What should happen to US-born kids of illegal aliens being deported?

If I rob a bank is it less of an illegal act because I haven't been found guilty yet? Either someone is in the country legally or they aren't. We aren't talking rocket science here.

Instead of masturbating the words, how about addressing the issues at hand?

This discussion is about immigration, not your personal private recreational choices. Stay on subject.

No, actually it isn't about immigration. Here is the original post:

~~It's a pretty common scenario today. Illegal alien parents who produced kids in the U.S., get busted and deported. What happens to their U.S. citizen kids? Especially young kids, barely past toddler stage?

An adult man crosses the border illegally, and lives here. He marries someone, say another illegal alien. They have kids here. The kids are U.S. citizens under the current interpretation of the 14th amendment, since they were born on U.S. soil.

Then the man (and maybe his wife) get busted by ICE, proven to be illegal aliens (which they in fact are), and get listed for deportation.

What happens to the kids?

The kids are U.S. citizens, no doubt about it. ICE has no grounds whatever for deporting them. But the parents are unquestionably illegal aliens, and the law is clear, the parents must be deported. Must the family be broken up? Who says so?

I've hear some people protest that it's inhuman for ICE to separate the kids (who are, say, 3 and 4 years old by now) from their parents. But is it ICE who is actually doing that?

This man knew before he ever came here, that he was breaking U.S. law, and was subject to deportation if caught. And his wife, if she is also an illegal alien, knew the same about herself. And when they were making kids here on U.S. soil and delivering them, they knew the same was still true.

It's not ICE who is planning to split up this family. It is the man and his wife, knowing that he and she might be booted out at any time for breaking U.S. immigration law, and that any kids they produced while living illegally in America, would be citizens NOT subject to deporation. They knew all these things going in. And one must assume they planned for them. (If they didn't plan, whose fault is that?)

So, what did this man and his wife plan would happen to their U.S. kids if and when they (the parents) got busted and deported? What plans did they make about what should happen to their kids? The kids are 3 and 4 years old now. They are considered U.S. citizens and have the legal right to stay in this country. Of course, they can't stay alone in the house their parents were just deported out of, if there are no other responsible adults around - the kids are just 3 and 4 years old. Of course, the kids also have the legal right to go with their parents back to the parents' home country.

The parents knew going in, that their own deportation was possible and legal... and even just. WHAT DID THEY PLAN FOR THEIR KIDS if that were to happen to them?

Did they plan that those kids would come back to the parents' home country with them? Or did they plan that the kids would stay with other (legal) family, however distantly related, in the U.S.? Or...? What DID these parents plan, for the time when the parents got busted?

Where does anyone get the idea that the government is responsible for the kids?

The parents are responsible for their kids. What have they planned?~~

How are you going to manipulate this one?
BTW.. my post was addressed to "Old", who wanted to know " "WTF is an "undocumented Immigrant". Seems to me that it was appropriate to answer his question, ( with your approval, of course).
Ohhhh, I made a typo! The horror! I work very long hours, I type when I am tired. I have news for you. I make lots of typos in social media.

Do you know the term redirection? Feel free to use a dictionary if need be, again.

You have demonstrated well you do not even know the topic of the thread! You keep yammering on about people not being found guilty and silly you... the original post is quite clear. We are discussing those that have indeed, been found guilty.

You see, that is why they were deported.
There is no such term as "undocumented" in immigration law. They are called illegal aliens. Doesn't matter if they haven't been caught yet or not they are aliens aka foreigners in our country illegally. Besides they have all kinds of documents all fake or stolen. No, what you and the rest of the illegal alien defenders are doing is using PC language to call attention away from what they actually are. Your dishonest tactics are well noted.[/QUOTE]

Annie, I think that you meant to address your rant about me being off topic to Oldglory. He is the one I was responding to. I have quoted it again, Annie, because I am not sure that you are up to navigating back to it.

Oldglory. NO,NO, NO! Bad poster! Annie says that this has nothing to do with the OP! No tacos for you!
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"Maybe you spouse can help you understand this?"

How's that, again, Annie? I'm not sure I understand you.

But, in building on the summary of the concepts under discussion, I can assure you that the LAW finds no guilt in a child who was born in the USA to anyone who was later found guilty and was deported. That would mean that the government has absolutely no legal authority to deport such child. Case closed.

See how simple that was?

