What size is your pc monitor?

Hi! Yes! Dat's me!

I know why you keep a bottle of Jerkins lotion by the 'puter for...
Hi! Yes! Dat's me!

I know why you keep a bottle of Jerkins lotion by the 'puter for...
It's not jergins. It's Gold Bond with Shea Butter. And next to that is my cocoa butter. Bother are for massaging my hands and wrists and feet for flareups...of which I am trying to waylay from happening since I pulled a bunch of weeds today.

The glass is full of Gold Peak Tea. Then there is my back scratcher of course. Remote for the cable box, the tv and the cordless phone. :)
Hi! Yes! Dat's me!

I know why you keep a bottle of Jerkins lotion by the 'puter for...
It's not jergins. It's Gold Bond with Shea Butter. And next to that is my cocoa butter. Bother are for massaging my hands and wrists and feet for flareups...of which I am trying to waylay from happening since I pulled a bunch of weeds today.

The glass is full of Gold Peak Tea. Then there is my back scratcher of course. Remote for the cable box, the tv and the cordless phone. :)
I only use Lubriderm, friction reduction formula lubricant.....
I have psoriasis too...the cocoa butter is better than the steroidal creams!
I just have it lightly behind my ears in the cracks where it meets my head, small dry patches on my eyelids and a few tiny spots on the back of my hands. That cocoa butter rocks! Wish I could put it on my scalp..cuz that is where it is mostly. Just above my ears on each side and the base of my neck but up into the scalp area. I use coconut oil for that.
Mine is 38". The pics in eye candy really pop! No more squinting!

Good for you Miss Gracie!! I have a 27 in touch, with all the bells and whistles. I have a 42 in flat screen TV next to me. I could hook that up to the computer, but it would be HUGE LOL Plus no touch.
My sister in law saw my monitor and had a hissy when she got home. Took her hubbys tv away from him (45") and is now using it as her monitor. He had to go buy a new one....so he said neener neener and bought a 55". :lol:
My sister in law saw my monitor and had a hissy when she got home. Took her hubbys tv away from him (45") and is now using it as her monitor. He had to go buy a new one....so he said neener neener and bought a 55". :lol:


You are giving me thoughts here.............gonna get me in trouble!!
hmmmmmmm I have a 60 in in the Family room...........I wonder.........:D
haha. Take the big assed one..its only 4 inches bigger than mine. I had to slide mine over where it hangs a bit off the edge of the desk so the tower could fit on the right side but I LOVE this thing. LOVE LOVE LOVE.

Looking at pinterest pics and your fairy pics and whatnot...is MAJORLY eye opening and awesome, lol.
WOW I am soooooo tempted!
I want your back scratcher. My back itches! LOL

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