are talking about.
Kids are us citizens. Do you family kids? Why would you take your family to Mexico?
So you do not have waste bandwidth. Follow my post for Geaux called class us citizens 101.

yeah i do

the kids of illegals are not legal either
According to you. According to the law of the United States, they are.

They are not citizens by birth according to the 14th Amendment. ....

When were you appointed to the United States Supreme Court?
House panel urges Congress to pass Birthright Citizenship legislation | NumbersUSA

Are trespassers "subject to the jurisdiction" of the USA? Can they vote? Do they pay taxes? Are they eligible for the benefits of and liable for the responsibilities of American citizenship? Proponents say, "Yes, all they have to do is get here, by whatever means."
Some courts and all Democrats have said, "Yes." Obama says America belongs to everyone.
Again, the controversial 14th has been used for all sorts of things. It's time to iron out this current application. Considering the politics, easier said than done.
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House panel urges Congress to pass Birthright Citizenship legislation | NumbersUSA

Are trespassers "subject to the jurisdiction" of the USA? Can they vote? Do they pay taxes? Are they eligible for the benefits of and liable for the responsibilities of American citizenship? Proponents say, "Yes, all they have to do is get here, by whatever means."
Some courts and all Democrats have said, "Yes." Obama says America belongs to everyone.
Again, the controversial 14th has been used for all sorts of things. It's time to iron out this current application. Considering the politics, easier said than done.
You do realize that the court has already decided what subject to the jurisdiction means? Right.
You do realize that the court has already decided what subject to the jurisdiction means? Right.

Asshole, are you on la raza's fucking payroll?

As if the SC has never altered its interpretation, and as if the courts have not. There is no question congress is going to take this up further, its one of the benefits of Trump's drive, the public is starting to become much more educated with the costs of the illegal alien invasion and how damaging it has been to our country.
You do realize that the court has already decided what subject to the jurisdiction means? Right.

Asshole, are you on la raza's fucking payroll?

As if the SC has never altered its interpretation, and as if the courts have not. There is no question congress is going to take this up further, its one of the benefits of Trump's drive, the public is starting to become much more educated with the costs of the illegal alien invasion and how damaging it has been to our country.
No. Are you on a weekend leave from a mental institution? There is no question that congress will not touch this. There is no question that being born here makes one a citizen. Argue all you want but every child of illegals born in this country to day is a citizens just like you.
No. Are you on a weekend leave from a mental institution? There is no question that congress will not touch this. There is no question that being born here makes one a citizen. Argue all you want but every child of illegals born in this country to day is a citizens just like you.

I get it, because idiot paddy says so, it will or won't happen...had no idea the world follows you like a prophet.

Asshole, do you see where Trump is in the polls? This issue has people infuriated, and once more of them see how much illegals are stealing from americans - a fact you continue to ignore - there is no stopping that train, the days of the anchor baby are at an end, at long last.
No. Are you on a weekend leave from a mental institution? There is no question that congress will not touch this. There is no question that being born here makes one a citizen. Argue all you want but every child of illegals born in this country to day is a citizens just like you.

I get it, because idiot paddy says so, it will or won't happen...had no idea the world follows you like a prophet.

Asshole, do you see where Trump is in the polls? This issue has people infuriated, and once they see how much illegals are stealing from americans - a fact you continue to ignore - there is no stopping that train, the days of the anchor baby are at an end, at long last.
Yes. 3 out of ever 4 Republican voters prefer someone else. And I am not a prophet, simply someone who, unlike you , has the ability to read and understand a Supreme Court Opinion. The issue has dumb fucks like you infuriated. Immigration is at 3% in the poll of issues that matter to most Americans.
The issue has dumb fucks like you infuriated. Immigration is at 3% in the poll of issues that matter to most Americans.

You are probably a welfare collecting turd, no one could be this fucking stupid.

The polls I listed showed that percent as 1/6th, which translates to 17%, and your repeating the same BS like a parrot tells me you have no intelligence, just talking points from a la raza manual. Come back when you have an ability to reason with facts like an adult.
The issue has dumb fucks like you infuriated. Immigration is at 3% in the poll of issues that matter to most Americans.

You are probably a welfare collecting turd, no one could be this fucking stupid.

The polls I listed showed that percent as 1/6th, which translates to 17%, and your repeating the same BS like a parrot tells me you have no intelligence, just talking points from a la raza manual. Come back when you have an ability to reason with facts like an adult.
This poll, dumb fuck?

