What Should Happen To The Person/s That Sells Guns Illegally

To people like this violent thug killer, Devin Patrick Kelley, that viciously murders multiple people in cold blood for no reason whatsoever?
How about the negro people who use the gun illegally?
Eligible as in not having a criminal record? Yeah, assuming you know that, and that is the case then is it all good to do a private deal?

It's good enough for the FFLs, why not private sales?

I don’t know, I’m just asking questions at this point. I have not researched the subject. My first instinct is, I’d personally like to be able to sell a gun to a friend without it being a crazy hard or expensive process

Exactly, the only way to enforce background checks on private sales it to have a federal registry on every gun in the country. There are about 500 million firearms in private hands at this time and the federal courts say a felon CAN NOT be prosecuted for failing to register a firearm, because they would be incriminating themselves. Are you going to require law abiding citizens to do things a felon can't be required to do? That's exactly where the left is wanting to take this issue.

And this is where we may differ but I don’t think a registry is such a bad idea. With the way tech is now a days it could be a quick and easy thing

So you have no problem being required to do something illegal owners can't be required to do. Registration won't be free, transfers won't be free, yet criminals can do anything they want and not spend a dime. I have a big problem with that.

Criminals can also steal a car and drive it without a license. That doesn’t mean we should make all cas free and stop issuing drivers licenses. Yes I realize there is a second amendment but I’m not talking about taking guns away I’m talking about the best ways to regulate for the safety of our public
Possible solution, but some how illegal gun sales will not get properly handled. we need less gun laws, replaced by a few well thought out solid laws. that are in forced.
Is that the legal process? If I want to sell a gun to a buddy I need to go to a gun store and ask them to broker the deal?

If he just gave me cash and I gave him the gun what kind of penalty would we be facing if we got caught?

If they're really a buddy, you should know if they are eligible to own a gun. If you don't know, maybe they're not that good of a buddy.

Eligible as in not having a criminal record? Yeah, assuming you know that, and that is the case then is it all good to do a private deal?

It's good enough for the FFLs, why not private sales?

I don’t know, I’m just asking questions at this point. I have not researched the subject. My first instinct is, I’d personally like to be able to sell a gun to a friend without it being a crazy hard or expensive process
. The way guns (mainly assault rifles), are being abused now by humans, it should be a painful process to sell a gun to a so called friend without going through a process of some sort. The process of moving guns should be rigorous. I mean a friend if desperate enough, would take advantage of the friendship if higher stakes are involved.
I don’t think it needs to be rigorous. I recently Inhereted a dozen guns. I live in the country and am not a hunter but I have many friends that are. I don’t think I should need to go nuts or pay a ton of money to be able to sell a riffle to a buddy of mine. But again, I haven’t looked into it all that much. Of course I care about the safety of my community over my own personal convenience so I would definitely consider that when formulating my opinion
And, I don't know anyone who would sell to a total stranger. I guess there are a few people who might, I never have. Of course I've only sold one gun in my life and it was to a guy I worked with and knew very well. BTW, it a violation of federal law to knowingly sell a gun to a person who is not eligible to have it. If I were to sell a gun today, I would make the exchange at the local police dept and tell the buyer they will check his ID on NCIC. If the buyer is hinkey they'll most likely back out. Responsible gun owners take precautions.


The law is for irresponsible gun owners.

Could you be more ambiguous? Which of the millions of laws are you talking about?


The law that expands background checks to private sale, aka, the law that Republicans, and YOU, don't want.

Are you going to give me and every employer, private investigator and anyone else that can come up with your full name and birth date access to NICS?

If you want to sell a gun to a "buddy", there is no reason the two of you can't go to the nearest gun retailer and have them do a background check on your "buddy".

You gonna pay the bill? Or are you gonna require the retailer to do it and assume the responsibility for the transfer for free? But hey, I'll be happy to do it either way, just as soon as you can require criminals to do the same.

And, I don't know anyone who would sell to a total stranger. I guess there are a few people who might, I never have. Of course I've only sold one gun in my life and it was to a guy I worked with and knew very well. BTW, it a violation of federal law to knowingly sell a gun to a person who is not eligible to have it. If I were to sell a gun today, I would make the exchange at the local police dept and tell the buyer they will check his ID on NCIC. If the buyer is hinkey they'll most likely back out. Responsible gun owners take precautions.


The law is for irresponsible gun owners.

Could you be more ambiguous? Which of the millions of laws are you talking about?


The law that expands background checks to private sale, aka, the law that Republicans, and YOU, don't want.