No one is saying that a kid born on our soil to illegal aliens parents can be deported under the current interpretation of birthright citizenship. However, minor children belong with their parents. If the parents are deported then they should take their minor children with them. Can't have that separation of families thingy that your pro-illegals whine about now can we? Illegal aliens parents have the option of taking them back to the homeland with them. What decent parent wouldn't do that?

As for the claim that one can't be called an illegal alien unless proven in a court of law how can one call them undocumented either then unless it is proven they don't have documents?
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"Maybe you spouse can help you understand this?"

How's that, again, Annie? I'm not sure I understand you.

But, in building on the summary of the concepts under discussion, I can assure you that the LAW finds no guilt in a child who was born in the USA to anyone who was later found guilty and was deported. That would mean that the government has absolutely no legal authority to deport such child. Case closed.

See how simple that was?

No one is saying that a kid born on our soil to illegal aliens parents can be deported under the current interpretation of birthright citizenship. However, minor children belong with their parents. If the parents are deported then they should take their minor children with them. Can't have that separation of families thingy that your pro-illegals whine about now can we? Illegal aliens parents have the option of taking them back to the homeland with them. What decent parent wouldn't do that?

As for the claim that one can't be called an illegal alien unless proven in a court of law how can one call them undocumented either then unless it is proven they don't have documents?

Old, I keep trying to simplify this enough so that even you will understand it.

A man is stopped for speeding in AZ. The officer sees that the man in Hispanic, and does not have an AZ driving license, or proof of citizenship with him. The man claims that he left his visa documents at home. The AZ officer arrests this "undocumented" alien, on suspicion that he is an illegal alien. When the man appears before the judge, he is an undocumented alien. If he proves that he has such documentation, he pays the speeding fine and the other charges are dropped, and he is innocent of being an illegal alien. If he can not prove that he has documents, he is convicted, and moves from being and "undocumented" alien to an "illegal" alien, which is, BTW, just a misdemeanor. He is then deported, and if he is caught a second time and convicted, he is guilty of a felony, and must do time in the slammer. If he does it a third time, he can get up to decades in the slammer.
Getting back to the basic thread, there is a historical precedent for this.

In 1821, when Mexico gained its independence from Spain, one of the very first laws was to force all those not born in Mexico to leave the country. The only exceptions were those families with children born and raised in Mexico - known as Criollos. They also had a clause for those whose occupations were important to the future and welfare of Mexico.

The decisions were left to the state governors with appeals to the national assembly.
"Maybe you spouse can help you understand this?"

How's that, again, Annie? I'm not sure I understand you.

But, in building on the summary of the concepts under discussion, I can assure you that the LAW finds no guilt in a child who was born in the USA to anyone who was later found guilty and was deported. That would mean that the government has absolutely no legal authority to deport such child. Case closed.

See how simple that was?

No one is saying that a kid born on our soil to illegal aliens parents can be deported under the current interpretation of birthright citizenship. However, minor children belong with their parents. If the parents are deported then they should take their minor children with them. Can't have that separation of families thingy that your pro-illegals whine about now can we? Illegal aliens parents have the option of taking them back to the homeland with them. What decent parent wouldn't do that?

As for the claim that one can't be called an illegal alien unless proven in a court of law how can one call them undocumented either then unless it is proven they don't have documents?

Old, I keep trying to simplify this enough so that even you will understand it.

A man is stopped for speeding in AZ. The officer sees that the man in Hispanic, and does not have an AZ driving license, or proof of citizenship with him. The man claims that he left his visa documents at home. The AZ officer arrests this "undocumented" alien, on suspicion that he is an illegal alien. When the man appears before the judge, he is an undocumented alien. If he proves that he has such documentation, he pays the speeding fine and the other charges are dropped, and he is innocent of being an illegal alien. If he can not prove that he has documents, he is convicted, and moves from being and "undocumented" alien to an "illegal" alien, which is, BTW, just a misdemeanor. He is then deported, and if he is caught a second time and convicted, he is guilty of a felony, and must do time in the slammer. If he does it a third time, he can get up to decades in the slammer.

Keep spinning it's fun to watch. If someone comes to our country illegally then they are an illegal alien whether or not it has been proven in a court of law. Again, there is no such term as "undocumented" in our immigration laws.
Kids born to illegal alien parents should be illegal as well, and be deported right along with their parents.

