What should the FBI investigate now that the Trump thing is over?

So what should Mueller and company investigate now that the Trump witch hunt is over after concluding that 13 Russian spies were actually just that?

1. Lock Ness. Sure, it's not in the US but I've always wondered if that was true or a myth.
2. Big Foot. Sure, laugh if you want but thousands of Dims across the US have claimed to see them.
3. Aliens. Dress Mueller up as a woman in a dress incognito and let him roam around the desert around Roswell and see if he gets abducted.

Any other suggestions?
You falsely stated that the investigation is over. Source?
So what should Mueller and company investigate now that the Trump witch hunt is over after concluding that 13 Russian spies were actually just that?

1. Lock Ness. Sure, it's not in the US but I've always wondered if that was true or a myth.
2. Big Foot. Sure, laugh if you want but thousands of Dims across the US have claimed to see them.
3. Aliens. Dress Mueller up as a woman in a dress incognito and let him roam around the desert around Roswell and see if he gets abducted.

Any other suggestions?

If you think this is over, I’ve got a ski resort in Miami I’d like to sell you. Mueller is just getting started.

These indictments are the foundation for the charges to follow.
So what should Mueller and company investigate now that the Trump witch hunt is over after concluding that 13 Russian spies were actually just that?

1. Lock Ness. Sure, it's not in the US but I've always wondered if that was true or a myth.
2. Big Foot. Sure, laugh if you want but thousands of Dims across the US have claimed to see them.
3. Aliens. Dress Mueller up as a woman in a dress incognito and let him roam around the desert around Roswell and see if he gets abducted.

Any other suggestions?

If you think this is over, I’ve got a ski resort in Miami I’d like to sell you. Mueller is just getting started.

These indictments are the foundation for the charges to follow.
For those who remember Watergate, Mueller is just beginning:

"April 6, 1973: White House counsel John Dean begins cooperating with federal Watergate prosecutors.
  • April 27, 1973: L. Patrick Gray resigns after it comes to light that he destroyed files from E. Howard Hunt's safe. William Ruckelshaus is appointed as his replacement..."
"May 17, 1973: The Senate Watergate Committee begins its nationally televised hearings..."

"October 20, 1973: "Saturday Night Massacre" - Nixon orders Elliot Richardson and Ruckleshouse to fire special prosecutor Cox. They both refuse to comply and resign. Robert Bork considers resigning but carries out the order.
  • November 1, 1973: Leon Jaworski is appointed new special prosecutor.
  • November 17, 1973: Nixon delivers 'I am not a crook' speech at a televised press conference at Disney World (Florida)..."
"May 9, 1974: Impeachment hearings begin before the House Judiciary Committee..."

"August 9, 1974: Nixon resigns from office. Gerald Ford becomes president..."

Timeline of the Watergate scandal - Wikipedia
So what should Mueller and company investigate now that the Trump witch hunt is over after concluding that 13 Russian spies were actually just that?

1. Lock Ness. Sure, it's not in the US but I've always wondered if that was true or a myth.
2. Big Foot. Sure, laugh if you want but thousands of Dims across the US have claimed to see them.
3. Aliens. Dress Mueller up as a woman in a dress incognito and let him roam around the desert around Roswell and see if he gets abducted.

Any other suggestions?

It's not over.

Here is two of the significant quotes from the press conference:

"In 2014, the company established a translator project focused on the United States. In July of 2016, more than 80 employees were assigned to the translator project. Two of the defendants allegedly traveled to the United States in 2014 to collect intelligence for their American influence operations."

"Now, there is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity. There is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election."

So what does this mean? Trump really would have to be a Manchurian Candidate because this plan started to take shape in 2014, but was most likely hatched in 2012 or 2013 when Trump was still on The Apprentice.

Here is the most important part: "no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity"

Rosenstein was very careful with his words yesterday. There was "no allegation in this indictments" that discussed involvement by Americans but one American who worked with the Russians has signed a separate and distinct plea agreement with the FBI, in regard to wire fraud and identity theft.

This makes me wonder if Trump's whole "birther" campaign wasn't just a trial balloon to gauge the gullibility of the American people.

Trump was broke in 1999. US banks wouldn't loan him money. The only real business successes Trump has had are Trump Tower and his TV show. And selling overpriced real estate to Russians.

Yes. I do believe that Donald Trump is a Manchurian candidate and you've been played.
It's not over because Mueller can still bleed money back to the democrat donors. Next, is that these democrats are going to have to start going to prison.
So what should Mueller and company investigate now that the Trump witch hunt is over after concluding that 13 Russian spies were actually just that?

1. Lock Ness. Sure, it's not in the US but I've always wondered if that was true or a myth.
2. Big Foot. Sure, laugh if you want but thousands of Dims across the US have claimed to see them.
3. Aliens. Dress Mueller up as a woman in a dress incognito and let him roam around the desert around Roswell and see if he gets abducted.

Any other suggestions?

Na, it will be the me to cry babies next.
Trump could do the nation a great service by eliminating the FIB, oh, I mean FBI and charge Mueller, Comey, McCabe and a few others with sedition
He should get rid of the CIA and leave intel. up to the military while he is at it.
It's not over because Mueller can still bleed money back to the democrat donors. Next, is that these democrats are going to have to start going to prison.
Ideally, that would be the best solution.

However, don't count on that to happen.

In order for that to happen, a lot of house cleaning, secrets and corruption on both sides would have to come out.

Neither wants to have that happen, so it won't.

Assange will not leave the embassy and Snowden is not coming home.
It's not over because Mueller can still bleed money back to the democrat donors. Next, is that these democrats are going to have to start going to prison.

Mueller isn't investigating Democrats. He's investigating Russian interference in the election and ties between the Trump campaign/administration and Russians.
It's not over because Mueller can still bleed money back to the democrat donors. Next, is that these democrats are going to have to start going to prison.

Mueller isn't investigating Democrats. He's investigating Russian interference in the election and ties between the Trump campaign/administration and Russians.
IOW you believe a new special prosecutor should be named? How forward thinking of you!
So what should Mueller and company investigate now that the Trump witch hunt is over after concluding that 13 Russian spies were actually just that?
The indictment doesn't say anything about Russian spies.
So what should Mueller and company investigate now that the Trump witch hunt is over after concluding that 13 Russian spies were actually just that?

1. Lock Ness. Sure, it's not in the US but I've always wondered if that was true or a myth.
2. Big Foot. Sure, laugh if you want but thousands of Dims across the US have claimed to see them.
3. Aliens. Dress Mueller up as a woman in a dress incognito and let him roam around the desert around Roswell and see if he gets abducted.

Any other suggestions?
I do have a picture of my father, and I know it is here somewhere, but I can't find it.
Get on board, gunners, with good reform, or start sharpening the butter knives to which you will be reduced for your massacres.
Lots of scandals to investigate coming from the Trump administration.

Excluding the made up fantasy's coming out of the shrilary camp I can't think of a single one. Like obummer, the trump admin is amazingly devoid of scandal.:5_1_12024:

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