Are you going to give me and every employer, private investigator and anyone else that can come up with your full name and birth date access to NICS?

If you want to sell a gun to a "buddy", there is no reason the two of you can't go to the nearest gun retailer and have them do a background check on your "buddy".
To me it makes more sense to have a easy online registration process that includes a background check. Link it to an ID or SS number, and transfer the gun to a new owner like you would a vehicle
It's good enough for the FFLs, why not private sales?

I don’t know, I’m just asking questions at this point. I have not researched the subject. My first instinct is, I’d personally like to be able to sell a gun to a friend without it being a crazy hard or expensive process

Exactly, the only way to enforce background checks on private sales it to have a federal registry on every gun in the country. There are about 500 million firearms in private hands at this time and the federal courts say a felon CAN NOT be prosecuted for failing to register a firearm, because they would be incriminating themselves. Are you going to require law abiding citizens to do things a felon can't be required to do? That's exactly where the left is wanting to take this issue.

And this is where we may differ but I don’t think a registry is such a bad idea. With the way tech is now a days it could be a quick and easy thing

So you have no problem being required to do something illegal owners can't be required to do. Registration won't be free, transfers won't be free, yet criminals can do anything they want and not spend a dime. I have a big problem with that.

Criminals can also steal a car and drive it without a license. That doesn’t mean we should make all cas free and stop issuing drivers licenses. Yes I realize there is a second amendment but I’m not talking about taking guns away I’m talking about the best ways to regulate for the safety of our public

Well when you come up with an effective way to regulate the criminal gun market, I'll be happy to discuss how the law abiding should be regulated. You might want to take a refresher course on the 14th amendment and the equal protection clause.

I don’t know, I’m just asking questions at this point. I have not researched the subject. My first instinct is, I’d personally like to be able to sell a gun to a friend without it being a crazy hard or expensive process

Exactly, the only way to enforce background checks on private sales it to have a federal registry on every gun in the country. There are about 500 million firearms in private hands at this time and the federal courts say a felon CAN NOT be prosecuted for failing to register a firearm, because they would be incriminating themselves. Are you going to require law abiding citizens to do things a felon can't be required to do? That's exactly where the left is wanting to take this issue.

And this is where we may differ but I don’t think a registry is such a bad idea. With the way tech is now a days it could be a quick and easy thing

So you have no problem being required to do something illegal owners can't be required to do. Registration won't be free, transfers won't be free, yet criminals can do anything they want and not spend a dime. I have a big problem with that.

Criminals can also steal a car and drive it without a license. That doesn’t mean we should make all cas free and stop issuing drivers licenses. Yes I realize there is a second amendment but I’m not talking about taking guns away I’m talking about the best ways to regulate for the safety of our public

Well when you come up with an effective way to regulate the criminal gun market, I'll be happy to discuss how the law abiding should be regulated. You might want to take a refresher course on the 14th amendment and the equal protection clause.


The far left does not care about the Constitution.

It is all about the narratives they can run, nothing else.

So far none on the far left has been able to provide any evidence to any existing laws that would have stopped many of these mass shooting!

And as you have already stated (and I will paraphrase): Gun laws only affect law abiding citizens!
Exactly, the only way to enforce background checks on private sales it to have a federal registry on every gun in the country. There are about 500 million firearms in private hands at this time and the federal courts say a felon CAN NOT be prosecuted for failing to register a firearm, because they would be incriminating themselves. Are you going to require law abiding citizens to do things a felon can't be required to do? That's exactly where the left is wanting to take this issue.

And this is where we may differ but I don’t think a registry is such a bad idea. With the way tech is now a days it could be a quick and easy thing

So you have no problem being required to do something illegal owners can't be required to do. Registration won't be free, transfers won't be free, yet criminals can do anything they want and not spend a dime. I have a big problem with that.

Criminals can also steal a car and drive it without a license. That doesn’t mean we should make all cas free and stop issuing drivers licenses. Yes I realize there is a second amendment but I’m not talking about taking guns away I’m talking about the best ways to regulate for the safety of our public

Well when you come up with an effective way to regulate the criminal gun market, I'll be happy to discuss how the law abiding should be regulated. You might want to take a refresher course on the 14th amendment and the equal protection clause.


The far left does not care about the Constitution.

It is all about the narratives they can run, nothing else.

So far none on the far left has been able to provide any evidence to any existing laws that would have stopped many of these mass shooting!

And as you have already stated (and I will paraphrase): Gun laws only affect law abiding citizens!