Damn right. Those thinking the kids should get automatic citizenship because they were born here due to nothing more than an illegal act wouldn't support the kids of a bank robber keeping the money he stole, also an illegal act, yet they are willing to give citizenship to the child of someone also doing an illegal act.
It's a pretty common scenario today. Illegal alien parents who produced kids in the U.S., get busted and deported. What happens to their U.S. citizen kids? Especially young kids, barely past toddler stage?

An adult man crosses the border illegally, and lives here. He marries someone, say another illegal alien. They have kids here. The kids are U.S. citizens under the current interpretation of the 14th amendment, since they were born on U.S. soil.

Then the man (and maybe his wife) get busted by ICE, proven to be illegal aliens (which they in fact are), and get listed for deportation.

What happens to the kids?

The kids are U.S. citizens, no doubt about it. ICE has no grounds whatever for deporting them. But the parents are unquestionably illegal aliens, and the law is clear, the parents must be deported. Must the family be broken up? Who says so?

I've hear some people protest that it's inhuman for ICE to separate the kids (who are, say, 3 and 4 years old by now) from their parents. But is it ICE who is actually doing that?

This man knew before he ever came here, that he was breaking U.S. law, and was subject to deportation if caught. And his wife, if she is also an illegal alien, knew the same about herself. And when they were making kids here on U.S. soil and delivering them, they knew the same was still true.

It's not ICE who is planning to split up this family. It is the man and his wife, knowing that he and she might be booted out at any time for breaking U.S. immigration law, and that any kids they produced while living illegally in America, would be citizens NOT subject to deporation. They knew all these things going in. And one must assume they planned for them. (If they didn't plan, whose fault is that?)

So, what did this man and his wife plan would happen to their U.S. kids if and when they (the parents) got busted and deported? What plans did they make about what should happen to their kids? The kids are 3 and 4 years old now. They are considered U.S. citizens and have the legal right to stay in this country. Of course, they can't stay alone in the house their parents were just deported out of, if there are no other responsible adults around - the kids are just 3 and 4 years old. Of course, the kids also have the legal right to go with their parents back to the parents' home country.

The parents knew going in, that their own deportation was possible and legal... and even just. WHAT DID THEY PLAN FOR THEIR KIDS if that were to happen to them?

Did they plan that those kids would come back to the parents' home country with them? Or did they plan that the kids would stay with other (legal) family, however distantly related, in the U.S.? Or...? What DID these parents plan, for the time when the parents got busted?

Where does anyone get the idea that the government is responsible for the kids?

The parents are responsible for their kids. What have they planned?

What happens to kids when the parents are convicted of some crime like robbing a bank and the parents go to prison?
The kids are either wards of the state if there are no other relatives to take care of them.

In this illegal immigration crime, then the illegal parent is deported the kids and legal citizen stay in the USA.

Those that would separate kids from the parent that was a bank robber because he was trying to do better for his family get all up in arms if the parents of a child born here as a result of their crime of being here illegally are separated from those kids.
They need to change the ammendment which allows anyone born in this country citizenship.

No other country in the world does that.

The ammendment was put in to cover the children of freed slaves. To make sure they were recognized as American citizens.

The ammendment did its job. Its time to change it.

It should read that your an American citizen if at least one of your parents is an American citizen.

Changing the ammendment would get rid of the anchor baby bullshit and save the taxpayers a lot of money. No citizenship no hand out for welfare.

There is no such amendment. When the Amendment that has been misinterpreted to allow citizenship because someone was born here was written, it was designed to grant citizenship to former slaves that were considered property instead of people under the Dred Scott decision.
What? You mean we are going to let them live? Man....we've gone soft in this nation!

I'd put armed guards at the border, and, you know, take care of someone trying to break into the country just like I would do if someone broke into my personal house.
What? You mean we are going to let them live? Man....we've gone soft in this nation!

I'd put armed guards at the border, and, you know, take care of someone trying to break into the country just like I would do if someone broke into my personal house.

Oooooooh! You're so rugged! You might give me the vapors!!

Ooooooooooh! You're such a pussy. Your type are traitors to this country.
What? You mean we are going to let them live? Man....we've gone soft in this nation!

I'd put armed guards at the border, and, you know, take care of someone trying to break into the country just like I would do if someone broke into my personal house.

Oooooooh! You're so rugged! You might give me the vapors!!

Ooooooooooh! You're such a pussy. Your type are traitors to this country.

Come on, big boy! Tell me more stories about how you'll shoot people. It's a huge turn on.
Keep the kids together with the parents- on their way back to Mexico or wherever they came from.

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