Sorry, you are correct. There is only ever been one poll this year on what the voters are concerned about. And, no, dumb fuck, that are not talking points, those are the holdings in Supreme Court Cases. Have someone read one to you some day.
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I say give the kids a choice , if they want to stay here with relatives who are here legally and then get legal citizenship or go with their parents.
If they don't want to be here legally by getting a citizenship status, then they should go with the parents.
Sorry, you are correct. There is only ever been one poll this year on what the voters are concerned about. And, no, dumb fuck, that are not talking points, those are the holdings in Supreme Court Cases. Have someone read one to you some day.

I'll accept your admittance that you are capitulating, typical for a low IQ, far left bottom-feeding leftist turd. Thanks for playing, weakie.
Sorry, you are correct. There is only ever been one poll this year on what the voters are concerned about. And, no, dumb fuck, that are not talking points, those are the holdings in Supreme Court Cases. Have someone read one to you some day.

I'll accept your admittance that you are capitulating, typical for a low IQ, far left bottom-feeding leftist turd. Thanks for playing, weakie.
So, your tiny fucking brain cannot process sarcasm? Typical. Take your head out of your ass and read what the Supreme Court has said on birthright citizenship. Either you will understand it and recognize that the 14th Amendment requires it or you will place you head back in your ass and continue life as a conservative.
The Supreme Court has never ruled on parents who are here illegal.
All of the Court cases was on parents who were not citizens but was here legally.

The Supreme Court has never explicitly ruled on whether children born in the United States to illegal immigrant parents are entitled to birthright citizenship via the 14th Amendment, but it has generally been assumed that they are.
United States nationality law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Assuming is not the actual facts.
It needs to be taken up with the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court has never ruled on parents who are here illegal.
All of the Court cases was on parents who were not citizens but was here legally.

The Supreme Court has never explicitly ruled on whether children born in the United States to illegal immigrant parents are entitled to birthright citizenship via the 14th Amendment, but it has generally been assumed that they are.
United States nationality law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Assuming is not the actual facts.
It needs to be taken up with the Supreme Court.
Sure they did. In INS v. Rios they were faced with applying Section 244(a)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act which allows the Attorney General to suspend an alien's deportation if the alien has been present in the United States for a continuous period of at least seven years, is of good moral character, and demonstrates that deportation would result in extreme hardship to the alien or to the alien's spouse or child, who is a United States citizen. The facts of this case were:

"Respondents, a married couple, are natives and citizens of Mexico. Respondent husband illegally entered the United States in 1972. Apprehended, he returned to Mexico in early 1974 under threat of deportation. Two months later, he and respondent wife paid a professional smuggler $450 to transport them into this country, entering the United States without inspection through the smuggler's efforts. Respondent husband was again apprehended by INS agents in 1978. At his request, he was granted permission to return voluntarily to Mexico in lieu of deportation. He was also granted two subsequent extensions of time to depart, but he ultimately declined to leave as promised. INS then instituted deportation proceedings against both respondents. By that time, respondent wife had given birth to a child, who, born in the United States, was a citizen of this country. A deportation hearing was held in December, 1978. Respondents conceded illegal entry, conceded deportability, but requested."

Now, if it were not settled law that their child, born to them while they were here illegally, is a US citizen, they had no case. The Supreme Court, however, stated that because their son was a US citizen, the law applied. It is a fact that you cannot dispute that the 1000 or so children who will be born today to illegal aliens will be citizens. Nothing you can do about it.
The Supreme Court has never ruled on parents who are here illegal.
All of the Court cases was on parents who were not citizens but was here legally.

The Supreme Court has never explicitly ruled on whether children born in the United States to illegal immigrant parents are entitled to birthright citizenship via the 14th Amendment, but it has generally been assumed that they are.
United States nationality law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Assuming is not the actual facts.
It needs to be taken up with the Supreme Court.
Sure they did. In INS v. Rios they were faced with applying Section 244(a)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act which allows the Attorney General to suspend an alien's deportation if the alien has been present in the United States for a continuous period of at least seven years, is of good moral character, and demonstrates that deportation would result in extreme hardship to the alien or to the alien's spouse or child, who is a United States citizen. The facts of this case were:

"Respondents, a married couple, are natives and citizens of Mexico. Respondent husband illegally entered the United States in 1972. Apprehended, he returned to Mexico in early 1974 under threat of deportation. Two months later, he and respondent wife paid a professional smuggler $450 to transport them into this country, entering the United States without inspection through the smuggler's efforts. Respondent husband was again apprehended by INS agents in 1978. At his request, he was granted permission to return voluntarily to Mexico in lieu of deportation. He was also granted two subsequent extensions of time to depart, but he ultimately declined to leave as promised. INS then instituted deportation proceedings against both respondents. By that time, respondent wife had given birth to a child, who, born in the United States, was a citizen of this country. A deportation hearing was held in December, 1978. Respondents conceded illegal entry, conceded deportability, but requested."