Actually it appears the AF didn't enter this guys conviction for domestic violence in the NICS system, if they had he wouldn't have been able to buy the guns. It just shows how components of a law can fail and the ineligible will be allowed to buy guns. He went through the background checks.

And this is where we may differ but I don’t think a registry is such a bad idea. With the way tech is now a days it could be a quick and easy thing

So you have no problem being required to do something illegal owners can't be required to do. Registration won't be free, transfers won't be free, yet criminals can do anything they want and not spend a dime. I have a big problem with that.

Criminals can also steal a car and drive it without a license. That doesn’t mean we should make all cas free and stop issuing drivers licenses. Yes I realize there is a second amendment but I’m not talking about taking guns away I’m talking about the best ways to regulate for the safety of our public

Well when you come up with an effective way to regulate the criminal gun market, I'll be happy to discuss how the law abiding should be regulated. You might want to take a refresher course on the 14th amendment and the equal protection clause.


The far left does not care about the Constitution.

It is all about the narratives they can run, nothing else.

So far none on the far left has been able to provide any evidence to any existing laws that would have stopped many of these mass shooting!

And as you have already stated (and I will paraphrase): Gun laws only affect law abiding citizens!

Actually it appears the AF didn't enter this guys conviction for domestic violence in the NICS system, if they had he wouldn't have been able to buy the guns. It just shows how components of a law can fail and the ineligible will be allowed to buy guns. He went through the background checks.


Is this speculation or has it been confirmed officially?
So you have no problem being required to do something illegal owners can't be required to do. Registration won't be free, transfers won't be free, yet criminals can do anything they want and not spend a dime. I have a big problem with that.

Criminals can also steal a car and drive it without a license. That doesn’t mean we should make all cas free and stop issuing drivers licenses. Yes I realize there is a second amendment but I’m not talking about taking guns away I’m talking about the best ways to regulate for the safety of our public

Well when you come up with an effective way to regulate the criminal gun market, I'll be happy to discuss how the law abiding should be regulated. You might want to take a refresher course on the 14th amendment and the equal protection clause.


The far left does not care about the Constitution.

It is all about the narratives they can run, nothing else.

So far none on the far left has been able to provide any evidence to any existing laws that would have stopped many of these mass shooting!

And as you have already stated (and I will paraphrase): Gun laws only affect law abiding citizens!

Actually it appears the AF didn't enter this guys conviction for domestic violence in the NICS system, if they had he wouldn't have been able to buy the guns. It just shows how components of a law can fail and the ineligible will be allowed to buy guns. He went through the background checks.


Is this speculation or has it been confirmed officially?

He bought the AR from Academy Sporting Goods, they do background checks.

To people like this violent thug killer, Devin Patrick Kelley, that viciously murders multiple people in cold blood for no reason whatsoever?
Depends on how the sale was conducted. Was it legal? Illegal? Stolen?
Too many variables to have a one size fits all solution.

Ultimately one person is responsible for each bullet that came out of that gun.

He was a dishonorable discharge.

There is no legal way for him to buy a firearm.
Criminals can also steal a car and drive it without a license. That doesn’t mean we should make all cas free and stop issuing drivers licenses. Yes I realize there is a second amendment but I’m not talking about taking guns away I’m talking about the best ways to regulate for the safety of our public

Well when you come up with an effective way to regulate the criminal gun market, I'll be happy to discuss how the law abiding should be regulated. You might want to take a refresher course on the 14th amendment and the equal protection clause.


The far left does not care about the Constitution.

It is all about the narratives they can run, nothing else.

So far none on the far left has been able to provide any evidence to any existing laws that would have stopped many of these mass shooting!

And as you have already stated (and I will paraphrase): Gun laws only affect law abiding citizens!

Actually it appears the AF didn't enter this guys conviction for domestic violence in the NICS system, if they had he wouldn't have been able to buy the guns. It just shows how components of a law can fail and the ineligible will be allowed to buy guns. He went through the background checks.


Is this speculation or has it been confirmed officially?

He bought the AR from Academy Sporting Goods, they do background checks.


No is it confirmed the AF did not report this to the right systems..

If so that is a pretty big screw up!
To people like this violent thug killer, Devin Patrick Kelley, that viciously murders multiple people in cold blood for no reason whatsoever?

Anyone who sells/gives/lends a gun to another person (non-family member) w/o a background check should be criminally liable for any crimes committed with the gun.
Well when you come up with an effective way to regulate the criminal gun market, I'll be happy to discuss how the law abiding should be regulated. You might want to take a refresher course on the 14th amendment and the equal protection clause.


The far left does not care about the Constitution.

It is all about the narratives they can run, nothing else.

So far none on the far left has been able to provide any evidence to any existing laws that would have stopped many of these mass shooting!

And as you have already stated (and I will paraphrase): Gun laws only affect law abiding citizens!

Actually it appears the AF didn't enter this guys conviction for domestic violence in the NICS system, if they had he wouldn't have been able to buy the guns. It just shows how components of a law can fail and the ineligible will be allowed to buy guns. He went through the background checks.


Is this speculation or has it been confirmed officially?

He bought the AR from Academy Sporting Goods, they do background checks.


No is it confirmed the AF did not report this to the right systems..

If so that is a pretty big screw up!

He wouldn't have cleared the background check if they had.

The far left does not care about the Constitution.

It is all about the narratives they can run, nothing else.

So far none on the far left has been able to provide any evidence to any existing laws that would have stopped many of these mass shooting!

And as you have already stated (and I will paraphrase): Gun laws only affect law abiding citizens!

Actually it appears the AF didn't enter this guys conviction for domestic violence in the NICS system, if they had he wouldn't have been able to buy the guns. It just shows how components of a law can fail and the ineligible will be allowed to buy guns. He went through the background checks.


Is this speculation or has it been confirmed officially?

He bought the AR from Academy Sporting Goods, they do background checks.


No is it confirmed the AF did not report this to the right systems..

If so that is a pretty big screw up!

He wouldn't have cleared the background check if they had.


The system is not fool proof, it is not 100%. He may have slipped through the cracks. But until they say more, we will not know what transpired.
If you read through this thread...

Is it time to abolish all gun laws and allow everyone to open carry?

...you'll find that there is a disturbingly large contingent of nuts here on USMB who don't believe there should be any such thing as an illegal gun sale.

Name them.

lol, are you suffering a bout of illiteracy? Read the fucking thread.

I don’t see anyone calling for no gun restrictions at all, are some dumb binary robot that can’t see many positions, just two. You are one dumb idiot, thanks for reenforcing it.

Is it time to abolish all gun laws and allow everyone to open carry?

Read the question in the thread title and then read the answer in post number 3,

and then come back and tell me why you either lied, or can't read.

Tell me who the large contingent on this board is. I never said that no one said, you claimed a "large contingent on the USMB". Name them cupcake or just don't and we know you lied.
Actually it appears the AF didn't enter this guys conviction for domestic violence in the NICS system, if they had he wouldn't have been able to buy the guns. It just shows how components of a law can fail and the ineligible will be allowed to buy guns. He went through the background checks.


Is this speculation or has it been confirmed officially?

He bought the AR from Academy Sporting Goods, they do background checks.


No is it confirmed the AF did not report this to the right systems..

If so that is a pretty big screw up!

He wouldn't have cleared the background check if they had.


The system is not fool proof, it is not 100%. He may have slipped through the cracks. But until they say more, we will not know what transpired.

Aren't you saying pretty much the same thing as this?

It just shows how components of a law can fail and the ineligible will be allowed to buy guns.

If someone sells a gun illegally, they should lose their right to sell guns for the rest of their lives, they should forfeit all the guns they have, and they should lose their ability to own guns... on top of a fine. Putting them in jail isn't going change things but make it worse for the innocent people in their family.

If you lock up a husband and father you are punishing the whole family...

If they are selling guns illegally and you take away their right to sell guns legally, you have taken nothing away. They will still sell illegally and will still own guns illegally. You are in a sense saying, do nothing. You really think that will work?

You'd be amazed how many people change their direction in life when they are given a second chance. And I didn't just say to take away their rights to sell guns. I said to take away their right to OWN guns as well.

And they still will have illegal guns and still sell illegally. You are doing nothing. You'd be amazed how many are career criminals and should be punished. Sorry, you break the law, you pay the consequences. The illegal gun that you sold illegally kills 26 people, then you are culpable in the murder. Otherwise it is silly to have the laws at all.
Is this speculation or has it been confirmed officially?

He bought the AR from Academy Sporting Goods, they do background checks.


No is it confirmed the AF did not report this to the right systems..

If so that is a pretty big screw up!

He wouldn't have cleared the background check if they had.


The system is not fool proof, it is not 100%. He may have slipped through the cracks. But until they say more, we will not know what transpired.

Aren't you saying pretty much the same thing as this?

It just shows how components of a law can fail and the ineligible will be allowed to buy guns.


Maybe, but I was trying to see where the failure happened..

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