Now, if it were not settled law that their child, born to them while they were here illegally, is a US citizen, they had no case. The Supreme Court, however, stated that because their son was a US citizen, the law applied. It is a fact that you cannot dispute that the 1000 or so children who will be born today to illegal aliens will be citizens. Nothing you can do about it.

That is the Eighth Circuit Court

Not the Federal Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court has never ruled on parents who are here illegal.
All of the Court cases was on parents who were not citizens but was here legally.

The Supreme Court has never explicitly ruled on whether children born in the United States to illegal immigrant parents are entitled to birthright citizenship via the 14th Amendment, but it has generally been assumed that they are.
United States nationality law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Assuming is not the actual facts.
It needs to be taken up with the Supreme Court.
Sure they did. In INS v. Rios they were faced with applying Section 244(a)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act which allows the Attorney General to suspend an alien's deportation if the alien has been present in the United States for a continuous period of at least seven years, is of good moral character, and demonstrates that deportation would result in extreme hardship to the alien or to the alien's spouse or child, who is a United States citizen. The facts of this case were:

"Respondents, a married couple, are natives and citizens of Mexico. Respondent husband illegally entered the United States in 1972. Apprehended, he returned to Mexico in early 1974 under threat of deportation. Two months later, he and respondent wife paid a professional smuggler $450 to transport them into this country, entering the United States without inspection through the smuggler's efforts. Respondent husband was again apprehended by INS agents in 1978. At his request, he was granted permission to return voluntarily to Mexico in lieu of deportation. He was also granted two subsequent extensions of time to depart, but he ultimately declined to leave as promised. INS then instituted deportation proceedings against both respondents. By that time, respondent wife had given birth to a child, who, born in the United States, was a citizen of this country. A deportation hearing was held in December, 1978. Respondents conceded illegal entry, conceded deportability, but requested."

Now, if it were not settled law that their child, born to them while they were here illegally, is a US citizen, they had no case. The Supreme Court, however, stated that because their son was a US citizen, the law applied. It is a fact that you cannot dispute that the 1000 or so children who will be born today to illegal aliens will be citizens. Nothing you can do about it.

That is the Eighth Circuit Court

Not the Federal Supreme Court.
You are a moron. Certiorari is to the Supreme Court. This case was decides by the United States Supreme Court. Here is the link. FindLaw's United States Supreme Court case and opinions.
The Supreme Court has never ruled on parents who are here illegal.
All of the Court cases was on parents who were not citizens but was here legally.

The Supreme Court has never explicitly ruled on whether children born in the United States to illegal immigrant parents are entitled to birthright citizenship via the 14th Amendment, but it has generally been assumed that they are.
United States nationality law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Assuming is not the actual facts.
It needs to be taken up with the Supreme Court.
Sure they did. In INS v. Rios they were faced with applying Section 244(a)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act which allows the Attorney General to suspend an alien's deportation if the alien has been present in the United States for a continuous period of at least seven years, is of good moral character, and demonstrates that deportation would result in extreme hardship to the alien or to the alien's spouse or child, who is a United States citizen. The facts of this case were:

"Respondents, a married couple, are natives and citizens of Mexico. Respondent husband illegally entered the United States in 1972. Apprehended, he returned to Mexico in early 1974 under threat of deportation. Two months later, he and respondent wife paid a professional smuggler $450 to transport them into this country, entering the United States without inspection through the smuggler's efforts. Respondent husband was again apprehended by INS agents in 1978. At his request, he was granted permission to return voluntarily to Mexico in lieu of deportation. He was also granted two subsequent extensions of time to depart, but he ultimately declined to leave as promised. INS then instituted deportation proceedings against both respondents. By that time, respondent wife had given birth to a child, who, born in the United States, was a citizen of this country. A deportation hearing was held in December, 1978. Respondents conceded illegal entry, conceded deportability, but requested."

Now, if it were not settled law that their child, born to them while they were here illegally, is a US citizen, they had no case. The Supreme Court, however, stated that because their son was a US citizen, the law applied. It is a fact that you cannot dispute that the 1000 or so children who will be born today to illegal aliens will be citizens. Nothing you can do about it.

That is the Eighth Circuit Court

Not the Federal Supreme Court.
You are a moron. Certiorari is to the Supreme Court. This case was decides by the United States Supreme Court. Here is the link. FindLaw's United States Supreme Court case and opinions.

Ok sorry you are right.
It says;
Allows the Attorney General to suspend the deportation of an alien.
You realize that each new President appoints their own Attorney General.
It still needs to be ruled by the Supreme Court on the 14th itself.

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